10.1 Holy Priest Guide Raid and Mythic+

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hey what's going on guys it's Jack back getting to bring you my 10.1 holy priest guide for season two for raids and Mythic plus with this video we're going to talk about the talents the builds that you're going to be going into and putting into practice as well as some of the gameplay and how to be able to elevate your gameplay to the fullest for both rating and M plus content and be sure to check out the different chapters down below to sort through whatever you like and of course if you're enjoying the content be sure to check out our patreon and make sure to subscribe as well starting off with our raid talent tree and of course this string is linked in the description down below if you want to be able to check it out and import it for yourself this is going to be more of the default build that Holy priest is going with and the spec is all about the Holy words if you're a little bit new to it Serenity is going to be your primary single Target holy word spell with sanctify being your more AOE focused spell your bread and butter for your just overall healing in a raid environment you're putting together these Talent builds to be able to optimize bringing your holy words back off cool down through casting spells like Prayer of Healing which brings your sanctify back but also through augmenting other spells to make sure that they're reducing the cooldown of these holy words so you're able to get them back faster regen more of them and be able to pump more output as a result there's been a couple changes going into 10.1 one of which was buffing up a town called healing chorus where your renew healing increases the healing done of your next circle of healing by two percent stacking 50 times you could have a double healing effect out of your Circle Healing which is pretty powerful and but at the same time prayer circle works out really well because you're casting a decent amount of fur healing for AOE output and having a faster cast and a discount cost is also good so these two are actually quite competitive same with revitalizing prayers where your Prayer of Healing has a chance to leave renews also quite competitive with after casting Sanctified you have additional healing out of your Prayer of Healing so you'll probably see a bit of variance with those two talents but you'll always be expecting into Divine him which is your primary raid cooldown when you're rating as well as holy word salvation which is your second sort of raid cooldown that you have access to this one is a 12 minute cooldown which is reduced by casting more holy words and whip it in the patch 101 you're pretty much getting it to like three and a half maybe four minutes very consistently because you're casting a massive amount of holy word spells over the course of your encounters a lot of this is thanks to these prayer mending synergistic talents you see on the right side namely things like answered prayers which have a chance to gain apotheosis for you off for mending bounces apotheosis is competing with salvation it gives you more Hollywood cooldown reduction and it allows your holy words to be cast for free with this harmonious apparatus and light of the nauru both give you more holy word cooldown regeneration in different ways one of which is by making apparatus which turns your circle of healing and your prayer of mending some of your very Baseline and very efficient tools into more cooldown reduction for your holy words and Miracle Worker allows you to be able to hold two of those charges so it makes it so that any time that you might be holding a holy word you're not going to be wasting it because you're regening the second charge which also means you should always be very aggressive with using your holy words and that you never really want to be holding on to them if there is raid wide damage after casting holy words the new town Divine image which was buffed uh repeatedly throughout 1005 10-7 is very competitive with Divine word but I would pretty much only use Divine word if there was a specific moment in progression where you needed additional output and using it as sort of like a mini cooldown with sanctify to make your blessed healing fields to be able to help out your allies and it's sort of like a concentrated amount of output whereas Divine image when you cast a Hollywood spell you summon your nauru it helps you and casts more friendly healing spells your primary utility is symbol of Hope where you're channeling it and you're reducing the cooldown of multiple different raid or multiple different personal defenses for your allies this is incredibly powerful and I have a full list of abilities in my written guide also linked in the description down below when it comes to your class tree there's a little bit of variance and there's some times where you'll take some utility spells but you'll pretty much always spec into Pi Master spell is just kind of a decent routing to be able to get further down into the tree and take things like power word like and there's a lot of defensive Resources with lights inspiration making your defensive desperate prayer better improve fade which makes your fade come back more rapidly ball Works a decent defensive there's a few different options there and of course you always want to take sanguine teachings because it's giving you lots of leech when it comes to the tier set bonuses holy priest has some Banger tier sets their two-piece is incredibly powerful and you should work to get it as fast as you possibly can I mentioned that there's a lot of prayer mending synergistic Talent points that you're always going to be taking in raids and Mythic plus and this two-piece synergizes perfectly with it because whenever you cast a holy word or sorry cast a pair of bending excuse me you have a chance to send off an additional prayer for mending a prayer of ending places to buff onto your Ally and then when that Ally takes damage it consumes one stack of the buff and then bounces to another Ally and then when they take damage heals them consumes buff and consumes a stack of the buff and then bounces to another Ally and it bounces a lot which since very well with our four piece where whenever preventing jumps or it expires it increases the damage and healing of your next holy word by four percent stacking up to 15 times since this set bonus uh synergize of course the prayer of mending it develops a lot of stacks very quickly particularly in a raid so you never really need to sit there and watch this buff tracker and see oh I have enough Stacks time to use this spell or that spell just always be sending holy word spells always be hitting your perfect bending and you're going to be in great shape you're going to be trying to get your two piece as fast as you possibly can and it is a banger of a two two and four set even for M plus now let's start talking about gameplay holy priest of course is building towards the very AOE oriented Talent treat like we went over but it also has a lot of variety with how you're able to utilize your spells first and foremost the most important thing to be utilizing for Holy priests is prayer of mending through prayer mending every thing else happens so if you do not have like a weak aura or a reminder or a timer or a decent keybind it's very comfortable to press for a prayer of mending you need to do that so much healing is going to be lost if you are not hitting prayer of mending on cooldown of course there's a lot of times there's not really any damage happening or there's downtime whether it's raids or Mythic plus you should always be prioritizing applying this to the tank or refreshing a debuff that might be about to expire if you see a timer running out on like a three stack for vending cast a new prayer vending onto the target they'll then get a 10 stack because they receive plus seven refreshes the timer and then you'll be okay but you must work on hitting for a vending on cooldown it provides holy word Synergy by procing apotheosis the output is incredibly high it's producing echo of light healing which is your Mastery and it's producing renew healing there is so much output coming from it and it is a massive error if you are not hitting it on cooldown after that make sure you're casting your sanctify and your Serenity sanctify is your AOE and it's a nice little cursor radius so you want to make sure you're mousing over where you would like to be able to place it dropping it in melee most of the time and using it very aggressively serenities you can sometimes pool up if you know that there's areas where you might need to provide triage or single Target spot healing to people who are taking heavy debuffs there's a few different encounters among them for shock and zaskarn in the new raid which are going to require a decent amount of single Target priority healing Circle feeling after that is also going to be a very high priority not only is it just very efficient healing with a lot of the talent options you have selected but also if you're Talent into prayer circle makes your Prayer of Healing more efficient and you should always be looking to Casper of healing once you have that prayer circle buff up uh Halo versus AOE damage very efficient output and then powered life there's a number of weak auras I have them Linked In the description down below with my UI which cause your raid frames to Glow whenever a Target drops below 35 Health power life is insanely efficient for topping them back off in a very positive manner Divine him and holy word salvation being your raid cooldowns you should always look to be able to get these utilized multiple different times per fight a lot of times you'll get too cast out of holy word salvation throughout an encounter but you have to make sure that you're utilizing it early enough to be able to get it back in time so working with your raid team and understanding that it'll be anywhere between a three and a half minute and a four minute cooldown if you are being aggressive enough with your holy words so that you can work that in with your fight timer and of course as we mentioned previously symbol of Hope should be used frequently it's a three minute cooldown gives Mana back to your allies and it resets the cooldown of all of their defensives or one of their defensives each for Holy priest it's desperate prayer which is very nice to be able to have on hand a lot of the common mistakes I see with holy priest players are not utilizing enough of their holy words and sort of holding on to them and casting prayer of healings instead or trying to like pool them up for later for some sort of mechanic and they end up missing a lot of holy words in the process this is going to set you back and sort of lead to a domino effect where you're getting your holy word salvation back later and you're producing just a lot less efficient output so you're burning more mana and you're spending more Mana and possibly ooming yourself Faster by casting less efficient abilities so making sure that when you have holy words available you're always looking for some sort of window to be able to utilize them very early and very frequently when it comes to utilizing prayer vending it has a really long bounce radius I think it's like 30 or 40 yards now they changed it with 10.1 but I always try to make sure I'm casting prayer of mending off a Target that's actively taking damage more often than not that means casting on to the tanks which means you're providing or tank healing in the process but like I mentioned before there's a number of raid boss fights that have single Target ticking damage on priority allies and so if you cast it on them that's great as long as you are starting the process of getting your prayer mendings pushed out to your allies that is going to be enough to be able to help you out some of the big challenges that Holy priest has when it comes to raiding is a lot of movement and there's a number of times where you need to be utilizing your mobile casts like prayer mending and circle of healing and even your holy words to be able to cast while you're moving and adjusting your positioning there's always going to be a lot of movement and it comes to raid encounters here and there this raid is a lot more forgiving than the last one thankfully although we don't know quite about sarcoreth just yet could be a pain and so when you're coordinating when to use your raid cooldowns things like Divine hymn should always be prioritized at moments where you have to stand still whereas salvation can be particularly useful for when you know that the raid is going to be running sort of all over the place uh on like the rashock intermission there's going to be constant fire lines getting sort of spewed out all over the place which makes it very hard to sit there for five seconds straight and channel so that's a better area for Hollywood salvation whereas when everybody's soaking sort of like meteor smashes whether it's for shock or magmarax or any other encounter where everyone's standing in the same place for a consistent period of time Divine him is be is wonderful to be able to slam down there as well Mythic plus talents are a bit different than you would see out of a rating environment from the class tree you have certain things like disease dispels where about half of the dungeons are going to need disease dispels so you'll need to spec into that there the entangling affix is going to be a snare effect where using Phantasm and fade will allow you to break yourself out of that immediately without having to run out dominate mine works pretty well for a couple different humanoid mobs particularly in the vortex pinnacle where some of the casters will heal a lot you can mind control them hold them for 30 seconds and let them be released on their own and then your team can kill it later you also are going to have to deal with the incorporeal affix which is susceptible to hard crowd controls like shackle Undead and so you can easily cast shackle Undead on them and not have to worry about them after that point you also are going to need the disease to spell for The Afflicted affix and it's always recommended to have a mouse over Macro for purify so that you can just Mouse over it purify The Afflicted and then move about your day if you need to you can also use powered life on it which is especially helpful because they're at zero percent Health meaning they take the extra bonus healing from powered life and they're Off to the Races uh Halo or Divine star could be utilized in dungeons depending on if you want more damage with d-star or healing with Halo it will not pull extra mobs so don't worry about that I always like having the leech on hand for extra survivability and of course power infusion is excellent holy Nova and Rhapsody is sort of a luxury you can get rid of these and start taking more defensive traits like it lights inspiration or fade but it is very good extra damage if you have the talent points to invest in it when it comes to the spect tree you are going to be optimizing for some damage when you can afford it so taking things like Imperial Blaze so when you activate it holy word or sorry Holy Fire is available to be cast three times by incurring no cooldown and cast instantly and most of the time you're pretty much just gonna dump Three Holy fires into whichever target has the most health I am taking a lot of mending synergistic points and that is because of the new two-piece so once you get a two the new two-piece which had happened pretty quickly with some of the tier changes they've made you should feel very comfortable taking all of these talents that synergize with perv mending and then your focus and we'll talk about it a little more in the gameplay is going to be on refreshing per mending Stacks onto your allies in preparation for difficult trash pulls and challenging boss fights your prayer of mendings are going to jump much more easily in this new season of Mythic plus which means they'll also be refreshed but you do have to put a bit of extra work in as you micromanage them and make sure you're keeping these Buffs on hand and sort of like storing healing on your allies for a later day this also makes it a lot easier to take burning behemoths which has been buffed a number of different times and is a very relevant damage spell making your Holy Fire hit harder and making it cleave so it's a lot easier to route through this and you are sort of skipping a number of different raid talents like Divine him and of course Enlightenment so you might actually have to bring around a little bit of water in case you need to sip here there but a lot of your Mana efficiency is going to come from good use of lightweaver lightweaver causes your flash heel to build up a stack which will reduce the cost and increase the healing of your next heel when you cast a heel it then consumes that stack so you can hold two stacks cast two heals back to back you've then consumed one stack per cast Divine image I love is just great damage and healing contributed and of course Harmony zapparatus allows your circle of healing your prayer fending and your Holy Fire to give you cool down reduction for each of your respective words and when you cast those words you summon the Naru to be able to help you along the way as I mentioned previously a lot of holy priest M plus gameplay is focused around lightweaver so again casting one flash Shield builds up one stack of lightweaver and then spending that lightweaver stack goes from one heel cast consumes one stack uh you can again build up multiple stacks and you probably will through the surge of light on your class talents it's just very important to make sure from a Mana efficiency perspective it's kind of overall output to make sure that you are staying on top of spending those light Weaver Stacks because you can not burn through your Mana but you'll pretty steadily find you have to be drinking more often and if you're playing very efficiently you'll find that you almost never have to drink when it comes to a dungeon environment prayer of mending is a lot harder to be able to manipulate when you're in a dungeon environment because sometimes they sort of like jump onto the same Target and like double stack and potentially waste some stacks but if you do it properly where you're constantly casting pair of mendings and constantly trying to getting them bouncing and getting them stacking up onto your allies there's a number of times where you'll walk into boss encounters with so much passive stored healing that it's almost like having a second healer along for the ride to be able to assist you preventing historically has not been very good for dungeons but when they linger for so long and when they can stack so highly I often found that it was about 15 or 16 percent of My overall healing My overall healing with prayer of mending when I was playing in PTR on boss fights alone it could be like 20 to 25 percent of My overall healing or of my healing for that boss fight because it is so much output that you're getting from this spell alone so I again make sure you have a lot of emphasis on using prayer of mending sanctify again can be used on AOE healing Serenity for single Target and again you should always be aggressively spending these holy words you'll be utilizing the apotheosis Talent when it comes to five bands and so this cooldown is also going to immediately refresh the cooldown of both holy word serenity your single Target sanctify your AOE and chastise your damage holy word it also makes them free so you should be ready to spend them immediately again and then either spending flash heal or heal to regen more holy word serenities to cast more serenities and be able to top off your allies more rapidly d-star Halo can be used on cooldown for damage and healing powered life is wonderful for being able to top off low Health allies and if they hit that break point you should always be using it immediately and again symbol of Hope is excellent for resetting your own defensive but also for your tanks defensive there's a lot of very useful tank cooldowns that are being reset or heavily reduced by something like symbol of Hope and so making sure you can track a tank's cooldowns that they're using with something like Omni CD my profile is in the description down below is only going to serve you well you can also look at the list on my Wowhead guides also linked below which shows you exactly which ability each tank is having reduced for them some talents or some tank abilities like art and Defender are like a minute or less with some of the cooldown reduction they have and so if you see a tank use Ardent Defender you can then immediately slam down symbol of Hope allowing it to reset immediately for your tank and then they have the ability should they need it on difficult poles to be able to rely on that cooldown once again it always helps to be able to communicate when you do it and when you're getting into a damaged environment you always want to make sure if possible that you can have one of your Naru up by casting one holy word at least but to keep in mind additional holy words make your Naru even larger and more effective so before you cast your Imperial Blaze try to have a Naru up already you can use it with chastise Serenity or sanctify then make sure you cast your Holy Fire first so it goes on cooldown hit Imperial Blaze and that'll allow you to cast three additional holy fires focusing those spells into whichever target has the most health if everything is fairly equal Health then you can just spread the Holy Fire dots around the priority is on making sure that the Holy Fire dot actually does get some value so you don't want to just sit there and only put it into one Target and have 20 30 seconds of Holy Fire dot duration and then the target dies early and you don't cash in on that duration d-star is wonderful damage and then you want to make sure that you're multi-dotting as much as you can with Shadow word pain holy Nova after that to be able to deal AOE damage but you can also use it when you have maximum stacks of the Rhapsody Talent which is right below holy Nova on the class tree if you have a talented I don't really recommend talenting into Shadow or death but if you haven't always try to use it within execute ranges it is good damage but it's kind of a large amount of talent points to spend to be efficient with it and so I'd recommend taking other options instead for some of the more difficult boss fights that you're going to find in a Mythic plus environment It's always important to note where your largest output is going to come from and which targets are going to be taking the most damage since you're in a five man you're really only able to whack them all your allies you're kind of sort of healing them one by one and sort of cleaving off onto them with some of your single Target spells so a lot of times it's very important to note that if a damage ability like on a radius where he's going to spam a large amount of AOE onto your allies it's important to note if it's going to deal eighty percent of somebody's health over the entire duration of an ability that if you just cast The Serenity onto one target at half Health that's going to be enough for them for the rest of the damage and you should prioritize everybody else over them after that point A lot of times sanctify is a decent instant heal but it's not not enough on its own to be able to carry the entire way and a lot of times on large AOE damage generally speaking the tank is very safe if it's just on a boss fight eridius for example just sits there and channels a spell so you almost never need to heal the tank during that pulsing AOE and all of your focus should be on healing your allies think about it like here's your in Halls of Valor if you played season one it when you're in that storm bubble your tank is in a very healthy position relative to everybody else and you have a lot of time to make sure you top off the tank before the tank Buster comes around a lot of fights in season two are very similar in that regard and so making sure that you think about your own self-healing which is helped by the leech talents that we're taking and any other squishy people in your party are made a priority as you heal people sort of one by one and then gently are sort of cleaving each other through prayer of mending healing and through the Trail of Light Talent which causes your flash heal to flash heal or heal to also heal the last Target that you had cast those abilities upon lastly to wrap things up holy priest should be focusing on crit and Mastery as much as they possibly can in a rating environment and haste and versatility or hasten crit when it comes to a Mythic plus environment you can always start using crafted Rings or neck pieces to start jumping between your stats between raid and the Mythic plus and for trinkets embellishment crafting all the rest I have linked Below in my Wowhead guides the time of this video on May 3rd there's been a number of different changes to the crafting so in case something changes I would always advise you check out those written guides as that's where I'll post updates as we get more information huge thank you to our patrons who are making this all possible and big big shout out to Zach thoracre Stefan Simon Ranger Ralph Milo Merle kevro Calderon Julie John fourth Crow Dan elev and Cecil as well for all the support if you would like to join them and help out the content and support make sure you check it out in the description down below thank you so much for watching guys if you have any other questions be sure to let me know in the comments below as well [Music] foreign
Channel: AutomaticJak
Views: 35,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: automaticjak, Dragonflight Best Healer, Discipline Priest Dragonflight, Disc Priest Dragonflight, Dragonflight Disc Priest, Best Raid Healer Dragonflight, Dragonflight Discipline Guide, 10.1 disc guide, disc priest dragonflight M+, 10.1 holy priest, season 2 holy priest, holy priest raid, holy priest m+, holy priest dragonflight, 10.1 holy priest guide, holy priest, 10.1 holy, Dragonflight Holy Guide, Dragonflight Holy Priest Guide, hpriest m+
Id: GETmT-vdrAU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 13sec (1393 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2023
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