101 Facts about Ant-Man And The Wasp

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greetings mother factors what is this a voiceover for ants that's better greetings mother factors my name is Sam and today I'm going to be talking to you all about the teeny tiny world of ant-man and his good old Hal and wife sometimes the wasp Marvel's Brenna Lee forgot about two black sheep superheroes who tag along whenever they can you do you guys you mean something don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise Oh God ten seconds in I'm so emotional but why wasn't the original ant-man character used in the movies who was the first person to play ant-man on screen and why is it that whenever I heard the words ant-man all I can think of as a sent or asked half man half ant hybrid now there's a sexy movie anyway to Hunter through those questions are going to be answered so strap yourselves in get comfy and prepare yourselves for shrinkage and giant äj-- as we can through 101 facts about ant-man and the wasp number one starting with the guy in red ant-man is the name of several fictional superheroes appearing in comics published by Marvel the character or rather characters have also become superheroes in the wider Marvel Cinematic Universe woods continues to grow ever larger to appease the braziers appetite of the Millennial nerd hordes like me number two ant-man was created by comic book legend Stan Lee Larry Lieber Jack Kirby and dick errors that guy's name was LaLaurie number three and man debuted all the way back in 1962 in issue number twenty-seven of the horror sci-fi anthology comic tales to astonish predating other superheroes such as Hulk Thor and spider-man by several months suck at Parker number four ant-man appeared in a short seven page story called the man from the anthill which was originally intended as a one-off story however the character was so popular that she was brought back and became a regular character in the Marvel pantheon number five it did take a while for ant-man to reappear however it wasn't until the following September in issue number 35 Atos astonish roughly nine months later until the Crimson suited shrinking super guy we all know and love came back number six ant-man was originally the superhero identity of the talented scientist Hank but he's not the only person to have pulled on the red spandex to other shrinky dudes named Scott Lang and Erik O'Grady have all to take it on the atman persona after Pym relinquished it however that starts at the beginning shall we number seven the original ant-man was the brilliant biophysicist dr. Henry Hank Pym who created the ant-man persona following the murder of his first wife a Hungarian political dissident named Maria travail a pin was unsurprisingly extremely distressed by his wife's death and ultimately the experience prompted him to become a superhero to fight against injustice number 8 him is an incredibly gifted scientific genius who holds a PhD in biochemistry and nanotechnology he has expertise for days in various scientific fields including quantum physics robotics artificial intelligence cybernetics and of course entomology although one of those ends very very badly looking at you Ultron number 9 Hank Pym is regularly described in the comics as one of the smartest people on the face of the earth and in his case that might be true Pym is actually sometimes regarded as Earth's supreme scientist by eternity an omnipotent cosmic entity representative of all reality high praise indeed number 10 after discovering an aiming Pym particles an amazing substance which allowed him to alter his size and mass Pym armed himself with a helmet that could control ants not the usual superhero route but each to their own Pym used his shrinking powers and ant mind-control to solve crimes and fall criminals as the mystery solving ant-man number 11 in order to shrink and each shrink Pym originally devised a series of liquid serums one to shrink down and another to return to regular size life was slower back then none of your instant shrinking at a press of a button nonsense it was some Alice in Wonderland type-a she is number 12 Pam also possessed blaster technology called stingers which could shrink other objects outside his body and was able to retain normal strength and speed when shrunken down and Thor do that didn't think so number 13 as a means of transportation Pym eventually began riding around on trained flying ants prior to that however he July's a tiny cannon into which he would load himself and then be shot in the direction of his intended destination frankly this seems a little degrading I mean come on some super O's can fly number fourteen eventually pim shares his discovery with Janet Van Dyne he becomes a similarly shrinkable superhero called the wasp eventually joining him as his crime fighter super hair apart a person but which do you think is better at man or the wasp let us know in our you tube polyp above number fifteen Mike ant-man wasp possesses the ability to shrink and grow in size at will she could also shoot stinger blasts from her hand and is able to communicate with insects crucially however the wasp can also fly a significant step up from ant-man Shlaim ability to not fly number sixteen the diminishing Geo later became founding members of the Avengers yes that's right those Avengers you know who wasn't a founding member of the Avengers Captain America that's right they even beat cap number seventeen incredibly the wasp actually served as the leader of the Avengers in the comic books for long stretches of time in fact miss Van Dyne even privately funded the team but no let Captain America be the Avenger in the movie sir that goody two-shoes I love you cap I just want to kiss you really number eighteen the disrespect goes further to the wasp responsible for naming the Avengers after stating that the team's name needed to be colorful and dramatic the glass ceiling is real folks number nineteen not satisfied with being just a waspey superhero Janet Van Dyne also found time to work as a successful fashion designer and even a TV host all while leading the Avengers I don't even have time to play video games anymore and I'm making what I want facts videos it's all I do number twenty in fact the wasp was a member of several Avengers affiliated groups such as the West Coast Avengers the Mighty Avengers Avengers unity division the defenders and the Lady liberators who I assume spend their time liberating ladies good for them number 21 not only that the wasp also had a brief period as a villain oh no right during the world war hate event the wasp is one of several Avengers who were inadvertently affected by one of scarlet witch's spells The effect of which was to reverse their moral compass making them evil they were eventually freed from the curse by Magneto dr. doom and dr. voodoo number 22 while him is the original ant-man he's also adopted various other aliases over the years these include the Yellow Jacket but also giant man and Goliath he even became the wasp after Janet Van Dyne presumed death and secret evasion number 23 not only that Pym also spent a certain period of time operating under his actual real name of Hank Pym making no attempt to hide his secret identity Janet Van Dyne was also confident enough to live without secrecy making them the two very few superheroes to have done so number 24 Pimm's regular villains include microphone toting mischief-maker called voice who is able to persuade anyone to do his bidding just by speaking per kilgrave and an evil genius scientist called egghead who was an egg-shaped head because of course he does number 25 the original ant-man is also kind of unstable at one point Peyman hails dangerous chemicals during a botched experiment and develop schizophrenia at one point it becomes a new character yellowjacket who actually boasts about having murdered hank pym later on at his wedding - wasp who knew his true identity a supervillain attack brings Pym back to his senses number 26 many of you may be shocked to know that a certain Marvel villain with a name that rhymes with Shmuel Tron was actually not created by Tony Stark as he was in the age of Ultron movie in the comics Ultron was created by none other than Ant Man himself Hank Pym Ultron's rapid decline in to evil contributed to the severe mental health issues that sank him to his lowest point so thanks a lot Ultron you prat yeah that's right I said Virata bring out the big guns here number 27 having suffered from mental health troubles for almost the entirety of his publications history pins instability Veggie led to a storyline in the 80s in which he physically assaults his wife the wasp attempts have been made to sanitize the ant-man image in line with contemporary values but PIMs troubled history remains number 28 at another point in the grittier darker Ultimate Marvel Universe PIMs character brutalizes the wasp even further repeatedly striking his wife in moments of anger on one occasion he also shrinks her down to wasp size and down as her and bunks prey before attacking her with ants the guy's a scumbag basically number 29 after Pym relinquished his role as ant-man the position was filled by a fellow named Scott Lang a thief who stole the ant-man suit to save his daughter Cassie from a dangerous heart condition lying later turns his back on crime a pursuit a full-time career as ant-man with PIMs blessing number 30 since Scott Lang was first introduced in 1979 his daughter Cassie has become a superhero in her own right as a member of the Young Avengers in fact she's been to superheroes having been known as snatcher and stinger she has roughly the same powers as her father were the ability to shrink and grow in size a stinger those who possesses a helmet that also allows her to communicate and control insects as well as wings and the ability to fire bioelectric blasts number 31 for a while Lang ran a security company called ant-man security solutions ironic considering his previous history as a thief this poetic turn of events wasn't lost on lying as the slogan for the business read who knows how to not get your stuff stolen better than a guy who used to steal your stuff good point number 32 you may also be surprised to hear that a one-point Scott Lang dated everyone's favorite Netflix heroine Jessica Jones the pair shacked up while working on cases together before Jessica eventually broke up with him to go and marry and start a family with Luke Cage yikes tough break mind you how can you compete with that number 33 the third person to take on the ant-man title is Erik O'Grady a low-level SHIELD agent who steals yet man suit from shield headquarters O'Grady is how do I put this not particularly a nice person he is more than willing to lie cheat and steal to get what he wants and he uses his freshly purloined abilities to humiliate and torment people number 32 not only that Oh Grady has on several occasions use his stolen suit to perv on women in the shower which is the double whammy of both illegal and gross wotton number 35 however after a brief period of being an amoral Severson to pervert Oh Grady redeemed himself somewhat by sacrificing his life in a fight with a group of villains known as The Descendants in order to save the life of an innocent child number 36 fondly enough the first time ant-man ever appeared on screen was not on a Marvel produced show of any kind but in the 1979 long-running sketch comedy show Saturday Night Live and man can be seen in a sketch entitled superhero party which featured Bill Murray as Superman dan Aykroyd is the flash John Belushi as the Incredible Hulk and Gao Morris as ant-man technically this makes Morris the very first person to betray everyone's favorite aunt based superhero number 37 the film version of ant-man starring Paul Rudd and lead role arrived in 2015 it features the second comic book version two superhero Scott Lang who's the main good guy in the movie and Hank Pym appears in a supporting role the film made around 520 million dollars with which one could conceivably buy many chicken nuggets number 38 the ant-man movie started even earlier than that Stan Lee pitched the idea of an ant-man film to new world entertainment all the way back in the late 80s but the powers that be felt it was too similar to another movie being made at the time Honey I Shrunk the Kids South Frank number 39 additionally a lot of people are unsure how exactly an ant-man film would work and are unconvinced at the pint-sized superheroes powers could be all that compelling one screenwriter Boaz yakin went on record saying that he argued against in that man film saying let's face it he can shrink down go for a keyhole and look at secret papers in a desk drawer and that's it may I say again the 2015 film made 520 million dollars how embarrassing number 40 strangely enough a celebrity fan about man actually met with Marvel in an attempt to buy the movie rights of the character a little over a decade after Stan Lee's failed pitch that celebrity was and you won't be expecting this the American radio shock jock Howard Stern weird number 41 legitimately my favorite director in the world Edgar Wright and Joe Cornish wrote a treatment for at man all the way back in the early 2000s but the film was stuck in limbo for years after eventually heading into production in 2013 the ruining of her life however in May of 2014 Wright decided he would be leaving the project due to creative differences Wright later stated that the reason why he left was because although he wanted to make a Marvel movie the powers-that-be didn't want to make an Edgar Wright movie yonkers number 43 Wright's frequent collaborator Simon Pegg described Dekker write script as a daring fun funny and hugely exciting and lamented that the film's would not be made in Wright's vision number 40 huh not only that Marvel icon Joss Whedon stated the bright script was not only the best script the Marvel ever had but the most Marvel script he'd ever read quite the compliment that shame that the film never got made well set number 45 many sources state that although Edgar Wright dropped out of the movie much of what he wrote is still in the final ant-man film at the time Marvel chief and my Lord and Savior Kevin Feige reassured fans that the script would retain the DNA of what right had created number 46 apparently the reason why ant-man and the wasp did not initially appear in the original Avengers film despite being founding members was because Edgar Wright insisted that Marvel not used either Ant Man or the wasp until you've finished the film Joss Whedon also felt that the roster superheroes and the original Avengers was already getting cluttered so ant-man and the wasp got axed number 47 according to Kevin Feige the main theme of the film is passing the torch as Hank Pym moves aside to allow younger paul run Tiye ant-man to emerge number 48 amazingly Paul Rudd wasn't even the original choice for the lead role actors like Joseph gordon-levitt Ewan McGregor and Adrian Brody were all considered for the role hey actuated Brody as a superhero isn't he a bit serious I mean number 49 however the role ultimately went to the infinitely likeable rut and we couldn't have been happier look at that face some people were apparently less enthusiastic however when Roger Tory's nine-year-old son he would be playing ant-man he responded by saying wow I can't wait see how stupid that'll be you need Paul Rudd alone Paul Rudd son number 50 according the film's director Peyton Reed Michael Douglas wasn't even the first choice to play Hank Pym either Marvel average he wanted legendary character actor Steve Buscemi for the role but he had to turn it down due to scheduling conflicts a range of other actors were considered before Douglas got his hands on the part including the likes of Gary Oldman Pierce Brosnan and perennial murder victim Sean Bean number 51 in banked Peyton Reed wasn't even the first choice of director my god was anyone perps the heart for this a number of other directors were considered too including Adam McKay marshall thurber nicholas stoller michael dowse and david wain number 52 douglas has stated the part of the reason why took the role of ant-man was so his young children would actually be able to see him in a movie many of his other film for a bit too saucy number 53 Paul Rudd and Anna McKay eventually convinced Bobby Cannavale need to take on the role of slangs ex-wife's fiance and called even before Marvel did Cannavale a is mentioned that even though ant-man is a big-budget Hollywood superhero movie the production felt like a small indie film and they were encouraged to improvise on the set number fifty-four Jessica Chastain was apparently offer the opportunity to stars hope Van Dyne but she ultimately turned it down and the role eventually went to Evangeline Lilly though the stated reason for Chastain's decision not to accept the role was scheduling conflicts the actress was later probed about her lack of superhero appearances in an interview and responded by saying I want to be the girlfriend I don't to be the daughter I want to wear a cool costume with a scar on my face with fight scenes okay number 55 Paul Rudd is the second cast member from the smash hit sitcom Parks and Rec to land a lead role in the MCU having played Leslie knope's incompetent political adversary Bobby Newport the first Pawnee worker to get a big-time Marvel gig was of course Chris Pratt who of course played lovable doofus Andy Dwyer in guardians of the galaxy and star-lord in Parks and Rec way that's not right number 56 so why wasn't the wasp canonically ant-man's ponder in his fight against injustice and on-again off-again lover prominently featured in the original ant-man film well apparently in earlier draft of the script she was these scenes were removed number 57 the omission of Janet Van Dyne from the film was also so glaring it sparked an not insignificant degree of outrage from numerous sources many people felt the removal was sexist as her existence in the film was reduced to a death that serves merely as a plot point for the male characters be sad about many people took to twitter and use the hashtag janet van crime to voice their frustration that's a great pun well done everyone number 58 when the wasp was in the script for the likes of emma stone and rashida Jones were apparently and talk to take the role alongside Paul Rudd I guess Jennifer Lawrence was too busy huh actually she probably was number 59 when rod first met with David Darst emultion the actor who plays Kurt in the film he was speaking in the Russian esque accent his character has because he's totes method apparently the accent was so convincing that Rudd initially thought it was real when he dropped back into his regular American accent Rudd thought his co-star was missing with him number 60 in an attempt to inspire himself for his role in the film Rudd bought a massive ant farm and spent a considerable amount of time watching its tiny inhabitants apparently he still has it number 61 knowing that his role would require him to do flips rolls and various other impressive acrobatic feats rod hired a natural gymnast to teach him how to not kill himself when bouncing around his amp man dancing I just said they're bouncing around number 62 in addition to gymnastics rod prepared for his superhero role with an intense year-long fitness regime which included solo cardio and weightlifting with a trainer core that's exhausting me even to just say by the time it came to filming rod was in such good shape that the ant-man cost you had to be altered to account for his brand-new bulging musculature hmm Gila rod number 63 costume designer Sammy Sheldon differ and head suit designer Ivo Coveney work together with the talented team of artists to great ant-man's outfits for the film which eventually amounted to a total of 13 ant men Nintendo 64 in addition they created 17 helmet 8 pairs of gloves 17 belt 6 pairs of shoes 15 backpacks 15 balaclavas and 14 necklaces that go on the Vanek lovers number 65 not only that each ant-man helmet was constructed with one over 60 individual pieces including 10 LED lights in fact each ant-man suit carried over 150 LED lights which are controlled remotely with all the circuitry and batteries contained in a very small backpack number 66 it's been stated in interviews that many of the actors were consulted on their characters during the rewrites according to Evangeline Lilly hopes role was much smaller than the original Edgar Wright draft after which it was significant expanded with Lily herself providing ideas and input number 67 the movie was filmed in 185 one aspect ratio rather than the customary 235 one this is to emphasize the verticality of the shrinking process the Avengers was also shot in this aspect ratio which made director Peyton Reed a little bit more justified in its decision number 68 during shooting the film was codenamed Bigfoot to keep everything under wraps that's incidentally the same name I use at hotels to stop the damp apps from harassing me laughs just kidding I've never been recognized in real life and never will number 60 on the day that the filmmakers film the sequence in which Krauss shrinks her lamb the caterers just so happened to be serving lamb chops at lunch it was apparently by all accounts a very awkward meal number 70 at one point during filming Paul Rudd tried to prank Michael Douglas with a recreation of is famous Sharon Stone leg trotting scene in Basic Instinct however ruts coming jape went disastrously awry when his um I got why there's no other way of saying it genitals I suppose God caught in the waistband of his boxers even worse his attempts to readjust his you know what I you know what I mean it made him look like he was giving some special attention to those things all during doc misses monologue number 71 apparently Michael Douglas just stopped still and said what are you an effing pervert I didn't say I think by the way I just edited that to save your innocence anyway rod was forced to quickly explain himself and admitted he was trying to Basic Instinct Douglas in response Douglas simply said oh well okay then and that was apparently that number 72 during filming for ant-man Michael Douglas hit a major milestone by turning 70 the cast and crew celebrated by getting him a large birthday cake in the shape of a film reel covered with ants number 73 to create the film's flashback scene sophisticated computer technology was used to make the 70 year old Michael Douglas in the 57 year old Martin Donovan look far younger number 74 similarly aging VFX techniques were combined with hair and makeup to make the 33 year old Hayley Atwell appear far older than she actually is number 75 the film is VFX artists utilized a variety of techniques to make the shrinking visuals distinctive and experimental including macro visuals motion capture synapse zooms and trick photography this set ant-man apart from other films for tiny people giving it its distinctive look number 76 the size shifting effect seen on screen which shows several residual outlines left by the body during the shrinking process were included as a visual reference to the original ant-man comics which were drawn in a similar fashion number 77 while Paul Rudd and his stunt men wore actual ant-man suits during filming Corey Stoll who plays Yellow Jacket did all his acting in a motion capture suits because creating an actual Yellow Jacket costume was deemed far too impractical number 78 the Yellow Jacket armor it's apparently partially based on the GI ant-man armor from ever dimmable ant-man the App Man comic the stars Erik O'Grady that began in 2006 the suits helmet also incorporates the facial features of Hank Pym his villainous robot Ultron number 79 the sound effect used for Yellow Jackets lasers are the same as those used for the main gun on the 80 80s from Star Wars nope never heard of it either number 80 at one point in the film Darren cross shrinks a chair as part of a demonstration this is yet another neat in tiny reference to the comic books as a chair was also the first thing that Hank Pym shrank to number 81 the hotel at which Scott is staying in the movie is called the Milgram Hotel this is an affectionate little nod to the American comic book artist and writer al Milgram he is known for his work on the West Coast Avengers a team led by Hawkeye of which both Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyne had been members number 82 in the scene in which Lange is sucked into the vacuum cleaner the logo on the vacuum reads Kirby accompanied by a Greek Omega symbol Kirby is actually a real vacuum cleaner company but the Omega symbol was not a part of their logo this combination is included as a reference to Jack Kirby one of the creators of ant-man as well as the creator of DC Comics villain Darkseid the design of whom prominently features the Omega symbol number 83 and one point in the movie Darren cross jokes that the idea of shrinking a human sounds like a tales to astonish this is a nice neat little reference to ad man's 1962 comic debut in the issue number 27 of tales to astonish don't know why spoke like that for that fact sorry number 84 in the scene towards the end of the film in which liang shuang towards the Microverse he passes a genuine bona fide tardigrade microscopic beings which are also known as water bears and moss piglets number 85 the building that served as the exterior for poem technologies was also used as a new studio in the 2004 anarchic comedy classic anchorman The Legend of Ron Burgundy which also starred Paul Rudd small world a fat small world get it cos ant-man number 86 the name tag that Lang wears while working at Baskin Robbins read Jack which is somewhat understandable considering he's attempting to conceal his recent release from prison he asked his coworker Darby to take over at the register Jack and Darby are the names of Paul Roth's actual real-life children mind blown number 87 interestingly the main reason why Scott ends up working at Baskin Robbins in the film is because the bright colors in the ice cream parlour nicely offset the darkness of the opening prison scene also I mean Baskin Robbins money number 88 the hideous rabbit doll that Lang gives to his daughter Cassie was voiced by the one and only Tom Kenny aka spongebob goddamn SquarePants number 89 the ant that's accidentally emerged and becomes Cassie's pet is frequently referred to as a boy despite the fact that it appears to be a worker ant which are all female not a typically larger male drone they really drop the ant ball on that one number 90 the ants in the movie were generally inspired by Sahara and silver ants which have longer legs and can use their front legs as arms this species also Rock a silvery fur coat that reflects harsh Saharan sunlight to keep themselves cool you just got some bonus animal facts lucky you number 91 VFX supervisor Jake Morrison described the hefty bullet ants as the ray winstone of the ant world which were made to look fer and bulkier in the film their heirs were made thicker in order to resemble lords I just presented that like Ray Winstone young mug number 92 on the other hand the crazy ant which is a name held by several ant species were influenced by puppies these ants are known for their quick unpredictable movements so their behavior was modeled on playful energetic dago's Harlequin number 93 however movements of ants were slowed down in many shots have a seamless jittery and phonetic and more noble number 94 remember all the way back in fact 36 when I mentioned the first person to ever play ant-man on screen was technically Garrett Morris and Saturday Night Live I'd love to see that again well more attached the appears in the film as a cab driver Nate number 95 in the San Francisco scenes posters for Pingo dolce can be seen on the walls Pingo dolce was the Brazilian soda company which Bruce Banner worked in the 2008 Hulk movie The Incredible Hulk starring Edward Norton number 96 the preview for the film's first teased up was ant sighs yep it was literally presented in a tiny area of the screen which made it almost impossible to tell what was going on a human-sized trailer went up the next day haha marketing gimmicks the glue the whole society together number 97 while promoting his 2017 hit baby driver Edgar Wright said he had never watched ant-man and never will explicitly stating it would be like watching his ex-girlfriend having you know number 98 with the release of ant-man and the wasp the latter hero will be the first titular female superhero in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and she still has to share it with a dude typical number 99 ant-man and the wasp will also be the 20th film to be released by Marvel Studios for the Marvel Cinematic Universe they've had a good run I hope it never ends because it's all that gives me hope in life oh my god it is number 100 the high-pitched guitar riff that can be heard repeatedly in the soundtrack of the ant-man was first trailer I take you from the atom in the ant song called ants invasion wait they have other songs that are prince charming mind blown number 101 Peyton Reed has stayed on from the first movie to direct the sequel Reed has stated than in preparation for working with Michelle Pfeiffer who plays Janet Van Dyne the lost wasp he went back and rewatched her entire filmography now that's dedication that was one hunter on phantom on ant-man and the wasp did you enjoy it let me know in the comments down below also what would you like to see next you need to tell me because otherwise how how do I know huh I'm not a mind reader you know ants and I'm not ant-man I wish I was that I was ant-man not you guys think that anyway on screen now or two videos you're gonna really dig and that's a Sam guarantee guys so you know it's for real anyway catch you next time
Channel: 101Facts
Views: 77,398
Rating: 4.8848486 out of 5
Keywords: 101 facts, 101, 101facts, ant man, ant man and the wasp, ant man and the wasp movie, ant man movie, ant man facts, facts about ant man, ant man and the wasp facts, facts about ant man and the wasp, marvel, marvel facts, infinity war, avengers 4, ant man avengers 4, ant man 2, ant man theme, paul rudd, evangeline lily, michelle pfieffer, michael douglas, hank pym, hope pym, wasp, scott lang, van dyne, thanos, trailer, ant man 3, full movie, ant man endgame, cassie scott
Id: bmUYVXeGByc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 16sec (1696 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 30 2018
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