101 Books in ONE Month?! | Birthday Month Book Haul

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how to train your cabin oh you're watching how to train your Gavin yep that's me hi guys welcome back to how train your Gavin I have an extremely long video to do today because I am going through the books that I acquired in May and it was my birthday month and I got a lot of presents from you guys like thank you so so much to every single person who sent me something you genuinely didn't have to I mean I counted and just intol including all the books that I bought myself which wasn't a lied and buy a lot of books myself to be honest there is 101 books to get through oh that does include the pile of books that I got in the opening your birthday presents book or video I did so I will link that I will only briefly touch on those boobs I will say what the books are and who gifted me those books since there says you know the the whole of me who calls so thank you gain so much to everyone who sent me something since there is a lot to assure you in this video I'm just gonna get straight into it so they face paler books are the books that I polled myself and the first one was a wishing the top up by Christina soon torn fat and well this one for the Asian read-a-thon which was hosted by Cindy I've already read here I mentioned this is a bit of a lame as robbery telling this is about boy who is born into a prison but he escapes when he is older and a young girl here is the prison wardens daughter goes after him to bring him back so yeah that's a really quick synopsis because I'm worried about it I've mentioned it a few times it may wrap up so check that out if you want to know more of my thoughts on this one then I bought story river of the sky a by grace Lynn I read where the mountain meets the moon last month as well and it's one of my favorite middle grades now I absolutely adore that book so this is like a companion novel and I want to try not read too many synopsis in this video as well the Moon is missing in the remote village of clear sky but only a young boy named Randy seems to have noticed so I think this is a journey to find the missing moon so that sounds pretty awesome I can't wait to read at Graceland ah so amazing such an amazing writer and I absolutely loved weatherman vixens so I have high hopes for this one an explanation Johnson this is the first book in the Louisville area series and this I think it's called sort of a game world so build from cryo Jail and a mysterious circumstance Christian Orson has drawn into a situation as military training couldn't have prepared him for the game world of valaria in this new world he becomes a one-track game in the unique ability of respawning upon death but all is not well in Valerio Tim Johnson is a friend of mine so I want to say if I can try and read this for him at some point I also got one to skate by Jennifer Bell this is the finished product I have already read this book I was sent a proof of it a couple of months ago but this came out in June 4th but it came out a little bit early so I was surprised as things come to my dog because I had a pre-ordered yeah I've already spoken loss about this one I absolutely love this middle grade it's ready pi-1 meets Jumanji three kids get blasted into the future where everything is in adventure reality game you have to go through certain levels to try and get back home so it is a fantastic adventure I would highly recommend it this is the current horizon's' children's book at the month as well so you know it's gonna be good I also got the paperback version of the Wizards once knock three times by Cressida Cowell I've been really enjoying this series wizards of ones is about two different sort of tribes of people we have wizards and we have warriors and they have been bought up as enemies to me characters or her wizard in warrior and they sort of have to band together to come across there's common enemy hand defeated so this is the third book really exciting to get to it I've read the first two so this is the next one I need to read I will be reading this with the narration from David telling so I'm so excited but I haven't got a paperback version of it as well because I have the first two in paperback so yeah and then I got the son of Achilles by Madeline Miller I'd be eyeing this up for such a long time I put this on my June table and I already finished it not gonna say what I thought of it until my junior Apple this one a follows Petropolis I goose hardly say names Petropolis and Achilles and they're sort of love story but it's also like in the Age of Heroes this is obviously based on quick myth on you know Achilles and Patroclus and Troy and all of that so I will be giving you my thoughts on a silly idea book don't look at my Goodreads if you don't want any spoilers then I got tears falling by Jewell Parker roads and this is said 15 years after 9/11 and this is about think three kids get assigned what happened to the two towers that are missing from New York City it goes through them learning so much about the towers but also about themselves and about the commune in here I think maybe about racism after 9/11 and you know that's why I think I can't wait to read this don't really know a lot about this one I've never seen anyone speak about it and then I got the tower at the end of the world by Brad Strickland this is the ninth book in the lowest vonabell series that was started by John Blair's I meant to deceive you so many times because they're releasing all of the books with these really pretty covers and also the whole collection matches and things so I'm loving that and plus they are hard to find now yeah it's about a young boy who goes to live with his uncle after his parents death and his uncle turns out to be a warlock and he lives next to a witch called mrs. Zimmerman this one they go to Lake Superior and I think they come across a tower that takes them to the end of the world all the towers at the end of the world I don't know so the next book will be coming out next month and I call me to that one as well then I got the father shirt then I got the father short by Alec Alec win and this is the third book in the essay cycle series I'm not loving the series that much I'm reading them full aquinnah long which is being hosted by Ashley in a fog through fiction I'm just like I've read the phase two they are good but I'm just not gelling with the world so it is set in if say there are wizards and there's things happening the first one for gate who is learning to be a really powerful wizard I think this is following completely different characters so I don't really know what the hell this is about but it's gonna be interesting because this is gonna be part of the live show that would be happening the start of July along with the tombs every 2 min that's better for myself was the ballad of some plates of snakes by Suzanne Collins I've read this one as well I have a whole blog dedicated to it and I I'm not gonna tell you what I thought of it if you haven't seen the vlog it isn't mine a wrap up I do have the entire block on it but this is the prequel book to The Hunger Games and this one follows coralina snow and his rise into being who he is in the Hunger Games trilogy is President Snow he's a villain this is a bit of a villain origin story but yeah in XTO books I got in the Alfred jr. box the first one was a cold mountain by Lauren walk this is statue in the Great Depression and I think this follows their struggles their financial struggles their home struggles family struggles all of that so it sounds interesting its historical this was in the April how create Junior books so I unbox that and then in the mailbox I got persons by Jess Redman I am no erect for Hawker tune yet so I get the boxes for free and you can get 15% off your subscription if you put income 50 in the check out if you subscribe to our junior not normal I'll create I'll pay junior but that was a really fun of boxing I was Professor Snape for this unboxing and I was Maria on the side of music for this one so definitely check those boxes out if you want to laugh this sounds like Stardust by Neil Gaiman because I think a star falls from the sky into Alma's backyard and she promises the Starling that she will return it home it sounds like Stardust by Neil Gaiman but I don't think that's completely it but we don't have the time we don't have the time to dwell on this and then the two books I got from publishers where the midnight Guardians by Ross Montgomery this is sucked you in the Blitz in London and I believe it's opens up to this world where the main character Cole his childhood heroes come to life so I think the second badger in a way is called a knight a tiger yes stuff like that it sounds very Narnia esque and I'm really excited to read it this is on my dream table so I shouldn't get into it this month this also comes out in September so I leave a pre-order link down in the description box if you fancy pre-ordering it thank you walking books for sending me this the next book is dragon mountain by Kevin Katy Sam thank you so much Simon she stuffs enemy this one this one sounds fairly Percy Jackson ish so we have this young boy he gets sent to in the middle of China in the middle of nowhere where this is camp and they come across some kind of legendary dragons or something like that in this mountain so the heads dragon mountain but this is gonna be the first book in the dragon realm series and they also sent me some top-trim cards okay for the dragons in this MOOC so that's actually really cool as well this is also on my Jun table I'm Kara now it's gonna be the books that I was gifted yeah I'm looking at the piles and piles of books it's in no order I will say who sent me them unless I told nor have sent me them shut you guys out thank you so much for sending me these books I love you I love you so much so I will list off the books that I got in my unboxing your birthday presents video just to shout out the people who sent me these books because honestly you guys are wonderful and again this is an order so one of them is storm runner by Jason Montez and this was sent mate from Tracy thank you so much Tracy Kayla sent me pocket and Stubbs ghost catcher I saw between the third book the pocket instead of serious Jade sent me the mystery of black hole elena by julian oval which is the first book in the black hollow lane series thank you so much Jade I love you Charlotte sent me Alice's Adventures they weren't allowed by Lewis Carroll which is a penguin English library classic all of these editions so much chola also sent me Peter Pan by J and re so thank you so much Charlotte Tommy sent me Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen thank you so much Tommy Wright said to me the ice dragon by George Martin thank you bruh MSD are certainly the fourth and the fifth books in the how to train your dragon series by Cressida Cowell thank you so much Emma I also got a sick book in the how train your dragon series but it didn't come with the north I can't remember somebody said they sent me this or not as you can probably tell by the time I go through all of these books why I can't remember if somebody said but whoever sent me this thank you so much please leave a comment down below and I'll write it in this usually I use the notes to remind me who sent me what book but I'll write it in here whoever sent me this thank you so much or maybe no man I can't remember but thank you so much Lana sent me the pyrius thank you my lord thank you so much Laura H always balls may rot and send me the second third and fourth books in the firearms series by Cuban law would we have the gift of dark hollow the beasts of grim heart and pookie and the outcasts jade from jin da-rae weeds also semi lolani at the distance say by heaven in tirana Kelly Thank You Jade again books Michelle sent me all our own pieces by LD Crichton this is the paperback edition of it thank you so much Michelle for selling me this Tracey also sent me the extremely inconvenient adventures of Bronte metal storm by Jacqueline Moriarty the face book in some kind of series I'm sure come on while the series is called but he looks fantastic thank you so much and then he last you from that video where the house for chicken legs and the girl who speaks there by Sophia Anderson Easter gift it to me from Claire thank you so much clay you've spot me so much okay so getting into the books that I was gifted since that video I think I might even box this one in my mostly middle creation meter thorn blog but that one was I am back at the ice dragons by Heather for said this was said to me from Alex thank you so much for sending me this Alex I'm sure this one's about magician who gets changed into a regular girl and she goes to Antarctica I think that's what this is about and this also has dragons in it so that's awesome this is middle grade I should probably say what's the middle grade and wants to know because sometimes I think it's it tells sometimes with these ones if it's middle green or not I don't know I will I'll shut that out but a lot of this is middle grade by the way there are some adult and young adult books hiding in there somewhere this is a middle grade and this would be perfect for Paula thon so I makes it for that Traci Hill has no chill and sense many things that aren't even on my wish list they remained my wish list is now offline I probably won't be putting the wish list on again because honestly thank you so much guys this is a lot it's very overwhelming but I don't think I need another book for that Mak life again so thank you so much everyone but yeah the wish list is gone but this wasn't even on my wish list but Traci said make guardians of magic by Chris Vidal this is the first book in the cloud host Chronicles I've seen this around before and it's always looked interesting the writing is huge there are so many illustrations in this so you'll get there is so quickly all I know about this is that it sent a large where fairytales don't behave and magic is troublesome magic magic can be found in unexpected places to me it sounds a little bit like Shrek I don't know why but it sounds very Shrek like so it sounds pretty go thank you so much for Sammy Tracy this is such a surprise one that I got from my a Kodiak or teaspoon corner as a southern book clubs guy to same vampires by gritty Hendrix so excited to read this one Queenie Hendrix love his writing this is on my toon TV also hope you like it too as soon all I know about this is that it's a bunch of Karen slain vampires and I think I will part this book club like it this is gonna be like one of those horror novels that's so funny as well I hope anyway great Hendrix's other novels have been like a little bit scary but mostly very humorous as well Thank You Cody I do have more from Cordys somewhere among these piles of books so yeah the Katherine sent me these seventh and the eighth book in the how to train your dragon series out train your dragon you've probably seen the movie I read the first book in May and I wrap that one up and I've really enjoyed it so I'm excited to read the rest of them it's very fun Viking village and they try to train dragons simple Mayan Rachel in Connecticut who has also sent me so much in these piles as well this will not be the last I mention Rachel but she said make the last four books and the high between your truck and series complete in the collection thank you so so much Rachel you honestly spoiled me so wrong I'm so appreciative though the ninth tenth and eleventh and twelfth books in the how to enjoy driving series from Rachel Thank You Rachel Oscar from Barcelona hugs from England Oscar that may the Somerset tsunami by Emma Carol this one assigns Somerset in 1616 when I think your be like tsunami hit Somerset and this goes through a family struggle I think juvenile and macabre just went along with historical fiction this will not be the last I mentioned I have my caramel in this book all but this is one of her newest ones I think it came out the end of 2019 I love the cover as well some of the waves is foiled going back to Rachel then she sent me the first third and fourth books in The Guardian series and is the book series that the rise of the guardians dreamworks movie is based on I think the first four books were released first but yeah the series is about some historical figures like Santa Claus and the tooth fairy in the Sandman and the Easter Bunny this is like an Origin like how they came together and it sets up the film by DreamWorks and I love that film by the way yeah Rachel sent me Nicholas a north and the Battle of the night that King to Fionna queen of the tooth fairy armies and the Sandman and the wall of Dreams and I did buy the second book myself but then I got refunded from Book Depository because I needed the haul back to fit in with this collection but they must have sold out how they must not be able to get it anymore so they were in front of me for for that so I'm still looking for the second book in this series I will find it eventually L or Belle's little Creed sent me Jack Frost the end becomes beginning which is the fifth and final book in that Guardian series Jack Frost is one of the legendary figures I told office as before after the movie because this came out well after the movie maybe this after the movie I don't know but yeah I'm excited to read the entire series in one swoop I have a video idea for it so yeah thank you so much Val I really appreciate this so Danny and from written co-writer sent me it gone down chest by Thomas Taylor I've already read this one I absolutely love this book so so much this is the second book in the elections and feyonce series it was called Matamata series but now it's legends of here Eon say I love this one so much more than mal Amanda and mal Amanda follows a young boy who works in a hotel in this seaside village and he can find lost things for interior girl crushes into the hotel asking him to help her find her parents it's all good it's it's brilliant thank you so much Danny for sending me this Lexie from Alexandra Morrison sent me sky chasers by her McConnell and other words for home by Jasmine warga sky chasers and a Carroll historical yes I don't know why the discus made kind of changing bang bang by because I think this often goes after this boy who gets whisked away in this hot air balloon and it goes over the king and queen of France or something and it just sounds like a Chitty Bang Bang esque a little bit Wizard of Oz esque it sounds like that but its historical I think it isn't fun to see at all but I know how to read and find out and all I know about this one other words for home it's about a Syrian refugee in America and I think she has to leave her family behind in Syria to start life in Connecticut yeah it sounds like it's gonna probably make me cry so thank you so much for those few books actually I really appreciate and I love you to pieces a child from be sorry I I wish I had this all marked out by her semi walk but Rachel also sent me the girl established by Katharine arendelle this follows Wilhelmina who lives on a farm but she has to sort of leave the farm behind her she said boarding school something like that and Katherine Dell is such a queen of middle grade fiction soft but unfortunately are you ever sent me this Rachel but I'm also half ball that you send me right now so another one is jaws by Peter Benchley obviously if you've seen the movie you'll know this is about what it's about great white shark terrorizing how many Long Island the movie absolutely terrifies me I saw the Orkin scene when I was like six years old and I could not sleep for weeks to be fair I still calmly watch the opening of Jaws without sweating but I want to read this one as well as the next book that visuals send me Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton as a sort of like I don't know about a video idea for it but anyway Jurassic pop also if you've seen the movie the movie is one of my favorite movies of all time I absolutely love it it is about evolution and it is about sort of playing God and bring him back in extinct species and kind of parading that in a park but things go wrong how are we to read these two and say what they're like compared to the film counterparts they'll be really interesting Rachel also sent me a castle in the air by Diana Wynne Jones who wrote the Howl's Moving Castle this is the second book I think in the house Moving Castle Series don't really know much about it other than I loved house Moving Castle and it's a great middle grade book and I'm looking forward to completing that series I just never knew there was more and that series until last year so that was a bit of a trip I'm sure Meacham I'm sending more somewhere in these powers but the last one I have here right now is the darker arts by Oscar de Morial I had no idea as part of a series but I think you can meet on its own or seven people and the seance and only one comes out alive and this is kind of an investigation into that I didn't realize it's like I think this is the fifth book in the series but I think you can read it as a standalone it's a bit like a procedural kind of draw my way can just dip in and out and I love things like CSI and stuff like that so I think I will love this one I can just dip in if I want to and not have to read the other books before this unless you prove me wrong let me know if I should read the first four books in this series I think Emma sent me the second book in these something top in holy series and that is Mithras cards by Emily aid Duncan this is a sequel to wicked Saiyans which I still interviewed but this has Jekyll pages and I love the whole look at there I'm really excited to read the series I've heard mixed things about a boy I know about it is that it's filled with monsters like the series anyway or at least the word monster is said a lot yeah I think it's got something to do with the dark magic and blood magic as well maybe thank you so much chairman for sending me this only two stacks of books left to go now maybe a page send me a check Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde which is one of my favorite classics of all time this is about Dorian Gray and he gets a portrait of himself painted and the portrait doesn't age but he does so then somehow it gets reversed yeah that's all I'm gonna say thank really goes to be good it is the penguin English library edition and it's floppy and I love it that guy from back in the book sent me the final Empire by Brandon Sanderson this is the first book in the Mistborn series and I know nothing about the series at all other than I have to read it this month because I said so in a drunk alive Shore but I would read it it's big and chunky and I'm sure I'm sure it's good I'm sure it's really good it's just it's just so big I don't know if I can take it usually I can money from mind of Mali's semi IV Aberdeen's letter to the world by Ashley her and Blake and wild fall by Sylvia they'll instead I think this is a bit of an environmentalist fantasy middle-grade about two children who has to save the wild folk from destruction and I hardly sir - the world is about the young girl it's a contemporary middle grade but it has lgbtq+ themes and in this valley girl who has drawings of girls holding other girls hands but I think the drawing school missing somebody's may have stolen them and she asked us all to find out what happened I actually scared about being outed really excited to read this actually thank you so much for these tamari I really appreciate it Lizzie sent me weathering Heights by Emily brontë and this one was recommended to me a lot after I did my top ten classics or just top classic books video that I did this was mentioned a lot when I said I love Gothic I don't know much about it other than it said in Yorkshire was and during a thunderstorm as far I think snowstorm there's a snowstorm so it sounds good it sounds wonderful so many people recommended it so I really wanted it thank you so much Lucy for Sonia naughty-naughty page sent me four more classics and they were Northanger happy by Jane Austen Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen dr. Jekyll mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson and Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens harmony explained why either of these ones that I've never read any of these ones actually when Northanger happy is the one that I desperately want to read by Jane Austen it is the sort of parody of the Gothic that Jane Austen did and lots of people recommended it to me as well not classics video because I love and right within the mysteries of Udolpho then I'm forward to reading these for you at the game page probably not gonna be the last time I mention you in this video then I got charmed life and roof toppers by Katherine Rundell these are said to me by Maura and thank you so much more of centimeters roof toppers is I think one of Katherine rondelle's most well-loved middle grades I think the main character runs away from the law and she uses the roofs of Paris to escape or something like that charmed life is the first series in one of tournament Jones's other series other than the house Moving Castle series I believe this one is about magic and enchanters sounds very charming the next few books came without notes and I can't remember if somebody told me that they sent me these but if you send me that please I mean all the comments they are at the mountains of madness by HP Lovecraft and magic toy shop at ranch like Carter this one I saw a lot in a lot of people's top plastics books it's like gothic but a bit more they came out the 1900s so it's a bit more of a like a recent a classic than the ones from you know the Victorian period and the Renaissance and things this one has life-sized scary toys or something like that it sounds frightening and of course HP Lovecraft modern horror fiction I think it's like a short story collection or just one of the short stories at the mountains of madness no no so how looking some point especially from the most rush I gifted me the wolf Wilder by Katherine ruined a lot of Katherine Dale books Tommy you know anything about this one other than it's about a dark and stormy girl called Fyodor ah and that's what it says on the back this is his story a hundred years ago it set 100 years ago in this very snowy wilderness sign me up thank you so much for setting me this one Sasha Abby sent me the girl who walked on air by Emma Carroll it says on the front the queen of historical fiction as I mentioned yes so this about a deal called LOI and she lives in a circus she is like a tightrope walker person and it mentions Niagara Falls so maybe she has to do that maybe she has to cross an aircraft falls on a tightrope I got the search for one led by Tony do - lets see and I got this one side of me from Lana I mentioned this before this sounds very district 13 ish I think the young girl is raised in a subterranean world and she goes up onto the surface for the first time so it sounds really interesting I don't know anything beyond that other than this has so many fantastic looking illustrations inside it looks a little bit steampunk ish that's cool also from Rachel I got escaped from mr. lemon channels library by Chris grabenstein this one sounds a bit like Willy Wonka this game maker he makes this library but it's kind of like a game this library and a group of kids have to escape from it Nicky said me kill Creek by Scott Thomas I saw this one on Cody's channel it has steckel pages it is a sort of horror yeah this phone was for famous horror Walter spent the night in a haunted house yeah one of the world's most notorious haunted houses and I love ghost stories so I really wanted this one look so cool thank you thank you so much for sending me this one also from Nicky I got blue crown back you know this is a green glass house story I read the first green glass house novel it is a fantastic middle grade mystery so I'm aspheric I think it's just like a bit of a companion novel it's a bit shorter than the other in the series yeah it looks really cool also from Becker back in the books she got me wicked as you wish my range of echo this is brand new and has been on my radar since a lot of people are talking about this at the minute haven't really seen any reviews here I've just seen a lot of people sharing this book but this is a hundred names for magic blue coupon I really need to read the bone which series diamond chip echo I may or may not be mentioned in that series in this book all I believe there's a Snow Queen in this there is a wall that's ravaged to Kingdom the parents of the Firebird restores hope and I think there's two main characters who go on this journey to see of the kingdom I think that's what it's about I love the title of this book and I think it's just gonna be awesome so I called me to put this on my TBR and actually read it stead from staff loves sent me the boy the ball the fox in the horse by Charlie maccorry matt mercury I really call me to read this one is filled with beautiful illustrations and really poetic and moralistic messages about just life and I call me to read I think this made Cody cry which is why I put it on my wish list but this was also a Wallis ones because the yes or I have seen her round I was supposed to pick it up months ago I just didn't I don't know why but it looks like it's gonna be a very quick and easy read so call me to read it thank you so much for Saturday the staff chair more books from Cody than porty sent me Daphne du Maurier's Rebecca which is another sort of classic now and it's a bit of a gothic classic cannot be to read it it's about a couple moving to a Cornish mansion and it changed commerce over Marx and the old bride is filled with dread so you know it sounds fantastic and Cody also sent me fantastic beasts and where to find them by JK Rowling illustrated by Olivia La Mina Gil unfortunately last night JK Rowling came out even more explicitly that she's transphobic and I no longer want to support her at all I mean thank you so much for sent me this corny like I had to appreciate this note you want to meet this I'm just linking personally not gonna buy anything from JK Rowling first hand I don't want to give her any of my money I really still want to read this I still think the Harry Potter world is fantastic and imaginative and I absolutely love my world I grew up on it so I honestly thank you so much for this so Cordy I'm glad you spend your money on here rather than beige but from Nikki I got the Dragon Society by Katie O'Neil honestly I've seen this everywhere and it looks like the cutest middle grade graphic novel kind of thing I've ever seen I kind of cannot wait to read this I don't really know anything of what it's about is it I lost a dragon in the marketplace Crowley ins about the dying art form of teen drama caretaking from the tiny shop owners yeah it just sounds like it's gonna be cute and whimsical so I'm really excited to me this so the tage working festival by ke o Neil this to me from Rachel Marie slightly awkward thank you okay the final stack of books now from Banach aka book which reviews she sent me the song of the lioness quartet by tomorrow PS I had no idea about these booties were not on my wish list these actually look fantastic and ever since I got sent this book I never even mentioned it I didn't see anything on any of my videos because I was waiting for this book all in first I don't know how this happened but quite a few people recommend it made the series just out of nowhere and I've never ever heard of the series in my life before and then certainly I just I see it everywhere so thank you so much or semi this morning all I know about this series is I follows a girl called Alana I think and girls are not lovely warriors but she proves them wrong so go girl where has this been all my life I think this came on the 70s maybe so a bit of an order one thank you so much Rachel again send me something wicked this way comes by ray bradbury oh you know what I should do I tell what this is about but this is one of those books that I think a lot of people knows off but doesn't really know what it's about I mean I'm sure a lot of people do I'm just being thick Something Wicked This Way Comes it's such an iconic title it's such an iconic book that I just really really really wanted to read it I'm thinking me did you have a Halloween time I don't know I just really want to read it so thank you so much Rachel really did spy me rotten you didn't have to thank you so much Harry sent me two books she sent me first hole hole by Hema Carroll and the crooked sixpence by Jennifer Bell this is the first book in the in commonest series Jennifer Bell also wrote wonder scape and I loved wonder scale all I know about this one aside statue in the Victorian period there are ordinary objects with extraordinary powers or something like that but seems really interesting also in Australia by Col James Mumford so I'm looking forward to reading it I love Jennifer bells won't escape so I need to read her original series and first on a whole is set in 1881 and I think this is about a girl who survives falling into a frozen lake and I think she gets cared for a frost Hollow Hall and I don't know what else happens in this one but it looks pretty good I think I probably got all of them a couple spooks now me if not all maybe most of them thank you again so much Kerry Force I made those two books from Carolyn I got sent Auggie and me by article a she or article a short one and this is sort of a a wonder short story collection I think there's three short stories in this following three different characters from the wonder book and I actually love that book so much yeah this one follows Julie and Christopher and Charlotte and each one of them creates some kind of part in Abby's life thank you so much for serving this Carolyn also by Carolyn Animal Farm by George Orwell I'd never read this before in my life and I feel like I should I also haven't read 1984 by George Orwell but again I'm trying to read books that I think people shouting you to read you know that you're supposed to have read I mean obviously don't have to don't really know what it's about animals of Marathon or before their master and take over the farm themselves imagine it is the beginning of a new like a freedom to be honest I had no idea that was what it was about Rachel another one and the wild pork rising by Saudi evade lindstedt and this was the sequel to the wild for which I mentioned before yeah this is about environmentalism and the wild fall being destroyed by humans because they are wanting to destroy the planet thank you again Rachel okay there's two more by Rachel George by Alex Gino and Rick by Alex do you know I just finished reading George this is about a trans main character both of these are middle grade lgbtq+ middle grades and Alex Gino is non-binary so I found a non-binary author a trans non-binary author and George was wonderful may I tell you that this is gonna be my June wrap-up okay George was wonderful I'm just gonna say it call me to read Rick this is next on my TBR for June George was born as a boy but she knows she's a girl and she wants the lead role in Charlotte's Web at school by playing Charlotte so this is hair trying to become Charlotte but it's just so wonderful and then Rick Rick is about one of the characters who was in George it was a little bit of a bully I don't know what sexuality Rick is all I know is that he questions his sexuality and he's in middle school and he joins the rainbow spectrum Club so why we love about Alex Geno's books is that they really tackle some hard-hitting issues that I think a lot of kids need to read these days and to see themselves represented in books and I just called me to read this it's next its next time I take me off thank you again Mitchell maybe they're very small that you sent me okay yes the next food it was also sent by Rachel and that is Moby Dick by Herman Melville and I don't know why I always think of tilda well I think of Moby Dick maybe that scene in the film where ever Childers read Moby Dick and mr. Wilmore decide what do you need a book for just like to read and I think this is the book she's reading at the time so I didn't want to be - it's huge though it's really big this is another classic Wow it's 650 pages long and this is about a whale called Moby Dick I've never seen the film or anything so I know you know the ins and outs of the story just that Moby Dick is a whale and that Matilda's readin it Cara's from Liberia Paris that makes and gabi break the universe by carlos Hernandez I read this one in May and I have this in my wrap-up for me as well as in one of my believeth on blogs and I won't say what I thought of it or anything but this is about a young boy who can put holes in the universe and sort of take things out of different universes and bring them to his universe this is contemporary with sci-fi elements it was an experience to read so yeah thank you so much parents for sermon is I reading you do this at the time you 78 so thank you you are a life saver as well Cissy writes sent me the shadow glass and the hot water of my wrench Apeco I don't know what order these go in but they are part of the bone which series and I really want to read that series I think I have all of the books now in that series I think there's only three books I think it's a trilogy I don't know me deck century there's final in the first book it is about somebody who accidentally brings people back to life she's like a necromancer so yeah it's all about necromancy and the dead and it just seems so atmospheric and I love stories like that so I just I need to kick myself up a button read them thank you so much for Sammi DCC I really enchanted sent me a pakka the tree of aircraft which was created by Kobe Bryant but written by Isaac lad like you see how beautiful this book is and the pages are all rainbow like how can you not have you know I saw this on one of Ariel's videos so I was like yes oh my gosh I really want that book looks absolutely gorgeous why is it about it sent an alternate classical world dominated by sports and a magical power called Graner it's the story of two children the orphaned outcast Rovi and the crown princess preacher no one curve and battle terrible heal and discover the inner strength along the way I just like this is just such a cover hole okay and also a rainbow page hole because look how gorgeous that is thank you so much Ariel I saw this on your video and I was like yes I need it thank you for sending it and book that wasn't on my wish list but Francesca sent me this and that is what's a cool dragon's green by Scarlett Thomas Fran apparently absolutely loved it and thinks I will love it too so thank you so much for the recommendation there was a world quake and if he knows about magic time spent in the grandfather's library made sure of that but as much she still has to learn about the other world and about the de berry a secret organization which plans to destroy the entire universe two books to go to books ago also from Fran is Mel mock The Wanderer by Charles michurin and this one was recommended to me when I was at university is studying Gothic literature I never got a chance to Munich because it's actually quite huge and trying to read other books during uni is a struggle so I kept in v1 readers for about four or five years now mallomars who was sold his soul in exchange for immortality in a satanic bargain and now preys on the helpless in their darkest moments this sounds very Faustian I love stories about bargains and devil things and cults and it sounds very talk and it sounds very gothic so I'm really excited to read it and then finally Cara sent me the secret of white stone game by Julia Noble this is a sequel to the Himalayan book this is black hole in poop - I've had so many books and names and things just coming in around my head right now but karma sent me this and she also sent me all the coffee thank you so much for the coffee karma you saved my life I know the first one is set in black Halloween where a lot of ghostly happenings happen so horse Whitestone gauged the secret of my song gate follows up from that definitely want to read during October time I think so yeah if I counted correctly that was 101 books so I have no idea how long this video was I'm so sorry I'm so sorry okay I'd be filming for an hour and 15 minutes so I'm sorry if none of this made sense I will not be picking up these books and show and kill them you should I so these are the books I hold in me no that's not happening so thank you so much every single person Sammy book I really appreciate it you have no idea how much I appreciate it thank you so so much yeah that is the end of the video please even a like if you enjoyed and subscribe if you haven't already leave a comment let me know if these any of these books you're excited about if you remember what these books were I'm sorry I went to a lot but yeah thank you so much for watching I appreciate it and I'll see you in the next video bye
Channel: How to Train Your Gavin
Views: 7,645
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Keywords: booktube, booktube book haul, book haul, book haul 2020, book haul may 2020
Id: 6kDUldJH6iI
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Length: 35min 32sec (2132 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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