1000+HP Club! Plaid vs Twin-Turbo Lambo, 1100HP GT-R, McLaren 720S, and ZL1! Six runs over 160MPH!

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up next on the tesla flat channel here we go we're at bradenton motorsports park september 25th 2021 we're out here for the street heat saturday night event features roll racing for the first couple hours and then drag racing for several hours after that we're gonna just do the roll racing tonight they put restrictions on us for drag racing but not for roll racing so we'll go flat out for some roll races it's early still but we have some interesting cars here tonight coyote uh mclaren a couple of gtrs an audi r8 v10 a new supra and a lambo not sure if this is the twin turbo lambo or looks like it might be [Music] check out this zl1 camaro stock had 650 horsepower we got some mods all right we're lining up with the modified zl1 camaro for this first pass okay rule racing here against the camaro should be a problem [Music] shouldn't be a problem the last two times we've tried that same thing drag strip mode says 17 minutes remaining for peak performance thank you we weren't too aggressive on that start i didn't mind the camaro having the hit ahead of us both the plaid and the camaro hit 60 miles an hour right around 62 feet and then by half track we were doing 125 to 114 at the quarter mile finish line we were doing 153.26 the camaro 113.16 he must have shut down because i know that car can trap higher than that even from a drag race much less a roll race his quarter mile mile an hour was lower than his eighth mile mile an hour so it tells you he let off somewhere between the eighth and the quarter great first start let's see if we can get a an even faster car for our second run here hey man hey thanks that race on uh saturday night you went you went by me so fast it made me miss a shift oh no i'm sorry about that i couldn't hear you i didn't even know you were inside first of all i was just trying to get it running and i seen something usually you hear something yeah it went by so fast it was the corner of your eyes right when i was going to go to my 2-3 ship and it i was like what the heck i didn't know you were there i didn't see it yeah i did come up on you kind of stealth and i recognized it was you but i i didn't think that you would see me but that thing is crazy isn't that crazy yeah so i trapped 151 i think on that pass you did i trapped like 113 and um yeah the next run it went 137 137 so like okay that's better yeah but still even if i had stayed in it the gain and the acceleration i remember looking at your slip wondering why you got out around the eighth it looked like i missed you i scared the [ __ ] out of me man i didn't know that was coming by me like that because i couldn't hear you yeah you hear something yeah when something catches you off guard like that visually it's like it's the old boo you know yeah that was insane man that was fun so uh i'll look out for you next time i love running against you but that's that's a whole nother animal man it's it's it's crazy that's a mclaren 720s [Music] all right we're all set now just at the pace here a little bit faster [Music] now 149 miles an hour [Music] whoa that's fast we're at peak performance ready on that pass wow this car's got a lot of speed going thank you oh it's uh it's david in the gtr hey david you down for a pass tonight awesome all right that trailer is carrying a gtr that does about 160 miles an hour we ran 149.95 and he ran 139.31 i definitely got on the accelerator later than the previous run i can see it in the 60 mile an hour in the 660 foot mile an hour as well as the end of the track the mclaren was doing 139.3 at the end of the track and 110 at half track fun race hey man thanks for the run yeah dude was that a good start yeah yeah yeah yeah it was great um so i'm running on my my lowest map right now i just bought this thing back i got the gtr i don't remember me i got your gtr yeah i'm running on a 93 octane right now i've only got two maps right now and i'm just kind of it's it's at its lowest which is around 800 at the wheels it dynoed 1100 off of ms-109 but wow oh i got an octane wow that's a huge boost yeah but i got a uh you got to completely drain the fuel tanks so so what is the trap at when you're uh i don't know i haven't dragged it yet neither drag or vehicle oh right here this is the first time being out here so i was trapping 139 in a row so yeah i'm curious to see what it'll do in the drag today so the fastest trap you've done in this car so far has been 139. yep yeah it's like i'm just brushing 140. gotcha gotcha oh you see you got big mickeys on the back there yeah yeah so it's got full titanium exhaust new turbo running zone of turbos yeah intakes intercooler and actually intercooler's got one bit on this um so we ended up having to take those back but we're running injector dynamics um custom fuel rail i'm supposed to be running that i'm gonna run the lambo on this pass yeah oh good man that thing is quick i'll see you in a bit all right buddy twin turbo modified lamborghini and you got toyo proxies larger plateaus [Music] here we go here we go oh he's out of me already yeah we expected that lambo to do 160 so he was really moving thank you the lamborghini ran 166.85 that's what a significantly modified twin turbo lambo will do out here and i ran 150.75 a difference of 16.1 mile an hour i'm not sure we started even with him i think he got on it a little bit earlier than us either way this roll race competition they're running right now is all about mile an hour and he had it and 166 is very tough to beat out here fun race people have been saying hey you got to run the faster gtrs lamborghinis and stuff and when we see them we'll run them great run man oh yeah yeah the mile an hour 166. right on [Music] it's faster than i thought yeah that was your first pass yeah first hit on this tune you say right yeah yeah yeah you want to uh just quick mention what uh the car's got going on sure take your time yeah it's uh twin turbo vote upgraded clutches e85 okay um pretty much a standard like have you downloaded it not yet but you think uh over a thousand yeah maybe between 11 and 12 probably honestly it makes 15 psi what's your vehicle weight okay i waited before with like a quarter tank i think it was like 36 20. so with the feel i got in and i was probably 37 right so i'm a thousand pounds heavier than you i'm uh without driving here's without driver also but um i'm uh 1020 horse 1050 torque real quick stephen how do you like those toyotas they're great yeah our triple h are right yeah yeah um i think for the for the money like street ability the best you can get unless you have i had like before i i bought a uh i had before at the pilot super sports uh the ps4s yeah those are even better if you if you can hook up but i couldn't those are great but you know what the speed rating is on these 186 i'm guessing at least uh they're wide speed rate i think so yeah 26 plus in there cool hey thanks man yeah for sure appreciate it i got a chance too oh did you have a matter why oh why okay yeah have you had it out of here no it's just it's a standard range it's like a rear-wheel drive standard i just use it as a daily sure i have i have that this and a 911 gt3 nice yeah nice i [Music] and this is his first time roll racing oh he hit it already that's all right we're running for a mile an hour here that's all right we're running for mile an hour here but it's good that he's up there because i couldn't get my gopro to go and this camera here is the only one that's working right now so you got to see him going all the way down the track thank you sure enough i take it out of drag strip mode it runs faster the first pass we ran 153 without drag strip mode and then we ran two runs with peak performance ready and those were a couple miles an hour slower would we have a 149 and a one five zero then we take it out of drag strip mode and it runs 152.6 the tesla plaid with 21 inch wheels ran 150.15 we had two and a half miles an hour faster here in the car with the 19 inch wheels but i don't think it was the wheels so much as it was the mode i bet you he's in drag strip mode interesting that my fastest mile an hour runs even out here have been without drag strip mode on so i'm not going to run drag strip mode the rest of the night this gtr is pumping out easy over a thousand horsepower all right our next race is against our new friend david in this gtr i just saw him make a pass over 160 miles an hour so i know a lot of the comments online are saying how come you're not right raising the 1000 plus horsepower twin turbo lamborghinis and gtrs well most nights are not out here but tonight they are and when they're here we'll run them we're having fun win or lose if you're racing a car that's doing 160 and we're only doing 150 there's only so much we can do [Music] pulling on us the whole um okay here we go and he's supposed to set the pace [Music] yeah on a run like that the start's not going to make a difference i mean even if i jumped out on him a little he's got plenty of power to spare and get past us and pull away yeah the plaid may be fast but never claimed it to be the fastest and all drag racers know that once a car is modified there's always somebody faster that thing is darn fast but there's gtrs i've seen run over 200 miles an hour on big events out here they have cars that'll run 200 miles an hour roll racing a lot of dodge vipers gtrs corvettes seem to be three real popular ones the gtr ran 167.16 miles an hour and we ran 152.76 he already had us by 11 miles an hour at the eighth mile and then 14 and a half miles an hour at the quarter mile fun run nice run man thank you so where do you think it's uh dyna went in uh right around 1100 1100 yeah that was wicked fast man yeah you were just pulling the whole time all right for our last run of the night we're going to run the other plaid the 21 inch he says he's at a 69 charge i'm at 79 percent now [Music] and that gtr just dropped at 164.5 miles an hour all right let's see if we can get a better start here this time oh man i slipped a little bit that's all right pretty much good evening oh man i slipped a little bit that's all right pretty much yeah i was pulling on a little bit surprisingly but well maybe not surprisingly i've got lighter wheels and more battery charge so based on that little bit of pull i had i'm expecting to be about a mile an hour or more faster than him in that run thank you we trapped at 152.57 and the twenty one inch plate had trapped at only 147.9 felt like a clean start it's really tough to get an even side by side start with roll racing and this event tonight is all about mile an hour and mile an hour only so i think our best was 153 something i'm not sure his car hit as high as 153. we both started out with the same amount of charge we both charged at the same sarasota supercharger came right over here so we had 94 when we rolled into the staging lanes so what was your best mile an hour tonight 152. i think i had a 153 pass and i don't really get this racing i mean it's tough to get a good start i mean we had decent starts but for this event tonight it's only about a mile an hour you know they've got a 250 price the best mile an hour which is why the ticket only lists mile an hour numbers and where you crossed in relation to each other but it's not about easy and it's not so much about whatever is the fastest car out here yeah are we in the category with that what did that gtr do the gtr ran all over 160s [Music]
Channel: Tesla Plaid Channel
Views: 107,124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tesla Plaid Drag Race, Tesla Plaid Acceleration, Tesla Plaid vs, Tesla Plaid Model S, Tesla Plaid 0-60, Tesla Plaid vs everything, Tesla Plaid, Tesla Drag Racing, Plaid Model S, Plaid 1/4 Mile, Plaid Quarter Mile, Bradenton Motorsports Park, Plaid 19 Inch Wheels, Plaid 19” Wheels, Two Tesla Plaids, Plaid vs Plaid, Plaid Roll Racing, Plaid vs Lamborghini, Plaid vs GTR, Plaid vs McLaren, Plaid vs ZL1, Tesla Plaid Channel
Id: -qqdF8YcMhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 30sec (1230 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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