$10,000,000 Leads Using Construct Connect

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there's a right way and a wrong way to do your lead generation if you want to learn exactly step by step the lead generation strategy that I used to grow a company from zero to seven million dollars a year in two years follow me let's go let's go let's go all right so I've logged into one of my clients construct connect accounts so I want to just put a disclaimer here um we're not affiliated with construct connect and we're not uh we don't get commissions or anything from these guys but I I always recommend uh the platforms which are construct connect and the Blue Book because those are the absolute best for lead generation so this is this is how a million dollar company does lead generation so in the traditional format in the traditional scenario what most companies do is they'll get on like construct connect or the blue book or they'll get on one of these platforms and then they just wait to get invited another good one is building connected and then they just wait to get invited and get on they get on some people's bid list and they're very passive with it and if you're a passive contractor you're going to have a passive business so what you want to do is whatever lead platform you use they all do the same thing they're pretty much all the same don't get sold on this whole like this one's better than the other we have more projects than this other company that doesn't matter because ultimately your resources are limited so if you can only bid 10 15 20 jobs a month maybe 50 jobs so let's say you're rocking and rolling you're doing 50 jobs a month you're still going to be which with whatever platform you choose you're going to get tons and tons and tons and tons of projects so it's not like you're gonna run out of projects because you're using the wrong platform and if you are doing so much bidding then at that point you should start elevating your game and start signing up for uh all the platforms that way you can start being Ultra picking all right so there's a few things that we want to look at so the first thing is they all start off with this like dashboard of all the people that have invited you uh we don't really care about this uh this is cool you want to bid these jobs you got in these people's bid list that's cool let's bid these jobs but the way that we do our prospecting is that we're gonna actually say all right these are Gateway jobs so remember the word Gateway jobs so what we care about is not this job but what we care about is the job that's behind it the jobs that are not published the jobs that are negotiated the jobs that are under contract but they're they haven't been bought out the jobs that are awarded that's what we care about we don't care about these these are just going to be the excuse that we're going to use to talk to these people so what I'm going to do is I'm going to head over here on to the left this little uh magnifying glass we're going to do a search and what it's going to do is it's going to search all the projects in the region so depending on your account if you have uh multiple regions you'll have obviously multiple things a couple of things to take to take into account if you are a GC or a subcontractor you have to take into account the uh the size the magnitude of the type of project that you can actually get now in the beginning what we do is we start off broad so it doesn't really matter like if this job is a 10 million dollar job it doesn't even really matter because maybe I'm not really targeting this job I want to be very very crystal clear here we're not targeting this job we're targeting the ones behind it so this is the super fast efficient way to do it so if I'm uh if I do all types of jobs I'm not going to do any filtering here but if I want to do let's say let's say I'm a smaller guy one man operation small company maybe I'm doing a few hundred thousand dollars a year maybe a million bucks a year and I'm small and what I'm going to do is I'm going to want to come over here and I want to start filtering by certain criteria so for example let's say I want to do private jobs private jobs and then it's going to update I don't want to say I want to do government jobs private jobs or whatever the case is um some things about public jobs are they're they're not that hard to win but there's more like governmental regulations you need bonding and you need a bunch of more stuff so sometimes that might be a little bit outside of your abilities also your workers they have to be able to pass background checks they have to actually be uh um they have to actually legally live in this country in order to pass these background checks so I know in construction like 90 or I don't know what the real number is but like a huge percentage of people are um they're not you know 100 legal so those those are going to be hard to do government jobs anyways let's say we're focusing on private jobs and what we're going to do is if you're a subcontractor here's a rule of thumb here we're going to be able to put a Target valuation so these guys construct connect or the Blue Book they do this they're going to say all right this job we think it's going to be around 5 million bucks or 10 million dollars or whatever this is the overall project valuation you're going to go over here and the rule of thumb is if you can only do let's say you're a smaller company and you say you know what fi I could finance and I have the crews to do uh let's say up to 200 000 projects let's just say let's say you're smaller you can't pass that uh if you are not ready for those big jobs yet you have to build yourself up but what happens is you don't want to take on something that you won't be able to build or Finance is really where the issue is uh so what you do is you're going to come over here and you're going to estimate that if we want to Target 200 000 or less we want to shoot for 2 million just to give you an example because you take 10 of the project valuation and that's the typical sub number so I'm just going to go over here and put uh 10 million that way we can have a bigger pool but because I want to show you how this really works then you're going to start seeing these options here if you're a subcontractor you're going to want to check off the ones that say GC bidding and sub bidding and even the pre-construction negotiated ones as a matter of fact I would even go into post bid award blah blah check all these boxes remember we don't care about this job we care about the one behind it and what you're going to do you see right now it's filtering you're gonna probably get a bunch of more jobs now look now we have 96 look at this look at this this is what I this is why I call this the unlimited lead system 96 potential projects contractors clients that we can go talk to uh with a valuation of 10 million dollars or less so that's that means if I'm a subcontractor I can do I can Target them my contract value is going to be about a million dollars now if I'm a GC I'm gonna do the exact same thing except I'm going to look at the overall value so if I can do a 10 million dollar project here's the cool thing GCS since they don't usually Finance their own jobs they get um the subs to do all the financing you can usually come in as a GC with very like no money down essentially so you shouldn't even limit yourself here now the other the the caveat is that when you're the GC you also have to know you know you're going to Target Architects developers uh or a lot of those a lot of these guys are Architects developers owners reps construction management firms these are the guys that are going to be here and then you're you're going to want to Target not the GC bidding ones but you're going to want to Target the conceptual design final planning and the pre-construction negotiated ones and the GC bidding those are the ones you're going to want to Target right here uh because you're going to want to get in the game before the plans are ready that's that's a that's a secret like people don't already know this but if you're a GC you want to get involved early on before the project is already out to bid because then now you start having competition then you lose the element of surprise let's call it because um you get to build relationships with these Architects so they could want to start using you more often all right so now let's show you the strategy without further Ado okay so now what I'm going to do is I've already filtered that I want private jobs and I want a certain valuation and now what I'm going to do is you ready for this is the super speed method you can you can do this or someone in your office can do this you're going to right click open new tab right click open link a new tab right click open new tab right click open new tab you're just going to keep doing this for like about five five of them and then what you're going to do you ready for this look there's no plans there's not much information but again we want to use this as the excuse on we want to use this as the excuse on uh to start talking to them so for example what I'm going to do is now I'm going to come into my email and or actually before I show you that name of the job is this one this is what we need to know for for our prospecting purposes over here we're going to have our design team and we're going to have our bidders now in this case our design team is a general contractor MCM construction here's the phone number and there is no email so what I'm going to do in this case is if I'm interested in this job I'm going to actually go ahead and look up MCM construction here's the phone number all that stuff and I'm going to find them but for Speed purposes I'm going to skip this job for now and I'm going to go to the next one Walmart Supercenter uh again we you may or may not want to do a Walmart but we don't care about that because what we want is what other jobs is are these contractors working on remember here's the secret and what you're going to do is you're going to scroll down you're going to see the bidders so when you click bidders you're going to see the these are the invited general contractor so you got one contractor here so again let me see if you click here do we get some emails perfect we got a bunch of people's emails here all right so what we're going to do is you're gonna come over here to this to your email and you're gonna put the person's information so let's uh let's find one so we're gonna go into the company here we're going to find who do we think is um no contact wait where did that pop up I just clicked something that gave me all the information of the people bitters design team all right I'm gonna skip this one oh it was the Walmart one okay so we're gonna come over here and we're gonna click on let's see uh interested sub interested subcontractor interested okay Deacon construction and now we have a ton of people that we can reach out to so now what we're going to do is we're literally gonna copy everybody's email this is a little manual a little bit tedious so what you're going to do is you're just going to copy and paste these emails so let's I'm gonna use one as an example this guy Alex Robles I don't know if he's the right guy but what we're going to do is we're gonna write an email and we're going to say right we're gonna say Walmart no it was the Walmart project uh so we're gonna come over here Walmart blah blah blah we're gonna come over here to our email copy and paste and then we're going to say hi Alex my name is Daniel with I am builders obviously replace the person's first name the name of the project all that with your information or the information of your company my name is Daniel with iron Builders we are a let's say I'm a drywall contractor I'm gonna say my name is Daniel and I'm Builders I noticed you're working on the Walmart Supercenter project and we are interest uh we'll put a period there and then we say we are actually let's skip two nines we are a drywall it's funny when you're on the computer that's when you make all the mistakes we're a drywall contractor uh and we are interested in working with you on this project are you currently accepting proposals so the answer is always going to be yes and it's obvious that there it is kind of like you might be thinking it's a dumb question but by you asking this it doesn't it we know that they're currently accepting proposals but we want to remember we're trying to use this as the gateway to come in it's our foot to get our foot in the door where driver contractor we're interested in working with you on this project are you currently accepting proposals for the drywall scope right also what other projects do you have coming up boom this is this here is a ninja move nobody does this nobody nobody does this also what other projects do you have coming up because remember we're using this as the Gateway we might not even want to bid this job maybe we do maybe we don't we haven't even looked at the plans if you notice I haven't opened the plans at all yet I don't care about the plans what I care about is getting my foot in the door and starting a relationship with this person so uh we're drywall contractor I'm interested in working with you on this project are you creating accepting proposals for the driver scope also what other projects you have coming up and then they're going to say I have this project this project this project and this project and they're going to start sending you invitations to bid and then a follow-up email is going to be you ready for this after they do all that you're going to say can you add me to your master bid lists matter not matter Master bid lists and then they're gonna say of course they might send you pre-qualification paperwork they might ask you to go to their website and fill up some information whatever their system is but what you want to do is you want to start getting added to these people's bid lists because uh I don't know the exact number but for every one job that you find on construction or the blue book or building connected there's probably like 10 or 12 jobs that are not there so what we care about is are those other 10 or 12 jobs and what we're going to do which I'm going to show you in in an upcoming video is I'm going to show you how to prospect where we're going to start Broad and we're going to do this process we're going to always do this process trying to get more people more people more people right and then what we're going to do is we're going to start filtering on who the best are for us who the best for us are and we're going to say all right this company's giving us jobs this company's giving us jobs this company's giving us jobs so we're going to start identifying who the winners are and that's going to be I'm going to show you that in the prospecting video coming up now that's how you do professional lead generation if you want to be a multi-million dollar company we aim to do this for our clients in 12 months to get you to the million dollar Mark or your next million in 12 months and we actually have a program where we get you leads we do your uh we do all of your estimating for you write your proposals we basically take over a huge burden for a lot of companies a lot of contractors are like busy stress in the field in the job site they have a many things going on and they don't have the time to invest in growing their business so we step in we can do your whole sales leads and estimating completely for you and we're winning clients jobs rocking and rolling they're doing super good and we want to help you do the same thing and you might be saying you know what but I want you know I just want to learn I want to learn how to do leads I want to learn how to do all this stuff we also have a training program for that so if you click below there's going to be a button that says how to learn more on how to work with us go ahead and click there and check that out all right so I will see you on the other side and I look forward to helping you grow your construction business foreign
Channel: I AM Builders+
Views: 4,048
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Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2023
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