10,000 Villagers VS Villager King

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the Villager King has Unleashed an army of colossal Titans on this Minecraft server I need to stop him before he completely flattens everything run oh no oh no oh no oh come on bro was shaking the entire ground what look over there the villagers are getting away through that nether portal okay we better get in there wait wait for me huh what is this wa it's like some sort of villager War Camp they must have been building this for quite quite some time oh uh hey we're completely surrounded oh you must be in charge okay you I thought you were serving the king yeah but this is too much he's gone mad so then what is all this basically once the lieutenant learned about the king's plans to flatten the entire server they got into an argument the lieutenant secretly led a group of rebels to build a base in the nether they even stole some of the anti-titan tech from the king in order to gain a head start okay okay but why do you want to stop him doesn't he want to build a villager Paradise server killing all living things is never the answer we are villagers not Savages damn never thought I'd side with the Villagers but I guess the enemy of my enemy is my friend all right show me what we're working with okay I'm following this guy trusting him hope he's not leading me into a trap uh W it's like some sort of Armory wa look at that thing looks like they're building some sort of giant Titan Mech but it looks like it's not finished yet wait hey this looks familiar there's four pillars wa each one of them has a Titan Mech that I can unlock okay blade Titan Mech Gun Titan Mech exploding Titan Mech flying Titan Mech woohoo all right I can only unlock the first one so far the other ones require Titan blood I have a feeling I know how to get that okay blade Titan Mech is in my inventory wao look I'm holding it it's like an action figure now what happens if I throw it damn it turned into a fullsize Mech model okay I can right click to take control and teleport into the Overworld wa my point of view is from way higher I guess it's because I'm controlling the blade Titan Mech damn check out my sword okay okay there's tons of normal Titans in the area wao there in the distance that must be the rumbling it's still pretty far away here's my chance I'd better take out some of these normal Titans before the rumbling gets too close okay I can Dash forward and spash whoa Rose's head just came off and I gained five Titan blood for killing the Titan I think I got the hang of this take this and this and this ah what the I took damage but how wao over there there's a villager Scout he's flying through the trees there you are you purple demon yeah here I am you think you can take me on with your little odm gear no but I think I can take you on like this oh what just happened it's like a flash of lightning and no way he just transformed into the jaw Titan oh boy this is bad okay I can take him on take this what he just jumped away before I could get to him one more time take this not again a he's so slippery take this he bit me no he just broke my blade in half this is bad this is bad every time I try to dash towards him he jumps away and then on the third jump he jumps back and bites me wait if he does that every single time then I can predict it okay take this and this and this time I'm going to go backwards yes I got him take this W he fell to the ground look it's the Scout he's trying to get away not on my watch it does wao 250 Titan blood for killing the jaw Titan what there's an eject button in my HUD what happens if I click this wo wao wao I'm back at the barracks okay so I can exchange my 350 Titan blood for the Gun Titan Mech hey check this thing out now if I throw this hey a fullsize Gun Titan Mech I think I can take control of this one too okay I'm back in the Overworld and I'm looking bad wao this time we're inside a villager town this place is a war zone what what's going on look it's the Beast Titan up there he's on that Hill he's throwing rocks down at us wait why are the villagers fighting against the Beast Titan look they've got those cannons and they're in an allout gunfight gunfight sounds like my qu here I come okay I'll just aim my Crosshair at the Beast Titan man boom bro just got knocked off that Hill oh okay okay he still got something more left wait he's switching his Focus to us uh-oh ah whoa that was close just threw rocks at us okay let's try this again damn he dodged this time what he's screaming and oh uh-oh uh-oh what just happened oh my there's a lot of Titans coming towards us take this and this and this and this and this and this oh crap there's too many I got to back up and he's throwing rocks at us too oh I can't even qu who do I shoot the Titans or the Beast Titan oh no no wait the villagers are helping me they're shooting the normal Titan okay this is buying me some time okay this time if I aim at the building that he's going to jump too then yes I got him oh come on he's not done yet this time he's coming towards us okay take this crap I missed another I missed oh come on come on come on he's getting too close he's screaming again uhoh oh no oh no just converted all of the villagers into Titans completely surrounded ah crap crap they're getting me ah too much damage run oh no armor and health are both super low I need an idea wait what if I if I eject out of the Gun Titan neck okay sweet I have my odm gear oh the Titans are swarming The Gun Titan Mech they're distracted so if I just aim at them yes I can swing from Titan to Titan to Titan and yes I got him right on the neck oh you're not getting away buddy take this bro 500 Titan blood for killing the Beast Titan oh boy we're back at the Armory wa they made a lot of progress on that huge Titan Mech okay but while I'm here time for another upgrade 1,000 Titan blood for the exploding Titan de okay check this thing out woo it looks sick when it's full-sized looks like it's inspired by a Minecraft creeper I'm about it okay now we just got to take control of this and back in the Overworld wo looks like we only have one ability this time and it's to self-destruct I'm going to guess that we only get one shot at this speaking of which where are we looks like we're on some kind of giant spine no way is this we're on the back of the founding Titan oh boy okay here's a game plan I got to reach the head of the fountaining Titan and then explode in order to blow up the Villager King wait what's going on oh no oh no he's spawning Titans all around us and these are aren't just regular Titans I see Beast Titans jaw Titans armored Titans oh this is bad oh no wait okay I have a plan if I eject from the exploding Titans hey come here come after me take this I got their attention run oh boy oh boy there's like over 50 of them they're all chasing after me I can't keep this up for long okay they're going to now if I just jump off the edge no yes I can use my odm gear to swing Along the side of the founding Titan okay now I just got to make my way back to the founding Titan now there the exploding Titan Mech I just got to take control yes all those Titans are way back there because they chase me here's my chance this is the Head Start that I needed we just got to run towards the head oh crap the Beast Titan he's throwing rocks I got to dodge oh come on come on oh that was close oh my God that was close W okay okay almost there here's the head of the fountain Titan now I just got to self-destruct boom W 2500 Titan blood and there's a portal just got to run through in I'm back wait where's the giant Titan Mac it's gone okay I don't have time looks like they're going in for the final battle if I trade 3,000 Titan blood flying Titan Mech let's see what this thing looks like damn check that out here we go this is the final war Frontier all of the Villager Scouts there's the lieutenant and there's the completed giant Titan Mech wait he's talking this is it he's already killed 80% of the server if we don't stop him here then All Is Lost how do we stop him his head is blown off and those colossal Titans still aren't stopping he's hiding inside that head I need you to clear us a path so that we can get to him okay there there's a founding Titan's head I I captain okay I can fly with the flying Titan oh here my skill set I can drop bombs okay I just got to get closer to the Head now if I just aim down bombs away oh as the bombs are hitting the Colossal Titans they're going down just got to drop more bombs if I just drop them in a line yes I can clear a path to the founding Titan's head I just took out like 15 colossal Titans uhoh uh-oh got his attention oh no they're all looking up at us what they can throw things too this isn't even fair oh I got hit oh man that's heavy damage I got to fly away oh no oh no they're going to take me out a jack a jaed o that was close that almost didn't make it out of there I still have my odm gear wait the founding tin's head it's standing up oh no way it's growing a new body it's like a colossal Titan on steroids I didn't even know that was possible what it's throwing rocks at us too oh Oh my he just took out most of the villagers bro the lieutenant he's done wait we still have a chance what if I can take control of that thing here we go giant Titan Mech wao I have all the abilities from before I have the blade the gun I can explode and I can fly okay if I aim the gun at the rocks that are coming towards us then yes yes yes I shot him down okay I can use the flying to jump down to the ground and now okay I have the blade if I can just cut down some of these colossal Titans then I can make my way to yes Bounty Titan just me and you oh crap he grabbed us oh no he's opening his mouth to eat us wait wait I still have the explode ability this is my chance self-destruct oh his mouth is open here's my chance oh there he is the Villager King he's right there he's controlling the founding Titan here I come take [Music] this
Channel: ZMDE
Views: 828,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zmde, zmde minecraft, modded minecraft, minecraft attack on titan, minecraft aot, minecraft villagers, 10000 villagers vs, minecraft villagers vs
Id: 3lV1WqfwlNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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