10,000 Meter WORLD RECORD HISTORY!! The Road to 25:59!

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the 10 000 meters 6.21 miles exactly 25 laps of the track for well over 100 years this endurance discipline has been a staple event in both road running and in the olympic games and over the previous century the world record in this event has been improved on 38 separate occasions since the first official world record was set in 1911 the 10 000 has seen a total improvement of 4 minutes and 47 seconds and while european athletes did set the standard in the early 1900s east africans have been completely dominant for the previous three decades [Music] in order to be successful in the 10 000 meters athletes need absolutely world-class endurance however if you're looking to break the world record you'll likely need to run well over 100 miles each week in addition to having world-class natural speed currently the world record stands at 26 minutes and 11 seconds set by joshua chapter guy from uganda on october 7th of 2020 for this race this incredibly talented athlete achieved some of the most consistent splits in 10 000 meter history and over the course of this incredible run he achieved a pace of 4 minutes 12.83 seconds per mile or 2 minutes 37.1 seconds per kilometer this was a fantastic moment for 10 000 meter running but how exactly did we get here well let's rewind all the way back to 1911. on november 16th of 1911 john bowen of france set the first official world record in the 10 000 with a time of 30 minutes 58.8 seconds this time is the equivalent to 4 minutes and 59 seconds per mile or 3 minutes and 6 seconds per kilometer as you can see this french athlete is quite different from your typical 10 000 meter runner of today however his 30 minute and 58 second performance was the very first ratified world record in 10 000 meter history just one year later he went on to win the silver medal in the 1912 stockholm olympics in the 5000 running a time of 14 minutes 36.6 seconds in addition to his track talents he also won three consecutive world cross country championships from 1911 through 1913. for a few years he was easily one of the greatest endurance athletes in the world and for almost a full decade his 10 000 meter world record went untouched but then someone else came along who completely revolutionized the sport of athletics on june 22 of 1921 pavo normie from finland broke the previous world record with a time of 30 minutes 40.2 seconds slashing more than 18 seconds off the previous world record normie's presence in the track and filled world cannot be overstated because while he certainly had amazing talents in the 10 000 he also broke 52 other world records during his prolific career for almost an entire decade he was as close to unbeatable as you could be in the sport of running however in the 10 000 he would prove himself as literally untouchable because he never lost a single 10 000 meter race not one not in the olympics not in the european championships never this kind of authority in any sport is very rare and with his new world record of 30 minutes and 40 seconds he was viewed as almost this mythical figure that could not be touched however only three years later another runner also hailing from finland would prove to be a strong challenger on may 25th of 1924 vila rotola asserted his name as the new talent of the 10 000 meters despite never having beaten his teammate pavo normi he managed to break the 10 000 world record running a time of 30 minutes 35.4 seconds rotola's new record solidified finland's absolute dominance in the 10 000 and for the next two decades athletes from this country alone would continue to flourish from 1921 through 1944 runners from finland broke the ten thousand meter world record on eight separate occasions this absolute supremacy led to a new nickname for finnish athletes as they were now referred to as the flying fins this title would prove to be well deserved as for the next 20 years these teammates traded the world record back and forth on numerous occasions but what is highly regarded as the greatest breakthrough of the flying finn generation was taistomaki's new world record of 29 minutes 52.6 seconds which came on september 17th 1939. for almost 30 years the pursuit of the sub 30 minute 10 000 had eluded all who had attempted it but at long last this seemingly impossible barrier had finally been broken this was the very first time that anyone had ever averaged under 3 minutes per kilometer and with such a novel breakthrough this world record would stand for years for an entire running generation finnish athletes proved to be unbeatable in the 10 000 meters however there was one very special athlete from the czech republic who would forever change this event on june 11th of 1949 emile zatapek set a new world record with an incredible time of 29 minutes 28.2 seconds improving on the previous record by just over seven seconds this performance was a very big deal as it was the first time since 1921 that a non-finnish athlete had held this record this time was quite the performance from zada pick however just three months later his time fell once again to the previous world record holder ville hino from finland with a time of 29 minutes 27.2 seconds a finnish athlete once again reclaimed this world record for many around the world this new world record was a confirmation that finland would once again return to the very top of the distance running world however the great emil zadepec had different plans on october 22 1949 zatapek would once again return to the very top of the 10 000 meter world with a blistering time of 29 minutes and 21 seconds he slashed exactly six seconds off the record once again reclaiming his crown as the ten thousand meter king this performance was a confirmation that zadapec was in fact the future of running and over the next four years he cemented his name as one of the most revolutionary athletes in distance running history from 1949 through 1954 he broke the world record on four separate occasions and then on june 1st of 1954 he became the very first athlete to ever run under 29 minutes in addition to his incredible world record breakthroughs xatapic proved to be one of the most influential olympians of all time in 1952 in helsinki he achieved something that has literally never been done by anyone else in history in both the 5000 and the 10 000 meters he brought home the gold medals but then at the very last minute he decided to jump into the marathon and against all odds he also brought home the gold medal in this event and in the process he also broke the olympic record nicknamed the czech locomotive zadapec's name to this day is still synonymous with success and with his new world record of 28 minutes and 54 seconds he would find his name as the world record holder for years the era of emile zadepec was truly amazing however on july 15th of 1956 yet another world record would be set for the 10 000 meters however this athlete had very little success other than his world record breakthroughs and this runner was sandor ijaros from hungary now you probably aren't familiar with this runner but back in 1956 he ran a time of 28 minutes and 42 seconds improving on the great xatapex time by just over 10 seconds what made iharo such a compelling athlete was that in addition to his 10 000 meter record he also broke world records in the 1 500 the 2 mile distance and in the 5 000 meters this made him one of only two athletes in history to ever hold world records in all of these distances but unfortunately his running career was cut short due to the hungarian revolution of 1956 at just 25 years of age he was just starting to emerge as a real global talent however he would never run faster than his 28-42 after this world record in 1956 the world would soon see a new king of the 10 000 meters and this man was vladimir kutz from the soviet union on september 11th he ran a time of 28 minutes 30.4 seconds improving on the previous mark by 12 full seconds this time was yet another incredible moment in the 10 000 meters as he had just run a pace of 4 minutes and 35 seconds per mile or 2 minutes and 51 seconds per kilometer indeed this was a tremendous performance however kutz's greatest accomplishment would come just one month later in the 1956 olympics where he achieved his historic double gold medal in the 5 000 and in the 10 000. for almost four years kudz stood strong as the fastest 10k runner in the world but then just four years later on october 15th pyotnor balotnikov who was also from the soviet union ran a truly spectacular time achieving a mark of 28 minutes 18.8 seconds this would be one of two world records for balochnikov who also ran a time of 2818.2 just two years later indeed for a few years the soviet union was on top of the 10 000 meter world but soon after the tides would shift powerfully to yet another country at this point in the 10 000 meters it was evident that the 28 minute barrier was quickly approaching but the question was who would be the very first athlete to achieve this time well the world would have its answer just one year later on december 18th of 1963 one very special athlete from australia set a new world record in the 10 000 with a finishing time of 28 minutes 15.6 seconds ron clark had broken the previous world record by almost 3 seconds indeed this time was quite impressive however just two years later he would run one of the most revolutionary 10 000 meter races of all time on july 14 1965 clark improved on his own world record by a massive margin [Music] with a finishing time of 27 minutes 39.4 seconds he took 36 seconds off the previous mark and to this day this is still the largest margin of improvement in the history of the ten thousand meter world record this one performance completely destroyed every other ten thousand meter race in history and for the next seven years this time would go completely unchallenged in addition to his amazing 10 000 meter time clark set an additional 16 world records ranging from the two mile distance up to the one hour run to this day ron clark still remains as one of the most influential distance runners of all time and this amazing 10 000 meter performance will certainly never be forgotten after ron clark the world quickly saw a slew of fantastic 10 000 meter world records in 1972 in the olympic games lassie viren from finland at long last broke clark's world record however this performance was one of the strangest yet also one of the most inspirational world records in history in the middle of the race during the olympic finals he actually tripped and fell to the ground but just as soon as he had fallen he managed to get back up and join the race from this point on veren's pace stayed very strong and over the final 200 meters he accelerated very strongly away from his competitor emile putimans and as he crossed the finish line he had set a new world record of 27 minutes 38.4 seconds despite his mid-race fall viren still had the poise to maintain his form and amazingly he was rewarded with a brand new world record after veren's gutsy performance in 1972 it would only take one year until this world record would ultimately fall on july 13th of 1973 david bedford from great britain would yet again break the world record in the 10 000 running a time of 27 minutes 30.8 seconds with his distinctive red socks and a powerful 1970s mustache he simply powered away into the record books this performance made david bedford the first and only british athlete to ever hold this world record and for the next four years this time would remain untouched just four years after bedford's world record a new generation of athletes would quickly emerge as almost unbeatable in long distance running ladies and gentlemen welcome to the new generation of east african dominance on june 30th of 1977 the first african runner would ultimately break the ten thousand world record and this person was samson camabua from kenya who ran a time of 27 minutes 30.47 seconds this time just barely improved on the previous mark of david bedford but still this performance marked a turning of the tides and distance running as this was the first 10 000 world record ever for an african athlete [Music] just one year after this performance yet another kenyan would claim the 10 000 meter world record this time being henry roano who ran a time of 27 minutes 22.4 seconds a full 8 seconds faster than kamabwa these two marked the changing of the guard for the 10 000 meters and moving into the 1980s there was next to no one who could challenge their times as the 1980s progressed there were two more world records set in this distance one by fernando mamede in 1984 and another by arturo barrios from mexico in 1989. these two athletes were huge players and getting extremely close to the 27-minute barrier but as the 1990s drew closer and closer it was evident that african runners were now almost unbeatable in the 10 000. as fate would have it barrios's world record of 2708 would ultimately be the last non-african world record in the 10 000 and in 1993 the world record would once again go down on july 5th richard chalemo from kenya set a fantastic new world record with a time of 27 minutes 7.91 seconds just barely improving on the previous mark of barrios this time was indeed a momentous occasion for kenya but then just five days later this happened the clock minutes running in oslo norway yobes andiki was having a tremendous 10 000 meter race since ron clark's first sub 28 back in 1965 almost 30 years had passed with nobody running under 27 but finally after a very impressive final lap of 60 seconds endecki became the very first athlete to ever run under 27 minutes this time equates to an overall pace of 4 minutes 20.45 seconds per mile or 2 minutes 41.84 seconds per kilometer since the first official world record back in 1911 the total improvements in this event had been amazing in comparison to the first world record the world record pace was now almost 40 seconds faster per mile than the original time indeed this sub 27 was a monumental moment for the 10 000 but as the 1990s unfolded the world record would continue to be broken just one year later at the exact same competition fellow kenyan william segay once again broke the record this time finishing in 26 minutes 52.23 seconds once again the kenyans had displayed their absolute dominance as the world's fastest and it did seem as though this would be the new normal for the next decade but then one very special athlete from ethiopia would completely change everything on june 5th of 1995 hailey gebber selassie from ethiopia set a new world record with a time of 26 minutes 43.53 seconds this was the first time that an ethiopian had ever held this record and it took down the previous mark by almost 10 seconds indeed gibber selassie was one of the most influential runners in track and field history and with a total of 27 separate world records to his name it's easy to see why he's held in such high regard however as 1996 unfolded salahi sue from morocco actually managed to improve on gebrselassie's time by just over five seconds this race was originally set up as a world record attempt for his kenyan rival palter got however just before the 21 minute mark he soon made a strong move to push the pace through eight kilometers both his and turgot split a time of 21 minutes 26.47 seconds and even though turgot was hanging on up to this point he sue would soon gap the entire field over the final two kilometers he sue looked so smooth and so effortless that it honestly looked as though he wasn't even running that fast but with a final 2 kilometer split of 5 minutes and 12 seconds he was able to lower the world record to an amazing time of 26 minutes and 38 seconds this was the very first time that any athlete had averaged under 2 minutes and 40 seconds per kilometer and moving forward this time did seem as though it would stand for years indeed salahi su had shocked the world however the ethiopian highlander selassie was almost certainly watching this race just one year later on july 4th of 1997 gaber selassie struck back and once again lowered the world record this time finishing very strongly in 26 minutes and 31 seconds almost seven seconds lower than salahi sue indeed gabriel selassie's world record performances were starting to become more and more frequent and up to this point this was actually his ninth world record performance in just three years indeed 2631 was quite impressive but then in a truly majestic performance palter got from kenya shot back with a super fast time of 26 minutes 27.85 seconds making him the very first athlete to ever run under 2630 by 1997 turgot had already proved that he was one of the greatest runners in the world he was already a world cross country champion he was an olympic medalist and he was highly regarded as one of the fastest in many events but he had never objectively outperformed his ethiopian rival gaber selassie what made this world record so influential is that this time firmly placed her got as the new king of the ten thousand but take a guess at who was probably watching this race you guessed it it was hailey gaber salasi just one year later gabriel celosi once again returned to the track to reclaim his world record at the time no other athlete had ever run under 2630 but with a truly unbelievable time hailey gibbersolasi managed to take back his 10 000 meter crown this time achieving a new world record in 26 minutes 22.75 seconds this performance was truly outstanding it was almost as if he had this special ability to run a new world record whenever he wanted and at 26 minutes and 22 seconds the world was once again in complete awe at just how fast the world's greatest could run the 10 000 for years and years no one even came close to this record in fact from 1998 through 2004 no other runner ever ran under 2630 but then in 2004 another ethiopian proved to the world that he just might be the greatest of all time on june 8th of 2004 kenonissa bakayle at long last took down the previous world record of gebor selassie running a fantastic time of 26 minutes and 20 seconds this time was certainly a remarkable achievement however bakayle was not finished just one year later at the 2005 brussels diamond league meeting mckayley ran one of the greatest 10 000 meter races ever running a new world record in 26 minutes 17.53 seconds this time equates to an overall pace of 4 minutes 13.88 seconds per mile or 2 minutes 37.75 seconds per kilometer at just 23 years of age michaela had quickly become one of the most dominant figures in distance running history winning effortlessly on the track and on the cross country course this 2617 was absolutely fantastic as bakayla made running 63 second laps look way too easy for over 15 years this time would stand unrelenting against any other competition for an entire generation the world's greatest never even approached this time but then from the humble country of uganda one very talented runner would shock the world on october 7th of 2020 joshua chapter guy made a strong assault on kennesa mikayla's world record boosted by his previous 12 months of running invincibility chemtagai set off for his world record attempt with great confidence through the opening stages he was looking quite relaxed and very much in control and with an opening five thousand meter split of 13 minutes and seven seconds he was well on his way to attack the record through the second half of this race it became apparent that chapter guy was in fact ready for this record with just four laps to run he was looking very smooth and he was also starting to put more and more distance on the previous world record with just one mile remaining he would need to run under four minutes and fifteen seconds in order to improve upon kennesa bakayla's previous time for mere mortals this time would be extremely difficult especially considering how fast he had run up to this point however this was joshua chapter guy baby and for his final mile he ran an extraordinary split of four minutes and nine seconds this incredible performance of 26 minutes 11.00 seconds took down bakayla's previous mark by just over seven seconds this was certainly a special day for chapter guy as it marked his fourth world record over his previous four races this 26 minute and 11 second performance still stands today as the world record but given the fact that we're now only 11 seconds away from the 25 minute mark many around the world are wondering who will be the very first athlete to run under 26 minutes will it be joshua chapter guy will it be jacob kipplimo or will it be another athlete that will one day shock the world thanks for watching everyone and as always until next time [Music] you
Channel: Total Running Productions
Views: 349,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Joshua Cheptegei, 10000 meters cheptegei world record, world record track and field, 10000 meters world record history, world record progression, cheptegei uganda world record, 10000 meters, 2021 olympics, cheptegei, joshua, total running productions progression, world record history
Id: OyJdxh5j0E0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 29sec (1469 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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