$10,000 DIY Outdoor Furniture

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we just had our entire backyard redone so this backyard remodel was really expensive  I don't even want to say how much but we took   out a second mortgage to make this happen  this is the furniture that we've had back   here I bought this off Amazon it's been  okay just to have something here but it's   not very nice and now that we've got  this really nice backyard Katie wants   me to build some really nice furniture so  that's what we're going to do today foreign coffee table using fire and epoxy which may or may  not be a total disaster we'll see and I'm building   outdoor furniture just as it's about to get cold  which isn't the best time of year for a project   like this unless you're watching this video  sometime between early April to September then   it's the perfect time of year and I have plans  available so you can build this for yourself and   the best part is all you need is a miter saw and  a few drills maybe a couple clamps and a couple   other things you have laying around the shop  but that's all you need to build this project   trailer power game and the remote control  that's all I need this is really one of my   more accessible builds and no CNC was used in this  build seriously I'm not trying to fake you guys   out I did not use my CNC this entire build now I  miss her and she'll be back from my next video but   it's just me and some cedar and some super simple  woodworking techniques speaking of Cedar lumber   prices are still kind of high and all this lumber  for this furniture set ran me about nine hundred   dollars now you could build a cheaper version just  using Pine Construction Lumber but Cedar is better   suited for outdoor use because of its natural  resistance to moisture and UV and insects also   if you look at some of the prices for outdoor  furniture on this scale this set would run you   eight to ten thousand dollars if you're looking on  West Elm or Restoration Hardware and I'm building   this set for Far Far cheaper than that okay let's  talk a little bit about the design and the process   I used to design this piece I really wanted to  make this project as accessible as possible and I   often feel like the software that I use to design  my furniture seems a little bit more advanced   that's why I'm happy to announce that I partnered  with make by me on this project which is an easy   to use intuitive design software that requires  no 3D modeling experience okay let me show you   real quick how I designed this piece and how easy  make by me is to use so make by B is a new app by   dassault systems which is the creator of things  that you might have heard of like SolidWorks or   a Home by me now anyone can use this to create  DIY projects in 3D and then you can visualize   those projects in your home before you go out  and you buy material or make a cut list so to   get started you shop by material for this project  I'm using two by fours and two by sixes so you go   get those pieces of lumber and then bring those  into the build environment now what I like about   this is it makes it really easy to understand the  things you design since the software creates a   set of plans as you build including a materials  list and a detailed cut list building a piece   of furniture on make by me sort of mimics the  steps you'll actually take while you're in the   shop building a project such as Gathering your  materials choosing the angle of your cut then   cutting them to size and then assembling all the  pieces as you cut them you're going to do this in   that modeling environment and I designed this  entire set of outdoor furniture using make by   me and I really encourage you to click on that  link down below and just get in the software and   play around with it and try it for yourself and  the best part it's completely free so one of the   biggest mistakes I see on outdoor furniture is  folks put a lot of work and have nice materials   and build really nice pieces of furniture and then  they put crap cushions on top of it I went out   and splurged on some really really nice outdoor  cushion it's made with this fabric called   Sunbrella all my research like these were the best  I got white which maybe that was a bad choice but   I think it's going to look really good I know the  dimensions of these cushions but I want to make   sure they're going to fit within my design so what  I've done is I've cut a few pieces that are going   to match the profile of the entire set and I'm  going to use those to ensure the dimensions that   I've got in my drawing what the cushions actually  are now the proper reveals it's going to go up to   the edge so as you can see these Dimensions look  really good I like the angle of lean that's a 15   degree angle that should be pretty comfortable  but not like so reclined that it's hard to get   out of the spacing with the lower cushion it's  going to hang over just a smidge which is exactly   what I want you don't want it to be too far inset  so whenever you're sitting on it your legs are   hitting the front okay I've got all those pieces  cut to build the bases and I'm going to put this   whole set together using screws and wood glue now  anywhere I use visible screws I'm going to first   pre-drill and then cover that screw with a wood  dowel later on and to make that easier I like to   make a quick template so I went with a combination  of half inch and 3 8 inch dowels on this piece but   if I had it to do all over again I would just  stick with those 3 8 dials everywhere also I'm   building a full set of furniture for my house and  I've got a sofa a love seat and two chairs and   the design for all of these pieces is basically  the same so you can scale this to whatever you   need and the size of the cushion that you have  or the cushions that you buy again I'll have a   set of plans linked down below so don't stress  if you feel like you're missing anything as I   work my way through this build another thing  I like to do is set up a stop block even if   that's just some janky board that you awkwardly  clamp to whatever table isn't covered in tools   from your last project just whatever works to  allow you to make accurate repeatable Cuts I'm   assembling the frames that make up the armrest and  for this whole project I'm going to use Titebond 3   wood glue since that's waterproof and rated for  outdoor projects Also let's go ahead and talk   about the fact that dimensional Lumber like this  or even worse construction Lumber is never going   to be perfectly straight or flat I don't care  how far you pick through the stack to get those   perfect boards they're not perfect and one of the  great things about this design is you don't have   to be perfect one it's outdoor furniture and two  as long as it's relatively close to square you can   just force things together with screws and before  you go jumping into the comment section to tell   me that I'm not a real woodworker I'm not saying  you should not care about trying to keep things as   Square as you can I'm just saying with Lumber like  this it's impossible just do the best you can and   quickly I want to say that I appreciate all of you  who watch these videos and if you like corny dad   jokes and cool projects and if you haven't already  I'd ask that you hit that subscribe Button as it's   one of the best ways to support what I do also  I've been doing this for the the last four years   while also having a full-time day job and I've  got some exciting news about that coming soon   so again hit that subscribe button and turn on  notifications so you don't miss all of that okay   I've got the lower seat frames built as well  as the armrest slash side supports so now I'm   working on the back panels that lean back at a 15  degree angle for these I'll use more Cedar two by   fours for the frame and then cedar decking boards  for the slats now these cedar decking boards are   a little over an inch thick which makes them not  only perfect for the slap material but for those   seat boards as well which you'll see a little  bit later on now first I'm going to cut all   these slats just a little bit over size once those  frames are assembled I can re-measure again it's   probably not going to be perfectly square and then  you can cut it to have a tight fit now I've got a   few scraps of quarter inch plywood on my workbench  and these space the slats inside those 2x4 frames   nicely and I'm using a one inch wide scrap  board to then space the slats from one another the back panel for the love seat and the couch  work exactly the same but I've added a vertical   2x4 to break up those slats at this point  all the components of the coffee table are   built but they're not assembled and now  I can go ahead and fill the dowel holes   like I mentioned I use half inch dowels on those  lower seat frames but if I built this again I'd   use 3 8 dowels everywhere and then once those  dowels were added I could sand and sand alone all right so I've used all the lumber that I  need to build all the components of the outdoor   furniture and I've got this whole pile of extra  Lumber now I could take it back to Home Depot   but it's bonus build time so I'm going to make  a coffee table out of this because this isn't   actually part of the build this is just a bonus  I'm not going to restrict myself to you know   just using the chop saw and drills I'm actually  going to use the table saw on this and then we're   going to do some fire and epoxy it's going to be  awesome I hope or a disaster awesome or disaster   one or the other so back in the early Johnny  builds days I did several shoshigibon projects   it's one of the first things that kind of got  my channel some recognition and I used to get a   bunch of comments telling me all the time that  I should pour epoxy all over it now I resisted   thinking it would be a hit show from the get-go  but the day has come to finally give it a shot I have a fireworks okay I'm gonna set that panel  aside and get back to building   and assembling this furniture set I made  another drilling template and make sure to   space those to where they don't run into  the previous screws in those lower frames the back panel gets attached to the back side of  the seat frame and that has that 15 degree angle   the back panel gets screwed in place and next I  can add the armrest side supports now the seat   and backrest they're positioned three inches up  off the ground so resting the frame on a couple   two by fours gives me the perfect spacing I need  and supports the seat while I attach those sides all right and here I'm going to conduct the  one inch jump test which is the ultimate test   of strength and durability I mean y'all  just look at those UPS I only have four   words for you White Men Can't Jump I added  some more dowels to fill the screw holes   and then assembled the sofa the same way but  this time using eight screws across the back now I'm guessing some of y'all might be concerned  with how these pieces are going to hold up with   nothing but a couple screws and some wood glue  to hold you and your family all on this piece   of furniture first wood glue is crazy strong  often stronger than the wood around it also   these spack screws that I'm using these have a 345  pound Shear strain per screw so I shouldn't have   any durability issues with this set all right  let's get back to that show sugiman panel that   I'm going to turn into the coffee table first  I wanted to seal the bottom of the panel with   some total boat gleam varnish and this is  going to prevent warping once the epoxy is   applied to the other side and for the top I'm  using total Boat table top epoxy and to help   it lay down smoothly and level out I'm heating  up the surface here with a couple of torches as I apply the tabletop epoxy my idea was to  brush on a thin coat and that's going to seal   the surface before pouring on thicker subsequent  coats but this was taking forever and I was in a   hurry so I just dumped the whole bucket on at  once and this is what we in the business call   a huge mistake I thought I could just brute  force my way through this epoxy pour and just   keep popping the bubbles with the torch as they  pop up while it cured but as you see here as soon   as I would pop the bubbles more would form  almost instantly and I tried fighting this   battle for a solid hour but sadly I lost all  right well that was exactly what I was afraid   of I'm rushing this because I actually leave for  the Catskill Mountain Maker Camp tomorrow so I'm   not gonna have time to get this done doing it  the proper way which is to seal the surface of   the wood with some penetrating epoxy when you do  that show shugibon finish you basically create 100   hundreds maybe thousands of cracks all across the  top of this piece I couldn't pop enough bubbles I   mean I I literally sat here for an hour and used  the torch and pop Bubbles and as soon as I would   pop them they'd come right back up so what I'm  gonna do is I'm gonna flip it over that's gonna   be the new top I'm going to hit it with a coat  of penetrating epoxy and that's it I'm gonna   leave it alone if you want to see the finished  result follow me on Instagram at Johnny builds   I'm going to post the finished coffee table and  you can see whether or not I was able to salvage   this I apologize that I wasn't able to show you  in this video but again I leave tomorrow I've   got to get this video done so I'm gonna focus  on wrapping up the furniture you know doing   all that stuff finally I cut those seat slats  to size and brought the whole set to the house here I'm gluing on the slats and using a  three-quarter inch spacer to set them in   place also you see me using a brad nailer  if you don't have one that's totally fine   you could just use screws and dowels  like I did on the rest of the piece so I just picked up this new HVLP sprayer  from Rockler I'm really excited to try it   out this is the new model that's got the  gravity fed and it's got the undermount   if you don't have something like this that's  okay I'll leave a link down in the description   for this one or you can just brush on your  finish I'm excited to try this thing out and to spray I'm going to use this  this is total boats Halcyon clear   varnish this stuff is awesome whether you're  brushing or spraying it's actually amazing   if you're spraying dries really fast I'll  have links for this and all the other total   boat products that I use down in the  video description okay we gotta spray so I sprayed on three coats this total  boat Halcyon varnish and you all know   that both Total boat and Rockler are  long time sponsors of Johnny builds so   make sure you check out those links down  below and when you support those sponsors   you help support my channel and I very  much appreciate all of you who do that   okay all that's left is to finally bring this  new outdoor furniture set to the backyard Jeff pillow me oh my nuts it is illegal to cut these off of pillows  and mattresses but uh I don't care Jeff scissor me don't call the law let's give it a shot oh that's what it sounds like  when a 40 year old man sits down feels pretty good   it's a little bit lower than the standard chair  but uh it feels nice and comfortable and natural   it's not too low that it's hard to get out of  okay with the furniture all done this backyard   makeover is completely done well minus the coffee  table and like I said follow me on Instagram at   Johnny builds if you want to see that it's going  to be a couple weeks before I get to finish that   I have to leave town tomorrow I'm going to be  gone for two weeks so sorry that didn't make it   into the video but this was awesome don't forget  I've got plans for this build Link down below now   let's go get Katie and see what she thinks  Katie Oliver wants to come see it it's done what do you think yeah oh my  gosh it's Perfect Isn't it nice she loves it I still have  to finish the coffee table   um obviously I can't do that until I get back  from my trip I'm really really happy with it it   came out exactly like I wanted it to right just  like your new haircut you like it okay y'all   don't forget to click on that link and check  out make by me to design your own Furniture   pieces I've got that link down below and again  that's totally free to use I definitely suggest   you check that out and if you haven't already  please get subscribed and follow me on Instagram   at Johnny builds and as always thanks for checking  this one out and I'll see you back here next time
Channel: Jonny Builds
Views: 184,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beginner diy projects, blacktail studio, burnt wood, charred wood, diy epoxy, diy plans, epoxy art, epoxy resin, epoxy resin table, epoxy table, how to, jonny builds, outdoor furniture, outdoor furniture build, outdoor furniture diy, outdoor furniture ideas, plans, plans avilable, resin art, shou sugi, outdoor furniture made from pallets
Id: vP2ncBk31so
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 7sec (1087 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 09 2022
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