$10,000 Detail On Acura NSX Vin #1 | The Ultimate Protection

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[Music] Acura NSX just got dropped off they thought of everything oppa but from the design like even like the vision outside of this potential in the first place but this was really special except the first one to be rough but this is a comedy few light showers there's not a single thing about this car that bothers me it's safe to say that this is not your average detail [Music] [Music] [Applause] we are at Black Dog speed shop these guys gave us a call a couple weeks ago the owner Tony here has a special car it's a 2018 accurate and it's ex-special in the first place but this one's really special because it's the first one off the production line they called us they want to protect the car Tony is the kind of guy who's not gonna let a car sit around he loves to drive his cars and he wants to protect us and preserve it for as long as possible so they gave Chicago Auto crows a call to figure out what they can do to protect it come on inside with me Tony hey I do see it well yeah good to see ya beautiful place you have here oh thanks oh well they show your own I love it please [Music] my name's tony gables on the owner of black dog speed shop also the driver of the number 11 mclaren 570s bg4 car welcome this is where I spend every day when I went out on the road [Music] my main trailer is right over here kind of home away from home this would be like loaded with with parts and stuff and washers and screws anything you might need [Music] well this is that Dino cell in our last place the Dino was so loud it whenever you ran a car on it you couldn't talk on the phone so we built this enclosure they don't make the easy this is this building around it for sound for sound I can hear it as soon as you get in here that's that muted no heck no no no or if you're having a bad day working come here close the doors and scream no I was gonna [Music] Black Dog came did they drive in school back in 1999 and when I got back my driving school the kid I was raising like all my son now gave me a black lab pointer when I got back was Father's Day so when it came time to go racing the following year for real which we call it I had a lot of obscene names that I could have called it but that would have flown so well so we kind of went back to you know Black Dog because of you know that's I got the dog at the same day I got it back in my fruit driving school we did some club racing where I wasn't in charge on a 2003 well really in 2002 it was me and one other guy and then a three I got my my guy crew chief ray Sorenson and then that's when we kind of really took off and then in 2006 we started doing customer work as well try and pay for the racing that's pretty much the story behind by now [Music] the NSX has arrived and ready to get started with our signature 10k detail service this is a custom detail that starts at $10,000 and our goal with this detailing service is to clean correct and protect everything we possibly can on this car the reason it starts at $10,000 is because of the amount of labor that we're gonna put into this car we're gonna be working on this car from anywhere from 80 to 150 hours doing all of our protection services it's safe to say that this is not your average detail the kind of person that will get this detail just wants to keep everything as new and clean and shiny for as long as possible and we have this car in our shop for the next week so we need to get started let's go [Music] I'm part of the NSX Club of America and they had a raffle to see you know who would want to get the VIN number one for 2018 and I entered that raffle and lo and behold I wanted right behind me here it's a spectacular awesome car super fast and it's a hybrid car which you know moving around a slow speeds doesn't even make any noise it's crazy like a like a Tesla but another great car is there like a supercar but I don't want to call more refinement that's less frantic like the like a Ferrari there's a little more frantic in its execution where this is more a little more subdued [Music] the cars are like shoes for women where you know every car gives you a different feeling and this one is it's a feeling of refinement well-executed there's there's nothing a lot of cars have issues there's not a single thing about this car that the bothers me they they thought of everything you know from from the design like even like vision out the back you know they cut down the rear windows the right spot so you can still see whatever you're looking for the radio is amazing in there the the execution of the radio is great everything's in the right place when you're driving you know for performance driving it's just it's just a wonderful car all the way around this moves out with a little less force but there's definitely you know this is very comfortable in driving it around you can it could be a daily driver no problem [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] our car is all prepped we took the undercarriage shields off we're gonna clean everything it's not too bad but it is kind of dirty and will protect everything taught us is gonna start on the wheels gonna spray be co6 after we're cleaning the undercarriage will spray VCO six on everything clean all the suspension and get everything protected it should be too much tomorrow we have to do paint correction because then the day after that I gotta start doing the film that's when I take a while they got three guys to do the film and they got three days to do it so tight schedule [Music] [Music] oh I got to spec it out 100% and there are a lot of cars for sale at the time that were less money because I don't know the maybe the popularity had started to wane on this car but I got to pay full price but I got to spec it out exactly as I wanted and well the exterior they they were gonna release this car way earlier than they did but they wanted to work on it you know and refine it like Honda does they they spent a lot of time in engineering and next years is beautiful here at the-- you know from the jewel headlights to the the intake in the back to the way they have the rear window styled so you can see out the the vision outside of this car is spectacular you know we're like you know Camaro you sit deep in it like you're in a bathtub and you got to look over the dash this one well you see the whole Road in funny--i it spectacular they did a great job executing it [Music] you guys can hear me I just polished and clean the wheels and then for the coating so he's gonna be using well that's a BC a fish he position and go out forty four meals and body [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] way back when when I first got money I wanted to get a performance car it was between the 911 convertible the NSX this isn't in the 1995 94 and the Corvette zr1 I never drove the NSX the old NSX until within the past year I've always loved that of sexes I just I never I went down a different path at first with the Corvette zr1 and that let me do without that car I wouldn't be here I'd probably be maybe in the grave or you know who knows [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we had a lot of work done on the NSX here we got the hood done the two front fenders and the doors now working our way back to these rear quarter panels we want to take these this wing piece off because it makes wrapping that quarter panel a lot easier so to do that we have to take the rear bumper off and it's bolt it up from the underside so we're gonna work on that now and then hold these lessons here quarters on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well you know I started black dog oh just little racing so he's kind of step on the way just kind of there wasn't really a vision of where I wanted to see it I just say that's the one of my visions of getting it going was I took my car to someplace in the past where it was never done it was never finished I'll come get it it's done I get there well it's not done you're gonna need to bring it back and I'm like I just like I'll come on I don't want to keep bringing my car back I want it done done and so that was part of the reason I got at the chapel and so somebody's at one of the car finish we're gonna give it to him finish but they don't have to bring it back until they want something done again you know so I'm done right the first time you know we specialize and intuitive cars and car setup break suspension to all the full resto mods and Pro Touring cars you know you want your old car to handle like a current car done what do you need it will do anything for you and then we also have a race team we're a professional race team where we go out racing in GT for America on CBS sports wherever your car needs are pretty much I like to think where you're answering [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music]
Channel: Chicago Auto Pros
Views: 244,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 10k detail, nsx detail, acura nsx vin #1, Vin #1, Chicago auto pros, Acura NSX, auto detail, paint protection film, chicago auto pros detailing, chicago auto pros ceramic coating, 10k car detail, auto detailing, chicago auto pros signature detail, paint protection film installation, chicago auto pros tint, chicago auto pros paint protection film, high end detailing car, acura nsx detailing, car detailing, ceramic coating car
Id: Qvn_ylkybpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 38sec (1658 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 03 2019
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