1,000 Miles in the Mercedes 300SL - My Mille Miglia | 2018 AFTERMOVIE

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I'd rather crash on a bicycle than watch a Shitmee vid

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/Lollerscooter 📅︎︎ May 28 2018 🗫︎ replies

Harry Metcalfe could do the do the Mille Miglia in a 92 Camry and it would be more entertaining than this. No offense to the Camry.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/DarthGoofy 📅︎︎ May 28 2018 🗫︎ replies
hi guys I'm sure me hello to you and welcome back and welcome today to Brescia in Italy for the start of the 2018 Mille Miglia I'm joining mercedes-benz the mercedes-benz museum and mercedes-benz classic to drive an iconic 300sl Gullwing on this legendary route retracing the steps of Sir Stirling Moss in 1955 from Brescia to Roman back 1,000 miles surrounded by 450 incredibly special cars while the journey gets started today in the pressure we've just gone through the final stages of preparation the sealing of the cars but let's head through and check out the goal web that we're going to be driving [Music] one of my favorite things about this event is just how it takes over everywhere it goes it's a huge spectacle cars lining the street coming through crowds for us numbers and people turn out to watch the Mille Miglia every single step of the way you have sort of dip recalls that took off for nineteen twenty seventh nineteen fifties that's the criteria line up straight there though I really want to show you this go away [Music] behind me there are a few SS KS and some of the older cars but if you're a fan of the 300 SL least your eyes on this lineup how special is this let's head down to the far end this book passed all of these from 1955 to 57 this is one of the most spectacular stunning lineups I have seen this is a special built 190sl open roadster but the others in this line are all the go wings there are more cars as well that we can't see quite here but coming all the way through my start number number 357 at the end of the line a traditional specification what a journey this is going to be this is probably the classic car of my dreams and now I get to drive it a thousand miles on the Mille Miglia as well as the older cars we also have this display with the project one the Mercedes AMG hyper car with the World Championship winning Formula one engine from the past to the future and behind that an AMG GTR will also be joined by my GTR as our support car will see that surely all prepped for the occasion as well but this along with the new a-class is really getting the mood started the first cars are on their way through the crowds here joined by the police escort and we are doing also by mark mark is designated co-driver navigator for this adventure yeah I'm gonna try to keep us on roads on time and making sure that I instruct him well going through this Complete Book and this is only one day I have three more of these and I did preparation yesterday and today at all timings we'll run through this and what the regularity stages are actually all about later on but in a moment when a few more cars have gone past we will hop in and go this then is the crowd of people from the car park to the start line I feel like this is gonna be a very funny journey we have here everybody lying the route good time up ahead of us is the stage but we are in the first bits of regularity you have to be here exactly on time we can see the clock we're in tune to a clock with our equipment that we have inside the car this is where it begins we go over by the way I'm wearing my gloves from the outlier man we're doing somebody getting blisters on the steering wheel but we go to the flag to the beginning [Music] I'm very facially way okay resetting the trance there we go that so we've been looking at the route book just to learn the fast cap off by heart but this is the very still hunt of Lily let's go and there we have us a big awesome G GTR is gonna be driving with us but now before I go there we go have a look back [Music] driving in the GTR and we have benzene burn at the wheel and we have Sebastian T photography on the camera in the passenger seat but how cool is this with these two cars separated by 60 years both Mercedes completely different eras he's being noisy antisocial like he couldn't imagine [Music] you could not have more things going wrong right now we obviously didn't get the first regular regularity test very well we're now at the second but now we're out of battery on the tablet that we're using mark is having a complete panic about absolutely everything I'm absolutely loving driving this thing I'm not gonna lie it's epic now the big trick here is to plan a bit in advance so this regularity is broken down into six parts they have an average speed and their distance each you have to be very precise on and we know what we're doing we've got a system but we think we know what we though but no system in our ears fully in the zone zen concentration time [Music] 31 okay so average 31 on this one that's he 131 not 50 40 seconds 40 seconds we're all over the place here 35 seconds okay thirty seconds thirty seconds together so we've got a little bit too quick here 25 seconds 37.3 average see if we can hold that the average speed it makes this significantly he tips it means I have to slow down so much at the end this is actually soaking so talented forty thirty-five nope we go again seven point six nine very bye one minute speed 35 seconds left [Music] and then nice well I didn't pay very well not too bad I had super pressure I had a whole line of six cars behind me even that you've got that guilty feeling holding everyone back because there's so much harder than they look honestly yeah I'll say right back onto the roots well we're ten minutes early that's not a bad thing and okay you go back to the calculations there whose side is it on I guess it's gonna be on both side again we're going for the final SiC checkpoint tick of the day this is where the 300sl comes into its own because you can open up the Gullwing to hand out the book to get it stamped you're not supposed to do this around crowds of people because thank you very much very kind of stuff to put in the back yeah you don't want to hit anybody with that but it makes it much easier to lean out hand it over you get the point so and we go to the final CT of the day hello ciao thank you that [Music] [Music] and here we go the finishing stage of Grey Poupon up to the top guns Osceola is our shield she went the Signet team boobs on solutions what a day I'm totally single we're tellin plaza de Bertha that's so cool so off to park up the cars have a rest get ready do it all again it works brilliantly to hold the trunk open and fill up you're a genius you've never liked on my hand [Music] good morning it's been a media day - we all ready for 14 hours today down to its Roma that will be the halfway point so long along spin finish opinion but let's go get started the cool things about the start here is we're behind Katsunori Yamauchi mr. gran turismo to our left is adrian sutil former Formula One driver we're surrounded by big names big cars and the whole excitement is quite literally off the charts I've barely slept and I'm still buzzing to get this day started marks a little bit more tired than I am but what's not to love we're underway Miss Piggy long journey started Katsunori on our site 756 bit of mechanical sympathy in the morning so trip is reset air is flowing [Music] Wow these places this route brings us a so narrow and the GTR behind just look back how silly Pat looks coming down through here clearly cars like that were not in their minds when they built these places qualified cars and really just door when they built these places we are making our way this way towards the first time control of the day the actual store point where we have to be in about 40 minutes and as a kilometer away which I don't know thirty millimeter one-twenty 1:10 [Music] [Music] I feel like we did both of those sets of controls very very very nicely [Music] [Music] this is what a Mille Miglia checkpoints or lunch stop looks like just scattered cars everywhere some beautiful locations as well extraordinary scenery we've been driving through the weather it's very rapidly going from Sun shines rain but I think that's pretty normal still feeling sorry for the guys with open cars we however do need to get back in the car because there is a checkpoint to reach happy now is that we've got to get to our next checkpoint at 1838 it's currently 1830 while we've got about two or three kilometres to get there all we know from experience that it's going to be absolute carnage so there is a bit of leg pressure to actually make our checkpoint all the time you get penalties if you're woman into labor but it's you early any of that so fingers crossed again that seems to be the word right now and I'm talking very fast because we make this [Music] there we go we go we go this is gonna work just we're gonna make it all put yeah you have to be from 3800 3859 as get a sign in and scared assigned office get the right time step and we've got it we're back wearing wicked right off you go straight out of here thank you guys whoa that was close so tell you what the gt-r coming through here would have been quality I'd have loved to have seen that no power steering now we go as this day comes to water clothes I'm getting a small taste of what it's like to drive and push [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is the area called villa borghese in roma the cars all lining up to go across the finish line at today's stage we are running dangerously close to overheating so I'm actually going to kill our engines otherwise this very wrong very quickly this switch everything off sit here and wait and then push the car down the hill the stage is set for the finale of day two Oh [Music] good morning to you it's day three with the parting Rome I've got a roofer to show you through any moment team how you're doing you're not tired at all I think that probably summarizes this because today day three is even longer than the last one so we have an awfully long stretch about 15 hours but glimpse so you can see what exactly the route book looks like and how we're following this the distance we've traveled the distance between each direction total distance remaining and then the various instructions the tulip graphics that show you where you're heading here we have the timing card you can see the PCs the PM's the CTS all different timings we work out our own timings as we go through this just to make sure we get there but the good news is I don't know if you all know this actually we are ranked number 109 co-firing which is not bad we started we got to 1 to 5 on day 1 109 yesterday out of 440 something actual entrance which is not bad for first-timers so let's see how we can continue this in the next two days it's the start we get our it back thank you and away we go the weights 20 X group cars are very separated by 20 seconds three going per minute the board starts like battalion morning there's the GTR ready to join us and we go [Applause] [Music] the path goes for the road I was gonna say where does the road go this must be feet damage boat look at this oh did this be vs. Wow okay we're gonna have to stop for a second look backwards not too bad demo going right here oh my god [Music] so amazing and it like this is at least like thousand years ago they decided to make a road wide enough for an AMG GTR every spirit register you know what I find amazing is how many cameras come out the GTR behind us you see them we see you see them coming running ready together shots as bad co-stars I'm gonna ask you how was that tight yeah just a little scary you managed dick [Music] [Music] welcome to Siena this Piazza is square it's just breathtaking it's incredible what a crowd as well all the cars rolling through here better the kids my goodness what day this is [Music] you got a stamp and how we go what a crowd here oh we got the Mercedes mini team okay this nope well so what does that mean our car was being a little bit jumpy but fortunately we're right alongside one of the Mercedes checkpoints we stopped here had some ice cream and I'm going to jump in now and fingers crossed it's good to go after another little scare with not quite the right car from the car in CNR really holds a lot of hot air mixture not being quite well so the car was just not running fine it wasn't a happy bunny so now a new poll that are coming in because this really helps for the cars much better now [Music] we find ourselves in this picker again we're in Lucca and we've got about 11 minutes before them we've got a piece irregularity of six stages six very short ones yeah let's see what happens go go go go go go go that is a massive job I'll get there no I got there down there Oh Go Go [Music] three minutes this man get the mCP [Music] we've done it Marcus this is really gets it crazy what do we have now race to the next one yes [Music] [Music] man mr. Bao 11-3 what he does best [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] No by the way is Adrienne sense of as well driving a bit together [Music] [Music] No job good news with the results that we have so far we've improved our ranking and we're now at number 100 which is not all that bad for some first-timers on this rally we're actually the second-highest 300sl the one that's ahead of us is doing his 11th mill Amelia so a little bit of experience there our two cars are actually parked side by side just over behind me the red one is the car that's ahead of us but let's just take a moment to look around this we're in the garage the Mercedes garage here in Parma so the last night stock of this event before we get back to pressure but just to talk you a little bit through this part of the event Mercedes the Mercedes Benz classic collection mercedes-benz museum owned cars and also some customer cars that take part with them get serviced get looked after and get a little bit of love and attention each evening to make sure that they're all in absolute perfect running order so we get back we have a debrief with our engineer just to talk about the status of the car and how the days gone you can see all the 300s Elle's but also the SS K's and the other cars that are entered as part of the whole team and set up and then they all get set and ready for the morning when they're out warmed up you're ready to go again which is absolutely brilliant anyway number 100 for the moment it could go either way but let's attack tomorrow see what we can do this is a day for that means today we're going to be returning a back in towards fresher the last day I've been doing this every morning but this it's time to get back on the roads again today the final leg 10 hours back to pressure but this is going to include going around the Monza f1 circuit also the Alfa Romeo test track two very special places the Sun is out let's go get a record idea and off we go [Music] another day and other checkpoints we're in Pierre tenza this morning is blasting by thank you very much just about everywhere we stopped sport cars cruising through and we will go and get our stamp [Applause] [Music] [Music] welcome back we arranged as always I love going down these tiny tiny tiny streets it's amazing user arches places where basically cars are normally packed but they the entire country of Italy gets behind this event and just turns out I didn't actually realize but we're driving through the center of Milan we've got a police escort bringing us across every realize there's a huge sign a mini for us we're passing traps we go nails why popping they wave is on forever Egyptians cyclists have made the most of it as well thank you very much offices this is the outset Duomo my name is square in Milano Italy you can see that much of every to the right past the grounds of people alrighty so time to get the next CT hello that's it on semana video Qi doubt and if we go again just like that massive crowd here coming out for the cat sir look at this this is like tens of thousands the grounds a few people deep people this was cool the car is again very much at the moment we are showing through several hundred degrees in Thailand 115 also is where it's a problem somewhere along way we go we are arriving at the out for a man museum but this just gives you an idea of quite how many people how many different course there are around see you have you know the normal mili cast but they're just random Porsches Ferraris tons of outfits here we have to get going [Music] have any area [Music] okay here we go 19 things then tape X late apex [Music] fifteen 20 it's pretty good it's pretty good too the beeps in my hand as well to get around I've been about this Esther supercool [Music] robbed a bank and our final regularity stage we're at the Monza f1 circuit you got the numbers we do go through the tunnel lengths of any payment tunnel entrance to monitor I'm kind of sad that this is going to be the end but let's nail it and this one completely correct speaks it's a 1 minute 37 seconds and 43 seconds and 9 seconds short 1 million seconds 28 seconds of 42 seconds of 1 minute 1 28 26 seconds of 1/8 and 48 seconds the 9 second one is going to be fascinating because that means I have to be rolling across the land quite fast going into it we are literally driving around the Monza the current Foreman on track over there really special one minute [Music] we have the regularities second I'm afraid a completely messed up just every way to go all the pros get out by the way he knows what's what if you get out you make sure you get the staff nothing goes wrong so mark you know no tires the tire we can paper check astute oh that's it no and off we go cover to you under the flags [Music] these towns just keep on giving in the sunshine here I love this fun vibes no completely destroyed our news I'm the let's drive back to Rome No [Music] amazing like that [Music] you arrive at the very last [Music] they're lively in this part of the country this is great now you're at Central Java Yahtzee and we're off regularity other than the fire hope they both fought evil sign off at the very end we're rolling in to the funny mill holding area of this 1,000 mile adventure in fact it's not that precise they take a specific route to bring in nice roads specific places we've driven 1849 kilometers by the buggy but here we are back in Russia after an adventure of monumental proportions yeah I'm completely lively and ready to go again you're completely wiped out I'm sure when the adrenaline has gone from the driving sink in a little bit more driving this car its weighty it's heavy it's been a complete workout the steering gearbox there are things I've had to be conscious of like the brake feel the temperature the car almost overheating we had some fuel pump things to play with but it's so connected and real you have to watch for the swing axle when it pivots up forwards when will I ever get an opportunity again in my life to drive a thousand pounds [Music] not only those in the early times it soon a huge thanks to mercedes-benz to the museum the toughness just let's go hit [Music] what an epic Oh dignified way to get out especially dormant it's been a journey it's not looking very sure what's even a steering wheel this making embark on my show it's my girls a completely worn out yes so so so so good [Music] [Music] to the stage [Music] [Music] well there we go the adventure is over a thousand miles just over a thousand miles driving in the mercedes-benz 300sl this has been the trip of a lifetime the final rankings will not quite final but at this stage proposed final rankings are that we finished 97th which is really quite exciting better than we could ever have imagined so I think I should wrap it up there what a trip I hope you've enjoyed this video a huge thanks to everybody that's been involved in making it possible for me to be able to join this and take part I am never going to forget my first full Mille Miglia driving in a car like this the 300sl the Golding the iconic car I think almost inspired me to go on to buy the AMG GT R now that I'm enjoying driving so much so farewell for now car I should shut it up for the last time we are complete as the Sun sets here in Brescia so thanks again guys I'll be sure to see you again very soon Cheers [Music]
Channel: Shmee150
Views: 159,115
Rating: 4.9348512 out of 5
Keywords: Mille Miglia, 2018, Mercedes, 300SL, Gullwing, AMG GT R, Aftermovie, Movie, Full, Rally, Film, Brescia to Rome, Monza F1, Alfa Romeo, Regularity, Endurance, Incredible, Experience, 1000 Miles, Legendary, Legend, 1000 Miglia, Adventure, Team, Mercedes-Benz Museum, Mercedes Team, Shmee, Shmee150
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 47sec (2627 seconds)
Published: Sun May 27 2018
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