1000 Micro Churches: The Power of the Assembly | Dag Heward-Mills

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and i know that our lives are not going to be the same again hallelujah congratulate your neighbor thank your neighbor and tell anybody you're looking so good looking so handsome if he's a beautiful girl oh friends hello why don't you rise and let us enter into a moment of short but powerful prayer or are you congratulating your neighbor say something nice to your neighbor and if you are watching us now you're also doing welcome to our prophetic encounter service hallelujah god is good and all the time say with me for the lord is good can i hear you say the lord is good and his mercy is endurance forever say my lord is good hey is there a problem is there hunger in the system are you full of joy wow thank you my beautiful friends what about those on my right i don't know you're finding yourself amen turn your bibles with me if you would to psalm 103 some 103 and i believe there is something over there that god would want us to see some one or three verse one says cast the lord o my soul are you there cares the lord oh my soul what does it say everybody say bless bless the lord all my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name verse 2 bless the lord all my soul and forget not all his benefits amen now it means that we can forget the benefits of the lord has god given you certain benefits in this life tell your neighbor one of the benefit that god has given you life wow that's the greatest benefit of all time so i want us to take time and thank god for the fact that our dear friend said that god has benefited her with life which means all of us have also received life from god and the scripture says that we should not forget all the benefits of the lord it means we have to remember and appropriately thank god for all his benefits and i can see that all of us standing here are alive no one is dead and be and standing we are all alive and here so i want us to spend time and say thank you to the lord and god will surely give us more of this benefit lift your hands with me to jesus everyone including all wearing ties flying ties i don't know how he came in flying tires the weather is not that friendly lift your hands and let us all come before the lord and show god that hey lord we know you are up there but we also know that your presence is down here and we are here to give you all the praise and all the glory and all the honor everyone lift your hands with me to jesus and say thank you to the lord for the fact that he's given you life he's given you life you are among the living you are not among the congregation of the dead the bible talks about a man wandering out of the way of understanding he falls into the congregation of the dead today you are in the midst of the congregation of the living lift your hands wherever you find yourself and thank god genuinely and say lord if it is not for you i would have been somewhere else by now but thankfully you have been with me you've kept me you've given me life and i'm here to honor you lift your hands and bless the name of the living god bless the name of the living god if truly god has given you life make sure he's hearing from you lift your hands and bless the name of the lord he is the only one who can give us life he's the one who can sustain our lives here on earth and this afternoon lord we come before you lifting our hands to you oh god and we say that you are the source of our life you are the reason why we have life you are the one who can give us life and we are here to say thank you to you oh god even though our minds cannot understand the reason why you've given us life we come before you to say thank you we come before you to say thank you we adore you and we praise you lord many this weekend were buried but we are alive hey lord we we're victorious because you've granted us the victory many this weekend were buried many this weekend died but lord we stand here as living beings and living creatures living human beings lord come in with praise and coming with thanksgiving for your word says that let everything that has breath praise the name of the living god if you are here and you have breath watching us and you have breath i need you to lift your hands with me to jesus don't let your mind go on thinking on something else but let your mind be on god let your attention be on god and make sure you are thanking god thank god irrespective of your current circumstance and current situation thank god in the midst of what you're experiencing because god has given you life god has given you life god has given you life god has given you life god has given you life god has given you life monte sembra vinson para di oco chanda ba mente firo rabba kasian teliandaba oh god we are here to say one more time thank you we can't thank you enough lord we can't stop thanking you we can't finish thanking you we came with thanksgiving in our mouth we came with the fruits of our of our lips to say thank you to you lord we came to bless your holy name if not for you all god would have been left at the message of the enemy but thankfully lord we have you you are protector you are defender you are all in all you are great shepherd with you we will not want we will not want life we will not want health we will not want joy we will not want happiness we are here to say thank you everyone talk to god and thank god fiance you've preserved our lives lord you've kept us by your power by your grace by your mercies and your people have returned to you lord with thanksgiving let your will be done receive our thanksgiving receive our praise receive our worship come on lift your hands and bless the name of the living god let's thank you come out of your mouth wherever you are standing wherever you are watching right now make sure thanksgiving is coming out of your mouth let thanksgiving come out of your mouth giving praise giving thanks it's a new day a new sunday combo chandela mada we give you thanks lord we give you praise we honor you lord we bless your holy name in jesus mighty name we have prayed and everyone said amen hallelujah and finally thank you finally you want to pray titus chapter 2 and verse number 11. we want to pray for the grace of god but specifically the grace of god that brings teaching into our lives the grace of god should teach you as you've come to church the scripture says for the grace of god that bringeth salvation have appeared to all men then the first thing that the grace of god that brings salvation will do for you is that it will teach you teaching us teaching us i want us to look at these two words teaching us so we are praying these moments we are saying that lord let the grace of god the grace that is upon this commission and the great that is upon this house and then this ministry let this grace teach us to move away from debt and move away from loans and move away from mouth gates and move away from bad things so that we can prosper and we can do well for just 30 seconds of the time that we have everyone should pray to the lord and say lord let the grace of god teach me something new today let the grace of god teach me something new in this service today lift your hands and for 60 seconds have a personal prayer request to the lord and tell the lord lord i want you to teach me in this service teach me personally when the prophet stands to preach to us i need you to teach me personally reveal something to me personally reveal something to me and teach me show me something that will be of a great blessing to me personally i pray for myself oh god that the grace of god today will teach me will teach me will show me will reveal something to me something i don't know which i need to know something i'm i'm lacking which i need to have in the name of jesus 30 more seconds everyone pray and tell god to teach you something specially today talk to the lord that the holy spirit will come and show you something he will teach you all things that you will not go the same way you came that you will not return the same way you came you will go back with something that god himself would have taught you god himself would have revealed it to you we give you thanks lord we give you praise lord this is our prayer request in this service let it be done let it be granted unto us oh god reveal something to us in our families in our marriages in our businesses in our marital life in our in our education oh god reveal something to us in our spiritual lives reveal something to us oh god let it be so let it be done we give you thanks and we give you praise in jesus mighty name we have prayed and everyone said amen put your hands together and watch welcome the worship team put your hands together for them hallelujah amen how many of you are excited to worship god on the mountain amen this morning the bible says in isaiah 40 that they thou wait on the lord they shall renew their strength and they shall mount up with wings like eagles amen and today we just want to hear we are waiting lord come live in us come breathe in us renew our strength and may we mount on eagle's wings amen hallelujah [Music] sing here i am waiting here i am [Music] here i am [Music] and bring me to [Music] may i know jesus may i know jesus more and more then come live him to take over [Music] is [Music] i will [Music] here i am waiting here i am waiting abide in me abide in me i pray sing here i am belonging jesus here i am [Music] may i know jesus more and more [Music] lift your hands and think come live oh my god take over take over [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] i'll rise [Music] oh we will rise we will rise [Music] [Music] rise and i will rise declaring your [Music] on your life [Music] [Music] hallelujah amen the bible says where two or three are gathered i am there also amen and i believe that as we are gathered as we are here together to sing of a steadfast love god is here with us amen [Music] the steadfast love the stead love of the lord never sees us his mercy spurs [Music] each and every morning [Music] his mercies [Music] new every morning [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] hallelujah sit down for a moment we are going to pray number one we are praying for supernatural victory isaiah 54 17 no weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper and every tongue that shall rise against the judgment thou shall condemn this is the heritage of the servants of the lord and their righteousness is of me amen let's stand and lift our hands and pray now for supernatural victory every weapon form against your life is destroyed right now begin declaring it in your prayers pray right now kamala mandala baba thank you father in the name of jesus for supernatural victory supernatural victory over every weapon designed designed [Music] in jesus name now the bible says no weapon that is formed so it means that some people take time to think and to form weapons against your life lift your hand and declare confusion into every camp of any person forming a weapon planning things designing organizing to fight you in any form of fashion in the name of jesus christ karma cardola mandala loma cadole [Music] pray in the spirit everybody pray in the spirit pray against every weapon that is form against you mando cabarete we condemn weapon form against the church weapon form against my life we are conformed against your life in the name of jesus mando commander taramanda speak to weapons organize things things that are planned conspiracies organized against your life in the name of jesus we forbid them we send confusion into the midst of all formations of weapons against my life in the name of jesus declare judgments declare the end of the weapon divide the weapon into pieces we divide it we melt them down we melt down all weapons come on darama do sunday ramada kabalada [Music] [Music] we give you thanks in the mighty name of jesus now it says every tongue that shall rise against thee uh in judgment thou shalt condemn now every tongue that speaks against you condemn it now that speaks against your church against your ministry against your life makada muramanda we declare condemnation to every tongue that rises against us in judgment mantaka namara thou shall condemn every tongue that rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn we condemn every tongue that rises against us in judgment we speak condemnation kamaka bala finality para musa tabara manana the end and end at condemnation [Music] paramount palindale [Music] [Music] for the condemnation of the towns that rise against us not at your workplace in your school in your life [Music] every tongue that rises against you nalanda in judgment every time that is judging you that is taking decisions against you that is speaking against you condemn it right now according to the prayers of the lord the ramakosape commander isaiah 54 17 is fulfilled practically [Music] in the mighty name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus [Music] [Music] christ [Music] in the mighty name of jesus thank you lord amen you may be seated now we are moving to luke chapter 10 and verse 17. write this down all through this year devils shall be subject unto me amen they will obey me they will run when i say run do you believe it luke chapter 10 verse 17 the bible says and the seventy returned again with joy say lord even the devils are subject unto us through thy name the devils are what subject unto us through thy name beautiful all through the remainder of this year because we are in the midst of the year devils will be subject to you in the name of jesus christ do you believe the word of god do you believe it is happening practically now let us stand to our faith don't be tired of standing and sitting amen anything that is called devil that is operating around you near you close to you maneuvering causing any kind of confusion in your life is subject to you so you must speak to it now begin declaring to every devil mention the devils by name three devils that harass your life mataga balona rimande le vacada spirit of infirmity spirit of sickness spirit of accusation spirit of opposition spirit of intimidation spirit of shame spirit of wickedness spirit of injustice in the name of jesus every spirit of oppression spirit of oppression in your life operating we find it right now in the name of jesus devils are subject to you when you say run they will run when you say go they will go we declare in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus [Music] [Music] christ [Music] every activity every maneuvering of a devil in my life amanda kobalene mando raymana to frustrate me begin buying the spirit of frustration magda kamalu merely better handle [Music] all through this year devils are subject to you by hitting it in the name of jesus in the name of jesus with buying devils of frustration demons of frustration demons of frustration begin to bind the spirit of anxiety anxiety and sleeplessness be anxious for nothing be anxious for nothing every demon of anxiety demon of depression demon of anxiety amma caballo mere dilemma and sleeplessness sleepless nights difficult to sleep early to wake up awake when others are sleeping find the spirit of sleeplessness and anxiety in your life in the name of jesus at your age staying awake all night staying awake too long in jesus name we find every spirit of anxiety and frustration frustration every spirit that is manipulating manipulating operating hidden hidden from from human eyes but it's present but it's acting it is present it's maneuvering it's operating in my life in the name of jesus i bind the spirit and avalada now begin to find spirit of resistance resistance it makes you go slow everything is slow slow slow slow mana mandurah came out by the spirit of resistance resistance and opposition that slows down the advancement of your life that slows down the progress of your life find it right now with this lodge every spirit of resistance that slows down my advancement in this life ramakama advancement towards marriage advancements towards prosperity advancement towards an increase advancement in ministry advancement towards every good thing every power of resistance power of opposition power of of blockage i remove the blocker blocking spirits blocking spirits blocking powers in jesus name all through this year devils are subject to you lift your hand and declare judgment on demon powers foreign spirits evil powers that are stalking you like a dog like a hunting predator like a wolf following a ship takamo ramenda tamando [Music] [Music] malaya malayda malayda malayda malaida madora mananda levade paramando la gabalandariada ah break down break down break down break down break down break down haram spirit of breakdown but our spirit of blockage spirit of frustration spirit of anxiety find it right now in the name of jesus christ commando allah [Music] in the mighty name of jesus christ of nazareth now we are going to pray concerning your family all through this year there will be no breakdown of peace in your life job 34 29 job 34 verse 29 when he giveth quietness who then can make trouble amen when he giveth quietness who then can make trouble lift your hand any form of trouble coming to your life when god has decided to give you quietness we banish it right now lift your hand lift your hand and refuse and send back to hell to darkness wherever trouble has come from any kind of trouble [Music] medical troubles financial troubles spiritual troubles sexual troubles moral [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] who then who then can make trouble lift your hand any man woman person personality person with a body or person without a body seeking to make trouble for you when god has given you quietness we bind him we bind it we buy whatever it is in the name of jesus christ who can give trouble when god has given you quietness mother karuna malo i speak to the eye of the storm i speak to the beginning of the trouble the fountain of the trouble the origin of the trouble the originator of the evil ramakata domala mala [Music] when god has given quietness who can make trouble [Music] mandoline [Music] in the name of jesus now how many of us know that angels can influence things actually most of the things that god does in our lives are done through angels yes are done through what angels they are god's instruments of power now matthew 26 53 think as thou that i cannot now pray to my father i cannot know what pray i cannot know what pray that i can pray think us down that i cannot pray i can pray i can pray to my father and he shall presently give me more than 12 legions of angels i can pray for it so right now we are going to pray for the release of angels lift your hand and ask our lord send angels into my life into my life situation so that there will be an interruption of satanic activities there will be an interruption an intervention into every move and maneuver of head against my life the ramaka a maneuver of opposition and resistance think as thou that i cannot pray think as thou that i cannot pray so you can pray rise up and pray now pray my brother pray my sister wherever you are watching from pray in your house lift your hand and pray follow me [Music] remember [Music] father send your angel father release your angel release your angels release your angels [Music] [Music] [Music] which is in heaven call on your father which is in heaven call on your father which is in heaven call your father which is in heaven call your father which is in heaven call your father which is in heaven call your father which is in heaven call your father not a mandalay father send your angels your angels to intervene to intervene to intervene nama [Music] ain't i've been my home interview with my children entertaining my spiritual life every holy hand lifted up right now every holy hand please those at the back stand up everybody at the back upstairs stand to your feet with your hands littered up right now praying to the lord lord send angels send angels send angels our thinkers down think us down that i cannot call my father and he will send angels angels angels amanda [Music] in the name of jesus exodus 23 and verse 20 exodus 23 and verse 20 behold i send an angel before thee to keep thee in the way and to bring thee into the place which i have prepared how many know that you are on a journey to protect you and to bring you to the place which god has how many believe that he is bringing you to his crossing 70 with ease with you do you believe it i don't know what god has prepared for you but i believe and you have to believe as well that god has prepared something good for you lift your hand and speak to god concerning this angel lord release more of these angels to my life to keep me and to bring me to keep me and to bring me to keep me and to bring me to keep thee and to bring thee to keep thee and to bring thee to the place that are prepared my [Music] my keeper my keeper keep me my keeper keep me my keeper keep me bara magala sumana my bringer bring me bring me to the place you are prepared bring me to the place you have prepared my shallow lives lift your hands and god is keeping you now ask the father keep me keep me lord and bring me lord keep me lord and bring me lord keep me and bring me keep me according to your plan keep me according to your plan protect me from my enemies protect me from those that envy me protect me for those that hate me protect me from those that wish me ill ill will protect me from malice protect me from those that speak words of hatred words of damaging power the lambraka samuel amanda protect me lord from my own self my own misbehavior my own arrows my own evil my own sins protect me lord keep me further in the way that i should go send your angels send more than one angel lord send superior angels send senior angels send higher ranking angels send angels from fire angels from the galaxies and beyond to come into my life lord send tall angels big angels powerful angels to intervene smite oh lord them that hit me lord lift up o lord a mighty sword against the one that lifts up his horn against the lord and is anointed [Music] send your angel into every crisis like you sent your angel you are jesus said could i not pray to my father and he will send me angels in this crisis lord when he was being arrested anyone who is being arrested anyone who is being stopped in your trap your life is ending your life is coming to a bad situation an angel can make a difference lift your holy hand father send angels while we call on you lord because we have no one else to call up by to call on you [Music] malendi it's happening i see heavens opening i see angels being released through some windows of heaven and some large trap doors are opening angels are being released from your prayers [Music] beloved dearly beloved avenge not yourselves dearly beloved give place unto us [Music] your holy hands are calling on your father your father is opening doors of heaven angels are coming down descending from the heavens above descending into your life into your situation every arrester is stopped every every wicked man every traitor around you karamallah who has organized things against you as it was organized against jesus is rebuked today by angelic powers by supernatural powers all treacherous and treacherous human beings in your life there are magalasa coming around you with swords and spears to take your life and to drink your blood i rebuke today in the name of jesus by angels by superior angels behold i send my angel before you tell my [Music] in the mighty name of jesus amen sit down for a moment now we are going to pray about your marital settlement your marital what settlement you'll be settled this year i said you'll be settled this year the prophecy you believe is a prophecy that is coming to pass psalm 68 and verse 5. is a father of the fatherless and the judge of the widows is god in his holy habitation now your family god is securing your family he says he is the father of the fatherless amen now verse 6 says god sets the solitary in families amen god sets the solitary in families you know one of the ways to punish people is to put them in [Music] solitary confinement and i think that many of the people in the solitary confinement pray to die do you see i don't know i haven't really but recently i saw one man who has come out of solitary confinement for some 17 years or 20 years so you don't see anybody you don't see any human being and then they release you at i think five o'clock for one hour to go into fresh air but you don't see human beings then you come back and then you set ten by seven ten uh ten feet i'm six feet so seven feet ten feet so that's the length and breath nelson mandela's present was like that so it's one of the things that satan does is that not that he has put us in a prison you see there are types of prisons you know i was watching uh something about nelson mandela the other day and they were saying that even though he had been set free at the time he had been set free he was he was going he was in a stadium he was going to give a speech before the election they were saying that even though he's free in a sense he's at where he was before because he's still surrounded by gods before he was surrounded by gods in the prison but now he's surrounded by gods as a free man walking around and he's also a prisoner of his fame and his position he's not free to do whatever he wants you see so you see you can have the same thing but it's just a in another way it's like kenke and pop those from south africa and bangku and fufu and i don't know what other thing they are all similar things but it's just a different arrangement even bread is the same flower corn yeah conflicts are you there so you may not be in solitary confinement but you are alone at home you are still solitary this year i said this year is the end of solitary confinement because i can read my bible psalm 68 god set the solitary in families wow the prophecy you believe is a prophecy i remember some time ago i don't remember exactly when i saw a sister and i spoke to her you know many times when i'm prophesying it's like most of the times i've asked i ask you a question do you know this have you thought about it do you think this what about this but i didn't know that i was prophesying about her marriage because what exactly what i asked is exactly what happened yeah but it was like the question was to prepare her mind if you are open you are going to get a miracle the prophecy you believe today i'm talking about solitary confinement i showed you nelson mandela he was in a he was surrounded by gods and he was still surrounded by gods i'm saying that somebody may be in prison solitary and you may not be caught prison but it's alone every day you are speaking to the walls makata murabi lazada why did you come to church if you didn't come for god to help you to do something you cannot do for yourself how many believe that god can do something you cannot do for yourself that's why we come to god because there are many things we cannot do for ourselves as if god helps us amen the woman who made a pact with her friend that today will boil my son and eat him and tomorrow will boil yours but after they boil this first one the second lady said i don't want to bore my child she changed her mind and the woman went on the wall and she saw the king and she cried to the king king helped me and the king said when shall i help you how can i if god doesn't help you how can you be helped so brothers and sisters there are many situations except god helps you there is no help for you and that's why we came to church because we believe that the god who made the sun do you know don't look at the sun directly but if you can have an idea the bible says that i saw an angel standing in the sun yes he was standing on the sun it's in the bible i saw an angel standing in the sun amazing yeah look at it i saw an angel standing in the sun this is senior that's why i was telling you to pray for senior angels high ranking angels supernatural angels god descending to your life your solitary confinement has come to an end today you'll never be lonely after this prayer everybody stand to your feet please if you don't believe my prayer you can sit down and then just but we are here to trust in the lord amen now some people are married but it's a form of solitary confinement because they are very lonely in the marriages [Music] how many know that you can be married and you are back to square one because like you can't talk we can't talk there's no talking only phones many marriages today are being destroyed by phones screen marriages one day a sister was in the house with the husband those times there were no mobile phones and the husband was on the phone most of the time so one day she decided she wanted to tell her husband something but he was always busy so she went out those days you you have phone booths so she went out and then she called from outside hello can i speak to my husband hello dear husband this is my issue i wanted to tell you that this and that in there and the husband said what are you doing you are trying to accuse me lift your hand and now begin to pray your family is settled this year [Music] according to psalm 68 and verse 5 a father of the fatherless a charge of the widows is god in his holy habitation we believe you today lord the end of seeking hoping that somebody will propose to me the end has come lord thank you for an answer to our prayers every day lord thank you for the end of loneliness at home i'm married but i'm lonely my god [Music] thank you for all those that stand alone that are in solitary situations according to the blessing of psalm 68 verse 5 we declare that you set the solitary in families and we pray now in the name of jesus that you fill our hearts with joy and that the wedding belt announcement we are hearing every sunday after sunday that our names are soon about to be mentioned in those wedding bears thank you for grace thank you that lord people thought i was ugly no one would ever like me no one will ever choose me but i thank you that you stretch out your hand to my life and chose me people felt that i was not appropriate but lord your power and your hand has taken me and put me where i am appropriate thank you that you have taken me out of my loneliness out of my solitaryness my ramado malenga maramado malenga marama domalenge marama domalenge marama domalengamado malenga panamonele [Music] the young lions do lack and suffer hunger but they that seek the lord shall not want any good day thank you that when a man has found a wife he has done a good day but i shall not lack any good day i shall not like any good thing i shall not like any good thing i shall not like any good thing i shall not like any good thing any good thing any good thing good things are my portion good things are my portion good things are my portion good things are my portions [Music] hallelujah how many want a good thing please take your either your pen or your paper your phone write one good thing today is the 6th of june by 31st december that good thing just write one thing please don't if you you know maybe you can write it in a coded way so that if somebody sees it you don't know what you are pray for pray today 6th of june 2020 one good thing bubble says the young lions do lack and suffer hunger but they that seek the lord shall not lack any good thing in the name of jesus christ of nazareth have you written just one good thing not two good things not three good things one good thing my god and one of the good things is a spouse when a man has found a wife he has found a what a good thing my god karama dola mandala this week is a greater love wedding there are people that people thought no your time has passed you know one day a young man of god went to a man of god's meeting there were other men of god's dead and you know what he said he said these men of god are expired fathers expired what fathers look at how people talk said they are expired fathers yeah such people don't amount to much you call your father an expired father it's like his time is passed it's meat which cannot be eaten every expiry on you that somebody has imposed on you superimpose on you will reject and remove that covering in jesus name direct prince he was asked in an interview was the happiest time of your life immediately said oh my second marriage yes my second my marriage to my second wife is that i was 63 years old he said it was romance robot raw what so those of you you see the person in 63 you say he's an expert he's an inspired father he's an inspired father what do you mean wrong what wrong what karma sato ba la baba you can never be called an inspired brother or inspired sister in the name of jesus lift your hand and pray lord my cabo rama provide provide good thing one good thing one good thing lift your hand and say lord send one good thing into my life i ask you today the 6th of june kamala ba malay maladegaba maladegaba [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] hey mama you are not expired you are not expired no one can expire you there is no expiry date on your life in the name of jesus christ brightest days lie ahead in the name of [Music] jesus [Music] thank you father for your mighty power your mighty power to give us one good thing let your hand and thank god now one good thing have i desired from you lord just one thing i prayed about the lord i've written it down i've asked you lord for one day i thank you that you are listening to my prayer that you have sent angels to my life you have sent superior supernatural angels [Music] thank you for answering my prayer thank you that what i'm asking is not frivolous to you lord it's not fixatious lord it is not too too little it's not insignificant it's important to you lord because it's important to me i pray for it lord i ask you in jesus name oh my heart desire lord you said what things you desire when you pray believe believe believe that you shall rest you receive them and you shall have them we believe that we receive we have prayed today in the name of jesus and we thank you dear lord for hearing our prayer in jesus mighty name as we gather may your spirit work within us as we god [Music] will be [Music] will be blessed because we care how many believe that as we gather today we'll be blessed may we glorify today because we came [Music] [Applause] will be blessed because we came [Music] the steadfast love of the lord [Music] [Music] great is your faithfulness [Music] thank god for your life you know you wake up in the morning you just hear news this one is gone this one is gone this one is gone and here you are in the house of god just lift your hand and thank god for giving your life we are blessed to be in his presence again together yes there may be crisis there may be troubles there may be difficulties but we are blessed to just even be here we thank you jesus thank you for your presence and your power [Music] thank you lord for this blessing of today in jesus name we pray and everyone said amen you may be seated in the house of the lord are you glad you prayed a little amen what a blessing now i believe the lord is extracting you from the jaws of the wicked amen and wherever you are whatever plan of the enemy you know there is in your life and against your life i believe that today's prayers at every devil is subject to you has come to pass practically now as we are here now it is good for us to do what we can do and it is good for us to give and to use whatever opportunity and whatever money we have well this morning i woke up and i saw this famous prophet has passed away and i thought is it a joke somebody's sick joke but after some time i am not hearing that it is false fake news and i thought to myself no if i was gone suddenly like that god forbid but let's say i was gone what what would be important the bishops and the sons who carry on with the work is what will matter that there are people well trained and people who have the same mantle and who can carry on continuing preaching and going everywhere to do the work of the ministry number two i thought of it that what will matter you know the buildings that we built that are physically there you can't easily move them because it becomes something you see like the method this church is in ghana is present whether there's any whether you say oil charisma this doesn't matter the buildings that we put on the ground it makes the church real even 200 years later you can't easily remove it so i saw that the buildings become very important and then the books also the words because even in current times you see that it's as if as if i prophesied those who leave you those who are dangerous sons those who forget those who accuse you those who are proud those who pretend one of you is a devil those who are ignorant i mean it's as if it was written about anybody somebody but i wrote in 1998 loyalty and this loyalty in 1998. yes when we were in kaligon i wrote the book those those who accuse you and those who forget i remember because i was i was working in the kaligon office it's nothing new so as we are here you know i want us to really appreciate the times we have we have to cherish the moment that jesus gives to us we have to cherish the moments that jesus gives to us those of us who are watching who are part of us let's cherish that you are part of something that i believe will live on beyond beyond any one person amen are you excited about that and that's that's what you are part of that's what you should thank god that you are part of that of something that even already we can see that it will live on beyond any particular person by the grace of god so i want us to you know opportunities this man was going to be 58 years old in a few days it doesn't even seem to matter to in god's timing no no it's it's amazing and you see it shows us that at any time god can say you know i need you today it's over so once we are here you know i became more determined to build more i mean faster quicker do more than ever before ash and i want us to be more determined you know years ago when i was in secondary school the scripture in first corinthians chapter 3 that every man's work will be tested whether it is hay or wood or stubble or stone or gold or silver and that the fire will try it and i realize that when fire passes through something if there is something left then it means it is something substantial like diamonds will not disappear diamonds are that was the hardest stone in the world that's why they say diamonds are forever that's why they give diamonds for love because diamonds are forever they are the hardest stone diamonds are forever yeah that's why they spend so much to mind diamonds when somebody laughs with the person give you diamonds now i don't know if your ring contains glass but i'm talking about diamonds is the harder stone to survive every pressure yes yes are you still around diamonds are forever make sure you at least you at least you have to wear a diamond somewhere now when the fire tests your work everything can vanish but god is using us to put something into the world that after fire it will still be there it may even be better maybe shine brighter amen do you want to be part of something like this are you excited about that yeah because you make us stronger and more determined to finish what has been started so that the day god says hey you hey come no problem nothing holds you back mother teresa mother teresa have you heard of mother teresa yeah she had what they call the sisters of charity mothers and sisters i realize that in our church we have sisters and mothers it's almost like we are almost catholic and our schools have seen this and that's in that why not it's allowed i went to a catholic school so i see what i don't see why not be careful i'll call you a saint just now now one time i was watching the mothers of charity sisters of charity and they were washing their things in a bucket and they said that all that they own in this world is that bucket and they're closing it they have nothing more than one bucket with the clues in it that's all their possessions yes sisters of charity yeah at the the back a lot of the sisters they were all lined up they were watching that is what i said those are their possessions in this world they look after sick people and mother teresa said she said that there is medicine for everything but there is no medicine for not being wanted not being wanted there's no medicine for that and that they are there to look after those that are not wanted let us do what we have to do before the time comes when we have to go and i want us to invest more in diamonds gold and silver i don't mean physical diamonds i'm talking metaphorically before i go and say you said i said we should invest in diamonds they're calling on their calls from the church to invest in diamonds ah look at this shame on you let's invest in things that when a fire passes through it will still be there beautifully are you not excited about that take out your very best offering on this sixth day of june six and six remainder 1 6 something negative will be happening are you excited about it god is doing wonders amen and we are achieving greater and greater things permanent anybody who wants to build a church don't wait till you are dead and you say i want to just go back and then send some whilst you are physically breathing make sure you build your church one church can be built by you if you want to know how much contact my secretary somebody will tell me the price has increased the price has not changed the cost i should say the price the cost any extra costs that have are coming but there's some extra things coming up we are not going to be part of that i'm absorbing we're absorbing everything i want people individually to be able to do certain things yes even though i know there are other costs nobody asks you about the cost of the land because nobody is asking all that but your part is beautiful and the cathedrals two are also very doable you can do one don't wait till you're in a coffin say i want to go back and transfer some money and now you see that governments are coming to take tax do you know that many places if you die they will take about 40 percent 30 percent 50 some places so instead of sowing it as a seed it has gone straight to the government to make roots and provide roots from accra to kumasi and other places amazing take your offering everyone now although there is no prediction for rain some of the clouds are not friendly yes so take out your offering your second offering your tides and everything let's sow a seed you never know and let's believe god build churches do permanent things i'm making channels for you when it's time to give to orphanage i'll tell you that this is an orphanage and mother teresa has really uh stepped something up in me i i wouldn't be surprised if i do some pterosauric things you know there is no cure for not being wanted yeah like mad people there's no cure no nobody wants you every family with a mental person wishes that the person would will just vanish because of the burden the person brings but god is going to use us to show compassion and love to many people in jesus name amen can i have a louder amen or you ask now if you want to give please look on the screen there are all the ways to give is written right there please try to give mostly through the mobile money and so on rather than cash we prefer that so that it goes to the bank directly and god is going to bless you mightily but if you have cash why not maybe you are a cash man i had a friend called cash man let's pray over your offering ask your neighbor neighbor do you give you do you give if he says no tell him you'll be poor you'll be poor we don't give you before father thank you as we saw this special seed today in the mighty name of jesus christ amen i just received the offering and i'm going to invite the worshiper i don't think they finish their worship so i'm going to invite them to give us maybe one or two songs and then after that the choir probably will the sun is still high it's way early in the day amen i think you people have been waiting to come later you know the sun should go down small you should have told us that we started at three now it's too late so now you are going to desire here you watch and see you're going to be saying oh we want to go again i want to go back to egypt but this is not egypt no god forbid amen i wonder if you are an egyptian christian and you keep on hearing things about egypt pharaoh and others will you be happy like when you are preaching you have to say in the egyptians you see today you shall see no more meanwhile you are an egyptian oh i think it's either this week or next week they are having a major outreach in egypt when our one of our pastors is going there with my books every pastor is getting 10 in arabic or a large pastor's conference in egypt all over the country actually is it not amazing yeah so i don't know if i was there and i was preaching the egyptians you see today they shall be drowned in the in the in the in the in which river was it the red sea the red sea i think there will be tension in the church you don't have to preach from exodus when you go to egypt i'd rather see the young man and warn him he should know the messages that he chooses to preach from all right how to drown pharaoh all right i think the ashes have finished so um tell your neighbor neighbor i feel blessed by the holy spirit already amen i want to encourage everybody to walk in the holy spirit and be led by the spirit every day god will be leading you telling you things telling you things telling you things and you must follow him amen are you going to follow the holy [Music] spirit [Music] good [Music] do [Music] thy [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] that i have to learn [Music] i'll listen to the messages i had to listen to i'm [Music] that i have to pray i'm gonna fast for all those days [Music] [Music] [Applause] thirsty land [Music] is [Music] [Music] i'm gonna follow your servants those who follow after you i'm gonna follow the fathers [Music] and that is [Music] [Music] in [Music] heart foreign [Music] those who need [Music] she [Music] my soul follows [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] thirsty [Music] [Music] i'll follow heart after this [Music] [Music] uh i received a call from god the other day i was just a young person he spoke to me and said my child you were [Music] do you know the secret of prosperity seek ye first the kingdom of god and all the things that people seek for i will give them all to you [Music] he shall be satisfied with the good of his house and of that holy temple oh one thing have i desired of the lord and that one thing will i seek for that i may dwell in the house of the [Music] lord [Music] [Music] [Music] do you know the secret of prosperity seeking first the kingdom of god and all these things that people seek for i will give them [Music] easy you shall serve the lord your god and he shall bless he shall bless the bread you eat he shall also bless the water that [Music] you shall serve the lord your god and he shall bless a blessing for all those who serve he shall take away sickness from your mist the number of your days he will fulfill so i'll go where i have [Music] oh [Music] now i'm asking you said will you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] 16 years old [Music] is [Music] of his father [Music] jesus ready [Music] who [Music] messiah [Music] jesus i am ready [Music] thank you for calling me for calling me so young i'm waiting for [Music] you doing all sorts of [Music] [Music] [Applause] you can use me jesus [Music] jesus i am ready thank you for calling me for calling me so young waiting for you waiting for you when i'm just 16. come on [Music] when i'm [Music] just like you can use me jesus [Music] jesus i am ready [Music] [Applause] when i'm just six hallelujah put your hands together again for the greater love gospel choir amen are you excited to be in church wow well it's time for the word of god [Applause] and um i believe we've already been blessed so much by the prayer time and by the time of worship i believe god has more for us amen and i don't know if you heard prophet saying that we should be in tune with the holy spirit and we should hear from him constantly and allow him to lead and guide us amen either you've gone home and i believe the holy spirit has something to say to us this afternoon and i pray that your heart to be touched to be led by him and to receive the message that he has for you specifically this afternoon amen and the holy spirit is going to speak to us through his servant our pastor and our prophet the bible says in the second psalm 23 that the spirit speak by me and his word was in my tongue and i believe today god is going to speak through his prophet and it's going to be god speaking to you but there's a message for you i was really touched by what prophet said that there's something for you god wants to speak to you every day and tell you something to do something to think about something to change something that he wants to affect and transform and i believe today is no exception so i don't know where you came from in this great city or this country or wherever you came from god brought you here to give you a message that's going to transform your life and that's going to change you are you ready to hear lay hands on your ear say blessed are my ears for be here in jesus name amen now let's think nothing is impossible as we welcome our pastor and our prophet in jesus name do you believe that nothing is impossible nothing is impossible when you put your trust nothing is impossible [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] yes everything is is your day of blessing today is your day of freedom seeing nothing is impossible it's impossible when you put your trust the holy spirit is setting you free in this service lift your hands all over this place and sing talking to the voice of god everybody lift your hands and sing it is [Music] yes give the lord a shout of praise lift your hands in surrender and welcome your pastor to the stage come on give the lord a praise [Music] hallelujah father thank you for your blessing you gave to us today in the mighty name of jesus christ thank you that you guide us by the holy spirit and you lead us every day thank you that you are leading us every day you are speaking to us you are leading us we are grateful in jesus name and everyone said amen you may be seated well i hope you are enjoying your last sunday up here and more of the announcements will be flowing along but what a blessing we have been blessed amen all things work together for good and so today i want to share with you on the power of the assembly the power of the assembly the overall theme is the one thousand micro churches about a thousand micro churches are a thousand assemblies and every time we assemble we are doing certain things now i want you to listen carefully and check with your neighbor and say if i see you doing what's up or anything like that during the service i'll speak a word over your life from which you may not recover tell your neighbour i'm appointing myself as your personal overseer during the preaching i'm your personal overseer you cannot watch pornography once you are in touch all right now the power of the assembly now last week i was sharing with you why the devil hates the assembly the devil hates the assembly because if you read acts chapter 20 and verse 28 it says take heed therefore unto yourselves and to all the flock which the holy ghost have made you overseers of to feed the church of god which he has purchased with his own blood for i know this that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you the word grievous is savage savage wolves enter in among you not sparing the flock now in ezekiel 5 it says they were scattered because there is no shepherd and they became meat to all the beasts of the field when they were scattered they became what meat to all the beasts of the field now once you are scattered you become meat for the wolves do you see even buffalos huge buffalos i remember the last time i saw a buffalo in kenya the buffalo is like from this [Music] television stand here all the way something like this it's huge very long it's not like a cow and even cows are very strong never driving to a cow you your cow will be supposed the cow the cow will not will be standing there if you if you ever make the mistake of driving into a car all your car your car will be spot and the car will still be there okay so how much more buffalo and these buffaloes once they are isolated when you are only one they become they become prey all right or meet they became meat to all the beasts of the field okay so not every animal is a herbivore herbivore eats vegetables salad but some of the animals eat blood and meat and you are their food you are their meat so isolation isolation and separation is what the enemy needs now if you watch buffaloes i would suggest that you watch it you can understand how your life is is that once they are together in the head like this even though they are eating that as the other lion is looking at you you are his foot you see but you cannot he cannot eat you that's why you see a head of buffalo or antelopes together and the lions will be sitting there coolly watching them they are watching their lunch they are watching their dinner eating but they can't just take them on because they are together in a head but the devil wants you to be out so his main campaign is to separate you or isolate you once you are separated or isolated all right you are meet nice meet and all you need is a group of lions to surround you when you are isolated and you know even though you are have defenses with time you you you you are likely to to go down if you are alone so a christian must be allergic to being the odd one out you must be allergic to being the isolated person you must be afraid of it you should always see yourself as an average person don't see yourself as super strong don't see yourself as a good strong unfoldable and defeatable unfornicatable person yes don't see yourself as wild are you do you know that sometimes the way we behave we behave like you are you are very strong do you see what i'm saying don't tempt yourself to see how wild you are or how strong you are just assume that hey me i am average so i must be in a group and in the group be allergic to being isolated some of you are not believing what i'm saying huh i don't think you are you are getting my i don't think yeah i i don't i don't enjoy i don't enjoy i don't enjoy the feeling that i'm having huh i should preach on this side i'll preach this side [Music] what i am saying to those of you on this side who i believe what i'm saying be allergic to being isolated as soon as you feel isolated it means there is danger there is danger if you start watching wildlife as soon as you see an eye an antelope on its own buffalo on his own any of the animals on his own you immediately feel worried for the cha for the animal all right so aha i was telling this group something yes [Music] so i need you don't be allergic to falling be allergic to being alone they allowed you to be in the old one out they are led to being isolated being taken out separated that's what you should know you don't have to worry about the other things you should know that this comes before this that's why you must be afraid of pride because pride always comes before destruction so what you must be afraid of is of being proud but not even of falling but of being proud must be afraid of being proud yeah are you getting what i'm saying yes you must be afraid of being proud being too big yes yes because if you are afraid of that then you are afraid of the step before the fall so you don't have to get to that step and find out that fall is just nearby don't try to find out no i'll tell you something that happened to me one day oh you know one day it was the last day of school and my father had put some building materials in the house yeah now the building materials was like sheets of something and i wanted to test how heavy is one do you see do you understand what i'm saying i wanted to test and see how heavy is one so i i it was the last day of school i remember because of how the last day was so i pulled one and i felt that we said oh it's not too heavy and i pulled another one oh it's not so heavy i can push it back i can pull it back then i put the third one and i tried it again oh it's not so heavy i put the fourth one and i was fifth one i would say look i don't know what made me decide to test my strength energy fifth one sixth one seventh one eighth one ninth one tenth one now i was pushing it like this i could see that it was still going then i decided to try the last one that's what i'm saying that don't test how powerful you are it's not a good plan for your life anyway so i put one more and i tried to move it back but it wasn't going it wasn't going now the whole thing was coming back on me and i was the only one holding it so now how to move up because i realized that that die is cast it is going to fall down and i am now here and nothing is coming on me so now the main thing is how to jump away before it hits the ground are you with me on this experiment so i have tested some of you have tested too much to see you shouldn't have tested yourself to see whether oh when i see him i'll be okay i mean it's just an old flame it's an old flame it's an old flame oh she's just an old flame caramel so now i was now planning because the thing was coming down how to jump so at the last moment i left it and jumped back but when i jumped back my left leg was not able to escape and my foot was mashed under and i remember because it was the last day and there was a lot of things for the last day but my foot was now smashed and after today i still bear the scars of testing my strength and i was taken straight to the hospital instead of to school yes because i was testing and some of you are testing to see whether you are strong enough until you are making that phone call and sending such a message and doing certain things and you are okay when you are alone in the house thinking to yourself and you are happy when you are not in church yes some of you feel that you can just use the telephone to be in in church just phone and you are becoming a meat for the wolves yes you are sitting in a cow with a man with a big pot belly and you are not afraid to become a meat the wolves stop testing tell your neighbor i feel you are testing your strength too much you are an average person you are an average person you see somebody with corona virus you want to go and i want to test the vaccine that i've had i want to see whether the vaccination is working why do you want to test things you are too comfortable with danger years ago i had oral roberts telling a story he said in the olden days there was uh they used to travel by stagecoach you know those things are four horses to be pulling the coach have you seen a cowboy it's an indian film so they you need a driver to drive the stagecoach so they put a signboard outside the office drivers wanted stage coach drivers wanted so many people came to apply this one came and said i can you see how this cliff is he said i can drive three inches that is from here to here as i am afraid another one came and said i can drive one foot 12 inches at top speed another one came i said i can make 15 inches and i'm going and another one guy came and said i can drive on the line i drive on the line like that you see me at top speed 100 kilometers per hour on the line hey and then another man came a cool afternoon he came and said for me i my maximum my maximum is two meters from there this is a i cannot this strange is no no which of them do you think got the job the two meters man he said me i don't know how to do these experiments yes some of you are saying and advertising yourself i can drive on the edge oh yes oh yes i'll be talking to two boys at the same time one on the left here one on the right here oh he's just a friend he has been paying my school fees oh he just bought me a phone he's an ankle uncle from the world [Music] oh i mean i can survive three weeks without praying no problem it's about three reasons i last prayed and had my quiet time i'm okay cry i'm in the spirit i pray i preach i do everything without prayer so brothers and sisters you must not be comfortable with being alone don't like it i don't like it don't accept it ask your neighbor are you the odd one out no i asked ask your neighbour i hear the odd one out talk to your neighbor you see the people on this side there are no moving around here this area here this area here here around this this section shall i come downstairs this this side here those at the back you won't ask anybody okay i've closed good night see you later ah you can come and do that let's welcome the choir [Music] you are here are those are the backgrounds look at the people out there you have come to eat quebec but you have not come because of the word of god you see you cannot go around you are going to test your vaccination to see whether it's working that i just want to test i'll breathe to test the vaccine all right sit down it says they were scattered and they became what meat they became what lift your answer i'll never be meat for any lion amen when you meet in psalm 84 7 it says they go from strength to strength every one of them in zion appeareth before god when you meet you go from strength to strength amen now the power of the assembly first of all the assembly edifies the people edification first corinthians chapter 2 chapter 14 and verse 2. he says in chapter 14 it it teaches us what we should do when we come together so the whole of chapter 14 of first corinthians is about how to behave and he says when you come together somebody will speak in an unknown tongue but when somebody prophesies in the assembly there is edification so the assembly provides a platform for prophecies and anointed and inspired words that will edify you now to be edified is means number one to educate yes educate number two it means to enlighten you are already enlightened by two stories i have told you one of how i tested my strength and number two the story that oral roberts told of the stagecoach driver who was testing his and he was advertising for a driver and drivers were saying i can drive on the edge and i say i can't drive on the edge you're already educated number two enlightened edify means to enlighten in the dictionary number three it means to improve so there is an improvement straight away as soon as you come to the assembly you are improved there is an improvement in every situation that you are in there is an improvement as soon as you come to the assembly and that is why satan will want you to stay in the house stay away and one of satan's main messages to you is that you don't belong in this group how many have ever felt i'm the only one with this or that issue raise your hand raise your hand raise your hand here i think this side are those who experience the messages that i'm preaching they are able to relate with it more you have you ever felt you are the only one these people are these people are always feeling that they are part of everything so edify is to enlighten and to educate and to improve there is improvement there's great improvement when you come that's why a true shepherd is worried when people don't assemble because he feels that there's some improvement you are missing amen and then number five or four it means to teach and then number five it means to uplift yes so uplifting you'll be uplifted how many already feel uplifted even when we pray we feel uplifted yes we feel uplifted yeah i also feel uplifted when i come and we even i leave prayer i also feel uplifted yeah and these are the things that happen in the assembly yeah so as we go on now into our different new mode that we are going we cannot leave any secondary school person out last she or she becomes meat when a small girl meets a bad man she's finished she's finished what is left of her the things that he will do to her because the person is meet the human being is meat you are meat to the wolf the the the man will tell you i love you and because your mind is more like a chicken brain you believe that he loves you as he is destroying you by the time he's finished with you you are nothing more than a show [Music] yes but the time is finished with you and tosses you over to the next one number two during the assembly the bible says you have exaltation it says he speaketh to men to edification and exaltation exaltation now exhortation number one it means to exact influence on the will and the decisions of a person yes so when you come to church there is influence on your will and your decisions so bad decisions of your life you see that god puts accepts a power over those decisions that's why when we come to the house of god you see people take decisions to serve god and they take decisions that are finished with this bad way of life yes influence comes to bear on your will and on your decisions when you hear about jesus and you hear the words of jesus it comes to bear on your will because you see it's our will that is weak he says you know pray the spirit is willing it's willing sometimes you are willing but the flesh is weak how many have ever felt like doing the left but you ended up doing the right has it happened to you before that is mostly besides that are experiencing these things how many have ever decided this thing is the last time but it was not the last time because the next time came on this side are you experiencing such things these sides are not experiencing such things no you decided that this is the last time like i think this is it this is it but it was not it number two exhortation means to encourage somebody who is under pressure karama shaparabhaka how many have ever been under pressure and when you come to church you receive some encouragement that is what in the bible say exaltation exaltation you're under pressure but you receive exhortation to encourage someone who is under pressure the power of the assembly number three it is to put confidence in the troops exaltation is to put confidence in the all the famous generals were known to walk in front the other troops would be lined up here like napoleon they they walk they see he sit on the horse and walk in front of them and tell them you are the great warriors of whatever you cannot be defeated you are going to win this thing you are all going home to your wives to your chicken to your beer you will be next week by this time you will be in paris this and that word and the soldiers will get confidence in the troops who have confidence let's go to war let's fight yeah aha you see these people are receiving the confidence confidence the troops so you see that exhortation when you come to the house of god it's almost like there's an army general who is speaking to you to put confidence in the troops and give you some confidence even when you are facing maybe even death yes yes is to encourage somebody who is under pressure god is encouraging you today and telling you you will come out on the other side hallelujah it is to strengthen the morale of the troops by a recollection of past battles yes rehearsing or telling about past victories brings tremendous encouragement when you remember and you come to the house of god and the word of god come to remind you remember this case when your crisis came many have been through certain crisis you didn't know how you come out but now you may be going through something and god is telling you look i'm rehearsing a past battle remember this case i brought you through and i'll bring you through this one too in the name of jesus christ are you there or you are living the next one is to enliven and to speak good words so as to encourage or cheer them that's why when you come to church you notice you laugh a lot how many have noticed that you laugh a lot although we are not cracking jokes yes hallelujah are you still in a church those are the upstairs are you part of us okay i hope you are enjoying your last sunshine number four an assembly the power of the assembly to bring comfort to the people to bring what comfort to the people now the bible says he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men but unto god for no man understanded him howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries serena on stage he that prophesied speaketh unto men to edification to exaltation and comfort amen amen now comfort is to speak to someone coming close to the side of another and to speak to the person coming close to the side so when the holy spirit when you come to check the holy spirit comes close to your side have you seen when somebody comes close to your side i want to talk to you maybe you are crying the person comes close to you she'll come to your side to comfort you don't worry baby everything's going to be all right baby i love you baby take it easy baby i'm right here baby to come close to your side wow amen god is coming close so when you come to the assembly god will come close to you and he will speak to you and he'll whisper to you amen the next one is it means to speak to someone in a friendly way how many sins sometimes god speak to you in a friendly way like like nobody's friendly with you in the house now when they come to church it's like somebody's friendly with you it's like oh charlie oh yeah actually why wait wait a minute before relax you are too serious when you come to the house of god the holy spirit will speak to you in a friendly way amen that's why we need to come together [Music] amen now the next thing about assembly is that it encourages power of assembly encourages unity yes unity in acts chapter 2 they're continuing daily with one accord in the temple breaking bread from house to house did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart you see you start to have one heart when you come together you know you may criticize somebody but when you meet the person you realize you have a different feeling that's why many times people want to meet can i meet the person yeah even these type of relationships cyber relationships you know you may see the person on the internet but when you see the person realize ah you are taller than the picture you are shorter than the picture you are wider i have an umbrella that people are wider in the pictures or smaller in the pictures you know one time i had a situation where some people were fighting with me and someone said oh can he he wants to get involved to talk to the different groups and one day when he asked myself fine no problem but afterwards he told me said i was surprised that you said fine because we we had had we had an impression that oh no you're there charlie you don't want to i mean you don't want to hear anything at all you are this and that and that he said i was so surprised when i sat with him it was just everything said you're no problem if you want to do this if you want this and that we can talk he had a completely different impression one brother said to me we had a meeting for one hour before we came to see you so when we came we just said oh yes of course why not we were so surprised we had been meeting for one hour just to plan how to talk to you you know that is why actually assembling changes the picture yes it changes your feeling when you actually interact and so that is why you all these zoom meetings and so on you see that time will come look we are zoom out we zoom out and and come in pressing we are zooming out it's like look so those of you who have made yourself permanent zoomers you watch zoom service and whatever service after that pornography then after that days after that different things hey we are zooming out and we are coming live the power of the assembly is working hallelujah amen you always have a different impression when you are not physically there always yes in jude chapter one there's only one chapter verse 18. he said how they told you that there should be mockers you see you are full of scorn when you are not there there should be mockers in the last day who should walk after their own and godly last and these be they who separate themselves you see when you are separate you becomes comfortable and mocking yes you are mocking but when you are physically there you don't mock you realize what is going on yes it says there should be mockers in the last time okay who should walk after their own loss now who are democrats who are people who scorn you see these be they who separate themselves sensual having not the spirit so when you separate yourself you don't have the spirit you see this person always you are alone one man solo moving challenge me and me and the spirit me and the spirit of all the things god created there was only one thing that he said wasn't good that the man was alone all the things god created us once he said this one aspect that is not working well at all this guy is alone solitary confinement and you know when we come together we always have quarrels and all the things confusion and so on it comes to separate us you see the world is in such a way that we are tending towards separation yes there's there's a tendency to separate yeah yeah that's why all the messages you see are against separation those who leave those who are accused accusation you'll never be friends of somebody who accuses you a person who accuses you you will not be close to the person yeah those who are dangerous and those who are ungrateful when somebody is somewhere after you've been kind even you see another person and you say this person needs this you remember what you did for someone oh this kindness when i show it to this person they will the weaving stone you people have even developed teachings and they say orphans are ungrateful this type of group are ungrateful this tribe when you care for them they will kill you later they will attack you this group when you do this yes church members are this this and that so people don't want to open their homes and don't want to laugh again because they remember and all these things keep us apart because human beings you know apart from devils the next bad group are human beings like apart from after devils the next group that are bad are humans come close to somebody and you start having conflict with the person and you start separating so god is always pulling us together we ourselves when we come together we start to kill ourselves so if i was not to be preaching faithfulness assembly those who leave you those who forget those who attract all these things you see that we wouldn't even gather at all what can even keep us together every day somebody will be hurt that is why it is a great thing to show the people you have related with for so many years and you've never broken your relationship with them before church started i met with a brother and he was telling me he said look before i went to america i was a houseboy for one of the pastors here i was literally a houseboy every sitting here at the same year go here i was doing everything and he said one day when i went to school and then i got a visa i couldn't remember i couldn't get i couldn't even buy a ticket i called this pastor and he just told me go here go here take money from here and that's how i went to america he said today his children they come to me then he described how as a lady looked after him when he was america i said all that oh hey children are with me you see people who remember it's also not even so usual more people don't remember things that i have done for them they said i would have gone anywhere if i didn't get money to buy the ticket from out i've got it from here after i didn't know banks i could have got a loan that's how people talk yes how long should i be grateful for one thing that you did for me some years ago i mean how many years should i say thank you i'm not tired of saying thank you yes for how long should i be grateful i mean say thank you what is it one ticket that you bought i have to say thank you forever and ever okay come for the money but you see what you don't realize is that if the person hadn't come in at that junction not that that money will never be available in life but at that particular junction it would not have amounted to anything yes you know i don't usually travel for funerals but one of our lady pastors who died in america and i said oh i will go i don't believe in traveling for free i don't think you should travel much for funerals and i advise you a lot of people die go traveling for funerals but when she died i said i'll go to a funeral because when i went to america i remember she was we had i think five members or three members of four and she was one and her husband didn't even want to join the church and she told her husband husband said no dee ganes daniels coming to do church i know them but she talked to her husband those of you who say um you are just you just have to follow your husband she rather talk to her husband made her husband join the church properly yeah when she died i said i would go i'll be there yeah to honor her even though she can't see me it doesn't matter i remember try to remember things oh try to remember god brings us together and these ungratefulness bring such pains and scatter us that's why when we come close to each other instead be careful of these church people be careful of this be careful of this be careful of this because people are ready to repay good with evil but you see when you come to church we keep on bringing ourselves together have you not noticed parents they always tell the children to stay together have you not noticed when jesus was going he told himself that you may be one like stay together because staying together is better than scattering into different into different uh uh groups all over yeah god wants us to be together i want you to i'm going to give you something to to mark okay in your life how long have you had your relationships how long yes how long have you had your relationships yes how long have you had your relationships let your relationships today be your relationships intact tomorrow yes look at all your relationships and market and say this man was in my life at this time and will be in my life in 40 years time yes by the grace of god yes check it out and see how long you've cried with your roommate you you don't you don't talk to your roommate your second roommate you don't talk to your second roommate the third roommate you know i don't want to no no no i know the kind of people like whatever and i know this and i know that but that's what she's also saying about you it's too much your friends from school my friends from school are still my friends yes the people that i was doing fellowship with us as a university student i'm still in the ministry with the same people yeah it's the same people the same people anybody who is not with me doesn't want to be with me but i want to be with a person but he doesn't want to be with me but i want to be with a person still how long have your relationships lasted the power of the assembly is god's power bringing us together let's stay together let's stay together let's stay together yeah that's the work of a pastor in a church to gather the sheep are you listening yeah tell your neighbour stop caring in you it's too much don't be a mocker now listen the greatest indictment or dark shadow on your separation is what the bible says in jude that these are those who separate themselves having not the spirit it means you don't have the holy spirit that's why you are separated [Music] you don't have the spirit so don't tell me that the spirit the spirit of god has led me to whatever you don't have the spirit that is the reason why you are doing what you are doing you don't have the spirit don't blame the holy spirit don't bring the holy spirit into this at all and let me tell you something you know a sign of strength in romans 15 and verse 1 it says that they that are strong ought to bear the burdens of the weak some and not to please ourselves some of the relationships you have the way the person is behaving the person is weak eating other person is behaving like that so your strength your strength are you getting what i'm saying it's revealed when you are able to keep that weak that's some way present as part of your life you are bearing the burden of having such a human being in your life not to throw away somebody who has a problem so the more weak people you have roaming around with you it shows how strong you are strong countries look after their cripples after they are blind after they are deaf and dumb and after the people with difficult disease after the agent they care for all of them they keep them for free it's a sign of strength not a sign of stupidity to have some somebody ask me i i i i i feel that you don't want to associate with me i said to him i will associate with you for the rest of your life unless you don't like me i will always associate with you what i will always associate with you it is a sign of strength yes to have people that are having problems you still relate with them and they are all part of the family and of the church that's how we can stay together the power of the assembly it is when you don't have the holy ghost you don't have anointing that is when you you separate when i was in secondary school at a motor school i must have been in uh from four from five that is the first time i went to action when they when they started the first person that i knew as a pastor was he was we would call him brother he wasn't even called pastor nick that was when i saw him there i relate with him up to today i must be one of his best people that he relates with up to today and that is achimota school 1970 uh 1979 17 up to today i still relate i can i call him i'll chat with him for one hour what were you in 1979 and you somebody that you knew in 2017 you've paralleled with the person already do you not think that when there is a relationship between people there will be issues there might always be issues but everybody look at romans 50 says you then who are strong if you are a strong man when somebody in some way you carry the person along with you in your life and you don't throw the person away out of your life can i have a shout of your loudness amen i once went to a church and i saw a whole lot of some where people in the church i knew there was some way because i know i knew some more things happened but i saw the pastor was moving through them like this i said hey i thought the pastor would sack them because in my immature mind i thought that no unless people are fully filled with the holy ghost speaking in tongues reading their bible every day they don't listen to unbelievable music they don't do all these things unless then those people should not be in the church but you see i didn't know that that's the the strong pastor is the one who is able to keep all types of people you get what i'm saying that those who are weak and they are moving like this moving like this moving like this moving like that moving like this moving like this every type of style you are able to accommodate the person give the lord a shout of hallelujah we have members some of you you feel when somebody doesn't come every week he's not a member look we have members who come once a year that's all once a year it starts good friday they are members also we have to accommodate all these type of people if you ask them when they go to church lighthouse or whatever the world is only once they've been someone come once in their lifetime that's a membership we can carry all these people with us the power of the assembly is to keep us together no matter the kind of problem somebody has you'll be part of us that's a sign of strength yes that's a sign of strength amen are you there assembling is powerful now listen to this this one is going to shock you because it causes all your needs to be met yeah now i want you to listen in acts 4 the bible says and with great power gave the apostles witness and great grace was upon all of them neither was there any among them that lacked for as many as where possessors of lands or houses sold them and brought the prices of the things that were sold amen now i'm going to give you something to write down and look from now till you die your last note you make it when you're about to die you will notice that your needs will be met through the assembly yeah if you like you can write it down i i will leave you to see and discover that god will provide for you through the assembly yes everything neither was there any that lacked if you like watch and see one way or another you'll find out that your life is connected to the church yeah i'll say oh but i got this job it wasn't through the church i got this i married this year i knew her from saint whatever school no i know you saw the person i said whatever school by what you see oh remember we said the grace of our lord jesus christ the love of god the communion fellowship contribution and participation of the holy spirit and what else and the 25 000 children of god which includes all the important people for my life and the first love of the spirit of power and of love and sound mind be with us now and forever more amen all the important people for your life all the important people for your life and everything for your life i say i prophesy and i'm telling you it will come through the power of the assembly neither was there any that lacked anything marketing see yeah you find out with time that the church has an inexorable capacity and ability to somehow link you up with whatever is necessary in time as time passes you begin to see the church this morning somebody was in my office and was talking all i could say was that hey the church is very he said the church is very important he said he echoes it's very important the church is people who are in mature and sometimes downright crazy who break up every important relationship and connection the bible says every joint supplies whatever is needed if you like write it down and see and you know what it takes a grateful child to see the connection the connection between something and some it takes a grateful child to see you know one day i was looking at my father and my my mother and i said to myself my father never left my mother my father never left my mother perhaps that uh thing affected me and i see the fact that i grew up in a house where there was always a father and a mother until my father died i never i saw this my father lost my mother this their room this is my father this is my mother this is their since i was ah yes you never you never know the effect that it has on you yes mommy and daddy's room this is my father this is my mother and this is their room yes some of you have never seen your father before you've never stayed in you may not know the effect that it has some of you may not know the effect that the church has on replacing or even bringing something that is missing greatly in your life you know when i went first to south africa initially i saw the infrastructure and all that i said hey wow the infrastructure is very heavy just like europe but as the years have gone by i see the effect of what they went through has affected their inside the soul and the damage is much more than the absence of a road i mean we don't have it we don't have any road it's true we don't have any road but you know many times when south africa whenever we deal with white people once we start talking with them they'll ask you you're not from here you see you're not from i said no we're not from here because they are surprised that we are talking to them the way we talk to them we don't have any inhibitions you're a white man and so it's nice that you are here but we need something [Music] but you see that the the the effect on your soul yeah many of you are being healed in your souls there's so much damage in your soul but you don't even know the soul is being helped you are being helped in your life yes yeah abnormal you don't even know you're abnormal yeah how many realize sometimes that you are they are not normal i don't know man you're just not normal you're on and off some of you don't even know how to be loved like if somebody comes to you with big love like an articulator full of love oh you even call the police to arrest the person he said that you say he's a smuggler hello i want to report a smash that meanwhile has brought an articulator full of love for you and your father called the police that is a smuggler you can't receive love you can't handle it so a lot everything you need is connected to the assembly you can write it down and watch if your eye if you have grateful eyes as yes go by you realize that even my husband i'm saying is a nicer he wouldn't have even been saved if it was a church he would have been following girls like a wolf who is smelling for blood how many brothers would have been going from hand to hand just like a only four guys what about those are the upstairs how many girls would have been following a lot of boys only five girls on this side this this area is like tough of a holiness holiness a pentecostal holiness church this area here wow amen say all my needs are met all my needs will be met amen now number any number you want assembly brings knowledge how many get knowledge when you come to church ah sometimes your the church is like school is it not like school yes huh like a blue whale yes ah blue will you didn't know what the wheel was first corinthians chapter 14. listen everybody knowledge wisdom it says now present if i come to you speaking with tongues what shall i profit you except i speak to you either by revelation or by knowledge or by prophesying or by doctrine so when you come to the house of god you have revelation prophesying knowledge i am about to close with this point but if you miss this point you are going to miss something is going to pain you because what the story i'm going to tell you is painful are you sure i want to hear my painful story you know when facebook started facebook yeah facebook is worth how much now do you know huh billions there's not almost a million billion almost a trillion yeah it's about a trillion billion 528 billion yeah you know i was watching a short documentary and there was this guy zuckerberg went to see him and told him i want you to be my partner co-founder and he told the guy no i i i don't want to whatever he said no are you listening to what i'm saying that's what he told him he said no and you know they came microsoft offered to buy it 15 billion another company offered one bill and said no then they came on the offer to buy 15 billion and this guy he offered him to be co-founder the guy was talking said he offered me he said it is a billion dollar mistake i made he was sitting he just bowed his head down like that the mistake of my life because he didn't have revelation he didn't have knowledge and he made the biggest mistake i pray you never make a billion dollar mistake in your life hey and i want to say that when you come to the house of god and you hear preaching serve god do this do the work the will of god and so on you know people take it as all you know they just want us to do whatever and so on but you may be making a billion dollar mistake the day you find out when life ends becomes gray dark black and you are gone you sail a wish to another world and then you find out that somewhere the bible when he said this when he said this all are true all are true i pray you didn't make i've made a billion dollar mistake yeah the guy during the interview he just bowed down he said he said no i don't it doesn't it's like he didn't want to talk about it he was offered co-founder cool whatever yes so knowledge and revelation you know don't make hasty decisions making decisions out of a lack of knowledge and lack of understanding and stupidity and foolishness and lack of knowledge can cost you a lot sometimes when i see certain people manifest and realize that this guy doesn't know much that's why he's talking like this is behaving like this somebody came into full-time ministry not so long ago and he said to me my dear bishop it seems you saw something long ago long ago that we didn't see i said yeah don't make a billion dollar mistake and when you come to the assembly all sorts of knowledge revelation doctrine ideas different things come things are revealed it's by the spirit it's by the spirit knowledge comes to you by the spirit god tells you things you can't say you came and you didn't know something new or something wouldn't strike you you can't say that you cannot say that is it not true yes it's coming home it's as if sometimes i'm talking to you it's just we are just two people is it not true sometimes that it's like we are just two yes me and you that's what which one said you come close by the side and you'll be talking to them as a comfort and knowledge don't make a billion dollar mistake i was the guy yesterday with my two eyes they showed him twice he just but i said no that's i don't want to talk about that it's a billion dollar mistake i made it he offered me and i said no i hope offers that god makes to you you don't spit it out just may you be healed of stupidity may you be healed of foolishness yes not everything is about money some people feel the way to give money no give him money and you'll be happy if you are like that when they give you money that you are happy when i was in a relationship with my beloved i never use money on her money for relationship what we are talking about winning of heart without money if you use money to win a heart then the heart is cheap we don't use money to laugh it means when your husband is a poor man your love for him will leak out do you think i came to first love chad to be the pastor of children and students and whatever because of money think about it very well no i love the people and i love what god wants me to love yeah that's all amen are you excited the power of the assembly don't let money you see maybe the guy was offered when they offered the man facebook one billion they said that microsoft can say 15 billion he said no i don't need it not everything is money yeah not everything is money not everything is so yeah the the owner of facebook he wears one t-shirt she's the manager there was a lady man there she explained that it's not that is the only t-shirt so we make him change it but that's all that he wears yeah that's all that he wears yeah just one t-shirt and he's just moving with it and his office his office is in the middle of everybody he doesn't have a separate office just he's joined all the computers and he's one of them he's the 500 billion not our star with the biggest desk in the world hey if a ghanaian was owning facebook i don't know what will happen are you excited how many are going to receive the knowledge and the edification exaltation and the blessings that come to you through the assembly every standing the power of the assembly yes power of the assembly rehearse past battles to encourage somebody who is under pressure lift your holy hands father thank you for blessing everyone today thank you for bringing us together together together to sharpen one another to heal us and thank you that we are all carrying on together the strong and the weak thank you for giving us a strength to carry one another all the way to eternity lift your hand and commit yourself to god and tell god lord look before you before you pray can i tell you something are you sure are you sure you want knowledge or you want billion dollar mistake to be made again let me let me tell you something god is a covenant making god there is nobody he related with that he doesn't make a covenant with first if god is going to work with you he'll make a covenant that's how he is he doesn't work loosely with people everyone that god had anything to do with there will be some promise do this i'll do this it's my agreement so today i want you to make a covenant with god lord when i get annoyed i'll never throw away the assembly and the assembling the bible says not forsaking the assembling together not making the mistake tell god i'm i'm afraid of being the odd one out all alone somewhere keep me together keep me i make this covenant with you today that i'll be mature and know that i belong in a family forever lift your hand the power of the assembly and pray to the lord because god has given you another family through this family all your needs will be met to the end of your life you'll be shocked you'll be shocked and amazed how great the goodness of god will be in your life [Music] [Music] we give you thanks we give you praise in the mighty name of jesus make your covenant with the lord make your covenant with the lord [Music] [Music] thanks jesus thanks your holy hands your holy hands father thank you for the family that you've given us and the power of this assembly we give you praise we give you thanks and we give you glory for all time help us to assemble time and time again in your house and help us never to forsake the assembling together of ourselves thank you for this power to encourage those who are under pressure by your spirit thank you bless everyone lord as we stay together following you and serving you in jesus name we pray [Music] and as every head is bowed and every eye closed if you want to give your life to god this afternoon pastor pray with me i want to give my life to jesus christ lift your hands like this with your hand like this right up in the sky pastor pray with me i want to give my life to god god bless you and if you've lifted your hand like this come to me come come come come from upstairs come want to give your life to jesus come come i'm going to pray with you here come come come come [Music] his blood will flow freely it will provide your healing come running to that mercy seat come on come on my friend come [Music] come to running [Music] his grace will be your covering his blood will know freely it will provide your healing [Music] healing [Music] [Music] [Music] lift your hands and say this prayer say jesus please forgive me for my sins i am sorry for all my sins wash me with the blood of jesus make me a new person cleanse me with the blood of jesus thank you father for saving me today please write my name in the book of life say from today say from today i give my life to god i give my life to jesus jesus christ save me wash me with your blood today i receive say i receive jesus christ as my savior thank you lord in jesus name amen god bless you god bless you go this way to our pastors are waiting on this side clap for them clap for them oh so many people are saved today our last mountains savior of the world square salvation beautiful for now just for now we shall be back amen now take out your powerful thousand micro church offering to support church buildings amen church building sit down please take out your thanksgiving and powerful second offering all right and um i'm not going to take another one after this so if you want to give give everything you can somebody wants to give a hundred dollar i hear the word and i'm sure it's the holy spirit telling me hundred dollars i may be wrong but i think so 100 100 cd 100 of everything euros 100 pounds 100 want to give a thousand also do that but let's give a hundred because god is raising up hundreds of souls for salvation amen and a thousand micro churches you know this morning when i woke up i was wondering is somebody cracking a joke when i saw this famous prophet pass away i said no and i thought to myself wow you know if it's real and it's like you know you have to do something just do it you can't get up anymore and do nothing when it's time it's time forever let's give ourselves gloriously to this unreserved ah glorious mission unreservedly and reserve it let us never think that our time our strength our families are our own we must let us dedicate them all to god and to what and to his work let us let us give ourselves holy that our prophecy may appear to all the children know the song i wrote it and they knew it it's amazing i feel so happy when i see them singing their songs how many are blessed when they are singing it's so nice yeah real christian words yes beautiful words and because the children know their songs they are speaking to themselves and teaching themselves every time they sing they are talking to themselves let us cherish what is it cherish every moment jesus gives to us time is passing by i often pray when i kneel down by my bedside i ask the lord to to help me to obey his calling if i could just please the lord i must cherish oh i was blessed when he was singing i was blessed how many of us were also blessed yeah i'm excited we need some new songs amen now take out your offering tell your neighbor i've given generously today today they are really giving generously and if you are lying repent immediately and then correct the offering now take out your gratis thank you offering add it to this one one cd one dollar one anything just say lord take this you know i'll see you next week you you people one day you see you came an offering he told the lord i'll see you next week it was real hmm father thanks a million as we present our offering to you everywhere in the world in jesus name amen receive the offering and please give your offering generously to the uh vodafone or any other network it's right on the screen god is going to bless you mightily amen and while they are taking the offering um is it madame x who's coming up next communion ah they're waiting for communion now how many of you are part of flo prayer meeting now on flo prayer meeting you must be there we start at 4 a.m make sure you are online and just pray just use it as an opportunity and get your loud your bluetooth speaker try to get a a speaker which is bigger with more bass so that you can enjoy the music do you see because we always play music too if you have any selection music you think that we need you can send it to us we play we play your music but it has to be anointed music that helps prayer not all music helps prayer do you get it you have to have music that helps to keep you alive you are a human being and you are praying to god who is not also saying anything in response he's hearing in heaven but he's not talking so you have to have an act to keep yourself talking it's like preaching if you don't know how to preach for one hour you see that when you start talking after five minutes your salmon is finished so there is a way you keep preaching you hear what i'm saying so everything is an act prayer too is like that it's not natural to talk and nobody says even hello yes i've heard okay okay okay thank you you see like my wife she talks a lot talking talking but i always say uh-huh okay yeah it's true and i asked intelligent questions she realized that i'm listening so that helps her to continue talking you get what i'm saying but if it's absolute silence how does it help you see so when you are praying there's absolute silence that's why we need music and then the music is like god if he's speaking to you with the music so even preaching if something you play preaching to to pray and you'll be so blessed amen or you put on a check service the praises the worship the announcement everything will be part of your prayer time before you realize you prayed for four hours amen are you excited so tuesday is the main flow friday is also a flow meeting but tuesday is the main flow day so make sure you are there for tuesday four to seven i mean why do you want to know when it ends do you get what i'm saying no ask your neighbor why do you want to know when it ends it always ends but it's from four it's just two or three hours that's all friday also most of the time there's also flow but maybe sometimes it will come and i don't know but tuesday is the main day and then friday also happens hallelujah all right are you excited now take your holy communion stand to your feet father as we approach your holy table thank you for the body of jesus christ whatever sickness listen how many believe that sickness is going to be healed the bible says by his stripes we were healed do you know what the stripes does the stripes breaks the body of jesus christ yes so this is the body broken and it's from the stripes father we receive your broken body and we receive healing and we receive your power let your power enter us as we receive the body of jesus christ the body of jesus christ now i see a mistake in your life the mistake is like a flat and the flat carries away things even i've seen a flood taking away a train before but through this blood whatever flood came to sweep you away in the name of jesus christ every mistake you've made that is like a flood taking you away may be forgiven and washed forever you are like new again says the lord you are like as though you never did it and you shall be received as though you never did it the blood of jesus christ now lift your hands for your blessing may you receive the encouragement and power in your life may god's angels empower angels senior angels high ranking angels big angels be part of your life and part of everything that you do whatever inferiority complex you have through the power of god you are delivered from your inferiority complex in the name of jesus christ whatever makes you cry and makes you feel like the odd one out you are healed of it right now in jesus name every inferiority complex every inferiority complex every inferiority complex that you have i don't belong i don't belong i don't qualify be healed or i don't qualify be healed of i don't belong be healed of i'm not beautiful i'm not handsome i'm not wanted be healed of it be healed of it be healed of i'm too sinful i'm too dirty i'm not nice i'm not good be healed of it be healed of it be blessed by the healing of god that comes to the broken body and the blood of jesus christ whatever was able to pull you down last year cannot pull you down this year i rebuked the fear of the unknown the fear of death the fear of bad news the fear of tragedies the fear of shocks the fear of evil tidings from your life and i block every feather bad news that is coming in the name of jesus christ may the grace of our lord jesus and his blessing be upon you and with you may you get stronger and stronger as you assemble in the assembly may you not be weakened but may you be strengthened what defected you last time has lost power to defeat you again in the name of jesus christ i release you from captivity and i set you free from bondage you are loosed to save the lord now be healed be healed of viruses bacteria cancers lumps and tumors be healed of the need for surgeries and operations be healed of every strain disease difficult to diagnose illness every illness that causes weight loss and emaciation be healed of it be healed of cancers be healed of unknown diseases be healed of connective tissue disorders be healed of cancers and leukemias and all other strange blood diseases and blood conditions be healed of lung conditions be healed of mental diseases depressions and anxieties and sleepless sleep disorders in the name of jesus christ every mood disorder every schizophrenia every depression every bipolar disease every mental condition every week smoking addiction every form of addiction i break it down and i repel it and cast it out in jesus name let me hear your loudness amen let me hear your loudness amen now be free and be blessed i command blessing into your dwelling place and into your heart where there was no peace i speak peace there shall be peace and laughter the lord make his face shine on you and give you peace in jesus name whoever was angry with you whoever was angry with you is turning around shall be pleased with you shall be pleased with you in jesus name lift your hand and receive a ten around victory and turn around blessing and turn around the lord tends your captivity the lord blesses you and tells around your captivity in the name of jesus christ of nazareth a turnaround has arrived let me hear your loudest amen to the turnaround cup of your captivity and the blessing of your life in the name of jesus and everybody shouted your loudest amen your turn around and the turnaround of your captivity has arrived the prophecy you believe is the prophecy you experience in jesus name leave your hand and shout thank you to jesus hallelujah god bless you you may be seated in the presence of the lord you'll not be sick anymore i say you not go on admission anymore in jesus name you are crossing seventy with ease amen and and amen now when you hear news like the one that you had this this morning it frightens you to think that it's not possible to cross 70 with this and that is the more reason why you have to say it yes and that's the more reason i'm saying it also say it because you see an imagination is what the devil uses it's a thought that's why we cast down imagination there are thoughts that come to us we cast down those imaginations that's why i say it and we should say it and we should lift the mark and say i'm crossing 70 with ease in jesus name you will not be on admission when you are 17. in jesus name amen better get a job in your old age because you are going to be around for some time you need something to do in jesus name amen are you blessed what shall we do next dancing stars okay i'm going to call dr um i said dr uh madame x to come dr x so let us welcome um [Music] dr x dr madame x okay thank you we can go back yeah do you see the shadow jadon means a water fountain wow look at that are you glad to be on such an amazing campus wow this is the pro at the proposed to me bridge and what is the name of this fountain it has a name something to do with love yeah some people are walking there instead of being in church look at the forest is it not do you not feel that you are somewhere in congo in a deep forest somewhere it's very beautiful isn't it well that's the proposed to me bridge famous bridge when you propose at that side you always hear yes but if you propose at another place you may hear maybe or i'll answer later four weeks welcome madame x please wow wow [Music] oh a round of applause [Music] [Music] wow ask for bowing as for bowing and about too late all right if this is your first time joining us for service without physically online i'd like to say thank you very much for doing so if you're here physically after service we'll have a meeting with you to my left we have a wonderful gift from our profit for you and so please not be in a hurry to leave if you're online please send a text message or a whatsapp message to the phone number just 233.595.105555 thank you very much for responding to the call of god all right and today you heard from our pastor our teacher our missionary our evangelist our prophet and our personal person bishop doug he won mouse make some noise wow we are so blessed we invite you to join us be fully rooted be deeply blessed and be a fully blown member thank you very much for joining us today all right if you gave your life to christ i would like to say thank you very much for responding to this very bold and important decision thank you so much for making this very important decision today if you're here physically we ask that you please come to my left for a meeting with one of our pastors as a service if you're online we ask that you kindly send a text message or a whatsapp message it's a phone number just 233.595 thank you very much for responding to the call of god all right wedding bells wedding bells wedding bells samuel jafia our center leader in the first love church aston is getting married to taffy and lilo an airport star first love church birmingham they're getting married on the 26th of june 2021 the venue is all set hall effects time is 1pm and the colors are all things bright and beautiful wow all right if you have any just cause why these two should not be joined together in holy matrimony please speak now or forever hold your penis all right wedding bells wedding bells wedding bells jeffrey osebonsu pasta and mastered sea chapel international uk it's getting my to lois doku a pastime first love church uk they're getting married on the 19th of june 2021 the venues that gil ford manor time is 11 a.m and the colors are all things bright and beautiful if you have any jazz calls why these two should not be joined together in holy matrimony please speak now or forever all right wedding bells wedding bells wedding bells a children's service teacher is getting married to catherine de paul barting a communion star in first love church london they're getting married on the 12th of june 2021 the venue is the victoria gardens kumasi time is 2pm and the colors are neutral colors if you have any just cause why these two shoulder joints can hold in the chimney please speak now all forever hold your pee all right wedding leader so they're getting married on the 19th of june 2021 the venue is the first love center time is 10 a.m and the colors are all things bright and beautiful if you have any just cause why do you switch number joints getting holy matrimony please speak now all forever all right wedding bells wedding bells wedding bells elton pample of the greater life gospel choir again [Music] [Music] home [Music] but please be very nice to [Music] oh me please guide me [Music] i hope i'm not foreign when i talk to the one [Music] but please be very nice [Music] wow this brother is in church and this is a brother in church hey i hope i'm not following my feelings she could sing all that fast [Music] all right yeah wow oh what we rate him this is an a1 brother a1 with a golden star all right so they're getting married on the 19th of june 2021 the venue is a clever house ridge time is 2pm and the colors are white and gold if you have any jazz cross white these two should not be joined together in holy matrimony please speak now or forever hold your peace thank you very much all right wedding bells wedding bells wedding bells gideon william adul of the vigil production ministry he's getting right to michelle ajwa friend pong of the choir [Applause] hey dear hold on he says to these two backup singers i've not had this request is it possible oh but if it belongs to your ministry won't you some of you come and help hey your people not even abandoning you they said no no no find your way beyond we go [Music] i'll be your backup singer we go when i talk to the one [Music] oh [Music] but please be very nice to me when i see her outside wow so they're getting married on their 26th of june 2021 the venue is the first love center time is 2pm and the colors are all things bright and beautiful if you have any jazz cause why these two shoulder joints can hold him at germany please speak now or forever hold your peace all right all right make some noise for the flc 190 nations version what is salvation i'm not feeling this what is salvation if you strongly feel the call of god to be part of the 190 nations vision we'd like to say thank you very much for responding to the call of god we ask that you kindly send a text message or a whatsapp message the phone number plus 233-547-87121 or 233-247-30605 thank you very much for responding to the call of god all right and so please set a reminder on your phone and tune to our first love outreach showing this on every saturday sweet melodies 94.3 fm 7 to 8 p.m and so please remember to set a reminder all right our live youtube show is dubbed bring it to the table listen every friday from 7 to 8 p.m tune in and have a great time in god's presence all right guys let's welcome the dancers [Music] we are i'm a my life is full of glory i move forward [Music] foreign take it away [Music] everybody put your one hand up [Music] doesn't matter what the situation [Music] in the face [Music] everything i do every word i say everything i touch i just come rain or shine i will be on top [Music] in the name of jesus [Music] everybody [Music] oh i know i can do anything cause i got jesus and me [Music] i am the champion i am the champion [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] [Music] everything put your hand up [Music] [Music] [Music] it's my class [Music] feeding people today [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] leading people [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in um name of jesus fire fire fire in the name of jesus [Music] um [Music] in the name of jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] lord is [Music] [Music] and there are times that i feel lonely show you once i will [Music] me [Music] please rise to your feet please after the grace is shed please stay behind for your kebab please don't miss this wonderful package from our father thank you so much prophets only in the first love church let's share their grace you don't want to share them let's share their grace please rise to your feet and let's share their may the grace of our lord jesus christ the love of god the communion fellowship contribution participation the 25 000 children which includes all the important people for my life and the first love of the spirit of power of love and of a sound mind be with us now and forevermore amen many are called but the youth are chosen get ready for the grace dance it's my you
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 3,917
Rating: 4.8139534 out of 5
Id: XXHt02yFX7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 235min 32sec (14132 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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