$1000 if You Can Break This Ball in 1 Minute

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this video is sponsored by rhino shield welcome to another edition of break it to make it our competitors will be given a dumb tool to crack into a hard to break thing cash on the line who will win let's find out what's my first victim ooh the night ball basketball it lights up when you bounce it or as the youths say it's lit sarah taking the lead with a well-timed dad joke somebody should tell her that's my job i know firsthand how durable this thing is from past experience [Music] and next up is daniel who's looking young enough to be the son of sarah's dad joke i don't even know what tulle could break this give me something good mama needs that custard mmm custard how do we feel about 13 that's an unsharpened pencil an unsharpened pencil do i have time to run to the shop and sharpen this nice try but that would make it a sharpened pencil 14. that's a samurai sword or something cool like that right a leather belt number three straw that bends that's even more versatile than a regular straw number four number four and if i'm reading this correctly daniel gets a book riding shotgun by rita mae brown a reminder shotguns are weapons and knowledge is power let's see if daniel knows how to wield it chapter one sig blackwood was stuck the entire day with a middle-aged couple from la who were bent on fleeing that unstable basin sig could have sworn he winked oh that wink left off the page and into my heart let's put one minute on the clock and go this is probably gonna go badly [Music] oh come here baby i don't know what else to do with this other than just like cry a reminder to you watching at home big girls don't cry they don't cry [Music] sloan with the forfeit [Music] and that night ball goes undefeated yeah this is cool i made somebody a really crappy chandelier on to the next challenge [Music] no it's a mini narwhal squishable and it's soft normally the more cuddly something is the less durable it is will that be the case here oh i'm not gonna break this little guy oh how much money is it 120 clams okay sorry buddy it's clobbering time let's see what weapons our competitors will draw number 12. number 12 sierra's charging up the game with an extension cord i guess that's a two which i'm pretty sure is a chipper shredder it's not a shredder but it is the next best thing a gorilla grabber you suck all right well numero uno number one i can't give you that cash prize before you've earned it but i can give you this exciting thrilling plastic trophy way to go over the top number one sales in missouri valley let them fight i feel like i'm just grooming it corey reverting to his natural state while grooming protects and fleas i'm sorry oh come on sloan showing the kind of ingenuity you expect in a top regional salesperson i'm so sorry little narwhal i really i wanted to be your friend so badly but i'm a poor person this is so crushing ooh that's plastic getting in the way of my sharp piece of metal that i need to get to you're mine narwhal corey the first to draw fluff and perhaps a little too happy about that it's soft i'm just shaving it oh god maybe i'll make us match i'll just get the right side of its head i'm so sorry [Music] wait don't worry folks that little narwhal will live a full life haunting sarah's dreams well this is the worst now he knows i wanted to betray him i'm not crying it's fine it's fine let's emotionally move on to the next round if you give me another cute thing i might die what is next [Music] the blob fish squishy does ugly make you tougher i'm pretty strong actually so yeah it does just the feel of this thing makes me giggle it feels funky it's uncanny my confidence in being able to destroy this is about 400 here we go number five number five is a three foot lightning charging cable now i gotta strangle them cool just gonna give you a massage real quick make you real happy before what's about to happen number 15 number 15 is actually a glass mixing bowl okay i guess we're just gonna suffocate him nine number nine is a light bulb let's see if daniel can outshine his competition things just went from okay to dangerous very quickly 10. sloane draws an iphone 11 complete with a rhino shield screen protector and phone case rhino shield sent this to us claiming it can take a beating so let's find out okay so i think we're just gonna try to rip into this baddie [Music] yep daniel now looking like he's gonna roller derby at a science camp he's so unhappy about it i feel awful are you really just giving it a massage right now i feel like so i'm trying to make some emergency phone calls the blob fish is trying to call the authorities for help but nothing can save it from sloan's wrath okay does this count cause we got a tail out of here oh no there's a hole and [Music] now it's a bigger hole sarah with more emotional breakthroughs guys i don't know if i'm gonna be able to break into this without breaking this light bulb got it ready [Music] this is a strong light bulb cory making sashimi out of his challenge blob fish oh that's a break that's that's a yeah that's a break i'm done [Music] oh come on let's see what the next round has in store for our players oh what is this rheoscopic fluid planet oh it's a rheoscopic fluid planet that's a mouthful super satisfying to look at all right how do i break it number six whole bag of bricks brass chicken box yes i know exactly what this is i won't tell you because i'd hate to spoil the surprise 16. ooh looks like sarah will be getting a little help from the colonel this round 11. number 11 is an iron stop giving me dangerous household appliances dangerous or domestic you decide all right let's see who can level the most planetary damage this round ready set go [Music] oh that's sharp okay now that my hands are sufficiently greasy and disgusting let's try to break into this guy [Music] uh there's okay well i was gonna do the pointy end but there's water coming out it's not what the colonel would have wanted oh idea [Music] nope daniel's seeing a few wrinkles in his plan to hammer that planet into submission work with me buddy mama needs that custard ah and just like that sloan's custard dreams melt away what is this thing do we know we've reached the final round and with frustration setting in who will overcome this final obstacle hello one moment please oh this is the oh so this is an iphone 11 with a rhino shield case and a 3d impact screen protector you once were my ally and now you are my phone this shatterproof rhino shield 3d impact screen protector is long lasting unlike those traditional glass screen protectors that need to be replaced as soon as they shatter it's like pretty bendy actually that's super cool these old school like glass ones you can't do that let's see what wacky items our competitors get to punish their rhino shielded phones with number 18 your order is ready corey gets a hand cranked whisking beater oh it's omelette time number 19. number 19 is a can opener i hate intentionally breaking a phone but if these rhino shield guys are as good as they say they are i shouldn't have to worry just pretend you're getting spam calls from me one dozen my favorite amount of donuts safety first sloane you're getting a bicycle helmet listen kids there's nothing lame about wearing one of these while you ride your bicycle see tony hawk does it ready set go you like shave a little off this i mean you probably would never do this to your phone no it's not shattering at all i mean the glass stuff that i've used on my phones absolutely would just be powder at this point oh i cracked a little bit of the corner there i think i got a little bit of this bottom edge here oh okay it has two scuff marks on it like that can catch a nail like that clearly have been indented but does it still totally work yes is the phone's usability impacted no do i get that money for breaking the shield jamie i better i scratched it up pretty good i can still see through it there's no cracks or anything like that there's a couple little like indents and i think in the corner here i might have like scuffed it a bit if i were using like a normal glass screen protector this thing would be shattered this peels right off that's satisfying oh that's nice nothing not a scratch not a scratch not a scuff nothing this is a totally new out of the box looking phone available for iphones and most androids and for a limited time you could get 20 off your order for your first week and ten percent afterwards and the twenty percent off discount code is vat 19 in the description below congratulations to all the players be sure to check out all these cool products at vat19.com we'll see you next time i'm sorry yes marvel what you loved what you saw hey jamie big news i'm gonna be oh thank you never mind i love working here
Channel: Vat19
Views: 7,599,498
Rating: 4.8333082 out of 5
Keywords: vat19, vat 19, vat-19, breaking stuff, destroying stress balls vat19, destroying stress balls, stress balls
Id: Ry3Ym61GBsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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