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today we're playing a countryside all right number two we're here going this is interesting alright and wait Jordy oh you when does that make it I made it yeah here Julie okay I think that's out there oh this is it works guys I love you not okay I saw it twice too slow you got it oh look at that you see up down up there you go you go there you go nice gonna get jelly take you down like we're rushing we gotta go just straight ahead if you go real fast I think you'll make that join one whole anyone come on no oh how did you shoot it in from here well it was a lucky shot you know what lucky shot [Music] [Applause] to put me in first that's who's gonna do it this is a bait I felt this is a bait like they would only want right where's the finish damage they want you to go right but in reality left is better I think I go oh boy oh look at that look at that I just skipped it I wasn't right you're definitely wrong mmm you can still do it all right so I think I might do this in four I'm gonna do it I did I did any three diddly it's gonna do it in four think I'm safe three wait it is legitimately just do it legit he says he's in a posh five if you're like kidding yeah Julie you suck I'm kidding kidding guys I cannot move I'm on stroke number three you go firstly really go go go go guys come on I'm glad you there okay Oh No right now oh my goodness I think you're lying I'm not lying doesn't matter big one big one I'm sorry man well you well to be honest honest you can get lucky lucky do a jump do a jump do a jump into the into the finisher I can't you can't finish there's a wall there's jump ever sorry so sorry don't be sorry I got a lot of strokes tell your manager sorry dami yeah that was embarrassing so what he didn't even that was okay yes okay guys my game is glitched all right guys okay yes so we all just thought decided to start off clean oh so nice all right cuz Jordi's game obvious we messed up wait we got in a weird place oh oh we have to get up there oh no not one of these I hate these I went really if you go too slow you get Ruth that I I damn it alright I'm gonna have to make sure that I don't get back to that story you fast going to fast going to fast don't do fun Oh slow down nope nope nope again no way we have one more minute uh I keep screwing this up and we're not even gonna do pretend we did this on purpose I got it I got it we've eleven so that's not enough Oh 9 9 and 11 nice 40 seconds left really nice shot and then really just get 17 points and played office we also skip this much if I said to you I'll give you $100 for hitting that tip you wouldn't be able to do it now 5 seconds left wow I did that in 13 which is still not too bad I guess I feel like we could cheat this you wanna bounce I'm sorry you already I'm in front of you not see these grainy blends in reset you BAM I just get so much hole-in-one he says pretty obvious where did you go I just hit you like what just don't believe in yourself jelly you do that Oh 666 guys number of the devil like this okay time for another map level oh it's not really a surprise are you kidding oh so smart okay let's go if you can hit it into the tube it's uh oh wait what no don't hit it into the tube animo hey guys no you want to hit into the tube yeah you want to hit it why cuz then you stay away all right do you want to take the risk that you sure oh yeah no try aiming at it jelly everyone watching don't laugh at jelly he's always have trouble getting it up so what how do you know okay just a little bit fine don't know I came up there just should honestly shoot as fast you can go like that's what we did why is this so much right on the school terrible yeah there's like this actually no green oh I would I could why wouldn't you just do this later right gosh what the hell I bounced off somehow that's out good apparently didn't make it good that's great I have no idea what's happening right now have no idea what's going on guys no you're ahead of us Josh you're ahead of us no jelly went too fast I went too fast oh yeah I did now where's like here jelly yeah just don't move goddamn five all right last shot it I'm gonna do this in seven Philly Oh surely you can you can do this you can recover this little hole in it we could have done that anyway where there was like a little hole on the edge you could have really yes what's the one you just kind of went through all right I think I'm catching up with you dirty well we got amazing apparently wow I am really confused oh wait wait seriously how genuinely how did you do that go up and hit one of the walls and he'll bounce you back gray jelly if the wall above you I didn't want to see this and it'll bounce you back well yeah that's how I did it that's okay Ruba cheat you boy always cheated smart code all right time for hole number 12 what's my ego yep we just have to go fast yep real fast hey Jordy there just go don't go too fast here oh nice yes yes no 3-way I'm just gonna wait here for digging okay and then I'm just hoping for Jimmy mine yeah cuz he's not gonna jelly it does okay oh you're telling me definitely that again see before I rolled off oh great oh I've got so many yellows now this one Josh you can go you can skip a while you really do say I don't know why didn't do that well that was a bit too fast yeah that just a little bit I want to cheat it I'm gonna do this yeah that's all the different course Jordy it's nice the same course we've have many rounds with multiple flags no I think it is Paul this is the landing pad for smile Jordan do you realize that I'm nice all right I didn't do it I didn't make it oh my in I'm in a burning really fast you can he's very bad isn't he gently yes oh you've got it good job come on shoot nice try damn it well for yourself there oh my god okay just listen it's so much to live for God so much oh I can't say alright well even though I got that in to which is actually the lowest score anyway I knew you're gonna do that the better a spawn game you better ease no you're not last place yet which are your problem realize that guys so many holes say we have oh wait one more for more why how do they know that was gonna happen that's what I said wait hello wait what do we do now oh oh I went too slow typical jelly nah you gotta get the right bounce right what do I do now yeah you go down go down nice when Josh made it down here boys no no no wait jelly's game is different than ours Josh no jellies here I know II there yeah but the thing is going up and down Thanks nice it's nice good one Josh you waste those points on them okay he's definitely worth it yeah I guess put me a little bit though I'm really close to Geordi all right we have three more holes suspicious chili this boys crazy okay but I made it so that's good Wow it was just the way that that had to happen of court and soul a there Josh we're a little bit faster you're right underneath it oh this counts oh nice really go up there's a portal on the roof oh I didn't know that at least nothing three Chili's not gonna make it he's gonna just be an F why would I get the digital really hard into the portal no you actually need to go pretty damn hard he's lying in the middle no all right hard hard oh yes thank you I told you that's perfect perfect and in five nine only you could have done that like Wow right think this is possible anymore what else we're gonna try wait which hole oh my I guess it was last one's the best are you sure about that just make sure you got a right way because you're definitely doing the right back and I was away was definitely not the best oh middle one was the best great lad okay I did it in five guys you guys are quick Jilly no okay Oh Thank You shin oh nice oh yes I got it in forward that one no there's no way there's no way are you kidding me no there's no way there's no way Jodie here's one way there is one way but there's no way no you're gonna get it no you could bounce off the edges all the way up I did it I just did done no don't do that I use the edges Jory I literally just did it yep but then to get all the in there in one shot get out of here you go I genuinely did well no I had to finish it off at the Louisville yeah but I mean I couldn't do that you're also gonna be a one shot I had to do it to win c400 he's gonna shoot me down right you can hit me though dirty but that's probably gonna hit me over good job all right there you go that's the end yes more dull for Dolph if you really liked it and thought you would like if you liked me [Music]
Channel: Slogo
Views: 992,237
Rating: 4.926136 out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, slogomanify, funny moments, gaming, game, golf, golf it, hole in one, crazy golf mini golf, golf course, kwebbelkop, jelly
Id: EgrWo_uI8ck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 14sec (1274 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2017
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