$100 Sneakers Vs. $25,000 Sneakers

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oh look at me I'm right I'd like unsolved dude it doesn't pretty fresh actually yeah the custom is actually I'm really proud of them you know can usually help me go shoe shopping I can help I'm doing work not dog let's go but no hey going I'll shoot you my headphones are plugging what kind of murder you by the end of the day we are on our way right now to try three different shoes at three drastically different price points to find out which one is the most worth it I described so I brought Ryan Megara mister sneaker head over here to help me with this journey from I know absolutely nothing what should I start we're playing your little worth it game here where we do high medium low right that's your thing it's not a game so let's start with the low for me the place where I get the best deals is this thing called shoe game LA that's a group where you post sales like which shoes you want with shoes you're selling are we going in this place or a wallet place so what happens you find a shoe you want that's posted there if you talk to that person and then you figure out some place to meet up I've been talking to this guy we're about to pick up some Oreo fives super nice price $100 when it normally retails for about 350 cool so we're literally gonna buy a shoe from a random dude you found on Facebook yeah I mean sure if we die somebody has this footage and we'll be dead right yeah sure right now we're in a parking lot there's a helicopter rolling around us is this normal look who it is Ryan coming along with a random stranger what is happening works both eyes Ian let's move so here we got the Oreo 5 Michael Jordan's fifth signature shoe how are we inspecting for here normally when I get a shoe in like a trade I'll look for scuffs I'll look for pieces like the bottoms a little worn you can see that but that's fine like it's obviously a legit shoe you know what a fake Jordan looks like after looking at them for a while I'll be why she can smell the inside and say oh this is not this is not real it's not legit you're giving us a great deal by the way I made for this shoe I'm not really into them so I said you know I like I'll be the trade or so you know if I give somebody a good deal then that's fine with me that's pretty cool while you guys is where's your game they're not in it for the hospital there is because they can you only love shoes and it's also about the community that's what we do that's what sneaker love is all about just kind of hook each other up and it passes your inspection yeah yeah perfect all right so you said 100 so 20 to 40 60 Oh we're just selling it's a documentary on shoes are you on a shoe game la or no okay oh you got them ah man yeah okay so right now we're gonna try on the jordan v oreos into the very first Jordans oh I put on in my entire life it's not mine they're Ryan's but you know here we go so off the bat it's like I'm putting my foot in a pillow oh yeah it's just a really comfortable shoe this is definitely a condition where you could refurbish them and they look literally brand new a dead stuff I do really like the Jumpman logo Oh overall I was very skeptical about this like just the idea of going to a random dude and fine shoes but this seems like the best way to get shoes this is that I like this feeling a lot I'm gonna turn into sniggering are not the Oreo accents right here it's just a clean look I really like it a lot great value for $100 it's part don't you what she's got a steel what's a bad Steve it's not about getting stabbed in a parking lot like you thought was gonna happen well I was terrified when a cop pulled over and started walking toward us it was amazing because it just illustrates if you're in the sneaker game you immediately have a connection with someone on just like a face-to-face basis theta fact how much the Michael Jordan earned in 2014 the brand or him himself him Michael Jordan the legend I'm gonna go with 120 million dollars my bed a hundred million I guess I'm just that good Steve where are we off to next Ryan full disclosure not a normal thing to go to this place it's a customizer it's a famous shoe customizer talked about on forums all the time the legend he's a legend the shoe surgeon and the shoes we're gonna see here are exclusives he has very fancy clientele people like Justin Bieber people that are much fancier than P mu I mean where does normal people don't normally get like Justin Bieber my name is Dominic Chan brony I go by the shoe surgeon we make custom shoes it's a passion for me so just something I loved and it became business for people out there who don't know what a shoe customizer is I would bring you in a shoe like a Jordan I would tell you what changes I want to make to it then you would deliver those changes in premium quality so that being said how do people get the shoe customization request to you so there's a few different ways I do email phone consultations the weight right now I believe is three months how much do you usually charge for a shoe job anywhere from a thousand to five thousand depends on materials it depends on how how long it takes to get specific leathers you mean like build a literal original shoe from scratch cool so each piece is hand cut we use single needle machines just so everything and most of the shoes we do or a double stitch so it takes twice as long if you see that wall all those plastic things as the weft so every shoe that you wear or see is usually made with the last this is what the shoes would look like on your feet before it's elastic okay these are a few of our customer shoes this one right here is a custom for gez that we did it's a heat changing leather it's so crazy it's like real life NBA Jam right there on your foot the band Jordan one Python or we nubuck could move it yeah it's super dope so this shoe we did for dj khaled to match his champagne bottle from Bel Air so it's all gold liner which how much was this job this is 2,200 I don't want to hold this name so each pair of custom shoes comes in a custom box this was an actual box that we lasered and made for the bands that we've made like the clients you work with are the people who are very very picky people yes sneakerheads those are that's the most big deal all through all the levels of all the shoes we're seeing today like the chief meeting expense of all the different experiences like the common denominator is just the passion behind the sneakers Thank You Dominic thanks for coming back make sure you have a sponsor wowza I do not know shoes could be on that level yeah a surgeon indeed right anything when it comes to small little my new details I'm a fan of everything in life it's about the detail Steve Steven another detail that you miss me then Steve your name is Steve make it back sneaky little fact about a sneaker just said it's approximately 1,200 people die every year because of sneakers yeah that makes sense what how does that make sense because anytime you walk out in a pair of Jays that are very like rare you're putting your life on the line just a stunt a little bit there's just so sought after that people you can kill for them literally where we going net where's the ultimate shoe Ryan so we're in a mac park right now it's a consignment store a resale store where people go and sell their sneakers they have a pair of sneakers that are very exclusive and very expensive which I know gets you very excited Steve shiver me timbers baby I'm Michael Guerra one of the owners of the mag park here in Burbank California we have over 2,000 pairs of shoes in inventory evaluation on that somewhere along the lines of almost a million dollars is not more what are your most expensive sneakers here in your still it would have to be the Carrefour mm and Carhartt collab with Jordan it's a Jordan 4 is listed up for 25,000 the undefeated fours also by Jordan for silhouette undefeateds are listed at seventeen eighteen thousand three real sexy shoes but they're used you know it's crazy to me you could take that shoe and break bread like Jesus did 5,000 people with that wireless card worth 25 grand there was a limited amount made it was originally auctioned off on eBay there was 10 pairs total we went to the pairs and there were supposed to be only ten pairs ever but then as sneaker culture you know things shift more shoes ended up popping up because Eminem was actually given family and spares that were handed on I really want to try 25 grand pair of shoes please let me try shoes on I wish I could let you try them on you want to shoot that's dead stock it's straight out of the box never unlace what I got you on the undefeated fours they were worn before okay so if we're really careful and I shoot a hoop in them like can I just stand there no basically with those stylish shoes what you'd want to do is just literally put your foot in and just you could just like dance still undefeated for you already yeah I've actually never seen these in person so to see them online and now I can see them I'm very excited are you gonna be okay Ryan yeah me mom okay fine I'll be fine this is a special case for the shoe this is done if you feel to see something like constantly just on the computer screen and now be holding it it's really bizarre to me so I have it on lace for you guys thank you I'm not gonna lace it up I'm not licensed I'm just gonna put it in a note or you're $9,000 in a foot right now this it's like defusing a bomb how do you feel tight you can lift it up there you go BAM Oh hundred dollar step right there oh my oh man that was terrified okay okay all right we go careful you don't crease them I'm scared how do I put the shoe on I'm getting really nervous right now you're making all of us nervous God thank you Oh buddy that was too much come on stand up yeah it feels the same it looks a little cleaner but is this worth 9 grand to me this is I don't know part of the reason why I don't know if I could own luxury of shoes like this because I'm just so scared to walk around all right get off get away from me I'm walking away I'm done I'm out so here's the Carrefour as you can see I guess that back my only complaint of the shoe is the box yeah the box is kind of wack it's a regular join it's a shorter firebox you get her tea yeah this is oh I actually got a chill up my spine this is right up the sexiest tree I've ever seen this is incredible I'll point out a couple cool details please do first them is the back top got the mm mask back here with the backwards II one of the things that I love about this shoe interior is like full-on prostitution leather it's like it's going to hug you all day music inside the tab of course you have the Carhartt logo in there with Jordan brand you have your metallic tabs here on the side you can fill the material it's a very durable material and I am ranking by the height it's super limited from the man himself I am the collabing with arguably the greatest athlete of all time that's the context are going into with this if you want a definition of heat that's heat right there thank you so much uniform happiness absolutely that was a life-changing really I've been on this journey trying to buy a shoe so when I first walked in my eyes were drawn to that one right there that has got that crazy pattern on it what do you think and now I get DS definite feels like the right shoe whew then how many shoe that one is currently listed at 1/5 I'm doing it I'm bought my first pair of Jordans hey here you go here we go so we started this day with you trying to figure out what your style is what you like and shoes and just kind of what makes you happy are you happy with the shoes you ended up with yeah baby what shoe experience was the most worth it at its price for you I think all the tears had something to offer Meg Park obviously had the luxurious heat items the middle tier that's just a whole new appreciation for sneakers how they're made ultimately though for me shoe game LA was probably worth it winner getting the most value for your shoes getting those steals can't cheat here can I cheat it's your show you could do whatever you want I think I would just choose mag part but not the expensive stuff it's like a part of a family and you really get to know the community that Alex we have a winner even when I we were looking at the M&M Carhartt fours I looked over in his face he cracked the slightest of a smile shoe game mag part who knows Stace oh my god
Channel: BuzzFeed Multiplayer
Views: 16,842,160
Rating: 4.7661376 out of 5
Keywords: air, buy, buying, buzzfeed, buzzfeedblue, cheap, expensive, high, jordan, jordans, low, mag park, magnolia park, nike, online, price, shoe, shoe surgeon, shop, shopping, sneaker, sneakers
Id: nwSW848TNPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 18 2016
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