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there's been shocking news that the chinese government is trying to rewrite the quran chinese government they want to rewrite the plan in xi jinping he now wants to rewrite the bible and the quran [Music] news of a mysterious lung disease in wuhan had been around for weeks nevertheless at the end of january the words of senior permanenologist jung nanshan hit like a bombshell now we can say with certainty that the virus spreads from human to human until then authorities had downplayed the risk of infection now the government scrambled to control the crisis metropolis of 11 million was locked down people rushed to the hospitals causing a near breakdown of the health care system [Music] oh [Music] had this quran descended upon a mountain [Music] you would have seen this mountain crumbling falling apart from the fear of allah [Music] in the name of allah the most gracious the most merciful this is a book which we have revealed to you o muhammad in order that you might lead mankind out of the darkness of disbelief and polytheism and into the light of belief in the oneness of allah by their lord's leave to the path of the almighty the owner of all praise the quran is one of the most unique and remarkable books mankind has ever known the whole islamic religion is based upon this one book the quran is considered as the direct speech of god which was later recorded in written format it is the last and final message god has sent for the whole of mankind so in order to live up to this unique status it must contain some exceptional information what does the quran make so unique and how do we know it's from god one of the greatest mysteries of modern science in general and evolutionary biology in particular is regarding the origins of human language language is probably the hardest problem in science nobody really knows how it works and nobody really knows where it came from indeed we can all do it i think it's a bit like driving a car we can drive a car but we don't really know how the machine works noam chomsky one of the greatest political commentators alive but whose actual expertise is linguistics claims that the only way to explain language is not via the typical means of evolutionary biology where incremental mutations occur and a trait gradually evolves mutation happened in one individual from there it spread to all other people and eventually created all the languages of the world since there are no other species of animals that even come close to our ability to speak it is clear that humans are atypical in this gift and something must have happened in us that didn't happen in any other animal one of the things that makes language unique i think is that we can generate new sentences all the time there's an infinite capacity to say something different animal language or animal communication on the other hand is mostly repetitive automatic and emotional and doesn't create new meanings another world famous psychologist stephen pinker has done groundbreaking research in children's acquisition of languages and argues that languages are innate in humans without really explaining how this innateness came about how can there be so many languages each of them impenetrable to all the others any child though can learn any one of those languages provided they start early enough so that's a paradox any kid can learn any one of them yet most of us only learn one or two of them what is truly fascinating in all of this is that the one gift that the quran explicitly mentions as having been divinely bestowed on adam is that of language and the quran says allah mentions the blessings he has given to mankind [Music] i [Music] language cannot be explained by modern science because it was a divine gift bestowed on us and only us from between all of the creation how are we to solve that problem the common solution is that language is a miracle a miraculous thing that happened all at once [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] let me know if that's at all uncomfortable scientists have been successful in finding out what part of our brain we use when we lie in the scene this was only possible with the help of modern technology and equipment so one of the main candidates is right about here right above your forehead it's called the cingulate gyrus involved in a lot of different functions but what we find is that when we knock this area out or we remove this area people no longer deceive and they don't deceive very well now let us go back 1400 years to a place in the middle of nowhere called arabia allah revealed the following verses of chapter 96 to his prophet where he describes a disbeliever who denies the signs of his lord the definition of forelock is a lot of hair growing just above the forehead the quran described this part of our head as sinning and lying so one of the main candidates is right about here right above your forehead it's called the singular gyrus involved in a lot of different functions but what we find is that when we knock this area out or we remove this area people no longer deceive and they don't deceive very well now before all the christians start commenting on this video saying jesus christ is lord and savior we want to say that we care for you we see a lot of our christian brothers and sisters commenting on islamic videos so we want to take this opportunity to invite you to the true religion the religion of abraham and the religion of jesus islam and christianity have a lot of similarities but we as muslims can never accept that one plus one plus one can equal to one just like we both can't accept the atheistic claim that zero plus zero can possibly ever give you one foreign in foreign foreign a lot of the doubters claim that muslims misinterpret these verses to fit science first of all we would like to invite you all to study the word of allah with an open mind and secondly the quran does not contain any science the quran only contains signs [Music] you could say this one sign was just a mere coincidence a lucky guess but the following signs which we are going to show you can't be other than from god only for nearly a century fingerprints have been the gold standard of forensic science and for good reason fingerprints are one of the earliest features to develop inside the womb the pressure of amniotic fluid across the surface of the hands and the growth rate of the fingers influences the formation of patterns on the fingertips and with so many factors in play everyone's prints are unique [Music] unbelievers doubt the resurrection will ever take place and argue that when our bones have been disintegrated in the earth there's no way we could be reassembled as we were before our death but in this verse allah answers that he can not only assemble our bones but can also reconstruct perfectly our very fingertips this makes it a great challenge when you know that every single human being has an unique fingerprint [Music] [Music] a flowing water on the surface of mars this finding it's a game changer now water raises hope that the cold dry so-called red planet may sustain life scientists at nasa's jet propulsion laboratory say new images from the surface of mars may hold evidence that flowing water exists on the planet this means a lot for our quest for life outside of planet earth if it's confirmed the finding could help immensely in the search for other forms of life in our solar system is to find flowing liquid water which can one day perhaps sustain life to get life off the ground what do you need three things one energy like sunlight two organic chemicals three liquid water i [Music] science today tells us that there are internal and external waves in the oceans internal waves are gravity waves that oscillate within a fluid medium rather than on its surface which are called the external waves science has recently discovered this in the 20th century but this natural phenomena was mentioned 1400 years ago in the quran [Music] this verse mentions that the deep waters of seas and oceans are covered by waves and above these waves are other waves it is clear that the second set of waves are the surface waves that we see because the verse mentions that about the second waves there are clouds the internal waves cover the deep waters of seas and oceans because the deep waters have a higher density than the waters above them the quran uses a word to describe an actual phenomenon not in any detailed way but to point to a direction with the assumption that there is a divine pound wisdom behind it and and when you ponder upon their natural phenomenon in your primitive way or intellectual way in any way you want and you could be totally wrong about it the conclusion would always be that allah deserves worship and the interesting thing about the quran that you would use words that can address a primitive mindset seventh century or even more of a modern mindset it doesn't give you any details there's no miraculousness behind it but what the miracle is from that point of view that the quran has the ability to use words to refer to natural phenomena that can be understood and reflected upon timelessly that's the power the reason why allah sends miracles is to show mankind this person is not a liar he is not a fraud he is not a charlatan he is indeed somebody whom i am helping and i will prove this help to you in a manner that will be on the shadow of a doubt manifest itself as being directly from god and so when our prophet muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam came the quraysh also demanded miracles they demanded miracles as well and they said why don't you cause the angels to come down why don't you split up the earth and cause rivers to flow in this barren land of mecca why don't you make this desert into a green area they wanted miracles and so allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala gave them miracles he gave them many miracles but he gave them the ultimate miracle as well and that is the miracle of the quran how and why is the quran the ultimate miracle of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and the response to that is that all of the miracles of the prophets that were before the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam were temporary miracles let me ask you has anybody seen the splitting up of the red sea did anybody witness that were any of you there so those miracles were miracles to those who saw them the miracle of the quran removes the time space constraints on all the other miracles and that is why the miracle of the quran is called the eternal miracle the everlasting miracle it is a miracle i can touch i can feel i can see i can recite these are a miracle my senses can attest to the fact that allah mentions facts and points in the quran that were humanly impossible to know at the time an era of the prophet muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam and all of you are familiar with some examples of these and the most clear example in my mind is the description of the human embryo how allah described the evolution of the human embryo from the sperm and the zygote from this small little clinging thing allah calls a child in the womb allah calls it that which hangs no human being knew that an embryo hangs from the womb of the mother nobody knew this until 300 years ago and allah calls it that which hangs it's a hanging thing because it is a clinging to the embryo of the mother intensive studies of the quran and hadith in the last four years have revealed a system for classifying human embryos that is amazing since it was recorded in the 7th century a.d little was known about the staging and classification of human embryos until the 20th century for this reason the descriptions of the human embryo in the quran cannot be based on scientific knowledge in the seventh seventh century the only reasonable conclusion is that these descriptions were revealed to muhammad from god he could not have known such details because he was an illiterate man with absolute absolutely no scientific training allah called an embryo that creation which we created in three veils of darkness and if you look at the layers of the embryo there are literally three layers that separate the enviro from the outside world so many precise things in the quran here is a cross section of the embryo and there are three important layers to remember these are the ectoderm mesoderm and endoderm yet another miracle of the quran is a very strange one the effect that the quran has on those who listen to it it is unbelievable that this book can be heard by those who don't even speak the language and yet it moves them to tears moves them to tears how i got introduced to the quran was i was on the plane coming back from new york and the thing is believe it or not really this guy was reading a book he left it on the seat when he got off the plane like me and you know what i chased after this guy and said to him hey you missed her you left your book and he said no you keep it i said well okay so i kept it and then i was waiting in the new loud to default and what happened i started to cry when i read the quran so i put the book down i was happy i was still the same and then i picked it up again and then i got to taxi to my brothers in london and then what happened i told him about the crowd like we tried and and he got just above it and then what happened was really he said don't speak of dogs and things don't speak of things i said well the thing is really why am i crying and then he said go next door so i went next door and who was there the man that was on the plane and you and the figures name a number any number the thing is i'm not selling that card for 20 million pounds or 20 tons of pounds i read it twice a day and not do that i keep it in under my pillow and you don't read it to people as well i do and i'm just going to go with that and not only that as an activity coordinator working with people with dementia i read it to them and the thing is they ask me questions i don't know all the answers but i know there's one thing in the quran what is it truth and if you was lost in the desert or you was lost somewhere in town you'd ask it's a map for life many of you here do not speak the arabic language and yet when the quran is recited your iman goes up you feel humbled you feel the awe of the quran it is a feeling that is not describable many of you don't speak arabic but you're standing behind the imam and he's reciting the quran and from some strange reason you understand that these are verses pertaining to mercy the quran is recited it brings grown men to tears grown men sobbing because of this voice because of this recitation what other recitation can do this foreign a [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] when somebody listens to shakespeare does he start crying does he start going up and down his emotions when somebody listens to any language he doesn't understand is he affected nothing affects a person like the quran and this is exactly what allah mentions in the quran that when they listen to the quran when they listen to what has been revealed to the rasool and they have iman allah says their eyes well up in tears they begin to cry allah says this of non-muslims they begin to cry because they realize this is the truth and so the very fact that the quran has such a profound impact on those who listen to it is clearly a miracle and this is something you don't need to be an arabic speaker when somebody wants to know the miracle of the quran show him a video of somebody making tilawah allah says in the quran we have sent down iron wa hadid earth is the only planet that we know of that has iron to this quantity and iron is not a product according to modern scientists of the sun iron is something that scientists cannot explain where did it come from on earth and a large percentage of the earth is iron and the latest theory says that iron was formed by meteorites coming in at a certain point in time before the earth solidified meteorites came in and the iron was implanted inside the earth because iron is not created from the fusion of helium and hydrogen iron is not a byproduct of other things that the sun possibly can create the nuclear fusion iron is that which we don't know where it came from and allah says out of all of the elements allah mentions this one element and he says as for iron we sent it down we gave it to you it didn't just we didn't just bring it out it was sent down and the latest theory indeed says that and we believe in the quran without scientific theories being updated and changed allah told us that this element is a special element that i have given to you the origin of the universe is the origin of everything multiple scientific theories the most widely accepted explanation is the big bang theory the big bang theory states that the universe began as a hot and infinitely dense point this tiny singularity violently exploded a pulsar is a highly magnetized rotating neutron star that emits a beam of electromagnetic radiation the first pulsar was observed on november 28 1967 with the help of telescopes the name pulsar is derived from pulsating star the definition of pulsate is produce a regular reoccurring throbbing sound the word originates from the latin word player which means to beat [Music] they chose this name because scientists were able to record sounds of this star using high-end technology of the 20th century [Music] the most astounding fact is that this star was described 1400 years ago in the quran in the 86th chapter of the holy quran allah describes a startling tag you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign allah calls this star tariq and calls it the star of piercing brightness now if we look at the pictures of the pulsar we can clearly see a piercing light through the star but there is more allah also called the star tariq which in arabic means the beta or striker tariq is derived from the arabic verb to raka which means to strike or to beat it also refers to someone who comes in the middle of the night and knocks on the door you heard how the pulsar sounded in the beginning of the video which scientists were able to hear using high-end technology of the 21st century you can clearly hear the sound which sounds like someone is striking or knocking on something how could the quran know this 14 centuries ago when there was no high end technology there is no doubt left the quran is a book from god and muhammad was his messenger he gave us this book to use our intellect and then come to the conclusion that he is our creator he doesn't have to reveal himself to make us believe in him we were given superior brains and intellect above animals so that we could use this intellect and come to the conclusion that he is our creator so which is it of the favors of your lord that you deny [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] the quran is full of stories of the previous prophets of the previous nations it mentions firaoun it mentions haman it mentions tamood it mentions moses and jesus and mary it mentions all types of stories the stories of the arabs and the stories of other than the arab now most people don't understand and realize this point but when the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam was in makkah there was no library in all of the arabian peninsula the people in makkah were an illiterate backward nation they couldn't read they couldn't write they didn't have libraries people at the time of the prophet saw did not know the details of these stories they didn't know them where did this come from allah subhanahu wa ta'ala reveals in the quran he says in the quran these stories are from the knowledge of the unseen that we reveal to you neither you nor your people before you were aware of these stories this is the miracle of the quran and notice as well how precise the quran is in these stories one example we have so much to say but little time just one example in the time of the prophet yusuf alaihissalam the pharaohs of egypt were expelled by an outside dynasty you see you know there's lines of pharaohs firaouns the pharaohs of egypt were a royal dynasty and more than one dynasty existed right before the coming of yusuf alaihissalam those pharaohs were expelled by a foreign invading force and egypt was ruled by a line of kings that were not pharaohs and this is well known historically speaking so therefore to call them pharaohs would be a mistake but when you look at the old testament and you see the story of joseph it refers to the ruler of egypt as a pharaoh but he knows not a pharaoh but of that family he never called himself pharaoh it was a different dynasty altogether when the quran talks about the story of yusuf alaihissalam what does it say and the medic saw and the medic said and the medic dream al-malik the king and when it talks about musa is when it talks about yusuf allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says the malik said bring him to me this precision of telling a story it is humanly impossible that the prophet sallallahu alaihi was aware of these facts up until recent times people would call the rulers of egypt all pharaohs but technically that's not correct they were not powers for only 150 years they were not pharaohs and in that time yusuf story occurred and so allah does not call them pharaoh he calls them the king prophet abraham is a pivotal figure in judaism christianity and islam there's a lot of overlap in the stories about abraham in the quran and bible but it is only the quran that reveals knowledge about ancient babylonia that until recently has remained hidden from mankind lost in time jewish christian and islamic sources all place abraham's birthplace in ancient babylonia the region where we find modern-day iraq this region worshiped a multitude of gods and goddesses of particular prominence in the pantheon were celestial bodies such as the stars and planets each city had a patron god which they worshipped as their main benefactor and protector [Laughter] the moon god nana symbolized by the crescent was worshiped at ur and haran shamash god of the sun represented by the solar disk was worshiped at larsa and sipar venus personified as the goddess ishtar was symbolized by an eight-pointed star and worshiped at uruk according to mesopotamian mythology these three celestial bodies the sun the moon and venus formed an astral triad recent archaeological discoveries depict the special relationship between these deities the stele of ur namu shows the sun and moon joined together the kuduru of king melishipak depicts the astral triad in full the kaduru of nebuchadnezzar shows that astral triad the stele of nabonidus also depicts the astral triad the wide geographic distribution of these artifacts indicates that this astral triad was a prominent cult throughout the region the quran informs us about some very specific details with regards to the idols that abraham's people worship [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] we can see the quran draws our attention to their worship of the son moon and a third idol note the details provided about the third idol so when the knight covered him he saw a star but when it said he said i like not those that disappear the word translated here as star is the arabic word kokab which carries the meaning of celestial object and can be used to refer to a star or planet the quran tells us that at the onset of nightfall this celestial object appeared for only a brief amount of time this description of the third idol matches the characteristics of the goddess ishtar one of her names was the evening star because she personified venus a planet that appears for only a brief amount of time in the evening we can see that the quran's claims about the idolatry of abraham's people is accurate in light of what we know historically about the cult of the astral triad amazingly such knowledge of ancient mesopotamian religion was lost for thousands of years it was recorded at temple sites such as the famous ziggurat of ore which was buried deep beneath the desert sands the temple was only rediscovered in the early 20th century thanks to the excavation efforts of archaeologists such as sir leonard woolley even the sumerian language that these ancient artifacts were written in was unknown it became a dead language around the 1st century forgotten until the mid 19th century in light of these facts how could muhammad peace and blessings be upon him have accessed such knowledge given that he lived in the 7th century the only source of knowledge about abraham that would have been readily available would have been the bible-based stories and jewish legends in circulation if we examine the bible we find that it's silent on such detail long ago your ancestors including terra the father of abraham and nahor lived beyond euphrates river and worshipped other gods we can see that it makes no mention of specific idols that were worshiped they are simply referred to as other gods regarding the jewish legends that predate the quran one of the stories found is as follows and a voice came into his heart saying all the signs of the stars and the signs of the sun and moon are all under the lord's control while this account does reference the sun and moon note how it mentions stars in the plural we can see that jewish legend has a general awareness of their worship of celestial objects but it lacks the specifics of the astral triad in the quran in another jewish legend about abraham we find mention of the worship of elemental gods behold the fire is more worthy of honor than all things formed but even more worthy of honor is the water because it conquereth the fire but even it i do not call god because it is subjected to the earth nowhere does the quran mention that abraham's people worship the elements of fire water or earth now if the qur'an did copy from such an account then it would have included the mention of these elements but it never does these examples make it apparent that jewish legends were also not used as sources by the quran now it's important to point out that some of the deities did spread outside the region for example ishtar was also worshiped in arabia however she took on very different characteristics she became the male deity after representing the god of thunderstorms symbolized as an antelope in egypt she was astarte the goddess of war symbolized by a horse and chariot these incarnations are radically different to their counterpart ishtar the evening star we can see that ishtar had a chameleon-like quality her identity was constantly evolving with her attributes symbolism and even gender differing from region to region this would have made it difficult for muhammad peace and blessings be upon him to accurately pinpoint her identity in the context of abraham in conclusion the quran is filled with stories about past nations with its author consistently demonstrating accurate knowledge of the unseen at different times and places in history this is not a quality of human beings but rather the divine the quran proclaims that god almighty himself revealed such knowledge [Music] [Music] the quran shall remain uncorrupted untouched and unchallenged until the day of judgment no one shall be able to tamper with the quran no one shall be able to bring a false copy of the quran and the muslims will be fooled and say it is a false copy we have revealed this remembrance and we are the ones who shall protect it and therefore to this day the ummah has never disagreed about its holy book o muslims thank allah for this blessing you do not know every single religion on the face of this earth does not agree about its books you do not realize there is not a single religion except that there is dispute amongst that religion what is our holy book what constitutes the bible what books are authentic what lines in the book are added and what lines are going back to the original do you understand this the blessings that we have to know that this book is a certainty that allah has revealed that we don't have to worry about its corruption and it is amazing and no group of muslims around the world believes in another book they call the quran that is not our book yet if you look at the christians you look at the you look at the buddhists you look at the hindus they do not even know the authors of their book or what era they lived in they do not even know which books are actually a part of the bible and which books aren't to this day once in a while they come across new books that were not found in the bible maybe you've heard of the dead sea scrolls that was discovered around 50 years ago in uh in a valley in jordan entire troves of books that were never that were never known before there was a genizah graveyard in egypt last century many scrolls and many manuscripts of the ancient bibles and these are now printed in english but they don't form a part of the new testament where do they come from christians to this they are wondering is this real or is that real alhamdulillah allah has predicted our quran will never be corrupted and it shall never be challenged one point of view people often overlook regarding the miraculous nature of the quran is that of how this book literally has changed the course of human history because of this book almost one out of every four persons alive today in this world is a muslim how can a book that only consists of the arabic alphabet that is available for every single human being to use have such a huge impact on the whole world every single human being has the arabic language to their disposal but still for 1400 years no single human has been able to reproduce not even a single verse like that of the quran many have tried and came up with their own concoctions rhyming random words without any real meaning but what they fail to realize is that when the verses of the quran were revealed they completely transformed the whole society at that time people gave up drinking alcohol just because of the verses revealed in the quran can the words of the unbelievers do something similar like that today can their words change even a little thing in someone else are people willing to give their own precious lives because of the words they have invented can they make millions of people memorize their words by heart can their words defeat the biggest powers of the world today like russia and china can their words make people get up at 4am in the morning and pray can their words make people fast for one whole month no rather [Music] my [Music] [Applause] foreign oh [Music] the ease by which the quran is memorized and the fact that constantly repeating the quran never makes a person tired you never get enough of the quran and you can memorize the quran with an ease that is impossible for any other book allah says in the quran [Music] this book is a clear recited verses that is preserved in the hearts of the people of knowledge no other religious group memorizes its scriptures in totality no other group for us as muslims we don't just have one or two people memorizing the quran we don't just have 10 people in a room somewhere in timbuktu that have memorized the quran no every single community of muslims around the world has people that have memorized the quran they have a memorizer of the quran is a walking living talking miracle that the quran is a book of allah what other book is there that can be memorized 600 plus pages 6 000 plus verses and to top it all off memorized in a language that is typically unknown to the guy who's memorized it pakistani her fault african or false turkish or false even modern arabs don't speak classical arabic yet they're memorizing the quran is this not a miracle that a 10 year old child who does not even know one word of arabic can recite the entire book from memory as if he is reciting straight from the page foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] and we don't even value this we don't even think this is that big of a deal the very fact that we don't think it's a big deal shows how big of a deal it is because it's so common and this clearly is one of the most tangible one of the most clear evidences of this book being from allah every single practicing muslim has memorized dozens of surahs you don't understand you don't know christians do not memorize their bible go ask a christian the average christian doesn't even know the lord's prayer by heart jews don't memorize their scriptures buddhists don't even know their scriptures we as muslims we memorize our book and we take pride in memorizing our quran has been memorized and preserved and authenticated like no other book and we read it once and we read it twice and we read it 20 seconds we read it three thousand times we keep on reading it and once we finish reading we start all over again how many times can you read a novel how many times do you read no matter how good the book is how often can you read that book you get tired of it after a while two or three times allah that's it but the quran the righteous amongst us cannot live for one day without reciting them the righteous amongst us and insha'allah all of us are striving for this cannot let any day go by except that they look in this book and they recite and they never get tired and they never ever become bored of the quran what does this show clearly the speech of allah is not the speech of men [Music] allah and now i hope we understand the beauty of why and how allah subhanahu wa says this allah says they ask you for miracles they want you to bring forth many many miracles isn't it a sufficient miracle isn't it enough for them that we have revealed this book that is recited for them verily in it are signs and tokens for men of understanding in the quran is enough of a miracle allah is saying why do you need anything else this quran is self-sufficient so my dear brothers and sisters in islam my dear brothers and sisters in islam you have in your possession you have in your possession the greatest the grandest living miracle that allah has blessed any prophet with my concluding and parting advice to me and to all of you cherish this miracle cherish it love it read it recite it appreciate the miracle and announce this miracle to the world and when we love the quran and when we show that love to the quran then indeed allah will bless us through the quran and raise us because of the quran and grant us there is and the peace and the honor that we want as a result of our love and dedication to the quran [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign foreign the
Channel: Digital Ummah
Views: 185,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: islam, muslim, faith, religion, allah, muhammad, ramadan, islamic lecture, Islamic, Lecture, Digital Ummah, Nouman Ali Khan, mercifulservant, sunni, prophet, muhammed, mekka, medina, Forgiveness, Islam, nouman, nouman ali khan, bayyinah, yasir qadhi, jibreel, omar suleiman, quran, quran recitation
Id: sxAaiAUiUbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 11sec (3611 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2020
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