100 Mystery Buttons! Win Big or Go Bankrupt??

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what's up mini squad welcome back to my channel i'm peyton dulu i'm ashton and i'm paxton and today i'm super excited because we're doing a lego mystery button box challenge it's gonna be so awesome i'm super excited let's do this i'm gonna be in this giant lego mystery box filled with awesome mystery buttons especially button i press will either grant me money an epic prize or a bankruptcy making me lose it all is it worth the risk to keep pressing buttons or should i press the escape button and keep the prices i have let's find out we'll paint through the box pressing buttons we'll be giving her the prizes from up top hey okay i'm gonna press my first button i hope i get something good um this one 100 bills 101 dollar bill yes you just got a hundred dollars for her first one that's crazy oh which is a pretty good fan too hey you ready for this yes [Music] oh yeah guys that was awesome i'm off to a great start i'm ready to press my second button hey what are you gonna spend it on um i'm not sure i don't think she's gonna be able to spend it she's definitely going bankrupt but no way i'm not going to across i'm going to prove it next button i'm going to press this orange button [Music] oh yes that's awesome that's like the best thing so even if i hit a bankruptcy button i still gotta keep two prizes i'm off to a great start that was two good buttons so let's see if i can keep it going i'm gonna press this pink one [Music] i got a macbook air yes oh this is awesome don't you already have a computer can i have that one um you can have my old one you gotta share that money with me okay uh no thanks all right on to the next button i like this game there are three bankruptcy buttons in here so the more prizes i get the more likely it is that i hit a big foxy button so i'm getting kind of nervous i'm gonna press this blue one oh so i get a like pick up a lego brick and there's apparently a hundred dollars under one of them so let's see if i can find which one that is this one there's a one yeah this probably fell through the cracks all right next button okay i'm gonna press this pink one lower cash nato what does that mean i guess we'll find out leaflet cash nato oh this is gonna be epic get the boy blower payton got the leaf blower cash nato button so she has 15 seconds catch as much money as she can there's 51 dollar bills and one fifty dollar bill let's see how she does you ready three two one how much did you get um yes two dollars four dollars i got three bucks guys how is that even possible we blew a hundred dollars yeah you blew a hundred dollars at me so whenever i caught them they blow out of my hands what was that i only have one all right next button oh i got a two dollar bill nice here's a two dollar bill i'll give you another one if you can guess which present is on the dollar bill um can i just see it first uh no i don't know what's on a two dollar bill no one knows who's on a two dollar bill just take a guess of some really old president i don't know okay payne it's one for mount rushmore jefferson jefferson thomas jefferson thomas jefferson i guess how did you know that are you serious yeah how did you even know that it's a two dollar bill yeah i need another one no i just guess guys i actually had no idea all right new button get blasted what does that mean yes it could be awesome okay no no no rock paper scissors shoot rock paper scissors shoot rock paper scissors shoot drop shipping scissors shoes okay it's gonna be fun they're gonna blast me this is gonna hurt i don't want them to do this please don't hurt me ready no don't hurt no it's gonna hurt please don't please [Music] right that was getting blasted new buttons [Music] next button okay next button i'm gonna go for this green one oh i got ninja kids toys send them down oh this is awesome this is our new collector's pack it's so cool but where am i oh oh there i am oh i got all these toys this is awesome now i have what the hell guys look it's me and there's brighton paxton ashton another passing and another brighton and you can get your own at walmart target or amazon i'm gonna hit this blue button [Music] lego's inside of legos okay i wonder what this is i hear something something's happening up there you don't really like legos that much right no i do i really like them no no you don't just just give it to me oh is this heavy oh yes okay whoa i have a giant lego set hey just hear me you don't even like legos that much anyway right texas is so jealous but look it's roller coasters and i love roller you'll have to practice on easy sets first play and that's way too big yeah look at how many pieces there are i should give it to brighton lightson doesn't even build legos come on you know what i hope you get the bankruptcy button i actually don't really like legos maybe i should give it to him but not after what he just said i hope i get another one to make paxton jealous oh ninja kid's hat bring him down well i don't know what i'm going to do with this many hats but i like them how's it look guys that was rude he's still just jealous from the lego set i'm going to press this blue button [Music] i win a cactus do you think it's a real cactus like a big cactus or toy or i guess bring it down here we go don't drop it oh it's just like a little captain the boy's kind of broken literally i can pick it up ashton did you break the cactus uh no you didn't it wasn't like that when i handed it to you that was no it wasn't there was passion so [Music] what's that hi nala oh look guys she's carrying cash hi this is my little puppy and her name is nala say hi to the people nola oh she just guys i got it out guys this is fifty dollars yeah do you wanna hang out with me in the box for a little bit oh oh she's eating the money no this is my money all right i'm gonna let nala choose the next button what button do you want i think she likes this one that button's broken it might have been a bankruptcy button and it might have been the best price so nala pick another one if you're siblings each ten dollars and it over missy okay you guys are lucky i'm doing so well on this challenge you can use this for your next hot date okay you too okay sweet [Music] oh she wants the money hey ashton do you want to choose the next button for me sure if i get a bankruptcy let's do it let's do this button headphones thank you ashton oh man i wonder what type of headphones i got i have like airpods but not like big headphones oh nice yes i got beats guys noah wants something and noah wants it she's trying to bite it all right a new button xbox controller oh this one's gonna make my brothers jealous if there's an xbox controller there's probably an xbox so i keep pressing button but what if i get the bankruptcy button then i'll lose everything except for two items so that's good but i'm gonna keep pressing buttons i need that controller oh nice oh it's a white one pretty i'm gonna keep pressing buttons and this green one oh that's the one i just pressed let's get this one out of here ipad keyboard nice okay can i get that ipad you got no ipad for this so if i keep pressing buttons i might get the ipad i have so many prizes this is awesome i don't want to get greedy but you know i need the stuff that will go with this like i need the xbox i need the ipad oh i get to do another lego brick there's a hundred dollar bill underneath one of these lego bricks which one should i do i don't know i just need to pick one i don't know i feel like this green one right here oh i guess i'm going for this blue one guys i got it what i have no idea how i got it i was actually going to do the green one but then i just put my hand on a random one and it was the blue one so i just like i guess i'll just do the blue one and it was it oh my goodness i'm so lucky guys okay next button this i'm doing so good oh that's the broken one oh i got 50 bucks it's 54 thank you okay so i have hundreds of dollars and all these awesome prizes and i think i'm gonna try to hit the escape button so these two buttons one of them it's a bankruptcy button and one of them is an escape button so if i hit the bankruptcy i get to keep two because of that button i pressed but if i hit the escape button then i get to leave with all these prizes what button would you guys press i have no idea it's a 50 50 shot so i think i'm gonna go for this one okay i'm so mad i'm gonna pick two things i'm gonna pick the beats i'll keep the beats and the macbook okay so let's take all of this money and all the prizes okay i'm kind of disappointed that i hit the bankruptcy button but at least i got these two awesome prizes and ashton you can't do that that is not your money well it is now you can win it because they both did one of these challenges on their channel so go check that out it was super fun yeah it's gonna be crazy and we'll see you next time thanks for being awesome [Music]
Channel: Payton Delu
Views: 15,056,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ErUQnio4nd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 08 2021
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