100 Mile Mini Bike Race! 200+ Mini Bikes | WE GOT 3RD!!

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[Applause] what's up everybody I'm John I'm Isaac and we are coming to you from Prineville Oregon because we are at the gambler 500 100-mile mini bike endurance race we are here with go power sports they brought us some bikes to ride and also Chris from rather be welding is here he's gonna be on our team today is Friday the race is not until tomorrow morning so people are still getting in but so far it is just straight-up gorgeous out here and the track looks really really cool looks pretty gnarly too a lot of lot of down hills a lot of up hills a lot of really really narrow passes which is going to be interesting with 200 or 300 mini bikes racing at the same time so we're gonna walk around see what we can see and show you the bikes are gonna be racing and talking in a second our NB 200 built by Taylor eco power sports had amide two cam billet rod billet flywheel and a 30 series torque converter the other race bike was even more modified with a 24 millimeter flat slide carburetor a more aggressive cam and more so as Friday even in the sun's going down most everybody's got their practice in people are start at the drag race let's check it out one of our subscribers built an awesome drag chopper with a 460 cc engine from scratch and another subscriber built a minibike with a Honda GX 610 beach wind the two of them were dominating at the drag strip [Music] go card is down [Music] there's like 200 bikes or more we're going to the starting lines where the drivers meeting get ready and we'll be going and we'll do a countdown and then the horn will blow five four three two one [Applause] our team strategy to take it easy until the crowd got thinned out proved to be a good idea there was a ton of congestion in the first lap also I wasn't clear on the rules for the warm-up lap I assumed it'd be like car racing line up side by side and no passing until green then I remembered the pillar basically no rules and I started passing people and it came to be a ton of fun the fact that I was racing with hundreds of mini bikes in the mountains of Oregon was just mind-boggling really not as gnarly as you'd think people stay decently thinned out how someone just went down yeah just take it easy on the on the curve suit because I'm like the thing has got some power to it okay yeah all right so Chris is out yeah doing his lap and then it'll be your turn I'm gonna grab the gas can cuz I feel like we should fill it up how'd you do bro hi come on hi buddy be safe have fun the race consisted of 22 laps around a 4.6 mile course and the track add a little bit of everything it was awesome it began with jumps and then went into a banks turn section I think Ike was born to be a minibike racer with no previous two-wheel racing experience he raced well and passed people like they were standing still just a few laps into the race teams were dropping out like flies I heard that out of the hundred and ten teams that entered only around 30 would finish the gnarly 100-mile race dust and sand was clogging air filters and torque converters the steep inclines were wearing out torque converter belts and the rough terrain was shaking bikes to pieces but our NB 200 kept on trucking oh my god all right I'm so sorry bro okay thankfully neither the bike nor the rider was injured in the bike crash right before the end of my second stint I saw Bo power sports team one broken down on the track what's happening our teammates Bob and Taylor and Jason are having some kind of problem right down there which is a bummer because they were doing really really really well but yeah I'm fried car dude it's a good old time passing a lot of people only one person came up on me going really fast and that was that was Bob really yeah I heard him come up fast I was like that's gonna Bob in it yes very good so anyway hopefully they can get their problems worked out Ike let's get ready for your segment dude and that will be lap numbers saboteurs around lap 6 are 25 to 30 miles into the race the bike fell down on ours so with the pits we swap two new air filter to see if that would quickly clear up our issue at this point the bike had sustained some front-end damage between my butt crash and Chris laying down the bike in a corner it still handled well but we had to straighten out the fender that hits regardless Ike was making awesome time check out some of these moves [Music] all right so Chris is out there on his third segment the bike is down on power rear we replace the air filter I'd say it's running on like 70% of power we had at the beginning of the race you should be coming in soon unfortunately somebody got hurt and there's an ambulance here so the race is on pause so while the race is on PI's we're gonna take it in and replace the target or the belt the front or converter pulley channel the consumables the things that could be robbing power from us right now we're wishing that guy is speedy recovery we got a man holy cat look to your left is that just for okay look to your left spewpa man he's white and he's waiting for his run okay I didn't know he was racing yeah he's sweet anyway he came to our event North Carolina and he lives in Seattle you want to be the farthest distance traveling trophy so he built a brick in a backpack with like a home air filter on it and it ducks air into the helmet for fresh air it's pretty ninja so I'm fighting force here just to example to sandwich I guess you're technically a competitor so yeah no problem no we are competitors but you guys have anymore we tonight bronze you i won yes we're new in the milk or not sir it's probably dirt down on power it's maintenance to the bike we're hoping that guy is gonna be okay yep so good luck buddy yep I'm wondering how this restart is gonna work I would go I'd take your bike over there all right so we are green again I did not manage to turn I see camera all the way out so that's my night scuba man actually ended up winning best costume that day we kept counting the miles I kept flying and the bike was back to full power Oh [Music] y'all are doing good are we Bauer's four separate it [Music] all right so my fifth time out I'm starting to feel kind of tired I ran a 40-minute lap even though I laid it down twice still having fun just kind of conserve energy when I'm not on the light now and then about 17 laps into the race I had a breakdown okay right there at the end all right let me write down my time all right I need to say it ah wait what so what happened I thought was the tank why don't we lose crank it up and trot let me go in there with my time doc yeah so I got I just got in for my fifth or sixth ride and the belt is just gone so if she's taking a new belt in it yeah and what Chris's turn right yeah so Chris is out right now with an Ike's going and then I'm going and then we're done I have no idea where the standings are all I can say is that we are not winning but that's okay we're having a good old time we just need the belt the last going into the last lap we were battling for third place with another team so I pushed through while trying to stay cautious I can't believe how well our bike Hilda sure we had to replace the belt twice but remember this was 100 miles of full throttle full brakes dust sand inclines all.i altitude and it still ran like a champ three seconds cool awesome third place in our class I don't know where we placed overall but probably pretty good freaking cool trophy we're gonna clone one so Chris can have one but yeah team rather be camera sponsored by go power sports freakin awesome day today the trail master NB 200 is the mini bike if you're trying to go fast it really is and really Taylor did a fantastic job on I'm putting the bikes together for us really couldn't have done it without him and go power sports so thank you go power sports we had a blast looking forward to next year next year man yes sir yeah we're gonna I think a couple things couple notes we could used a little bit more power for the uphill sections I think a bigger fuel tank just so you really don't have to worry about it at all faster driver transitions other than that really minor stuff but uh yeah that was it was such such a great experience dude Oregon is a beautiful state had a great time meeting all of you guys who came out so thank you for coming out to just say hi and to race and stuff like that I got to meet a ton of cool people and yeah we're on the way home it's what it's 11:30 at night tomorrow we we got we have a new vehicle to show you that we bought that we're actually gonna drop the engine off of it for for the new cross cart we're putting together because the CB 550 turned out to be a little bit of a turn well I mean we got it running but it's got a lot of work to be done yeah so we won't be throwing that engine away we'll probably using it on a future bill yep yep we ordered a clutch basket for it so we can put that back together but in the meantime Facebook Instagram at Carson Campus refused Isaac at check me out at Isaac it'll be fine and yeah buy a hat they're on sale cars - cameras calm thanks for watching we will see you next time [Music] all right no thank you rival
Channel: CarsandCameras
Views: 523,261
Rating: 4.9166932 out of 5
Keywords: 100 mile mini bike race, mini bike race, mini bike endurance race, gambler 500 mini bike
Id: U6Xu2yvm8-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2019
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