100 LAYERS CHALLENGE! Best 100+ Coats of Makeup, Hairspray, Duct Tape, Tattoos by 123 GO! CHALLENGE

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wish you had a hundred bucks what about 100 layers of random stuff we thought that'd pique your interest kylie sure looks peaceful when she sleeps which gives me the perfect inn hope you like the color red that ought to do it hello oh must have fallen asleep have a good nap since when did i grow a mustache how did this even happen [Music] you want to play dirty julie how do a hundred tattoo sound oh no better hop to it julie those tats won't apply themselves i'll be back this is ridiculous who wants a hundred of these anyway all righty first one's officially done four head hat [Music] chest good thing these are all cute but all at once i'm not so sure i'm gonna have to start overlapping soon i've got to put this into overdrive too bad i can't put him on my eyes i'm halfway there people is it just me or is this starting to look cool maybe all this tattoo tattooing's getting to my brain [Music] oh look at this little guy and just a couple more 100 there you happy now kylie you think it's funny huh it's like a creepy face mask and i'm still stuck with this thing [Laughter] [Music] ouch this thing's tight i can barely even smile get off you stupid stash i bet this will peel right off check it out [Music] this isn't so bad after all you definitely got the short end of the stick kylie i'm so stoked for the party tonight hey i need this for my updo or not this dude is staying put all night guess i'll leave mine down then it's out already it's all yours thanks [Music] you used it all up kylie see ya hairspray hog it's gonna be a great day especially with my cute do and i know how to keep the spray all to myself your turn kylie [Music] did you really switch this out for spray paint you mean 100 layers of spray paint i can't don't worry i'll help you this stuff better wash right out now that the hair spread out we can start layer one is nearly done why stick to just one color right i'm using my special technique i sure hope you like blue i'm kind of excited to see it hello glitter hang tight we're over halfway there girl watch the eyes julie just a few more layers to go and just like that we hit 100 layers baby gotta make sure it's nice and dry that stuff sure stinks huh and up i go is it cute it feels like it's standing straight up maybe i'll start a new hair trend who's this i shouldn't have answered wanna see the perfect prank all you need is a roll of tape let's speed this process up a bit it's looking pretty good let the games begin it's happening another shopping trip success whoa my lips [Laughter] oh man what on earth is going on kylie yes i have a special gift for you and you definitely deserve it 100 layers of tape and clean this mess up too okay i'm armed and ready this shouldn't take too long right and with all these fun colors it's gonna look pretty awesome i'm really making some headway here just look at it and i'm not done yet gotta get creative about how i fit this all here this really takes a lot out of you i can barely feel my arms anymore i gotta be close to 100 now okay just a few more strips anyone got a towel [Music] and a hundred there you happy now julie quite oh i forgot about our pizza delivery with hot melted cheese at stake there's only one thing left to do attack time to take things up a notch say hello to my little friend [Music] i'm in keep cutting we're coming for you pizza phew oh sweet relief ready to go stuff our faces hey guys ready for a new eye shadow palette stick with me as i try on look at these gorgeous hues it's like a tornado ran through here nothing i can't fix julie oh yeah kylie hold on a sec julie oh whatever as i was saying this year is all about metallics let me show you how to wear it this brush is your best bet brush it lightly in the shadow and brush it over your cheekbones what i'm trying to film film this 100 layers you wouldn't dare i have no other choice here's layer one may as well use all the colors at least we'll see what these colors are really capable of huh come on wake up why stick to just the cheeks i can glow on my forehead too see i don't know if this brush can handle this fingers it is i'm starting to resemble a gold brick [Music] [Applause] looking good girl i look like a mermaid robot is anyone still watching oh everybody's watching all right anything for more followers right what's with all the pings i almost forgot ready for the lips she can't be serious nothing says christmas like a fully decorated tree isn't it beautiful what did you do to her tree did we run out of ornaments or something [Music] is that a cotton ball so pretty right no julie put my side up front wow ta-da now it feels like christmas just needs one final touch what's a tree without a sparkly topper [Music] i love it now for my extra touch a little big snow julie no whoops it's silly string neon green silly string i've had enough oh man and i've got all the string you need that's a whole lot of silly string better get this party started layer one is done hey at least it doesn't hurt feels kind of good actually check out all these pretty colors things are getting interesting now missed a spot you almost done there kylie oh yeah i'm done all right if i could move i'd get extra silly on you kylie this doesn't stain clothes right [Music] merry christmas julie santa someone's been naughty i see why does everyone always do that when they see me what are you doing where's julie no gifts for you santa wait think you take the 100 layer challenge in stride try it out with your friends and let us know how it goes
Channel: 123 GO! CHALLENGE
Views: 39,836,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #123go
Id: B9GTq03Qkpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2021
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