100 Hours In Minecraft Hardcore: Episode 5 - REDEMPTION

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wait a minute didn't you die in the last episode yep yep uh yes I did and it was brutal and let me be clear this was totally legitimate take a look at it right we didn't actually get to the meeting room I think the meeting room must be in here the vindicators weren't invisible I did a whole bunch of mistakes that led to this I wasn't wearing a chest plate which is pretty poetic because I gave that chest plate to Timmy saying that I didn't need it I did need it and I wasn't holding a totem and I just exploded it was totally justified and a legitimate death so I really wanted to continue and try again I really would like to have another shot at this hundred hours in hardcore Challenge and as you saw from last episode I reset in this world and you can see I put 16 hours into a tiny Montage towards the end of the video under normal circumstances in a single player hardcore world you would just reset the whole seed and it would be exactly the same map and off you go again but because this is multiplayer I can't really do that it's not fair to Joel or Scar and because I do want to give this a genuine second attempt the next best thing I can do is just reset everything from me personally get rid of all my old stuff and start again from scratch so although it's not particularly Orthodox it's essentially it is a hard reset just like a normal hardcore world with the added benefit that I do get to continue the series with Joel and Scar and trust me I very much sat there and I was like can I even do this with the time that I have with hermitcraft on the horizon can I even do this and I decided yes I would really like to try and get that 100 hours in and see if I can do it so ultimately I was left with the choice of just starting again on a single player and playing 100 hours and I understand that some people would say yep that's the thing you should have done but for me this is my series and my channel and I really wanted to play with my friends Scar and Joe I think I'd have a much more fun time and be able to fill 100 hours with content better with my friends I'm gonna continue this series I am gonna try and do this hundred hours in my mind I've done what I can I can't reset the world for Scar and gel it's just not fair and I would like to do this hundred hour challenge as legitimately as as humanly possible I would really like to get back to 40 hours so I'm going to do another Montage to try and get back up to 40 hours which is where we unfortunately met our demise so are you ready I'm gonna try and get lots of chores done in my brand new base behind me that kind of looks like a giant tick Let's Get Some Farms made and let's get a brand new villager set up because I desperately need some mending at the moment I've only got one zombie villager so I've got to wait for night and hope that I can get another one oh I also saw a bunch of comments saying green you burned the Dragon egg how did you respawn the Ender Dragon I I think that might be a Bedrock thing because all you need is four end crystals to respawn the dragon in Java in Java I don't think the dragon egg really does anything and to make sure I'm still in the spirit of Hardcore because I do hear your concerns I will be leaving that whatever that thing is where it is I won't be progressing anymore in it because I basically died did hardcore and I can't use anything I've done so I've got to make it brand new base I gotta make a brand new build and I've got to start from scratch and I need to do this 100 hours legitimately from zero while I was doing my interior in here I've come up with an elegant solution to the whole argument about resetting in this hardcore world it's pretty simple and elegant so basically grian did die last episode he's out of this world we can we can't help him he's he's gone uh I am no longer I am not Korean I am grienne with an E I am grian and I am a brand new player on this hardcore world I could I could have just rejoined with my cam account if it makes you feel better but uh I I kind of like this idea that I'm I am now Korean and this is yep I'm Gonna Roll with this 100 hours in hardcore with grienne this is my Redemption Arc and because I've got a lot of time until I get to 40 hours I can spend quite a lot of time time just getting up some farms and stuff so look at this I like this interior a lot very hobbit hole right I'm gonna go and look for that villager now my primary goal was to set up my villagers and infrastructure again now you all know how long this sort of thing takes because I'm constantly complaining about it and this was no different so you can see I was doing two things at once I was setting up my input of melons and pumpkin so I had something to trade meanwhile trying to breed up as many villagers as possible this sort of thing takes five hours in itself and is pretty painful I also needed a ton of golden apples so I went to the local mesobine which is over 3000 blocks away got myself a whole bunch of gold and I also found a temple where I got myself some dangerous TNT once I smelted up all the gold it was time to start wait why is he rowing huh I also decided that it was only right that my old villager setup had to go so I got rid of those along with the Sheep now because I'm not going back to my old build it means I need to get some more blocks so I also did a whole run on trying to get loads of calcite and all the kind of blocks and I also needed a whole bunch of wool and since I got rid of my old sheep farm as well as the villagers I needed a new one and this time I decided to automate it to make things a little easier on myself so I spent a whole bunch of time with the Sheep getting that sorted while I was farming for Squid Ink I found another Trident bro at my luck with Trident drops is so insane I got another one I literally squealed and that brings us up to the 33 hour Mark I've uh I've fallen a little bit short of 40 but we are getting pretty close now so let's have a little bit of a tour of my brand new base that I've spent a lot of time on so this is my Hobbit Hole I've tried to do a little bit of blending with some Sandstone some strip Birch and it looks like a face nearly all my buildings look like a face one one way or another and then I have got my Oreo cookie type I don't know what this is I this is what happens when I just don't plan bases it goes It goes like this so let's take a little look around in here is my automated sheep farm which is bringing up the light gray wool um pretty slowly pretty slowly but there's enough sheep here that it will accumulate as fast as it can I mean this automated cheap Farms are as quick as they are I just ran out of iron over here we got our enchanting setup a very small automated sugarcane farm again very slow but it's automated so who cares also we got our melons and pumpkins going out pretty good stuff and then upstairs is where we have our villager trading center this time I made some villagers with Masons so that I can trade up for blocks of quartz instead of having to go into The Nether and mine them manually which is going to be a great idea because I'm going to need a whole bunch of white blocks now how I would describe this episode in a single word is Obsession Obsession I've spent more time in this episode trying to recover what I lost time wise before than most of the entire series and partly it's because Joel he just any opportunity he takes the mick I I would I'll come back to the server right and there'll be a sign saying how many how many hours are you on loser like in in his Joel way be like I'm on 37 so I have been obsessed with trying to get my hours back and my Play Time back so that I can overtake Joel and then I can rub it in his face stupid face that I I have more hours than him and I had to reset but he's been busy himself building something really epic so he is he is he is ahead of me so I'm about to do something dumb and it's it's not as dumb as dying or not as dumb as not wearing a chess plate now I can't go back to this build because this belonged to grian and I am grian so I'm gonna have to build something completely different and completely unique and then I can go from there so if you're ready for another time lapse and hopefully this will bring us back up to 40 hours I am going to build something completely different to this but first let's go let's go don't ask Joel how many hours he's on how many hours are you on uh 45 how many are you on Korean it's not important how many that's not important how many it's not important how many Korean this is not it's not important I just I just needed to know where you were how many crude 33. oh that's more than I was expecting yeah it's starting to sweat a little bit I've made a recovery I've literally no life the server for like two days straight now don't oh there's a hole there well I'm gonna laugh at you I'm gonna get more hours than you what you watching oh look at that nice what's that thing over there who built that it's green I I that was Green's build I am grienne with an E I am Brienne can't you see my fancy mustache uh yeah it's I wouldn't say fancy but it is a mustache how dare you I'm gonna have to I'm gonna make a brand new build totally original and amazing and it's gonna be better than that by a long shot I could just say scar is going to be so confused when he comes back you've got a mustache and you've got a new stars uh but I'm sure he'll catch up quite should we just should we just not tell him that I've died and had yeah should we should we just should we just try and keep it a secret for as long as possible sure sure mustache might give it away first I've just had a message from Joel inviting me to watch Lizzy kill the Wither and we can't pass this up welcome to uh the hardcore world again uh you you are going to kill the Wither for us today are you excited I hope you have big plans I am I've got big plans say hello to my little friend and my even little a friend who's also going to help wait wait wait I know this is going to break up the recording but can I can I come back here in five seconds I've got I got a bit I gotta do a thing I've got I got it boom better who is it who is it with a rook wait that's a really cute name wow how did you come up with that I love it oh well because she's gonna kill the Wither yeah yeah her name's Rose yeah yeah how long do you need this tunnel to be killer of the winner uh 73 blocks long 73. why so specific yeah is that is that calculated no I didn't I just picked a random number wait wait wait wait wait wait wait Jojo I need to do something well there we go oh wait wait wait wait yeah I'm not making that mistake again is she about to do it tonight that's not a winner Golem that's not that is the opposite of a Wither I'm curious if this is actually going to work oh no there's the Wither oh gosh thank you did you know cut off the pumpkin oh he's blowing it up oh she's gone horribly Todd use a bow use your bow no don't go in yo you do pretty well Lizzy I'm pretty impressed thanks I'm nearly dead wait what back up Golden Apple yeah his table is called an apple another another death we've had another death oh no Another River Rose all right I think you've got a hit with a sword now are you sure there you go yes yes sword time oh okay oh this is this is pretty good like I feel quite safe you know what should we make a little base everything is fine everything is fine oh [Music] it's so much oh gosh she's still alive Lizzy no it's dead green we did it we killed the Wither ah we are really good at the aircraft we have bossed this we are the best Minecraft players ever agreed I think I've just sacrificed my wife for another star that's a fair trade um Lizzy if you could hear us thanks um I I hope you enjoyed the time on 100 hours of hardcore uh if you have a mustache you can come back apparently so hey all right well successful with a killing trip next time we need another weather skull I mean another never never start let's bring on someone else and get them to do most of the work as well running out of friends okay right I'm ready it's time to start my new build nothing to do with this you ready let's go [Music] foreign [Music] there we go a completely original structure it's it's it's technically totally different seeing as it's uh not the same angle and you know I I know that I've sort of mirrored it either side but there's something really I don't know there's something really pleasing about this the old meets the new but they're pretty much identical and it's it's giving me some really like Lord of the Rings Vibes going down the river there now if you look in the bottom right hand corner the timer is about to tick over that 40 hour Mark I've been I've been recording non-stop for like the last three days to try and recover lost hours and you'll also see I've added second attempt there just so people don't get too confused about the events that's happened and we are about to pass over boom 40 hours in Minecraft oh my goodness I this has been a journey for me the last three days of just non-stop Minecrafting and although I wasn't recording every second of it I certainly have been working very very hard and I'm very glad that this is done now you might be wondering Korean that's really close to Joel's base now here's the thing I asked Joel I said hey look I want to do this thing I want to I want to make a new build all original you know the deal and he said as long as it's not touching the green wool then it's fine that is a quote that is a Joel quote as long as it's not touching the green wall it's fine so I may have taken that a little literally there is one block between the Green world and my my new build so um mission accomplished here I actually ran out of blocks a lot of the time so I had to stop during the the time lapse of this to go and get more diorite calcite that kind of thing and you would have thought seeing as I've already built this once that I'd uh learned my lesson but apparently not so what do we do now we've we've we've actually got ourselves back to 40 hours and now I'm I I've I've even you know done exactly what I did before with a brand new original build so what now well we continue our hardcore Adventure I also do realize that there is an issue with my Approach here because obviously this side of the build I plan on adding structures and big old towers and whatever I've got going on here but I can't necessarily do the same over there seeing as it was uh a build from Green and not grienne so I I don't really know what to do there it may get may just have to stay like that to be true to the hardcore experience a monument to the first attempt Joel is still technically ahead of me I think he's approaching sort of 50 hours because I've had to do a three-day catch-up session and he's just got himself a beacon and I would probably do well to get myself a beacon as well beacons are very very useful but it does mean a little bit of farming on the whole wither front there is a Bastion here which could mean a bit of pig step if I play my cards right it's a dangerous place okay there's I see one guy there I don't know why I'm I'm even tempting Faith the 40 hour mark is where I died of the first time round and now I'm just asking for it to happen again where are you the best fighting hardcore is the one that you avoid and these guys hit hard not as hard as the vindicators but they are tanky there is a way out safe okay a pig step I said how did I not see the pig step and ancient debris oh yeah this is this is good I forgot about netherite I was asking what we should do and I forgot about netherite oh okay there's a hidden Bastion in here and I'm feeling I'm feeling dangerously overconfident can I sweep in open that loot it in fact I could just Diamond ax it and then swoop out again okay I'm going for it I can always just fly out again go yes okay now I just need to safely fly out of here okay what do we get what did we get absolutely absolutely nothing got some some magma cream and probably a bit of gold I was hoping for more ancient debris okay that's it that was that was my appetite for risk gone I actually came here for wither skulls where are the Nether fortresses that I was looking for a big nether fortress that I'd missed this one's particularly open so maybe there's a good opportunity for netherite here okay another one Golden Apple okay I think I'm pushing my luck now I've I've uh I just keep running into these things and there's chests everywhere but that's how they get you oh oh there we go and when you find one you really find one look at this farming for weather skulls can be a very very painful process at this point I would settle for just one I've said it once and I'll say it again the drop rate on these is far too low Joel told me he got three wither skeletons in like 20 minutes or something I even got a single one I'm gonna have to chalk this up to some bad luck because I'm out of food and so I'm gonna head back to the base and I'll maybe try this another time perhaps there's something else we can do in our nether Excursion well that was a bit of a waste but it did make me realize that I don't have any never right but I do have some TNT so if you're thinking what I'm thinking if we AFK at the gunpowder Farm just for a little while we can get enough TNT to get ourselves some proper nether right I've just had a thought this does netherai actually make anything a bit stronger because the main feature of netherrite is that it doesn't burn in lava or burn at all but in a hardcore world that that hardly matters because you you lose everything when you die it's got to be a little bit better right it's not the most efficient gunpowder Farm in the world but there's definitely enough here to get some netherite there is a slight problem with this scene and that's that there's no sand whatsoever I think the nearest Desert is 2 000 blocks away unfortunately we've got to make do with the pitiful amount of river sand okay we've got nearly three stacks of TNT in our experience that's probably enough to get at least three netherite ingots three stacks of TNT in a hardcore world can't go wrong all right let's do this I like to be pretty liberal as you guys know I like to be pretty liberal with the TNT here so let's give this a shot see if we can create quite a big cavern go nice I think I need to be a bit higher up looks like I accidentally went quite a bit too far low looks like I went a bit too low on this one I oh oh okay we've got one and away it goes that's more like it that is very much more like it okay 10 ancient debris from that one bit I've only got 11 left now so last little bit I've not been very lucky this last stack of TNT okay it looks like looks like 12 is all we're gonna get which is a lot less than I was expecting but you know what that's not too bad and with this trident in my head I shall say a massive thank you for watching this is really good this is the most distracting outro ever it's just a trident slicing through my face I hope you've enjoyed this episode and enjoyed my Redemption Arc back over 40 hours in hardcore and I do hope that you can still be invested in this series even though I've had to start all the way from scratch and I shall see you in the next episode where I've got some very fun things planned I'm gonna have to get rid of this there we go planned with Joel and hopefully skull will be with us soon as well and we can carry on with some Shenanigans I shall see you in the next episode good bye
Channel: Grian
Views: 2,715,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, hardcore minecraft, hard core minecraft, 100 hours, 100 hours minecraft, grian minecraft, minecraft grian, 100 days, hardcormode, minecraft hardcormode, minecraft hard mode, hard mode survival, 1.18, episode 5
Id: eGxq0o41KPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 47sec (1367 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 06 2022
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