100 Fun Details In All Genshin Impact Character's Demos

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foreign [Music] Cavalry captain for the night [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] it's important [Music] [Music] my name is [Music] thank you [Music] better to do we could go foraging for ingredients I should have stayed indoors today foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] come on enough procrastinating let's go time is against us we live in an era of change as the old order that has existed for a thousand years is about to be Rewritten join me let us bear witness to this historical moment together wow [Music] [Music] foreign foreign without you I didn't know oh how chained to your daily toiling you are must you intrude on a Bard's Leisure Time [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign [Music] bloodline life as an exologist is very busy when I'm not at the tavern I'm out collecting ingredients for new recipes so thank you not much of an adversary but enough for a site [Music] if you want to take my vision you're going to need a lot more people [Music] [Applause] it'll be an easy Victory but I still won't hold back [Music] [Music] been thinking about staging concerts elsewhere lately but what say you sign me up through your world tour anywhere's good foreign [Music] we last left off with ancient liuet the set by it ocean demon and a mountain dragon Rex lapis mustard his adeptide to restore peace [Music] [Music] foreign s [Music] [Music] [Music] God sure sure [Music] this systemaeus's newest designer a commendable achievement [Music] no not at the ball [Music] thank you sweet flower so-called because of its high sugar content as food it's not the healthiest option thank you [Music] thank you but feasting my eyes on it works wonders for my mood so I cannot permit you to trample these flowers [Applause] all right [Music] of icy Frost [Applause] [Music] [Applause] please don't touch my horns oh careful don't sleep by monsters careful don't sleep careful don't sleep I was asleep [Music] [Music] stay out of my plate hey you sure we're going the right way doubt there's any treasure in this creepy place I was treasure maps [Music] as you can see the adeptus punished us for our greed the Amber swallowed me up if you wouldn't come to my rescue who knows when I would have gotten out [Music] foreign karst are arduous there are always bright-eyed Mortals who come seeking the adeptal path for all their ambition most mere mortals cannot fathom the way to the Adept eye and return from their fruitless Journeys disappointed we just followed all the way hey wait [Music] [Applause] [Music] me I'm just another ordinary person Church work I just do what I have to do each of the sisters is worse than the next if it's not about prayer then it's about choir or some other thing I'm supposed to participate in I'm trying to stay out of sight pray not for the gods nor the betterment of others but for yourself [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] are you here to spy on me uh no I was just worried you might be in trouble not yet it takes two to tango foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're really going to trust me despite my being from innazuma [Music] thank you [Music] thank you confirms no sign of the shrine meeting within a three mile radius [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jesus [Music] no no no no no no no [Music] no no hey Pops rise and shine [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] so do we have here welcome welcome [Applause] don't even think about getting in the way next time Eloy here I don't know this world but my arrows are sharp and my bows ready needs help I'll do what I can [Music] full of secrets just I'll uncover all of it if I have enough time one world needed saving now another I'm Eloy to strike your foe takes Unity between mind arrow and bow [Music] foreign [Music] are you closest to the Heavenly principles [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] when the mighty Predator approaches weaker fish seek shelter [Music] if the opportunity arises I would like to take you diving with me the world is full of troubles but when compared with the vastness of the sea all those troubles seem to just fade away there are times when I feel utterly exhausted so I thought I should share with you the way that I unwind [Music] that is indeed a problem wait I've come up with a clever solution I'll wrap the two of us in a gigantic bubble we can slowly sink down into the sea together this way we can journey together underwater you'll feel refreshed before you know it [Music] thank you foreign housekeeping is a unique skill set cleaning cooking and mending are among my greatest strengths [Music] foreign the key to seizing victory in battle lies in remembering the meaning of battle and employing the right tactics to generate momentum swear when I get my vision back I'm gonna show her the boss looks like it ain't up here huh I'm sorry what uh boss I think this might be yours way down here [Music] thank you [Music] just hand it over you don't want any trouble with me if you think your elemental powers are enough to resist the Vision Hunt decree then you'd better think again believe me you're not the first of your kind we've encountered and we've seen the same unpleasant outcome time after time you'd best save yourself the trouble ugh can't you make an exception I just got this Vision I won't even use it I promise so this is the Vision Hunt to Korean action huh [Music] there's someone trying to get our attention come on this way oh what's going on can't you see we need to go help quiet just sit tight and watch for a moment you know just because you don't have a vision doesn't mean hey wait you do have a vision if you don't give your voice down I won't have one much longer all right all right here take it wise choice all right let's go [Music] what should we do now he's already given up his vision doesn't he know what could happen to him after losing it this is your fault you're the one who stabbed us from interfering many thanks Miss yoy Mia if you hadn't swapped me a fake just now I'm sure I would have lost it [Music] put on quite the convincing performance it's for thanking me better off thanking Master masakatsu he's the one that gave me the fake Visions in the first place his handy work allowed me to keep my own Vision I can't even imagine trying to run the business without it [Music] hey you better work that smirk off your face okay I'm coming up there [Music] is such a pleasure to finally meet you and I'd be honored to have you attend a performance sometime thank you [Music] by this time of night we will have already missed miss yoon's play but leeway is full of interesting places to explore even at night the customs of the Opera op sometimes I find that I only know the house but not the whys behind what we do but when speaking with Zhang Lee it is abundantly evident that he knows the origins behind almost everything who wouldn't be delighted to have such a connoisseur In Their audience Opera troop has been under my leadership for quite some time this explains all the Demonic activity if it's all you're doing [Music] this ends now [Music] a cryo Avatar who are you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] never let down your guard [Applause] I then found myself reborn as gujiyai leading Shrine maidens in sacred matters dipping tea and kneeling in solemn meditation and making appearances to listen to Shrine visitors enough oh this won't do we're making a light novel here not a dry documentary and honestly do you really think I lead such a boring existence no not at all Lady Gucci that's Chief Editor to you [Music] ah yes Chief editor a light novel begins with pew [Music] imagination for example [Music] if assassinating me was that simple I could name a few rival Clans who would have had an easier time over the years [Music] [Music] thank you leaving the city it's a real jungle out there they say there's this group of guys now who always come out in the rain since it drowns out the cries for help [Music] oh my God and washes away any sign of a struggle [Applause] that all sounds perfect you sure have nerves of Steel Man [Music] stop now hand over your goods help help [Music] been waiting long I figured well oh foreign [Music] [Music] what can I say I wear a mask because I don't want to be recognized by anybody I'm cookie shinobu Deputy leader of the arataki game my primary [Music] responsibilities are to bring in business and maintain a stable team good job a True Detective uses their smarts to outwit criminals at every single turn [Music] thank you [Music] the first major call a reporting for Duty I will ensure your safe Passage through this course [Music] did I [Music] one with the forest [Music] hmm fungi aren't typically this aggressive I wonder what's causing it could could a genetic mutation so that was a hallucination [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] thank you knights in the desert are cruel sleep soundly and know that I am watching over you [Music] thank you [Music] a Sans devour a new life emerges in the cycle of life and death whatever a soul will be reaped and when the moral order is disrupted judgment will come swiftly every soul will be weighed every soul will be weighed [Music] [Music] finals super into that card game genius invocation TCG isn't he doesn't it seem kind of weird for the general mahamatra to be into playing cards well not when you consider his hairstyle huh what is his hairstyle Got to Do with It you know when you're playing a card game the fancier your hairstyle the more distracting it is for your opponent what's going on with this guy how did he manage to shape his hair like that when your opponent's mind is consumed with thoughts like this you'll quickly gain the upper hand then we better think twice before playing against him I don't know I think I might just have an advantage over him [Music] two but I do have pymon what's up with her and what's that pesky flying companion of hers up to As Long As pymon is floating by my side sino's mind will be consumed with thoughts like this I on the other hand would be completely unfazed by his hairstyle so I'd be able to focus and victory would be mine get it if you want to play cards go get a funny haircut first close your eyes and relax your body [Music] picture and Oasis bathed in Starlight imagine that you are the water [Music] thank you are you ready [Music] three two one [Music] ah [Music] I spy I'm your friend [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] sure I will yeah [Music] [Music] The Wind Rises [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] Madame farazan's life started more than a hundred years ago and her Story covers as much ground as a major academic Publications what is it that you'd like to learn more about different forms of pressure-based puzzle mechanisms the base layer design of Elemental monuments sure I'll hang out with you youngsters [Music] I grew up in the mountains Auntie Cloud retainer Uncle Mountain [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] why do so many people make such a big deal out of seeking the Adept eye there's a duck die everywhere isn't there frankly however strong he is or isn't you just don't want to mess with him I thought you'd have learned to think before you speak by now we didn't say anything bad all positive actually surely you didn't drag me out just to play cards we didn't get that far yet we were just debating how good you'd be in a fight you keep your cards close to your chest not at all so you don't fight much she outright with his temper I don't need to fight [Music] essentially more time on contemplation less time on execution simple isn't it not really [Music] listen I want to help you but first you gotta back down time for talks over exploring conversation anyway [Music] [Music] oh Clee she's super cheerful although I've had to revise my maps on several occasions [Music] nice to meet you I'm cave an architect you must have seen the Palace of alcazar's array before I sacrificed so much for that everyone else thought I'd lost my mind uh there's still room for improvement hmm better make my finishing touches before the deadline creeps up [Music] foreign [Music] as flowers wither so does life fade [Music] foreign
Channel: Gnik
Views: 102,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, genshin impact facts, genshin impact fun facts, genshin impact sad facts, genshin impact cursed facts, genshin cursed facts, genshin impact facts about all characters, genshin impact things you might miss, genshin impact details, genshin impact design, creepy facts genshin impact, genshin impact sumeru, gnik, genshin impact demo, 100 fun details genshin impact, all genshin demos, genshin impact fun details, genshin funny, genshin impact funny moments
Id: iqaNnfx61qU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 55sec (2995 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2023
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