100 DEADLY SpongeBob GOOFS...

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dude look at how bad this mistake is like this made it into the final version of this SpongeBob episode and this is just the tip of the iceberg like just wait until later on in the video there are some wild mistakes that we need to talk about here are like 20 or 30 SpongeBob mistakes in 20 minutes let's do this I whipped up a new invention that I'm going to unveil tonight in front of my comrades and I need you to be my test subject I will be there you're not going to forget are you of course not have I ever let you down before hello just be here let's kick things off with an episode full of spicy mistakes like this first mistake is already going to like definitely get a laugh out of you roll the footage hello my birthday G oh yeah that I was I'm just getting to that that's why I was here in town yeah did you guys catch it well before SpongeBob walks away to get a cake now I want cake by the way like some chocolate cake right now would slap but anyways as he walks away to get cake his left leg is entirely white for a split second which is totally a mistake SpongeBob's legs are yellow and he wears socks to be fair but his entire left leg is not white I think this air comes from his socks they mistakenly colored the entire leg as white when they probably only intended to color his sock as white but it's still a mistake SpongeBob get your white leg out of here my my boy that's not accurate at all and here's mistake number two did you hear that SpongeBob you can be in three places at once now hi hi okay so as you guys just saw SpongeBob falls asleep at the very ending of the episode and he's wearing his water helmet and this is actually the source of the error here as if you look closely one of his hands is inside of his water helmet which is not supposed to happen at all you can tell it's clipping through the water helmet and this was not intentional like I mean how would he just get his hand inside of it anyways pretty weird mistake and we've got weirder ones coming up too guys the next mistake coming up from this next episode is going to blow your brain he knows about my over two bucks which means I'm going to get thrown in the big house and you know what that means small portion meals exactly I think we can all agree that Patrick is not the sharpest tool in the shed he's done a lot of dumb things throughout his time on Sponge for example asking if mayonnaise is an instrument is mayonnaise an instrument no Patrick mayonnaise is not an instrument horse radish is not an instrument either but imagine if Patrick was smart all right imagine if Patrick was some scholar all right he was an intelligent starfish well this is exactly what happens in the episode rule of dumb which has two sneaky mistakes grapple gang try to point out the first mistake without me helping all right I'm going to play the clip and try to comment the mistake before I come come back in and yap on about it all right got it roll the footage our new king king needs food badly what this this one is very very easy to miss but normally when we look inside Mr crabs' office he has these flags right here if we even go back to the OG days of SpongeBob for example the episode bossy boots from season 2 and we look in his office look the flags are right there well in rule of dumb when Mr Krabs comes out of his office before he says well well well what can I do for you Patrick the flags that are normally right here are just missing the animators were feeling a little lazy and didn't draw them that or maybe they just forgot to draw them but either way it's a mistake and I've got more from this episode here's mistake number two from rule of DP okay thank you sir back back back okay this one's kind of weird it's not that huge of a deal but it's still technically a mistake but listen closely so when Patrick is taking items from the citizens there is a small gray tower on his Rock right here but like seconds later literally seconds later when he's messing around with Squidward's house that Tower is missing and his old antenna normally on his Rock home is shown where did the tower go this all happened in a matter of seconds and things get worse look the tower is r randomly back and again this all happens in a matter of seconds if it was just that there was the gray tower on his Rock and then it disappeared and went back to his regular rocks design that would be fine that's cartoon logic but the fact that the tower is there then it disappears seconds later only to come back seconds after that this is totally a mistake and this is just the tip of the iceberg guys let's head over to another episode as the mistakes are only going to get more worse as we progress so he's going to jail right who Strangler yeah Strangler oh yeah he's going to jail for a long time hey that looks like me next up we have one of my favorite episodes SpongeBob Meets the Strangler and don't worry I actually covered this episode like two or three videos ago but the mistakes we're covering right now are all new the mistakes are different from the mistakes I covered the last time I talked about this episode there's just so many in this one episode I couldn't fit them all into the last section anyways though here's the first mistake and here's a hint pay attention to the wallpaper all right got it roll that footage close the door tle [Applause] tail alone at last happy birthday SpongeBob all right so you guys might have caught it but if you didn't don't worry I'll explain it's kind of a tricky mistake but when SpongeBob arrives with the Strangler inside his house let's look at the wallpaper on the walls we can see that it's the bamboo wallpaper now the wallpaper wouldn't change right it's not like SpongeBob is redesigning his whole apartment but like moments later as the scene progresses look the wallpaper is completely changed now from the bamboo wallpaper to like green wallpaper with flowers and then to make things even worse when the party members eventually leave it just changes back to the old wallpaper but that ain't it look a couple scenes later and the wallpaper again changes to the flower wallpaper so talk about a messy scene dude let's head over to mistake number [Music] two this one happens really fast I had to like rewatch the scene with my editors multiple times to catch it also shout out to my editors by the way Austin and Ben they're awesome but yeah in the scene where the Strangler is walking to SpongeBob's chair during the party if we look really closely look Squidward right hand disappears it does reappear but for this one moment he's missing his hand and just yeah how does a mistake like this even happen like how do you forget to draw a character's hand to be fair this episode is like 20 years old this episode's probably older than some of you so I'll give it a break okay here's mistake number three from SpongeBob Meets the Strangler oh but first I got to do a few errands okay but let's make it quick quick is my middle name this is another one that's really easy to miss like I I wouldn't blame you guys for not catching it but after SpongeBob says that he has to run some errands and the Strangler gets upset if you look the undershirt that this character normally wears is missing if we look at every single shot before this they're wearing the undershirt as you can see right here I'm arrowing it but when the Strangler gets mad yeah that white undershirt is just gone they forgot to draw it they were just too lazy to draw it in this one shot weird but because this is such a good episode I'll you know I'll forgive them but guys you know what that means we need to cover another good classic episode full of mistakes so let's do that let's keep it rolling to our next episode you're going to like this [Music] one good morning pineapple I love this episode The Great Snail Race this is such a good episode now I will say one of my least favorite parts of this episode is how SpongeBob acts I'm going to play a couple clips and then we're going to get right into the mistakes but look at how mean SpongeBob is take Gary in this episode that's it Gary we are going to start some serious training right now up up up up down down down down faster faster faster go go go come on p g yeah SpongeBob dude you got a chill man you took the snail race way too seriously just like I take finding SpongeBob mistakes way too seriously as here's the first mistake and they're off number six Snelly Rockets out of the starting blocks and he's losing control control did you guys catch it all right so when Gary is spinning out of control there is at least five Lanes on track all right some of you guys might not get this but when you run track and field there's different Lanes on the track itself and there are at least five okay remember here's the problem though in every scene before this when we look at the track there's only three lanes so for a majority of the episode there's three lanes and then when Gary starts like having his meltdown randomly there's like five of them now so yeah I don't think I need to say anymore this is definitely a mistake the amount of lanes wouldn't change mid race the animators Drew three forgot about it and then Drew five which is funny and I'll forgive them but let's expose another mistake here's mistake number two let's go Gary start moving you're blowing everything we train for Gary are you listening to me get the anchors out of your pants right now okay so during the race section we were just talking about it in the last mistake all characters are inside oyster Stadium all right as the snails are racing now at one point SpongeBob says Gary are you listening to me and gets really upset and when he says this in all shots before this he's in Oyster Stadium but when he says the line he's randomly shown outside of the stadium when he should be inside the stadium what did he like randomly go outside of the stadium just to say this one line what most likely happened here is is the animators made the mistake of using the outside background as SpongeBob says the line when they were supposed to use the oyster Stadium background hopefully that makes sense but all you need to know here is it's a mistake and we've got more let's head over to another episode Where's the dude in the boat man where's the dude in the boat Oh you mean Mr Squidward he's at his post right over there where's me Cas here let's head over to season 8 for this next one and by the way guys random mistake of the day is coming up soon so stay tuned but yeah the episode is accidents will happen and let's take a look at the first spicy mistake we have to talk about [Music] here this one cracked me up a t okay so at the ending of the episode there's this bit where like Squidward screams and we see the camera zoom away from the Crusty Crab as we hear the scream you know what I mean in the background you get what it's going for here's the problem though as it zooms out right we can see inside the Crusty Crab and uh yeah where's Mr Krabs and Squidward where is Mr crabs' Nasty back like seriously can we go back for a second this is why Squidward screaming is because of how nasty Mr kbs's back looks I can't really blame the guy but yeah the mistake here is we literally just seen them inside but then as it's zooming out they're literally not in the restaurant I get why the animators did this this was kind of a shortcut here I don't blame them but we still should technically be able to see them as I say as I fix my glasses like a massive nerd but anyways as I always say let's keep it rolling let's keep it moving oh and check this out a special spy pen looks just like a regular pen right see see see see see see just a pen right see right well you'd be mistaken sir next up we've got an error from the episode The Masterpiece so I guess this episode isn't a masterpiece seeing as it has an error I mean technically I'm just kidding though this is actually a good episode like I don't want to talk smack about this episode cuz it's a good one but anyways I'm going to stop talking here's the mistake I read you loud and clear CA loud and clear [Music] this is definitely a blink and you'll miss it type of situation as before SpongeBob was about to play with Squidward's ridiculous statue of Mr Krabs like look at this thing it's ridiculous yeah take a look at that right eye though on SpongeBob as that thing is yellow dude like SpongeBob's got he doesn't got pink eye he's got yellow eye or something that or the animators are just messing with him because they made a big mistake right here imagine waking up with a yellow eye and having to go to school and everybody's going to see see your yellow eye you know you're going to get roasted dude anyways though let's keep it moving let's keep it moving more mistakes are coming if he's anything like that last group of dirty dropouts oh don't worry Squidward he'll be here you've never even seen him you have got to stop judging people by the way they look you're right next up we've got a season 6 episode and this one's actually really underrated I've said this a thousand times season 6 season 7 there's a lot of iffy episodes but sponge Bob versus the big one is a good episode it's very soft of course though you guys know it's common right guess guess what there's mistakes there's actually only one mistake that we're going to cover so let's get right into it and then stay tuned because a random mistake of the day is coming up soon all right roll that clip where is everybody I'm stranded yeah so you probably caught it but when sy's running saying where is everybody Footprints are shown behind her right here right you see them the footprints right here but literally like a second later before she kneels down and says I'm stranded the footprints have just magically disappeared I wouldn't make a big deal out of this if it didn't happen in a matter of like seconds but yeah what can you do but guys you know what time it is it's time for the random mistake of the day where we take a quick break from SpongeBob mistakes we go right back to SpongeBob don't worry but we take a little break to talk about mistakes in a random cartoon suggested by you the grapple gang I don't know why I whispered that that was so creepy but yeah random mistake of the day we did it recently but we're going to do Haley's on it I will say though guys a heads up this is going to be the last time we do this show for a little while just because there aren't any new episodes out yet after a few months once more come out I'll come back and do more haly on it mistakes but anyways I'm going to play the clip the episode is Lady and the trampoline and pay close attention to this character I'm showing a PNG of them Scott all right roll that footage would you call this flying scissor kick adorable a look at the little feet the cutest really fine did you guys catch it when Haley and Scott are reacting to beta's Flying scissor kick we literally hear him say really like we hear Scott's voice say really but if you actually look at him like dude's mouth is not moving at all so definitely a mistake here I'm going to play it again and pay attention to Scott's mouth you'll hear him say really but it's not going to move at all play the clip look at the little feet the cutest really yeah that's a mistake and let's head back over to SpongeBob do let me know in the comments guys I always say this but let me know in the comments what other cartoons you want for random mistake of the day and look at the comments and if somebody else has said a cartoon that you like give them a thumbs up like like their comment okay all right back to sponge one day SpongeBob SquarePants changed his pants [Music] this next episode asks the ultimate question and that's to square pants or not to Square Pants I'm sure you're wondering like what I'm talking about but if you've seen the episode you know what I mean here are a couple clips from it the episode is literally titled to SquarePants not to SquarePants by the way and it's all about SpongeBob switching up the drip a little bit dude roll the clip they shrunk [Music] I don't recognize you in those new fangled dungies you must be SpongeBob Fancy Pants okay okay okay okay it's time for mistakes here's the mistake from this episode let's see if you guys can spot it try to comment the mistake before I come back in and yap on about it I am not SpongeBob SquarePants Mr Krabs what in the name of dve Jones are you talking about I mean do these pants look Square to you the round grapple gang did you guys catch it I know you can do it I'm sure there's some of you already commenting right now what the mistake is and if you couldn't find it don't worry cartoon Cory's got you so when SpongeBob is talking to Mr Krabs and says they're round it only happens for a split second but if we pause at the right frame right here yeah his eyes turn like green like what SpongeBob doesn't have green eyes guys this is a mistake it's only for a split second so I guess we can like forgive them you know what I mean but if you you want more mistakes more SpongeBob mistakes click this video right here where I cover more mistakes in SpongeBob and to be honest guys between me and you the mistakes in this video right here that you should click are way better than any of the mistakes I just covered so do it dude also a massive shout out to the grapple gang I love you guys like let's go you guys are the best the entire grapple team appreciates you and the premier gang anybody here at the Live premiere I appreciate you I just clapped so hard that my mic fell but I love you guys and I'll see you tomorrow okay bye
Channel: Grapple
Views: 41,379
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Gf75yK82r0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 30sec (1110 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2024
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