10 years of INCREDIBLE tech I found in my attic!

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2020 đź—«︎ replies
- Over the next few weeks, my wife and I are going to be making some long overdue techy upgrades to our house. We've lived here for 10 years, but we've never done much more than throw a Wireless Access Point in, and, like, a Nest Thermostat. (wood falls onto floor) I'm talkin' the whole nine-yards. Network upgrades, Security system upgrade, DIY air conditioning, in-ceiling speakers! The only problem is, that in order to run all that stuff, I've actually gotta clear out the makeshift floor that I put in my attic, that I used to store the 10 years worth of tech, and other assorted Paraphernalia that I have piled up here. So, let's go on a little archeological expedition, and see what we find. Oh, brought to you by Thermal Grizzly. Thermal Grizzly's "Conductonaut" liquid metal thermal interface material offers maximum cooling performance for your PC. We even used it in a phone once, not that we would recommend that. Check it out, and keep things cool, at the link in the video description. (upbeat techno music) So, most of that is, like, sentimental corner. This is all kind of oversized, including a fair bit of tech boxes and stuff. And then this is, (scoffs) the stuff that hasn't been organized at all. Let's start with sentimental, box number one. Oh, man. This feels like it's going to be a multi-part video. I hardly even know where to begin with this. Every item in this pile has a story. Here's my NCIX business card. Great technology, selection and service mother-- (beep) MSI made these back when they were doing a big military standard marketing push. It's fun for him and for her! - [Yvonne] Agent Ruby broke her sword. - Should I get rid of duplicates? - [Yvonne] Yes. - 'Kay, so in that case, I only need one each of the Tranet soccer and footballs. Should there be a place for consumables that shouldn't be consumed anymore? - [Yvonne] Do we need to keep those? - [Linus] Yeah, they're cool. Our first run of "Linus Tech Tips" shirts as a company, that's pretty cool. These are a piece of my DIY Duke Nukem costume from that video that I made. (grunts) These were actually kinda nice gloves that I cut the fingers off of. But I had two pairs of them so I was like, "Ah, I could only need one pair of gloves." Promptly lost the other pair. This is the NCIX name plate of the original cameraman, whose name was never actually revealed. These are the coolest case thumbscrews that I've ever seen. They're from iBUYPOWER, this was a swag item at CES one year. Is that as bling-tastic as you ever did see or what? This is a great story, this was my first CES badge. Back then, "YouTubers" didn't qualify as press, so I was only able to get in because Corsair, who was our first ever sponsor as a company, just signed me up as one of their staff. So I was there as "Corsair Components, "Linus Media Group, Exhibitor." One of the "UltraWide Dream Setup" winners! Look how young Luke looks. More photos, this time Austin and Karen's wedding. This hat's awesome, this was a gift from LG. Apparently, it says "Linus" in Korean. Oh, this was the failed main board that Luis Rossman actually had me attempt to repair the proper way after he saw me reflow a graphics card in a toaster oven. Held onto that as a little souvenir, we didn't actually manage to fix it, but hey, it's a cool little keepsake. Here's some of the special Linus edition black and blue, to match the color scheme of my rig memory, that OCZ cooked up for me. In true OCZ fashion, most of it died. Hey, it still works as a souvenir, right? "Watch Me," is this you? - [Yvonne] No. - Should we watch it? - [Yvonne] Uh... - I haven't had to hook up one of these in a while. What do you think's on here? - [Yvonne] I have no idea. - This is way less cool than I thought it was gonna be. - [Yvonne] What is that? - [Linus] Whatever, this is just a stupid, cringe-y, AMD promotional thing for the "R9 295x2," a bad graphics card. - This is an extreme graphics card. - [Linus] A little swag, Crucial's "Memory Hog." This is seemingly random, but it's actually the only remaining piece I have of our "FS 700," which was the first major piece of equipment that we bought as a company. We never really acknowledged it publicly, but it was stolen a number of years ago. This was the one thing that they didn't have, 'cause we didn't have it on the camera, 'cause we never used it. This is my Disneyland pass from when I was, like, six! Oh, my failed project! "NX Fusion." This was my concept to turn NCIX into a boutique PC building brand. I said, "We needed a custom case in order to "really get it off the ground," and they said "Okay! Great idea, let's do it, "But without the custom case." I kinda went, "Okay, well, we could make this case badge." How did I forget about this? We broke a "Guinness World Record!" Or rather, we set a new one when we participated in the world's highest elevation LAN party! Good ol' "Highlander." We made a video about it. We had Paul, and Kyle in there and everything. It was a lot of fun, actually. We ready for round two? - [Yvonne] Do you need help? - No, no, I'm good. Oh, oh I'm good, I'm good. Ah yes, the last time I actually won "Scrapyard Wars," Season 5, "You played hard and you're awesome." You know when you give yourself an award? That's cool. Oh wow, my old DS Lite is in here. Aw, there's a problem with the shoulder button, 'cause I played a lot of that "Mario Kart." Anybody remember "Func" mouse pads? They were local and this was a custom one. Obviously, they couldn't actually make a "Playboy" mouse pad because copyright and all of that. But they did a custom one for one of my old friends at NCIX and he gave it to me, and I used it until it was completely unusable and warped, and it's all sticky on the back and gross. Martial Arts uniform. That's "Mr. L. Sebastian" to you, ladies and gentlemen. My "Happy Bunny" calendar. This was a gift from Yvonne early in our relationship. And this is a classic, go back to the earliest "NCIX Tech Tips" episodes, hand airbrushed, stylish. You wouldn't understand. I used to un-ironically wear this hat all the time, you can vouch for me, right? - [Yvonne] Yeah, you did. - All right, down we come. Now, a lot of this is more recent stuff, but some of it is the coolest stuff. This is sick, this is one of those cool clocks that someone sent me. Unfortunately, one of the tubes stopped working shortly after I got it. Oh, you know who sent it to me was our subtitling group. This holds a lot of sentimental value. It's just the first piece of "YouTuber" swag that I was ever sent by YouTube as, like, acknowledgement of my existence, so. I don't think they actually sent out that many of these. It's got bird poo on it, that's those birds that went into our attic, they pooed on my YouTube bag. This isn't disappointing, though. As a troll, someone printed out "Luke Tech Tips" mouse pads to go along with an "April Fool's" joke that we ran on the forum. Gonna hold onto that forever. I feel bad for not remembering who salvaged this for me, but this is awesome! What an appropriate sign, right? "Closed. Please use another counter." Actually, I think it was at LTX last year, and it might've been these guys. It might've been "Disappearing Inc." Don't quote me on that one, though. Here's my bid card at the NCIX bankruptcy auction. I tell people at events, I'm like, "Oh no, I don't take swag," and yet, I have all this swag, but this is cool swag! How could I not keep this? It's a "Microsoft Windows" ugly Christmas sweater. Like, come on. This is neat, this is a batch of letters people sent me. Giuseppe probably wasn't expecting a reply four and a half years later, but thank you for the letter Giuseppe, "I do not pretend that you reply me, "because I know, seeing your videos, that you're too busy. "But I just hope you read this letter." 'Sup, Giuseppe? This was a wonderful birthday present from my staff. This is a "Model M" keyboard that was manufactured in the year that I was born. The badge that I wore at the home show, back when I was running that painting company. This is how I make all my content decisions now. Are people gonna like this video? "Cannot foretell now." What's the point? Thanks, YouTube. Oh, fun. I've only been featured in print media a couple of times. But, I have kept them, all the times I've remembered to get the thing. Hey, there ya go! This guy. I picked the "LG Gram" for what I'm into back in 2017. Hey, there's some other familiar faces here. Look at this guy! (grunts) This, is the radiator from my old personal rig. It's got some special emotional value to me, because I got it for next to nothing. It got dented in shipping and I told my boss, "Hey, we can't sell this, and they won't take it back, "'cause we would have to pay more than the worth "of the item to ship it back to the UK, "so you should just give it to me for, like, 10 bucks," and he did! 'Kay, that's not the most amazing story. But how about this one? This is the first water cooling radiator that I ever bought! And I continued to move it forward in my rigs, until I finally did my rack-mounted one, just because, hey, there was always a piece of my first ever water-cooled PC. All right, fine, I'll find something cooler. These "KEF" speakers! Great speakers, great sound quality, something about the finish on these makes them really sticky and disgusting. Ah, before it was super easy to control all your fans and lighting and everything with one dongle, you had to use the "mCubed" t-balancer! This thing sucked, it was a nightmare to configure! Yeah, paid, like, $150 for that. But this, I am never gettin' rid of. This was the first big-ticket item that my now wife, then girlfriend ever bought for me as a gift. She surprised me with a "SilverStone TJ07," which was my dream case, and it's been through a lot of changes. It's actually been painted multiple times, got my own glass side panel that was modded in after the fact, I had to use fan screws to cover up the second power supply mount, 'cause it got so eaten away by the process of stripping off the paint one of the times. These are, ooh. I was really into UV lighting, and you can see that they weren't very well designed, back in the day, the plastics were not actually designed to tolerate UV light. Other notable inclusions, this was a custom created "T-Virus" themed reservoir, you could put a UV cathode down the middle of it, so that it would illuminate the UV double helix. Definitely some imperfections on it, but if I ever built in a tower again, my intention would be to use it again. And this video was brought to you by iFixit! Their "Mahi Driver Kit" includes a hefty quarter-inch aluminum driver with a magnetic bit socket, a knurled handle for a no-slip textured grip, and a silky smooth swivel top, and included are 48 quarter-inch steel driver bits that are built to handle the toughest and torque-iest fasteners in any home or shop project. Every bit is held in place with a laser cut foam case with a magnetized lid that doubles as a sorting tray, and you can visit ifixit.com/linus to pick up their "Mahi Driver Kit" today! I, pretty much, guarantee it'll help you out with some kind of tech project. And that's it, the highlights of my 10 year career as a "YouTuber!" Look at how bad this "Agent Ruby" doll is. So brutal. She doesn't even deserve her sword.
Channel: Linus Tech Tips
Views: 2,056,193
Rating: 4.9353905 out of 5
Keywords: tech, hoard, attic, cleaning, ocz, silverstone, compute, pc, gaming, linus, collection, ibm, model m
Id: pKFQGXu1zfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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