10 YA / Middle Grade books for World Book Day 2021! | Share A Story

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it's world book day yay world book day takes me way back to my childhood  and getting those one pound vouchers my school   used to set up like a little bookshop bookstore  thing in the main hall and a toddler off with my   voucher so excited to buy a book this year  there's quite a few good books for a pound   by the way so for younger readers you've  got planet omar and the river whale and for   older readers you've got killjoy and i think  there's a skullduggery pleasant one as well   but there's loads more i will put them all in  the description or i'll put a link to where you   can check them out this year's theme for world  book day is share a story so i want to share some   stories with you and for a nostalgic effect i want  to recommend 10 middle grade / ya books that i   love so my first recommendation is beyond the deepwoods by paul stewart and chris riddell   we started reading this as a class i  think when i was around 10 or 11 years old   it's a fantasy book about a boy  called twig who's abandoned at birth   and he's living with this foster family of woodtrolls until one day his mother decides that he   needs to go and live somewhere else where he'll be kept safe and his mom tells him stick to the path   and you'll be fine obviously he doesn't and he  ends up going on this huge adventure one thing i   loved about this book was the characters so you've  got bander-bears and sky-pirates and the characters   are so inventive they really push the boundaries  of my imagination as a child and it's- the book's   just become a bit of a comfort read for me now  my next recommendation is wonder by rj palacio   it's an amazing read about a boy with a facial  difference so imagine the worst face you've ever   seen yeah he's worse than that that's how he's put  across in here anyway he's 10 years old he's about   to go to mainstream school for the first ever time  and there's so many emotions in here from sadness   to humour and anger and betrayal there is a movie  adaptation which i think did do quite a good job   actually next is mr monday which is the first  in the keys to the kingdom series by garth nix   this is definitely on my reread list i  really like the concept it's a portal fantasy   there's a book for each day of the week so there's  seven books in the whole series i found them to be   really creative especially the world building  aspect of it it's unpredictable it's fast-paced   and the storylines have some good depth to them  fourth is what milo saw by virginia mcgregor   so milo has an eye condition that  means he's eventually going to go blind   it's funny because the people around him seem  to be more blind to what's going on than milo is   i'd say it's a good book for both young  adults and adults it's very thought provoking   and although the story does touch on some  heavy topics the author does keep it fairly   light-hearted and the ending is quite something  i can't do this middle grade/YA recommendation   video without mentioning jacqueline wilson all  her books are amazing she's really not scared   to write about real life issues like foster care  broken families death domestic violence etc etc   i recently read one of her books which  was the illustrated mum about a mother who   loves her children but she loves herself more  i think she had bipolar disorder and because   i read it recently as an adult i read it in  quite a different light which was interesting   next is holes by louis sachar i think it does have  some mixed reviews but i really enjoyed it lots   of comedy shia labeouf in the movie adaptation in  my opinion was the perfectly cast for the role of   the main protagonist stanley who's convicted of a  crime he didn't commit i love the weaving together   of the past and the present and i generally tend  to really enjoy louis sachar's writing style anyway   my seventh recommendation is wolf brother by  michelle paver it's the first in the chronicles   of ancient darkness series set thousands  of years ago when the world was split into   clans and territories it's one of those stories  that have really stuck with me i remember it to   be really gripping and it pulled me into the story  quite quickly i have heard that the audio books   are quite something that they're really good so if  that's your thing then be sure to check that out   next is artemis fowl if you don't know what the  artemis fowl series is you have to check it out   there is a disney movie of the first book which  sucked so please don't base your views of the book   on that but let's not we're not talking about the  movie it's by an irish author Eoin Colfer about   a boy who has to kidnap a fairy to restore the  family fortune it's not your typical tinkerbell   fairy story or anything like that quite a few  interesting themes like artemis's mother suffers   from delusions and i'm not sure if they're related  to dementia or hallucinations but it does get   explored more and artemis's own psyche but it's  sort of but you can see his character development   and he does age as the series goes on so he  did feel to me as if i was growing up with him   i did read the books as they were being released  and i remember asking their librarian to   order me in one of the books i think it was the  lost colony when that was released and which was   so relatable by the way that book and it was i was  the first person to take it out the library and   it was hardback and it was just so nice and  crisp and oh it was so cool there's also the   fowl twins which is a spin-off series about  artemis's younger brothers obviously on my tbr and   i'm really excited to get to those recommendation  number nine is when mr dog bites by brian conaghan   it's about a scottish teenager who has  tourette syndrome brian conaghan himself   has been diagnosed with tourette's and to be  honest he tackles quite a lot of topics in this   relatively short book like bullying disability  racism i should say there's quite a lot of   profanity in this book but it doesn't detract from  the story in any way to be honest it probably adds   to this story but yeah i guess it's something  to be aware of last on my list but not least is   the twits by roald dahl to be honest i love all  of his books one thing i've noticed about his   storytelling is that the villains are so creative  and truly villainous like they grotesque and   they're not bad because something's made them  bad they are just plain evil like that is their   inherent characteristic so the twits are basically  the most horrible people in the world and there's   a part in the book that's quoted quite often about  ugly thoughts manifesting into your appearance and   how a person who has nice thoughts can never truly  be ugly even if they have crooked teeth or a wonky   nose and i guess that's one of the themes in  the book about removing toxic people from your   life like we don't need that negative energy i  loved reminiscing about these books i'd love to   know what your childhood favorites are as well so  let me know and i will see you in my next video
Channel: paperback mo
Views: 195
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: middle grade, middle grade books, book recommendations, world book day, world book day 2021, young adult, YA, middle grade book recommendations, middle grade march, middle grade recommendations, book reviews, young adult book recommendations, paperback mo, artemis fowl, chris ridell, garth nix, virginia macgregor, jacqueline wilson, louis sachar, michelle paver, brian conaghan, roald dahl, young adult audiobook, march, childrens book recommendations, childrens books
Id: 0nHauiYya4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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