10 Worst Young Adult Tropes in Fiction

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Hellooo, everybody! I'm back again for another tropes video. But today  we're doing things a little differently. Instead   of breaking down the worst tropes in a genre,  I am going to break down the worst tropes in a category   of fiction. And that category is young adult  fiction. Young adult, or YA fiction is fiction   written for teenagers. Obviously, people of any  age can read whatever books they wanna read,   but YA fiction was written with a teenage audience  in mind. I'll admit I was a little hesitant to   cover this because YA fans, particularly adult  YA fans, can be very defensive about this topic. “How dare you attack YA! You can pry these  teen adventures out of my cold dead hands!” But I cover the worst tropes of all kinds of  books. I've got like thirty of these videos   already. And some of my most popular  worst tropes videos are about genres   that I love to read and write in. That  means it's your turn YA. I’m coming for you. Today's video was requested by one of my patrons  over on Patreon, Albert. Albert wanted to see   more trope videos, specifically about teenage  characters, and that's what we're talkin’ about   today. Now in case you haven't noticed, I myself  am not a teenager. Which means YA books were not   written with me in mind, but that don't matter  because I make these videos for fun. The shit   ain’t serious, we’re here for a laugh. Which  of these tropes make you want to hurl the book   across the room? Comment below. Now strap in  bitches because this is gonna be a rough ride. (The sound of a pen scratching. LOGO.) A quick announcement: I am now officially on  TikTok. So if you wanna see my face over there,   check me out at this handle ‘@JennaMoreci’  and you'll get to see all of my writerly   shenanigans. Follow me, share the love, you'll  be glad you did. Don't forget to subscribe to my   channel. I post new videos on Wednesdays, and  if you wanna be alerted as SOON as I upload,   you've gotta ring that bell, and you know you  wanna be alerted. I mean, in December I wear   Santa hats. It doesn't get better than that. Shut  Up and Write the Book is available for preorder   right now in these formats. And if you get it in  the eBook format, you will be buying it for 50%   off. On top of that, everyone who preorders Shut  Up and Write the Book in any format is eligible   to receive a free digital workbook as a thank  you for your support. Simply send your proof   of purchase to this email address and bam, you  will get your free digital workbook. And now I am   breaking down the ten worst young adult tropes  in my humble but completely correct opinion.   Please remember this is just my perspective  and I reserve the right to change my mind,   but let's be real, this disclaimer isn't going to  prevent anyone from getting irrationally pissed. Number One (1): He's so dark and mysterious. Or  is he just a fucking loser? I love a mysterious   man as much as the next guy. Actually, no  I don’t. Tell me your truth or get the fuck   out. But the dark and mysterious angle doesn't  translate super well when it comes to teenagers.   I don’t know what high school you went to, but  the edgy dudes who wore mostly black and always   went out at night were drug dealers. They barely  graduated, and they were regularly found high   bagging groceries at their after school jobs. And  I know your dark mysterious character is probably   just a fallen angel or vampire who’s actually  a thousand years old. But if that's the case,   why the hell is he in high school? You  couldn’t pay me to return to that hellhole,   but these guys are going back there willingly?  I'm just saying if he’s edgy, mysterious,   and sixteen, he probably likes to melt  stuff and dislikes stuff that doesn't melt. On a related note. Number Two (2): The teenager  who’s actually ancient. Everything about this   sounds like a nightmare. You have to be stuck  in your pubescent body for eternity? I would   walk my vampire ass straight into the sunlight,  let my damn self burn. As we already covered,   these characters are usually attending high  school which would never in a million years   happen. And they end up falling in love with  actual teenagers, which is undeniable pedophilia.   It doesn't matter if he looks sixteen, he is  old enough to be her great grandfather. And   honestly how can they possibly enjoy the company  of teenagers? From the moment you turn twenty,   everything about the teenage experience becomes  obnoxious. Wow, your hormones are a mess. Oh no,   no one understands you. This guy is  paying taxes and getting colonoscopies,   but please tell us all about how not making  the cheer squad ruined your life. I know   fiction is fantasy, and we're supposed to overlook  inconsistencies, but the ones too gross to ignore. Number Three (3): I'm so plain, no one will ever  notice me. Except for literally every boy in this   novel, especially the darkest mysterious one.  And my best friend. They're gonna fight for me.   Because I'm so plain, in a supremely gorgeous  way. I think the reason we get the plain female   MC was actually beautiful is because the writer  doesn't wanna make her seem vain. They portray   her as if she finds herself ordinary, but lo  and behold, she’s mistaken. I think it’s also   an attempt to make her relatable, because a  lot of young girls have body image issues,   so if they see this plain chick getting  chased down by boys they think, oh my gosh,   it could happen to me too. But you still provided  a physical description, and it was very unplain.   Glistening green eyes. Rivers of crimson hair.  Boobs that are just too big, if only she could   find a way to cover them up. And honestly, if  you do make her real plain, not fake plain,   but actually plain, why can't her love interest  be plain too? Guys have body image issues too. Number Four (4): The reluctant chosen one.  Sometimes I don't mind the reluctant chosen one,   especially if what they're chosen for fucking  sucks. You have to save the entire planet from   flesh eating aliens, and you'll probably die  in the process. No thanks, count me out. But   in young adult novels, the chosen one is usually  something unbelievably awesome. You are the long   lost son of King Arthur! You are the heir to  the Fairy Kingdom! You are the most powerful   witch in all the land! Who would not want to be  any of those things. These ungrateful teenagers,   that who. They’re always puttin’  up a fuss, kickin’ and screamin’. “I just wanna be a normal teenager!” Normal teenagers have body acne. They have  to run the mile once a week. They have a   curfew. You get to be a mermaid and fall  in love with a hot mer-Prince. But sure,   here's some benzoyl peroxide and  rampant insecurity. Knock yourself out. On a related note, Number Five (5): But why  are they the chosen one? Why is the chosen   one sixteen years old? And why did they have to  wait for the worst birthday ever to learn of their   magical destiny? As a writer I understand  the intention. This is a young adult book,   and you’re trying to tell your teenage audience  that they can achieve anything they set their   mind to, which is a beautiful message. But  why then does the teenage chosen one fucking   suck? I've read so many books where the chosen  one does nothing but make everything worse. I   understand there's a learning curve, but are  they ever gonna learn? Why must the blunders   take up the entire book? And this isn't  an inspiring message. If anything it says,   look at that, all that effort and you'll still  fail, because you're the worst. Personally I   think middle grade novels do a way better job  of this, maybe YA authors should take note. Number Six (6): The thirty-year-old woman living  vicariously through a fictional teenager. You know   exactly what I'm talking about. The sixteen  year old main character of this young adult   novel loves her Starbucks black drip. Even  though we all know teenagers are out there   guzzling frappuccinos. Her favorite book is The  Great Gatsby, a book that most teens avoid like   the plague because it's required reading. She  also says things like “Goodness!” or “Oh my   stars!” because we all know teenagers talk like  soccer moms. And if she dares to try alcohol,   she's gonna go for a fun little rosé,  because that's what teenagers drink,   not cheap beer or hard alcohol mixed with Mountain  Dew. I understand that we wanna see ourselves in   what we read. But if you wanna see a grown ass  white woman, read books about grown ass white   women! Young adult is for teenagers. And yes,  it's fine for adults to read and enjoy them,   but it's not fine to completely change  the category for your own convenience. Number Seven (7): It’s young adult, but  is it really? As we've already covered,   a lot of adult women read young adult novels.  Specifically young adults fantasy and romance,   which is fine, read whatever the hell you  want. But it's the same group of women who   constantly demand steamy, graphic, YA fiction.  Here is something for your consideration:   if you want more adult fiction, why don't you read  adult fiction? Adult fantasy romance is booming,   and it's full of all the violence and smut you  could ask for. And you're out here demanding   more sex scenes between sixteen-year-olds. You're  my friend are fucking gross. And because of this   demand, a lot of publishing houses have bent  the rules. How many young adult books have you   read where it's very clear that the characters  were aged down just to fit into the YA category,   except literally none of the characters behave  as teenagers in the slightest. And sometimes they   don't even bother to age down the characters.  The cast will be in their twenties, just to   appease the Karens and Jessicas of the world.  Let teenagers enjoy YA. You can read it too,   but it was made for them. They are entitled to  books that accurately represent their experience. Number Eight (8): The sassy brat. I love a good  sassafras, but whenever I hear that the leading   lady of a YA book is sassy, I'm instantly  skeptical. This is solely because so many   sassy teen heroines are actually just brats. Sassy  is boldness, it’s being cheeky and spirited. It's   not throwing tantrums and constantly complaining  when things don't go your way. And listen, we all   have our bad moments. I expect the main character  to show their ass every once in a while. I do not   expect them to be insufferable. Authors, all I'm  asking is for you to learn the difference between   sassy and bratty. Sassy is the chick at the party  cracking everyone up. Bratty is a little bitch. Number Nine (9): The epic teen romance. This  one's on the list solely because of my age. It's   hard for me to believe, let alone get invested  in an epic teen romance. I've been a teenager.   I haven't had boyfriends. Ain’t nothing epic about  it. It's just hard for me to sit there and think,   “Yup, this would definitely happen. They're  definitely gonna get married and spend   eternity together.” And I know some people  marry their high school sweethearts,   but the rest of us do not find that romantic.  If anything that would be my worst nightmare.   If I ended up married to my high school  boyfriend, I would throw myself out a   window. Why? Because sixteen-year-olds have bad  judgment. We don't know how to pick ‘em. And yes,   a lot of teenagers fall in love, but  the romance is only epic to them. “ “Oh my God, Brayden just shotgunned  five Busch Lights at Jessica’s Party!” “Oh my God, Jayden just took me stargazing in the  back of his truck and let me give him a handjob!” “Oh my God, Cayden took me to the movies  and I only had to pay for our popcorn,   soda and candy. So impressive!” I think it's perfectly normal  for people to enjoy YA romance,   I just personally can't get into it because  I'm a jaded adult. Who knows too much. And Number Ten (10): The Masquerade ball.  Yeah, I said it. I don't know what it is   about young adults and masquerade balls, but  you guys love ‘em. Those fancy masks get you   all hot and bothered. I don't hate this trope  per se, it's just kind of boring. There are so   many masquerade balls in YA and they usually go  the same way. The heroine dances with the hero,   she is mesmerized by his eyes, which I promise  you have gold flecks in them. They always got   them gold flecks, it's the law. And they almost  kiss until some disturbance pulls them apart,   usually a villainous disturbance. If this  doesn't happen, the author might take the   route where the characters don't recognize  each other because of their masks. Masks that   cover your cheekbones and nothing more.  Of course they dance, they fall in love,   and then they get separated. However will they  learn the true identity of that mysterious   stranger? It’s not like they saw 75% of their  fucking face. Or heard their voice. Or saw their   figure. Those cheekbones get you every time,  I swear. If someone wants to do a masquerade   ball that unfolds differently then cool! I'll be  interested. Maybe. I don't know. Probably not. So that's all I got for you today. A huge  thank you to Albert for requesting today's   video. If you'd like the chance to have  a video dedicated to you or if you want   access to tons of other rewards, check  me out on Patreon. You get early access   to all of my videos. We have monthly  live streams. We have an exclusive   writing group. You get signed books.  It’s awesome! I have it linked below. Don't forget to subscribe to my channel. I  post new videos on Wednesdays, and if you   wanna be alerted as SOON as I upload, ring that  bell. Shut Up and Write the Book is available   for preorder right now. And if you submit your  proof of preorder to this email address, you'll   receive a free digital workbook as a thank you  for your support. I have the information below. And be sure to follow me on social  media. I'm on Instagram, Tumblr,   TikTok and BookBub. And of course  you can tweet me @JennaMoreci! Bye! (Stern, Polished Female Voice) This is  Mousumi. Per orders, you must subscribe   to Jenna’s channel and ring that bell. Your  Sovereign commands it. Any deviation from   his word will be penalized harshly, so if  you know what's good for you, subscribe.
Channel: Writing with Jenna Moreci
Views: 55,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: writer, write, writing, read, reader, reading, book, books, ebook, publish, publishing, writing tips, writing advice, writing motivation, writing inspiration, how to write a book, tips for writing a book, shut up and write the book, Jenna Moreci, how to write young adult books, how to write young adult, how to write YA, young adult tropes, YA tropes, worst YA tropes, worst young adult tropes, how to write a young adult book, how to write a YA book, author, novel, booktube, authortube
Id: kGrdrx4sYvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 07 2022
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