Every Young Adult Dystopian Novel

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hey what are you doing out past curfew don't you know where you are this is the latest dog cookie cutter why a dystopian series i was written over the course of several weekends by a woman with two first names a hyphenated last name and very sad eyes and yeah if this book takes off she's buying a horse you're lucky you ran into me the main character you can tell because i'm strong and i'm quiet and those are my two things come on let's go my life is exactly like yours except toothbrushes are totally illegal if the mouth police catch you they'll send you to mega jail it's like jail ben mega also it's where my rebel dad is and if that's not enough i have a crush on a boy in the mouth police man being 14 but talking and acting like i'm in my 20s and every single other way except romantically is crazy my name crest can you keep a secret this morning when i was digging sand to make sand soup for my beautiful weak little sister and mom who's gonna die in six pages i found this everything's about to change have some government-issued sugar rations there are never enough to go around so i got a job grinding poor people teeth at the tooth mills which makes electricity for the beautiful rich people cities that's the huge plot twist and you can figure it out by looking at the cover of the book for more than one single second welcome to the gums which rhymes with the slums because this whole thing is a really weak allegory do you see those guys wearing latex armor those are the rebels they call themselves the 230s get it tooth herdes get it no one has seen their leader which means he could be anyone which means he's gonna be that shy beefy boy we over described in the first five pages all i do know is i have a crush on him too everything's about to change don't worry about book three the author gets rich between the second and third books and remembers that she hates writing so it's gonna be totally phoned in all right i gotta go it's been almost six pages my mom's about to be killed by whatever who cares she doesn't have a name everything's about to change but if you get in trouble use this super secret hand signal to show that you're against the government i hate the government but i also have a crush on it
Channel: Hatched
Views: 1,011,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hatched, Sketch Comedy, Funny, Humor, NYC, Spoof, YA Novel, Young Adult, Fantasy, Dystopia, Apocalypse, Hunger Games, Harry Potter, Twilight, JK Rowling, Eric Fuerer, Police, Cops, Divergent, Steampunk, Brooklyn, Parody, Action, Futuristic, Tribute, Eragon, Sketch, Fortnite, Books, UCB, SNL, Character's Welcome, Improv, 1984, Blade Runner, Science Fiction, Tim and Eric, 2020, Young Adult Novel, literature (media genre), young adult literature (media genre), book talk, Suzanne Collins, Cyberpunk
Id: AUbOdCfr6zY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 14sec (134 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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