10 Ways To Prank Your Friends In Minecraft

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here we go again today i'll be showing you ten pranks you can play on your friends in minecraft i can't wait prank one don't open the box for this prank you'll need a trapped chest you need to sneak into your friend's house then place the trapped chest down somewhere once you've found a spot for the trapped chest you can move on here install a redstone repeater somewhere around here after that get out some redstone dust and place it underground like this this will act as a connecting wire then dig out another hole this looks good now then it's time to lay the tnt down i want to make sure everything looks okay the floor and the walls need to look exactly the same as they did before you can't let any of the wire show i'll take care of that next [Music] there it's all hidden i'd say we're just about finished okay i'm coming home all right let's go what the there's a chest here where's it from maybe someone gave me a present i'll open it three two one i'm so happy wait prank two the floor is magma let's do this thing oh there's a carpet on the ground that's going to be super useful for helping this prank succeed first we have to peel the carpet off then underneath where the carpet used to be we'll replace the floor with these magma blocks there we go now we just have to put the carpet back to the way it was after that we're all done nice i finally made it home all right i better lock the door good now what can i have for a snack ouch was it hot yeah i must be imagining it [Music] prank three tree planting oh i'm home again for this prank you have to wait until your friend goes inside what you want to do next is plant a bunch of seedlings surrounding their house just like this the more you can plant the better this looks pretty good plant as many seedlings as you can while your friend is still inside there i think that's going to be enough i planted a lot time to watch him grow once the trees get to be about this tall your friend is gonna notice a big problem i think i'll go outside i could use the fresh air huh wait what no way the trees are everywhere it's gonna be really difficult for mikey to chop down all these trees this is an awesome prank i'm already getting lost four a fake treasure map let's get started see this picture frame this piece of paper is going to have coordinates leading to a hidden treasure watch this the x-coordinate is 1048 and the y-coordinate is 62. the z-coordinate will be 850. these coordinates would lead mikey a thousand kilometers away from here i'll leave the paper here that's a wrap on the first part of our fake treasure map prank now let's zoom over to the coordinates we made it to the location of the fake treasure what should i fill this chest with how about some rotten flesh that's a treasure nobody will want our fake treasure map prank is complete i'm home what's this weird wait it's a treasure map these are coordinates but it's so far away why don't i check it out let's see where the map goes it should be around here i traveled a thousand kilometers huh it's here after so long i finally made it i bet i'll find something super cool in here oh it's a treasure chest sweet open huh i came all this way for rotten flesh prank five and crystals i'm about to craft an item called an end crystal it can be made out of glass an eye vendor and a gas tier perfect once you're done you need to place it on top of an obsidian block let's see where should i set it up i know i'll place it right in the middle of mikey's house that way he can't miss it that works there whoa awesome this trap is super dangerous you have to be careful with the end crystal it's really pretty but you can't collect it once you put it down the only way to destroy it is to detonate it now unfortunately it's really easy to detonate i'm breaking the obsidian there all done okay there we go like i said this prank can be really dangerous so be careful now let's wait for mikey yes home sweet home at last what's this it's so pretty i love it but it's kind of in the way it's right in the middle of the house i should move it this'll do okay three two one prank six snowy pitfall trap this prank has a higher chance of success if your friend builds their house in a snowy biome let's do it first things first i need to dig out an enormous hole in front of mikey's front door just like this this will be the main part of the pitfall track the deeper it goes the better it'll be i think we can make it pretty deep i'll keep digging for now let's see i think that's good i'll stop around here i just need to cover up these openings [Music] perfect now that the pitfall part is finished it's time to move on to the next step scaffold blocks what you want to do with these is stack them up really high as high as you can then once you're up here spread the scaffold blocks across the top of the pitfall [Music] all done check it out if you break the scaffold at the very bottom then all the scaffold blocks above it will collapse i'm going to build the device that breaks the bottom scaffold automatically first i just need to put a piston here then i'm going to make a trail of redstone going all the way to the top just like this [Music] through here [Music] what's next [Applause] i'll do it like this [Music] add some redstone at the top that looks good i'll lay it out like this perfect the wiring's complete next i need to put some snow in front of the door while i'm at it i'll put some pressure plates out here too what else oh i need to cover everything so mikey can't see the wires i should add a layer of snow now then i'm gonna need a bunch of sand to cover these scaffold blocks last but not least i'll add the top layer of snow as camouflage okay this is great as soon as someone steps on these pressure plates the pitfall will open this weather is great i'm heading out all right i'm on my way it's such a beard what how's that prank seven too many chickens the goal of this prank is to spawn as many chickens as you can before your friend notices i'm going to start by setting up in the attic i'll make an opening in the ceiling here that's perfect in order to keep spawning chickens we're gonna need a dispenser up here that should do it okay as soon as i cover this hole back up we can move on i'm gonna put a hopper right next to the dispenser what should i do next i need to install a comparator and add another level like this now i'll finish making the rest of the circuit once i do that i can cover the hopper with a wooden slab that way i'll have a little area with enough space to store the chicken there we go okay now for the chickens the more chickens i spawn here the better in that case i'm gonna spawn as many as i can i'll have to wait a little while for the chickens to grow up though oh well i think they're ready the chickens are fully grown as soon as one of them lays an egg it'll shoot out of the dispenser i'm gonna make sure it works from down there oh wow it works wow they're hatching the eggs are hatching two of them this is great i can't wait to see this house get filled with chickens how did all these chickens get in here this doesn't make any sense what prank eight puffer fish under the floorboards for this prank after you get inside you need to clear out the entire floor of your friend's house just like i'm doing break those blocks okay now for the next step take out some slabs and make a new floor one block beneath where the old floor used to be perfect next fill up the entire space with water make sure there's water everywhere after that take out your slabs again cover the surface of the water but don't forget to leave a little opening okay i think that should work now it's time to summon an army of puffer fish almost ready i just need to cover this opening perfect this prank is good to go let's wait for mikey i'm finally home i should check on my treasure let's see [Music] if your friend has a house with a lot of treasure in it then i recommend this prank the first step is to get inside [Music] nice treasure next you'll need to clear out the floor i'll take care of that while i'm here i'm going to dig another layer down so it's deeper [Music] the next step is to fill the area with campfires they'll release smoke into the rest of the house make sure you cover the entire floor with them like this [Music] it's hard to see i'll put the floor back to normal this is gonna be awesome it looks like there's a real fire in here what does it look like from the outside you can't really see the smoke from out here in that case i'll set up something similar in the front yard i'll just dig another hole around the perimeter of the house this shouldn't take long it's the same trap as inside there now we're going to place campfires along the bottom of the moat mikey's going to think that all is super important treasures are on fire i bet anyone would be shocked if that happened to them just a few more finally we'll have to cover up the fires with grass blocks this is great everything's looking good this prank is ready to go it actually looks like this building is on fire let's go ahead and try it out on mikey [Music] yes yes time to check on my treasures my house this is awful it's on fire what do i do somebody help how do i put it out i know i need some water what why isn't it working huh wait hold on a second where's the fire prank 10 turn everybody upside down this is a great prank to pull off when your friend lives in a village check it out this is mikey's house the first thing you need to do is add a name to an anvil with a name tag let's use dinner bone for this one perfect for the next step i'm going to add a name tag to every single person in the village stay tuned because once i'm done something outrageous will happen watch it worked the cow is upside down anything that gets named dinner bone will flip upside down this is awesome let's name the horse dinner bone whoa i can even do it to villagers too i'm gonna turn all these horses upside down this is so funny oh an iron golem i wonder if it'll still work wow another villager i'm giving the name to everybody i'm even turning the cats upside down whoa oh let's do the bee sweet i've turned all the people and animals in this village upside down [Music] that was a great sleep i'm gonna say hi to everyone in the village let's go what that cat is upside down uh-oh [Music] how come everyone is upside down even the horses too if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like and subscribe plus you can check us out on twitter instagram and tick tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Maizen
Views: 23,345,091
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 11 2022
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