10 Types of Cadences To End Your Musical Phrases More Creatively

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welcome to your corridor lesson of the week I told you some weeks ago that I would do a complete lesson on Cadence's and here we are I'm going to show you ten Cadence's that you can use to end your musical phrases more creatively the first students that you need to learn is the authentic perfect cadence it is the most classical most known way of ending a musical phrase and I'm going to play it in C major for all of the cadences we are going to study so we have the same base so basically it's to use the fifth degree of your scale and resolving back to the root it's classic so in C major is G C fifth degree root chord I could do it like this [Music] this is the most basic cadence but now you can have also a imperfect authentic cadence it means that it's still going to be the fifth degree resolving to the first so the fifth to the root chord but the root chord is going to be in an inverted version so it doesn't sound as conclusive as the perfect authentic so it's going to sound something like this [Music] so because the C major is inverted it's on its third it doesn't sound ask conclusive so you can use the imperfect authentic cadence if you want a strong cadence but is that is not as conclusive because this one could pretty much end your song and you don't want to have all of your Cadence's in your song give the listener the impression and the song is going to end right so we have to use other types of Cadence's just to move forward and not have the impression that that's it the song has ended you know so the imperfect cadence is good for that you also have third position the half cadence so basically it's the opposite of the perfect or imperfect cadence instead of having the emphasis on the root chord we have we will place the emphasis on the fifth chord so we are going to play our chord sequence and stop the longest on the fifth chord so we are going to stop on the core that has the most tension that really wants to resolve so it's going to do something like this [Music] so we spend more time on the fifth so if I were to play the same progression with a perfect authentic cadence it would sound like this [Music] so you see I stopped on the root card my home is my root chord but with the half cadence my home is the dominant chord the fifth degree of my scale so it's really if you want to have things less resolved than you really want to hear more when you play that type of cadence then you have in fourth position the play goal cadence like I said in my lesson about my band mystery so instead of having the dominant chord you have the fourth chord so you have the major type of flavor play goal cadence but you can have a minor type of play goal cadence the major is from far far away in history especially in churches to do the Amen it's like [Music] something like this hooky but the minor one is more recent it's it's reminiscent of the Beatles I have a whole lesson on the minor fourth chord if you want to learn more about that so this is the minor play gold cadence it's more used in pop music than classical music what we've seen in the first position the first one the perfect in perfect health cadence it's really from the classical background play go Cadence's as strong Cadence's you don't really find that in classical music it's more in pop music nowadays then you have the most interesting one to my eyes it's the interrupted cadence it's also called the deceptive cadence so basically we are going after our dominant chord we are going anywhere but the root chord because what we expect is that the root chord is happening [Applause] you expect the root chord after that right but we are going anywhere but that the most classic way to do an interrupted cadence is to play the sixth degree instead of the root chord so that would do something like this [Music] haha so you expect the route card but it's that in the sixth card so it gives momentum forward you don't resolve too much and your song continues and it doesn't feel like it's going to end right so the sixth chord is the most effective for that which you can use the fourth chord if you want to [Music] once again you want the root guard when you get the fourth so once again the fourth one is really good to get things moving forward and your progression goes elsewhere you don't have always the same type of cadence coming back and forth that's why some people don't like classical music nowadays because it there's too much of that v 1 v 1 v 1 all over the place for hundreds of times in the symphony so that's basically what you can do with the interrupted cadence you could go to any other degree of your scale or even outside of your scale but the most comments are the 6th and the 4th degree outside of your scale it could sound like this [Music] you can go elsewhere with that if you pick a core that is not inside of your scale that could work to the seventh type of cadence is the Picardie cadence so basically we are going to play in a minor scale so now we are going to use C minor and most of the time what we see is AG major because we still want the tension and resolution inside it in a regular or harmonization it's supposed to be AG minor but you don't have that same attraction with the Picardie cadence we are going to play in minor but we are going to play our root chord in major instead [Music] hi it's a major instead if you want to learn more about Picardie thirds I have a lesson on that the eighth cadence doesn't have a name I call it the action cadence because it's used everywhere in action music video game music just fine action music and it's the flat 6 flat 7 and 1 it's basically the sixth degree 7 degree in first degree of a minor scale so basically if we stay in C minor it's going to be a flat major B flat major and C minor [Music] I could have so many examples for this type of cadence recently I have played my old Smash Bros game on my game view and this uses this progression the the main music it's like something like so it's it's basically it's the same it's [Music] [Music] flat 6 flat 7 and a root it's everywhere if you listen to Iron Maiden it's everywhere in metal music rock music pop music movie video game whatever it's really really the best cadence if you want an epic sound fun and action kind of sound you use the action type of cadence I don't know if it has a real word but I call it the action cadence the 9th cadence is there and delusion cadence which is from the flamenco tradition it's it's in a minor scale so it's basically the first degree flat 7th flat 6 and a major 5th degree as I said earlier in minor keys it's really common to have a major 5th degree instead of a minor which is the regular harmonization but we want the tension and resolution so you will recognize this one as they hit the road jack progression [Music] it's not used only in flamenco and it hit the road jack it could use for many many other types of songs but it originates from the flamenco tradition [Music] there are many things that we can do with the Andalusian cadence maybe I'm going to do a complete lesson just on that and then the last cadence that I want to show you is the key change cadence for lack of a better word it's to use your sus 4 chord on the fifth degree of your scale for a very very long time resolving it back to the regular fifth degree and then from there you can go anywhere you want it's going to be surprising just for one second and then we will understand that we just changed keys and that's going to work every time anywhere so I have as we've seen in my lesson showing the red the key change from my band mystery that we use we have this s4 car [Music] so now I'm modulated from C major to D minor I could do anything I want [Music] so now I modulated an F minor which is really apart from C major but it's just surprising what it works every time because we put so much tension on the sis forecourt that we can just expect anything after it it's another great trick as the interruptive or deceptive cadence to just defy the expectations and go elsewhere and bring your song to uncharted territories so it's not predictable that you're going to do for the whole song because we've heard that too many times and we want to be more creative so there you have it ten different Cadence's that you can use to end your musical phrases more creatively of course there are many other Cadence's existing but I think those are the main ones that you want to explore so I really recommend that you use especially the interruptive deceptive Cadence's so you want to make your song move forward and just defy the expectations of what the listener is expecting on a fifth dominant chord and just bring your song elsewhere try it in your next songs it's going to be very interesting if you like that lesson giving it a big thumbs up if you want to learn more about ambient chords and how to organize them in sequences you can take my free mini course it's the first link on the description box or the orange pick here as always I really like teaching thanks for watching thank you very very much and until next time
Channel: Antoine Michaud
Views: 46,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: what is a cadence in music, cadence music, different types of cadences, types of musical cadence, classical music cadence, cadence on guitar, perfect authentic cadence, imperfect authentic cadence, half cadence, plagal cadence, interrupted cadence, deceptive cadence, picardy cadence, andalusian cadence, cadence for key change
Id: 4r0lAz67Abs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 15 2018
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