10 Tips & Techniques with Embossing Folders

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hi the back porch today we're gonna talk about a whole bunch of different ways to use your embossing folders all types of sizes all kinds of types of embossing folders so thank you for joining me if you can't tell this is my first youtube live so you know just thanks for watching Brene it started with just a couple of general tips so go down and I welcome your comments I'll try you know since this is new it may be it may take this down to show my folder and I will come back and respond to comments now my understanding is after YouTube like I may not be able to find the comments and questions so I hope I will if I can't just leave them again I will get back to later today so first I wanted to just give a couple of general tips now I'm using a big shot which we used to sell through Stampin Up we don't Stampin Up is working on their own machine I don't know when it'll be ready but the things I'm gonna show you will work with any any kind of machine and you know it's working because I see people on so thank you so if you have troubles with your plates warping one really cool technique is just to leave your plates even all even when you're storing it help but just stay flat I just love that idea and another thing you know there is a magnetic plate there there are just different plates and I know different machines are different and as you use your machine over time it can also get looser so I think that's one of the reasons why we can't always just say this is gonna perfectly work so I'm going to show you what else I have in my drawer this is my drawer of things I have a horn I have more than this but I have cardstock pieces that I'll use as a necklace to shim if I need something tighter I even use my silicon and I have the blue plate we're gonna be using later my card here's a blue plate this is really designed for the thicker the new thicker plates and I'm not gonna get into a lot of how to do the different sandwiches my advice is just to experiment because you just want something to go through if it's too tight Rasika some will have some other tips along the way but try some of these other things if it's too loose and you have to take one of these out then you try a different plate that's a really general comment so I don't know how helpful it is but I just wanted to explain when people ask oh I can't quite get this to work this is the key just experiment okay and so we will get started so that's kind of number one just looking oh and then the other thing these newer lot of these have a little liner so how cool is that so you'll know just where you want to put you know to keep your cardstock straight especially if you're doing something that kind of needs a straight you can measure it with that which is pretty cool so first thing this in particular this is a corrugated cardboard but some of the others are like that too if you find that you use this and so here's one I just ran through plain and you see when I kind of fold it in the least a little bit I'm starting I get cracks and sometimes you'll get these even without that the thick whisper white cardstock can be really good at doing this so when you wanna prevent and see the ends I've some that are just torn right there so I think the best way to take care of this is to use a spritzer so you can use anything you happen to use and I'm just using water today but if you want it to dry faster you can mix alcohol or why are just the people ibuprofen or whatever the rubbing alcohol is but when you spritz your cardstock I'm gonna turn it away it's kind of breaking the fire making them all pliable so and I find even with water because I have just used water it dries really quickly if I wanted to if I were doing it at an event and I wanted it to dry for people really quickly I would probably use and alcohol so you can experiment with that idea and then aren't these plates just lovely isn't it great right that they still work because I think I just love it so this I'm going to put through with just the regular platform and one one of these and I'm going to run it through I'm going to make sure I am NOT pressing more on the handle and I'm only gonna run through once so I'm not going to get anything because sometimes I can press on the handle if I need something a little own but see I'm totally avoiding than a handle it's still gonna be wet we'll come back and look at after a while I just set this aside and it is not going to you know we'll be able to see a difference in these two when they dry the other thing that spritzing will do is it can make your and this has just gone through regularly what spritzing can do is give you actually a sharp or deeper imprint and we're gonna see if this shows up enough to notice this on here but you know it's crafters we just you know I think we're just good at trying different things and experimenting so bye oh and that's interesting this is a reject piece of paper so we'll see how that goes through just might be some added Tech seniors and I'm gonna put this through Oh Kelly saying she loves that bottom line on the folder yeah yes I agree it's just really helpful now this time since uncle going for a deep imprint maybe I will run it to the other way I haven't had issues with this one tearing my paper so you see it is all about experimenting I thought the reason I want to do that Aziz together is because I thought it might be fun to have a place where these will all be listed so we are on idea number two this is spritzing and see I have my lovely little decorations now you can see more Linnet dark but I think you can kind of see the difference here just see how just deeper it is and even on the back side so whenever you want to get like a crisp deeper look to something spritzing is just you know a spritzer of any kind is great to have on hand okay the next we're gonna go for is a quilting look now I'm a quilter I know some of you are but I think I know we all know quilters and embossing folders just give a great looking for quilting so you can again use any folder this time right in here a mine this time I'm using just a plain piece of designer series paper I'll show to things here so quilt cards are fun you making a set of clipart for a quilt it's also just a really nice nice gift i I am what I work on an old louver a table that's been in my family so it's the most stable I'm trying to hold still now I want you to kind of look you can kind of see that then I'm gonna do one where I've actually just take a little square so this will look even more like a quilt but this is just a cool background too so just using your folder and your designer series paper adds some other texture and gives a different look you know and it would really help wouldn't matter if I put in the folder I'm expecting miracles out of these scratch lines oh but another hint if you have a bunch of scrap tin lines and you're doing anything where they show just put a piece of typing paper you know just kind of regular paper under it and that will prevent any lines I'm showing and then you can use these until they break I have actually had a couple do that but I have several that all look like this and I wait till they break yeah spritzing your paper is is a good one I think after watching this show how cool is this this just looks like a quilt I mean both of these do so just remember to do your embossing folder too as well as as anything else and so now this could be turned into a quilt and you could add a little button or any of your little things and the next one I guess I can leave this up here a little more next you're gonna do is double embossing now devil embossing just means hmm I need just wanna find me a piece of cardstock there I'm gonna show you one that we're not doing this is what I was going to do but I'll do it on white notice how you can see lines in this as well as the leaves popping up okay so I'm going to do that okay yeah one of these will probably be better well take this we're in a gray lead so this is a huh but that we aprendiz out here now and I just love crunchy leaves so I'm going to go through these cells first I like to do that because if anything disappears a little bit the subtles can be softer so that's how we do it better experiment with either way and experiment with unusual combinations because sometimes that's where we really end up with some funds prizes well I'm rich let me wait I went to many I appreciate see I can even do that I can put in the wrong things and I do this all the time but I'll put the wrong plates in and so then you just someone think okay what else can I do okay so some of you are saying these are new ideas so now the second time I put this through a folder the bottles is probably my most used embossing folders I absolutely just love this soft look now if I take this and put it through any other folder I'm gonna put it through these leads and side up you know we are embossing on one side debossing on the other the deepest side can look really pretty too so check that out when you're experimenting with things cuz that that looks kind of more I think like sometimes like a letterpress maybe or oh I was trying to think but some kind of a teacher I was trying to think of so check out both sides cuz you might be just surprised at that opposite side now I'm only gonna put this through once because the more this would go through the more it would take away from the first embossing oh good genocide just unto option C and I don't know anything about this since this is my first time but I hope you can see this but how cool is this you know I do Facebook lives a couple times a week so this is just my first time in YouTube and it's just funny how it's a little long exactly you see totally different isn't that just a cool look it's a wall art this is double embossing and I'm gonna do another thing of double embossing but what the other thing is cool about this this is making okay if you're going to emboss something that if you want sentiments on your card before you emboss or stamped so this is stamp first color or day this sniffing we're doing sentiment so you're gonna put that on first before you run it through your embossing thing and then this is really cool this is actually double embossing but do you see how this looks see if you can tell that this looks like canvas and I think that is just cool look is take my settles there are a lot of scenery any of the scenery stamps you know anything that could look like a painting a lot of the flower ones the flower ones think of anything that you could but you could paint on a canvas and I think it's just awesome look so I'm just gonna put it through one way good Kathy did you find it and I'm glad you guys are do comments I'll have to come back you know it's my first time so I am and I am on live but now yes you you are here and I am like okay and this is cool how do you see the difference I'm just gonna point that out and both are a cool look this looks like the settles folder oh I'm I'm learning this looks like this settles folder but now when I run it through the folder the other way and I'm going yeah I know I'm trying to line it up let's see I better do it this way and put it down on the fold that makes much more sense on that line see I'm using that line to get it straight and now when I do it the second time I'm gonna make sure I go through once again but don't want it to start thinning out the old I'm not both to show and if I did this a bunch of times it would you would not see the first embossing okay how cool is this and you see that this looks like I'm not showing finished card cities because these are just all techniques but isn't doesn't that look like a canvas painting so think of all the things that you could do with this and you could make this an antiqued look so thanks that makes yeah back to my comments and so as we go along so that is that one and that was okay that was number five and now we're on to number six and this one I'm just gonna show because I'm also showing it on the next one you can ink your folders and I'm gonna do that on the next one and use a brayer in ink on the next tip so I wanted to just show here we're using the wood grain and here are some lovely samples of just the paper show me what you can with these are some that have just been inked first so I'm using the same colors is down here so for instance this and this just has a light color under it this one has I used soft suede here I used I think Safari sand so you can do things to match whatever you want but you see how that really gives it another depth and [Music] and look like ice appears Jesus marks you can go a really sad look or you can go for a dramatic look and it just it not even this is a very subtle look from from this but to see how it just it makes it look more aged or what thing and so this works with all kinds of things too but just kind of a fun look and you know that was just a wee bit different I don't have another but how do you see much difference just a little bit subtle there so that is the sixth idea now the seventh we're going to stamp on our folder actually so this I'm going to start with this and my going to use a brayer and so on this one now let's see the side a so on the backside of where this is Stampin Up this is where I am going to brayer and I am using say hair thing I am going for a very light color I could be doing this in a dark blue you can you know do this with anything and really creative with it and notice when I'm doing this I'm not doing this because this is really only getting inked in one part so I am I want the whole thing eight even with this color how much ink I put on is going to determine how darkest you got in here does this enough because this is just going to be a little a little look here and then we will then I'm going to stamp the three versus so I'm using mossy meadow and a tree from in the woods I was gonna free with us yeah doesn't even have the label on but if you notice this and I want you know I can't do it this for you okay my branch is all I'll be going down so I'm gonna just put this in I'll do another once I'm kind of doing little woods off the page that's gonna be really right so if you tried this technique before this is just really a fun one then now this time I'm gonna want my heart of course to be down here so I will let's see I'm gonna put it right here in the middle and close it up cuz goodie through the interesting thing with lines are you can't undo anything so you know it either works or it doesn't or we all learn from it cuz I do something wrong and that works too so think of all the things you could put this woods woodland step is perfect for this think of all the things you could put any kinds of forests behind you could put the deer you know you can put deer behind anything you want going through the woods how cool is this so anything where you want things that are kind of like peekaboo behind there and I think that's really an awesome look so those are different ways to emboss on the bearing okay so that was number seven oh and by the way if you hit the subscribe button and then a bell after that you're supposed to get notifications when I go live I'm not sure how it works but you know it's always good to know okay so our next one we're going to actually watercolor on our folder this is water coloring on a folder and I'm going to take different embossing folders or just doing that to have a lot of different looks here and I'm taking gray granite and tile terracotta and kind of look for in a bit of an aged look here so I'm just gonna kind of randomly around here I'm not gonna even try to get everything it's just kind of threatened just oh look what I just did see what that gets on my jeans the book brunch of it all and then the great granite I kind of thought these two colors kind of just reminded me of a tile and again this is gonna be different every time you do it and I actually like techniques like that because it's fun if you're gonna do this make settle then you spread them out and look at them and it's okay and I'm gonna spritz it so here's where the water color comes in because I want these to blend and then in watercolor paper in here you could try other paper - it probably works - and it's interesting you know I actually meant to put it on this side but I put it on this side so we're gonna see how it looks we're good at using whatever but that wasn't the plan this is haha okay now we're gonna bring this through now I could add more or less water and that would also make a difference on this I get to add more colors I could put color in just a little a little part of it yeah stamping lunch you don't want permanent things that's gonna Karen spacious fun it can't use the blends no because they're for anything that's gonna happen yeah watercolors perfect anything you know that you can just wash right off yes didn't get to buy today so we'll just kind of kind of see but look how this looks this actually looks like when it dries it's gonna look like an embossed tile here's one I did with the different color but is but it was similar so this one's dry you know that's really a fun look and especially you know for the right card but and so if you were doing like swirly one I may use lately like something this is really fun you could do some bright colors I just think this just make a great background for things Thanks okay couple the messy ones you know I'll just send with Tim to set aside okay so the ninth tip we're doing today is partial embossing we're gonna do I'll have Jim pick up the other okay so this is gonna be partial embossing so here what I've done I am going to make a card oh yeah I did really want it to go I think this way where it goes up see what change this oh no they're both going down oh so I took one of the thicker chip chip chip board ends on your papers helping the designers paper and you know what I'm gonna just stick this on here I'm Jim could I ask you for something okay so I just cut a shape and I want to make a card where it's gonna be blank on the inside or you know not embossed and so you can put your words on here I'm going to just line this up where I want it to be I mean I need some of the things on there to the right that have them lower down to the right okay this is like right there no were you were those things with the yellow close to or it'll be me getting up to go find yes yes thank you yeah you know I would you might want to put this on a little better but for the sake of of showing what I'm doing I would attach us a little better and you see my paper is under here so now only emboss these parts will be emboss because this is going to push down harder and this part will be blank and it will be perfect for stamping words on oh but I thankful for the nice comments you guys I love it just really appreciate now the first thing with this that I need to do is figure out the folders because it's obviously going to be a little different let's see if I can we'll try it try it like this and maybe it will work okay I go through this doing it is not thick enough so when I did this this is now when I oh that's not gonna fix this I think isn't the best idea in the world but we'll take it we just might get an interesting design so what I ended up finding that worked was using my blue plate and two of these so you know but this doesn't mean this will work for your machine that's what I think kind of just interesting about this you just kind of have to do a little playing around and see what works is on and hopefully it still works this is what worked you know the other day and let me take the paper off it did not work okay I go back to the drawing board did not work this is supposed to be blank inside so I might have put no but it's not even see a little bit but it's not I wonder if I have the one wrong I think that's right John okay let's see do we have any other playing papers there Kim that's what I really needed to bring out was just some playing page first look right again we can't give up with just that's okay I'll use this okay I'm gonna put another one in my thinking is because that's why I want to do this I'll tell you when things go like this and then I think okay what didn't work and you know what I had too much pressure on it that it actually did bump down and get this part so that's what I want to not do this paper is too big but since we are just doing this experimenting we're totally fine with it this cannot be and I'm gonna put through something I'm gonna do just the blue plate I'm gonna leave those off and we'll see if this is you know we could be here for an hour trying to fit with sandwiches but you know it is part of playing everything we do is playful so keep that in mind and you just figure out new things Oh much closer okay I would go back to using what I would use what's right we'll try one more but you see how this is right but you know what this just got goofy oh so it actually did work this just lid because I didn't have a good thing but now if you see this do you see how this is blank I could have a whole blank part in the middle if I wanted to do say one to some words and a cute little stamp there and I just wanted this to be a colorful thing or or here I'm just going to use this one forward and go that way so that actually did work but I'm going to show you one other way here so this is the other one no this is gonna be very similar this time I want the whole inside to be blank I want to build this as a frame and I could have used this chipboard so this was the first one I did and instead I used the white ends and I did three of them I found that three work yeah three work so what I did was I this is the paper plane using those thicker I put out one template and then I marked this so I knew where to put this so I cut out three of these and then I oh and I know why I did that because this wouldn't go through I was assuming wouldn't go through the chipboard but going through this way so then I have my little sample right here Emily says she like that I'm not perfect mrs. feel better what you know I think it is good when things don't work but you know the other thing is I could just go back and um delete this part no I'm saying that but I wouldn't know how to do that so no I can't I need to leaving the whole thing so then I've taken this and you see I'm using this in the same way so this is maybe the one I actually found that I was using with okay let's try this first I mean they're just gonna try it with the blue plate the blue plate special here see if this goes through but this is exactly how I do things so I'm hoping that's helpful because sometimes you can think oh this doesn't work but it's really about your machine it's about all the combinations and we'll see if this was you not do not feel very tight but we'll see if it was enough yes it was okay so see if that worked now I could make it a little darker here so I don't know if you're really going to see this a lot I did bring it a little closer can you see how this is left a plane now so and I have a hole inside that I can decorate and Lyanna then this will be a frame now I think it would be fine if I wanted to accent the frame I could put this right over it and I think it'd be fun to do um I don't have a marker here but you know you would use a marker with your and I this isn't even on street you'd use a color marker the fine point end that went with your things would probably be a lot later but to see I can even create a frame and then put other things inside so I think that's you yeah trial and you're going great but that is what we crafters do and you know sometimes we find that when we make mistakes we come up with the best ideas you know one of my favorite sayings is a lot of player cars didn't start that way he just add a layer to cover the most I never doesn't get too thick to mail you're just all good right so and that was really what I love to do is to encourage you to just play with ideas so the tenth and last idea is just to play with different materials so we're this for using this you know the one that looks like a blanket I can't remember the names but but you guys don't know look how pretty this is done in foils so I think these are all you know so along with the DS P we're showing that that's a really great idea to do but so are the foils and here is vellum and I think that is really lovely on vellum now vellum you can attach to a color but also like through a window card vellum could be really pretty kind of showing a sneak peek of what's behind here and opening it and the same with window sheets and I don't know how closely again you can see this right here find the right side but if you can see that makes a really cool look and this I think would be really cool they will see through but it's kind of like looking through this would be like a frosted window and this would be like looking through a window that has this etching I think it just makes a great look so I hope you've enjoyed these ten tips then you'll get much more mileage out of here embossing folders now I would love to have you leave questions comments and anything else that you would like me to do things on I would love what I'm gonna be doing with my youtube lot lives are things like this like ten weeks doing this ten days to do that so I'm always loving ideas cuz then you'll know where to go to find these ten ways to do that so thank you for watching my very first I go back looking so thanks everyone and have a wonderful weekend the trip Karen is because last time the 'trouble fight yeah we'll see if it's a longer I will put in the show notes below I licked my mailing list and just any other things that you might want to know so thanks cuz there is no stops man arms are you sure you want to stop
Channel: Karen Titus
Views: 36,850
Rating: 4.9337311 out of 5
Keywords: 10 ways to use embossing folders, embossing folders for card making, creative ways to use embossing folders, embossing folder, embossing folder techniques card making, many ways to use embossing folders, new ways to use embossing folders, embossing folder tips and tricks, embossing folder techniques, how to use embossing folders with ink, best cardmaking techniques, card making techniques and tutorials, how to use embossing folders
Id: 06hvDAkHsIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 0sec (2040 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2019
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