10 Tips From a Local for an AMAZING Rome Trip!

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hey Sarah here from head out if you've been here before welcome back and if you're new to this channel welcome to the Rome travel guide in this series we run through everything you need to know for exploring the Eternal City if you're interested in exploring Rome like a local be sure to stay tuned we'll be counting down the top 10 tips to help you explore the city at your own pace and not stick out like a sort of thumb while doing so stay tuned tip number one and this is all about Coffee Culture take a coffee standing up at a bar first off Italian coffee it's Rich it's intense and it has an entire culture of its own it's a little bit ironic if you think about it Italians they're very laid back they do everything slowly the exception is Coffee Culture in fact it's probably the one thing that Italians do that's fast pace if you go to a bar the best thing you can do is head to the Barista order your coffee at the casa and then go up to the bar and hand over your receipt not only is this going to be a little bit quicker but you'll also find that you're avoiding those Hefty service charges that come with sitting down at a table nothing screams tourists like sitting down and having a coffee outside we're going to be running down how to pick the best restaurant or more importantly how to avoid those stereotypical tourist traps there's two main things to look out for when you are choosing a restaurant the first is avoid eating at restaurants with a view now disclaimer here I'm not talking about the panoramic views of the Coliseum where you have a Michelin star restaurant obviously that food is hella bomb but I'm talking about your standard taquerias on osterias anything in that average median price point the closer you are to a main attraction the higher you're going to see the price inflation and the less quality you're going to get as a general rule of thumb the best way you can spot a tourist trap is if you're at a location the prices are inflated and someone is asking you and inviting you to come and sit down if you find yourself near a main attraction try and go down the side streets take that five minutes to walk down a different corner and go to a Cozy Restaurant where less people are passing by you'll find the quality is better and the price is probably not going to bait the branches staying on the topic of food this brings us to top tip number three all about how you spot the authentic gelato and avoid taking that fake ice cream as a result I'm gonna hand the reins over to my dear friend Celeste and local food guide who's going to be a bit more information on how you can spot an authentic duato compared to the fake stuff so there's three things you're going to want to check number one is the color so I buy one strawberry I'm not going for the bright pink like Hail Mary it's bright pink it must be Strawberry yes number two is the presentation they love presenting it like it's the Rocky Mountains where it really comes out of the cases you can't do that gelato is incredibly sensitive to temperature if you freeze it too cold is an uncomfortable feeling in your mouth and if it's not cool enough it's gonna be melting my third one as like you said the structure those are two different elements first of all you want it to taste be a little bit like sorbet a lot of people think that it's supposed to be creamy but that is ice cream that's actually the difference between the two of them ready for tip number four this is all about mix and matching your itinerary do not if possible avoid at all costs do not do not do not book The Colosseum and the Vatican in the same day you will nip to regret it so many people make the same mistakes the reason for this is what you want to do is mix and match your itinerary you want to mix popular attractions with lesser-known attractions and you want to match the activities in the same area for a single day let's take Monty obviously the main attraction in Monte is the Coliseum so you're going to be booking the guided tour that's three hours that you're committing to going around three hour tour commitment a lot of information and if you're visiting in the summer chart desire you're going to get a lot hot and sweaty during that trip the best thing you can do at this point is visit the coliseum in the morning take a break in Montu for lunch head down to one of those side street remember top tip that came earlier on and after that you want to go and explore a lesson in attraction this could be warmer Saudia you could get to the panoramic view of alfara delapatia it gives you the charts and the opportunity to really explore and get to know a neighborhood there's no reason why you can't then spend the following day visiting pratti maybe the day after you want to head over to one of the lesson neighborhoods like cogbide or check out the ever popular trustedre now we're deciding Knowing When to book the right experience let's take Rome for example the best thing you can consider is the high traction pois for this we mean the policy and the Vatican and Borghese you're going to want to book in advance fair enough Borghese probably isn't as visited as the Vatican and the Coliseum however the ticket inventory is somewhat limited there so for that reason we're including this in the big three when it comes to booking these three monuments you want to book in advance in order to have the most flexibility and choice booking an advance gives you more options in terms of Tours or ticket it gives you more flexibility in terms of the time of day that you're visiting too for all other attractions be it cabotavini museums Castle St Angela even a zoo in Rome or the boss of Calcutta head outs pretty much got you covered we specialize in last minute availability and we'll be sure to drop that link down below so you can see all of the other activities for the Lesser known attractions right here in the Eternal City so this brings us on dancing the general structure of a week in Italy let's take the Vatican as an example the Vatican is closed every Sunday now you might be thinking that I can start closed on Sunday no problem I'm just gonna head over to the Colosseum congratulations you and about 20 000 other tourists have had the exact same idea at this point you might be thinking okay I'll go to the Vatican midweet again could be a good idea but maybe not at this point you want to consider that on Wednesday mornings the pope does a speech from Saint Peter's Square now if seeing the pope speak is on your bucket list perfect opportunity for you is to head to the Vatican Saint Peter's Square in the morning see the pope and book a tour for the museums in the afternoon getting you access to the Sistine Chapel the issue however is bear in mind that Wednesday afternoons a lot of people are going to be doing this realistically if we take these two poisoned consideration the best day for visiting the Vatican Museums would be either Tuesday or a Thursday alternatively to visit the Coliseum the better days are going to be Mondays or Fridays avoiding those weekend crowds but also adjusting your trip based on the general structure of Rome's week water it's free the great thing about Rome is that water for residents and tourists is free across the city this is thanks to the aqueduct the aqueducts are based just outside of the city center but they freely flow water into the city we've had the opportunity to choose you to instill or sparkling it's perfect make sure you bring a water bottle with you it's not ladies this one is for you blotting papers and now your new best friend an absolute essential to having your purse throughout the entirety of your trip to Rome why here's the thing if you're a girl to be fair it could happen for males too and you're exploring bone the chances are you're going to want some fabulous iconic gorgeous photos of rail to put on your Instagram the problem is is there's one sure thing that will ruin any fire outfit and gorgeous background and that's gonna be sweaty daddy face always pack blotting papers in your purse they take out the grease cut out the shine which gives you that matte look and look 10 out of 10 for your holiday photos we're staying in the summer season here so it might not ring true for winter or the shoulder Seasons but if you're traveling in summer one of the most essential items to pack in your wardrobe is going to be a shawl look I get it it's hot you're gonna be comfortable probably walking around in shorts and a strappy top completely understandable just bear in mind Rome is full of religious sites like the Vatican definitely a few basilicas and even the catacomb in most places you're going to need to have your shoulders and your knees covered having a shawl is perfect it's lightweight you can throw it in your bag you can use it to tie up your hair and you can take it out cover your shoulders when you're going into these sites it gives you the best of both worlds so you can stay and agree with all of the dress codes and you can also have the flexibility to walk around Rome in the shorter clothing when you're outside of these places and this brings us to the last tip tip number 10 a lot of places in Rome offer flexible entrances or reduced rates for children it could be under six at the Vatican that since that you don't require a reservation for a ticket at the Coliseum if you're under 18 you don't require a ticket and you get free entrance the problem is in both these sites you need to prove that you're under 18 or under six in order to benefit from these experiences in order to do that they are going to be checking your ideas when you enter I'm not saying you have to take your passport out of the hotel with you but a photograph of your passport or a photocopy of your password will be more than sufficient the other thing to bear in mind is in Italy it's actually a legal requirement to always have ID on you granted this is scarcely enforced with public especially not with tourists but it's better to be safe than sorry so if you're traveling with a family just scan everything keep photographs on your phone or have photocopy documents of everyone in the family just to be on the safe side okay guys so that about wraps it up we've gone through the 10 main tips from a Local's point of view for exploring the Eternal City I hope you found these tips useful don't forget to subscribe to our Channel and hit that notification button and uh let us know if there's anything else you want to check out next have a great day this is Sarah from head out catch you next time foreign [Music]
Channel: Headout
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Keywords: Things to know before visiting rome, rome travel tips, things to know before you go to rome, rome italy travel tips, rome tips and tricks, rome travel dos and dont, rome tips, clothes to wear in rome, tips to visit the colosseum, rome travel tips 2024, things to do in rome 2024, rome travel, rome travel 2024, how to spot fake gelato, vatical and colosseum tips, things to know before you travel to rome, when to book tickets in rome, things to do in rome, what to do rome
Id: QuxQyqJ4NTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2023
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