10 tips for sowing a WILDFLOWER MEADOW (yes, I am planting another one!) πŸŒ±πŸπŸ’›

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we have some siblings [Music] hi everyone welcome back to another really exciting project i've decided that the garden shall have another wildflower meadow where you might ask well in the front lawn let's do it the first step is to prepare the area and you know decide where you want your meadow it can be anything from a huge field down to a smaller container in your back garden really depends on the space that you have and of course the design that you want to get the land that we have at the front of the garden is long and thin which i think is really typical from houses in the uk we thought that an oval shape would be really nice because it would kind of like soften the angles of the garden but also retain a really nice and contained shape and i think that will really help the meadow shine all right so this is what our little medallion or oval shaped metal looks like they lost the footage of us preparing it but essentially all we did was putting two sticks here as the book eye of the ellipse and then with a string using that to trace around that really lovely shape and then we just used an edger and a shovel and removed all the sod so that was definitely not the easiest way to get to a clean slate but you know it's very late in the season it's the end of april so if we want blooms in july we need to sell right now the remains of the daffodils and we we dug around them to give them the best chance of coming back next year so we want the foliage to die back naturally and hopefully they'll love the spot and come back in numbers hi sushi this is off-limits young lady previously in the meadow that we did last year we started much earlier and covered the soil for three months to you know avoid having to do all that grunt work i still need to rake it a little bit but basically you don't want to have only like really big bits like this you want that really nice fine powder kelp so that the seeds are the best chance to germinate i have some foxglove seedlings that i rescued from the garden and so i've repotted them and they've grown on quite a bit now so i was thinking i could add them to the meadow that will provide more height and also more food for the bees so we'll start by adding those in [Music] [Music] and ideally once you get to that stage where you have bare soil you would want a couple of weeks for any weed seeds to sprout and you'd kind of like hoe them off and remove those and only then sow your seeds just to make sure you're not encouraging a lot of weeds essentially once the soil is prepared it's time to prepare the seed mix i'm really excited i have a really lovely selection of seeds let me show you i have put here all the seeds that i just showed you and that we're going to sew today [Music] and i also have the grass seed it's about a 10 square meter coverage i think i'm going to put about half of that so there's still plenty of room for wildflower seeds i have a nice beautiful base of grass and i think that will really help the meadow over winter well so i have some beautiful corn flowers from last year i'm going to add a few more this is what cornflower seeds look like i also have this combo polka dot so these will look the same [Applause] something that's going to be different this year is that i'm adding some sunflowers this is a dwarf variety called little dorit it grows about 60 centimeters tall really excited about it it's the typical looking sunflower with a dark center and gorgeous yellow petals i think that's going to be really fun come september so we pop those in crash pediability buttons i added it last year to the meadow but nothing came up i'm hoping maybe this year that somehow you know the seeds are stayed dormant another variety that i'm really looking forward to add in the meadow are cosmos i've already showed you cosmo seeds before they look like mini bananas it's so fun then i want to add in some rugged rubbing this one will flower next year so we'll have to wait a little bit to see it but i thought it's really good that it attracts butterflies and also really love the shape of those pink flowers i think they're really wispy and would be perfect for the meadow really small seeds there they look like fox gloves it's really small and round i'm really excited to be adding this this is part of the country living collection from home base i picked up a few more bits i also have more puppies to show you i really love this the seats came into that little vial and now all of the puppies i went completely overboard and bought a ton of them and this is how this old project came about i just loved puppies so much that i really wanted a meadow that was full of them this summer this is what we're gonna do ideally for puppies you want to do successive sewings because they don't flower for a very long period of time if you sew all the seeds at once chances are they're all going to bloom at once so that's always something to keep in mind first we have this gorgeous poppy hola super freely in a mix of colors another one from the country leaving collection called peony black a double one i didn't even know poppies could be double this is so exciting then we have puppy album another gorgeous purple one i really have a theme this year in the garden between all the dahlias that i got in purpley shades and then the last oriental puppy is called pandora this is another one that i'm really looking forward to with the with the red and pink it's going to be glorious then i have this gorgeous poppy cold hungarian blue i really love the double violet color with the deeper shades of purple really lovely then i have three varieties of californian puppies that go slightly shorter two in those gorgeous creamy peachy tones this one is peach sorbet i've already sewed it in a couple of other areas of the garden so i can't wait to see what it does if you can spot the difference but those are slightly bigger than the other really tiny seeds we had then i'm also going to add poppy ivory castle and this glorious mix with slightly brighter colors but still in those purpley pinks and apricots so fiddly these seed packets again i'm sewing just part of the seeds that i have so that i can do succession sewing in a couple of weeks time [Music] last but not least last year at the end of the season i harvested seeds from the wildflower meadow i harvested oxidized daisies some poppy seeds and corn cockles and corn marigolds so all of those that bloomed absolutely beautifully profusely for a really long time and i want to add those in the meadow as well this is what the oxidized daisies look like they're really small and have a conical shape there's a lot of dried petals in there too i hope you can see then those are very simple puppies a lot of red ones and also variety called lauren grape a gorgeous dark purple one i'm just going to add everything that i have then i have corn cockles really lovely purple flowers the seeds are much bigger they're dark [Music] and last but not least the corn marigolds we're about nine square meters of meadow so we need quite a bit of seed to really make it feel full also because i think it's always better to oversew because we're going to have birds and other wildlife potentially snacking on them we're going to have seeds that don't germinate so i'd rather put more seeds in than i need you know just so that i ensure a good show now i'm just mixing things up as much as i can [Music] [Music] i've decided to sprinkle some compost over simply because a lot of those seeds need to be covered to germinate well also to be protected from bird and from drying out too quickly typically wildflower meadows will not require rich soil but as i said because we have that tree that pumped all the water and the nutrients away from that space i know the soil is pretty poor and also the compost only adds nutrients for a couple of weeks all right this is what we look like now all kind of mulched in but now i added this really thin layer of compost i think it looks really good just right now in the center we have our fox gloves i'm hoping they'll do well because this is so so dry look at all this green so if you've been following the channel for a while you know that last year i add my dream wildflower meadow we turned a really small and sad piece of lawn into a beautiful wildflower meadow if you're creating your own wildflower meadow this year make sure to check out this playlist that i'm going to link here and in the comment section below it details all the stuff that we went through the results from start to finish and also the resewing that we did in the little round by garden meadow i can't wait to show you how this tomato is going to turn out we actually need a name for it because the front lawn meadow and the black meadow you know are not very sexy names so let me know how we should call this new meadow maybe i was thinking the medallion meadow because we cut like a little medallion shape in the grass or maybe the puppy meadow because we're going to have so many puppies let me know in the comments how we should call it thanks for watching this video i hope you found it helpful i'll see you next time bye what are you doing baby this is not our tree this is not our tree come down okay this is going to take forever change of plans we're just going to sprinkle manually the compost
Channel: Bobbio Studio
Views: 43,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: small space gardening, small garden, gardenning for beginners, garden ideas for home, easy garden projects, garden design, garden inspiration, zone 8, zone 9, wildflower meadow, create your mini meadow, how to sow a meadow, seed mix for pollinators, how to attract pollinators, alternative to lawns, grow a meadow, transform your lawn for wildlife
Id: Wn3BjnibWaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Sun May 22 2022
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