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Channel: Xanti the Maltese
Views: 45,637
Rating: 4.9500694 out of 5
Keywords: 새로운, 강아지, 아가, 먼저, maltese, puppy, dog, home, xanti, fun, cute, white, funny, video, best, 可愛, 馬耳他, 馬爾濟斯, 歐洲, 動物, 玩具, 聰明, 療愈, 治愈, 能量, 有趣, 開心, happy, 洋娃娃, baby, 寶貝, 兒童, 樂趣, first, day, 몰타 개, 몰티즈, 귀엽다, 귀여운, 젊은, 이상한, 동물, 프라하, months, 자라다, 폐쇄, 건강 격리, 바이러스, 코로나, animal, new, 寵物, 毛小孩, 狗狗, 純種, 純正血統, 漂亮, 帥氣, 美食, 食物, buy, puppies, terrier, 개, 집, 일, most, amazing, 달, take, bring, our, 乖, 犬, the day i got my puppy, a new puppy, pomeranian, pom, ポメラニアン, 博美犬, 강아지유튜버, 더소이, 포메, 퐁키, 루디, 강아지미용, 포메미용, 화이트포메, 멍멍이, PET, BUY, DO, NOT, top, ten, things, before, buying, retriever, bichon, corgi, golden, husky
Id: yDgUXltA5zc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 40sec (520 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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