10 tips and tricks I WISH I KNEW sooner | Astroneer

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i'm going to share with you these must know secret tricks that only pro astroneer players know and i wish i knew when i started these tricks are going to make your life much easier so make sure to watch the video to the end i have not listed them in a specific order but the last ones are generally less known and more useful consider subscribing for weekly astronomy content and let's start with a simple one that not everybody know number 10 if you can't reach an item far away no worries extract the terrain tool to reach for objects in the distance this works even with rubber seats and shadows and it's useful to go back quickly to your vehicle or just save the game it's also a very handy feature when you drop something and want to get it back just extract your terrain tool quickly and get your item number nine we'll need to dig in order to get resources from the caves and look for the core right well there's a way to do it very quickly start by digging a hole then find a slope that is lengthened enough to start the sliding animation when you press the key to sprint then use the terrain tool with the flattening mode and there you are a highway to the core of course make sure you have a soil canister and enough oxygen this used to work better but now from time to time you may get stuck when that happens just repeat the procedure number eight i don't think this is widely known but before you finish the game i recommend that you make a restarting point at your starting base what do i mean well when i ended the game for the first time i spawned at my original base the very first base you spawn at when you start a new ward but the problem was that i had moved to my base and i had nothing there other than the original shelter so i spawned there and i had no idea where i was or how to get back to my new base and i had no oxygen so i recommend that you leave a buggy with a wind turbine this will help you to go back quickly to your main base once you finish the game number seven don't use the terrain tool to gather resources in large quantities rather use a node extractor to maximize production so when you need resources you don't want to walk for 15 minutes just to collect 10 hours right rather use an odd extractor so that you can maximize your grinding all the extractors gather up to 15 times more resources than using the terrain tool also once a resource deposit is gone is gone forever no resource is going to spawn again in that area forcing you to look for resources further and further away so make the best use of that deposit with a creepy old extractor [Music] number six our next pro trick that i wish i knew earlier is also related to wood extractor overclock your audio extractor i don't know what would be more professional than overclocking another extractor this is not my design i have found a few different designs on the social check the video in the description if you want to overclock your road extractor and make it work even faster number five we all know the pain of using a paver right you are trying to make a nice path or a bridge and the paver works very well but man it's as low as a snail so here's a trick keep on pressing and releasing the key that activates the paver and it will go way faster you can even try a different pattern in the way you press the keys to find the paving technique that you prefer pave effect number four you probably know already that you can place down tethers with a specific key it's the t key on a computer and you probably know that if you place items in your backpack widget slots you can activate them by pressing the c or v key but did you know that you can place down extenders just like you would tethers this is how you used to do it place the extender unpack another one place it down connect it to the presidio one and so on really a pain in the neck and this is how i do it now place the extenders in one of your widget slots then just pull the cable out as much as you want just press the keys you use to rotate items and an extender will be deployed for you i 100 wish i knew this earlier this makes automation so much easier number three also contrary to popular belief did you know that you can put deployed tethers and extenders back into their packages if you want to add them in a stack into your backpack just press the sprint key and click on them or if you want to place them on a storage just grab them and add them to the same slot this is a huge tip literally that's huge [Music] number two when using your terrain tool you certainly know that you can switch between modes the dig mode the add mode and the flat mode but most people including me keep a button pressed to do so i'm still doing this because i always forget that i could use the keys to rotate items cnv on a computer to scroll between modes and once i have selected the one i want to use i don't need to hold any other button and in creative mode you're also gonna get the color picker mode and the painter mode these modes can help you to pick a color and paint the soil with it this is gonna save your pinky finger granted before demonstrating tip number 10 i should tell you that there's actually gonna be one more extra tip that i'm gonna show you right after this one but our last and most important tip is number one subscribe to my i'm just kidding i have a real tip for you seriously though so tip number 10 is use the research catalog light let's say that you cannot afford an item yet because you don't have enough bytes well just leave your catalog at that item collect more bytes and once the green light turns on well you'll got yourself enough bytes to unlock that item that's pretty neat since you're still sticking around and watching my video let me show you one more useful trick that i wish i knew earlier maybe it's not gonna change your life but it's definitely going to make it much much better number well there's no number it's just an extra trick you know so we certainly all know that we can navigate the catalog by using the keys to move our character and that's something we do constantly in astroneer to look for the items we want to print but when you need to turn page and go to the next tire what do you do don't you use your mouse and hover to the next tire and click that page well that's what i used to do too since i have found out the trick of the tricks you can use the keys to rotate objects to move to the next page of the catalog this is so useful watch one of these videos next to learn more astronomy tricks and let me know in the comments which pro tips and tricks you wish you knew sooner did you notice that one of my thrusters is upside down what's going on a huge thanks to all for your support especially the subscribers and members of the channel feel free to check my merch store stay safe
Channel: Kuya Game
Views: 315,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: astroneer, astronner, astronerr, astrooner, astroner, Астронир, アストロニーア, astroneer let's play, astroneer lets play, astroneer funny, astroneer fun, funny gamer, funny videogames, astroneer game, astroneer gameplay, астронир, tips and tricks, i wish i knew
Id: tWf4o1STBak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 29 2022
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