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as you know we celebrate all kinds of people on this show young people old people amazing people even average people and there's no one more average than my executive producer andy [Applause] oh in the movie sandra bullock has to find her way around wearing a blindfold and she guides her kids with a little bell so i want to see if that really works so i got a blindfold for my producer andy andy there's a blindfold mary has a blindfold put it on take off your headset [Applause] oh for god's sakes all right you can't see can you no i can't follow the sound of the bell one more one more you're up [Music] ah come back so this is uh last weekend uh in our morning meeting this is what we did [Applause] [Laughter] the producers sent me annabelle because i loved the movie and i decided to take her around the office and surprise some people mostly my producer andy because he gets scared really really easily and so these are several things throughout the day [Music] can't stop i'm gonna ask some questions here we go [Music] candy you sure do curse a lot andy you have young children you have to be careful with that mouth yeah you want to talk about anything no i really don't let's let's go to break do you want to go to break the other day i decided to scare him which i haven't done just now he got scared when we were walking out literally just now he was looking at me and turned around and looked at a curtain and jumped because there was a curtain in front of him so uh so andy the other day i said i need to rehearse something real quick before mark harmon gets here so uh we got this on tape this is uh i may have scared him a little bit this is wonderful i'm guessing that you everywhere you go people are saying it's mark hartman they're going crazy people know it seems like a lot of people know people are coming up to me on the street why are you going how fun it is funny andy's scared of snakes right andy andy are you scared of snakes a little bit yeah because earlier today you were talking about maybe and here is a human trying to make a great catch [Applause] okay andy come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we got it okay [Applause] this is true they wanted a third polar bear to join the bears so they sent over a costume and we need someone to wear it so uh andy um andy come here because this is in the contract come here i should have mentioned this before the show i i didn't see you um i i'm sorry i got busy and i didn't have a chance to tell you but this was in the contract stay on the dot or else you're going to fall off why is this happening it's not it's the klondike request i didn't do it give me your sunglass your glasses please you can't let this air i have to let it air it's in the contract klondike i'm not going to say no to klondike i mean listen there's no end to this torture lift your lift your leg children are watching what yeah you're mike don't don't uh don't purse [Applause] i'm so mad at you they also requested and this is in the contract that you hold this out my god put this one out also in your other hand can you see me how long does this have to happen the whole show like that nope straight out okay all right don't let it slip just stop talking to me contract and the contract had said no lower stop the contract and look at your head down be proud yeah all right are you happy i'm thrilled okay good i wasn't in there but i understand you went into the control room and you scared andy all right let's see it again [Music] [Applause] he's a chicken yeah yeah i'm laughing because right before we came out here andy is always late and andy was running to try to get out here and he tripped and went flying he's do we have it on tape that's wonderful let's show it please [Applause] [Music]
Channel: TheEllenShow
Views: 313,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9CrfTIKh5do
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 36sec (576 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 08 2022
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