10 Things You Should NOT Do At The Office..

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here are 10 things not to do it the office don't turn in your work late oh my gosh this is so late I can fix that though hey boss I have your spreadsheet ready for you you know that this is February 31st right don't fax or copy what you're not supposed to fax or a copy Janet really wanted these things copy today yeah success don't be unhygenic sup everyone this is me one day not taking the shower this is me one week not taking a shower this is me one month not taking the shower this is me two months not taking a shower this is me you're not taking a shower don't spread gossip or rumors really Frank that's awesome hello hey what's up did you know Frank's gonna get a new horse oh no way cool wait wait wait wait wait wait hello Frank it's getting a Porsche really Oh give me one second I was like music hello yo did you know Frank is getting a stork Frank is getting a divorce wait what I'm getting the boss don't spam the office whoa who did this yeah who spend this who did it what's it you don't fake being sick oh my gosh so many emails I wonder if there's a way to fake being sick I think this should do the trick hey boss Hey I'm just letting you know I don't feel too good today yeah you you look sick I am sick you should probably go home [Music] [Music] don't play loud music [Music] [Music] hey Sally how's it going yeah those are up cells are really helped are you kidding me yeah don't borrow stuff without returning it amen get a barrel pin yeah yeah yep there you go ah appreciate it man can I borrow a cup holder oh sure sure here thank you it's gonna borrow your keyboard oh sure oh here thank you mine broke hey you cannot wow you read my mind ain't gonna get your whole Monica appreciate it I love harmonicas I love my life don't break down during your conference meeting I bust check it out there's the year results efficacy q0q walk you two after kill to it goes in the downward spiral oh my god dollars spiral balls Oh downwards arrow boss okay everyone gets a divorce Oh Oh my spinal cord don't spend hours on your phone [Music] Oh get off your phone what you're a work when I'm playing guava juice tilt down and free at the App Store and in a Google Play oh that's okay then do not lie to make yourself look good here's my resume just like you asked it's not really you of course check it out No okay well maybe this will change your mind okay maybe this will also change your mind get out okay don't take a nap good work today Frank do not pull the fire alarm oh I've always wanted to pull down a fire alarm in my life all right here we go oh my god Oh why's that noise that's so loud don't do office pranks has anybody seen my stapler you should check your drawer oh really okay oh come on come on why you God do this to me me come on you know what I say if this still works you gotta make sure you do all right let's do this oh no I do do the stocks are amazing the day go to room magic don't skip work I don't feel like working today wait I have an idea okay all right stay right here keep your head up all right I'll be back in three months hey how's the stocks over there hello [Music] wow you must be so concentrated I'll let you two yeah you've been working so hard these past ten years I'm giving you a promotion oh you're so humble I'll just put this right here great work today happy birthday [Applause] it delicious you forgot to blow your candles I'll do it for you me after watching YouTube last 10 years you're so pretty will you marry me oh my god she say yes I now pronounce you husband and wife oh my favorite part don't get fired hey boss you want to see me yeah hey Frank I just wanted to let you know that you're doing such a great job that I wanted to give you a raise oh cool I really appreciate that boss just kidding you're fired oh cool thank you no you're you're fired good thank you you're welcome yeah when do I start boss uh no yes you're fired I'll start Monday okay okay okay cool love you boss love you too Stacy oh what a long night hey we're closing up for the night are you gonna stay here okay thank you for your hard work see you mañana [Music]
Channel: Guava Juice
Views: 15,589,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: guava juice, guava juice youtube, youtube guava juice, roi, challenges, tutorials, funny, comedy, comedian, guava, juice, roi wassabi, kid friendly, family friendly, 10 things, 10 things not to do, office, not to do, gwava joos, top 10, guava juice 10 things not to do on an airplane, iron man, school bus, movie theatre
Id: vGqQrzcp_6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2019
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