10 Things You Didn't know About GalaxyQuest

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released in 1999 Galaxy Quest tells the story of a washed-up cast of actors of an old hit science fiction TV show also called Galaxy Quest led by its arrogant has-been main star Jason Nesmith played by Tim Allen where the fed-up cast members have now resulted to just appearing at conventions nez Smith is approached by some strange alien beings called the fermions to help them from a deadly threat where he thinks the invite is another convention show little does he know that he and the rest of the cast will be embarking on a real space adventure as the fermions think that the Galaxy Quest TV show is real and called on the actors for help the crew of actors must put aside their differences and act out their paths for real as they become real space heroes in order to stop an evil reptilian creature called Cyrus from getting his hands on a dangerous power source called Omega 13 in this Star Trek inspired science fiction comedy classic which also stars Sigourney Weaver and Alan Rickman so today we are going to embark on an intergalactic journey as we look at the 10 things that you didn't know about Galaxy Quest let's check it out [Music] number ten Galaxy Quest grew from an interest from being typecast Galaxy Quest came from the mind of writer David Howard when he visited an IMAX cinema and was greeted with a trailer for a space movie which had a voice-over narration from Leonard Nimoy aka Spock from Star Trek this got Howard thinking about the rest of the cast and crew from the original Star Trek series and how they have pretty much been pigeon-holed as their characters unable to escape their roles they played in the famous science fiction series howwould then had a true stroke of creative genius where he wondered what if the cast of Star Trek actually got caught up in a real space adventure with real aliens kind of like an intergalactic version of free amigos where he then wrote the script and sold it to DreamWorks Howard went on to say that in many ways the script wrote itself number nine DreamWorks made drastic changes to the script when DreamWorks brought the script to Galaxy Quest it was a fairly new production company which was co-founded by Steven Spielberg and a had already released several movies such as deep impacts small soldiers Saving Private Ryan and ants among others producer Mark Johnson saw great potential in galaxy quest but he still felt that many changes had to be made for example the movie's original title was captain star shine which although is an interesting name it still lacks that Star Trek inspired space adventure feel that Galaxy Quest has also in the original script the Alexander Dane character who was played brilliantly by Alan Rickman was going to turn out to be the movies main villain which although would have been a shocking twist probably was a bad move as I can't really see it making any sense whatsoever but hey I'm probably just saying that because I love the Alexander slash dr. Lazarus character and I just struggled to see the concept of him being the movies baddie number 8 original director dreamworks hired harold ramos to direct galaxy quest ramos had impressive resume in the movie industry not just for his starring roles but also co-writing Animal House and ghostbusters as well as directing national lampoon's vacation and Groundhog Day so where did it go wrong for Ramos well for the movies mainly dat Jason Nesmith Ramos wanted an action star who wasn't known for comedy and his number one choice for the role was Alec Baldwin but he turned the part down the studio that approached Steve Martin and Kevin Kline but they also turned the part down Tim Allen who during the 90s had great success with home improvements and Toy Story was cast in the role Ramos however wasn't fully sold on the idea of Tim Allen in the part so yeah he left the project and he went on to direct bedazzled instead directing duties of Galaxy Quest were then given to Dean parasite who had previously directed the comedy home fries and interestingly has recently directed the upcoming Bill and Ted faced the music Ramos was supposedly go on to say that after watching Galaxy Quest he felt that Tim Allen did a great job in the movie after all number 7 Tim Allen left another science fiction movie to star in Galaxy Quest in 1998 Tim Allen was cast to play the lead role of Andrew the Android in the comedy science fiction drama Bicentennial man however during the early production of that movie he was also offered the role as Nesmith in Galaxy Quest Allen knew that he could not star in both movies and could only choose one so he chose Galaxy Quest where Robin Williams replaced him for the Andrew part in Bicentennial man and giving that Galaxy Quest has gone on to become a beloved classic among science fiction fans and that Bicentennial man is now somewhat become forgotten he probably made the best choice Allen said that when he first got the script it was more of how a Ramos his vision of the movie and said that it felt more like Spaceballs which makes me think that it was going to be more of a slapstick science fiction spoof unlike the final film which is more grounded in reality be that a reality that has very funny moments rather than being a wink and nudge at the audience that the whole thing is one big joke Sigourney Weaver loved the script for Galaxy Quest and when she first read she likened it to the Wizard of Oz in that at the start of the movie the character seemed incomplete but thanks to their adventure they become more fulfilled and become the heroes that they always envisioned themselves to be you know I've never looked at it like that before yeah that totally makes sense Galaxy Quest is like The Wizard of Oz the Star Trek version number six no swearing in this space adventure it was always intended for Galaxy Quest to be given a widespread PG rating meaning a film that families with young children can go and see and DreamWorks really wants at a PG movie that kids could go and see as it was going to be competing against the Rugrats movie in the box office however an original cut of the movie was surprisingly enough given an hour rating on the account of the amounts of swear words used now PG and even pg-13 rated movies can often have the odd f-word snuck in there but to be met with an R rating means that Galaxy Quest must have been a movie with a lot of swear words I personally don't mind the odds swear word here and there as it can be used to great effect especially in this case where we have normal actors and extraordinary circumstances aka going on dangerous space adventures and battling alien monsters so naturally the odd F word here and there could actually be quite funny young however it was decided to play it safe and remove all the curse words so Galaxy Quest could get it's PG certificate something that is often brought up with fans is a scene where Sigourney Weaver's Gwen character says screw that many have noticed that if you pay attention to her mouth she's actually saying eff that so what do you guys think would Galaxy Quest have been funnier if it had a few f-bombs thrown in there or is it better as a PG movie with less ants and more screws number five one of the best Star Trek movies despite not being a Star Trek movie no doubt about it Galaxy Quest takes a heavy influence from Star Trek as the actors and the fictional Galaxy Quest show in the movie is clearly a comical take on the science-fiction series however Galaxy Quest is gotten to become a movie embraced by Star Trek fans supposedly some viewers often mistake it for being an actual Star Trek movie even several cast and crew members whom have worked on Star Trek have gone on to praise Galaxy Quest even though Galaxy Quest is not a Star Trek movie I guess people fell in love with the idea of the real-life actors from Star Trek getting caught up in a real space adventure and battling aliens and that's probably where it's appealed to Star Trek fans comes from in fact Galaxy Quest is such a well-loved non Star Trek movie in 2013 it was voted as the seventh best Star Trek movie by Star Trek fans at a Las Vegas Convention which is quite an accomplishment considering once again it's not a Star Trek movie so it makes you wonder if people see Galaxy Quest as a Star Trek movie in spirit you know a Star Trek movie that isn't directly called Star Trek number for the brand and character could have been played by someone else there is a vast cast of talented actors in Galaxy Quest whom I haven't mentioned yet in this video such as Sam Rockwell Darrell Mitchell and Tony Shalhoub's and of course just and long-long has gone on to become an accomplished actor although to me I'll always know him as that walrus abomination from task and Galaxy Quest was his first movie role where he played Brandon a dedicated fan of the fictional Galaxy Quest TV show a role which even earned him assassin Award nomination for best performance by a young actor yet thanks to his starting performance in Galaxy Quest he went a long way however there were several other actors who were eager to play the part of Brandon as other actors also auditioned for the part including Kieran Culkin Tom Everett Scott and Eddie Kaye Thomas all of whom I think would have done a good job but thankfully for long they didn't get the part and well he did where he exceeds up playing the ultimate fanboy interestingly Rainn Wilson also shows up in Galaxy Quest as one of the fermions but he's more of a background character and apparently most of his scenes were actually cut out from the final film number three comic book series the years fans of Galaxy Quest have been eager for a sequel wanting to see continuing Adventures from commander Peter Quincy Taggert aka Nesmith and his crew Tim Allen did hint that there would finally be a sequel in 2014 but sadly in 2016 the passing of Alan Rickman put the project to a stop with many of the cast and crew including Sam Rockwell saying that a sequel couldn't happen without Rickman however what some fans may not know is that there already has been sequels of sorts with a Galaxy Quest comic-book series the comics were published by IDW which released a first series in 2008 and then a follow-up series in 2015 the comics pick up with the movie left off the Galaxy Quest Crew starring in a new TV series called Galaxy Quest the journey continues where another disaster happens and the crew once again have to act as real space heroes in order to save the day firstly the illustrations in this comic are absolutely spot-on and really capture the characters personalities in fact the world of Galaxy Quest looks great in comic book formats and shows that the franchise can easily live on on the printed page so if you're a fan who just has to know what happens next after the movie there will always be the comic books to act as a continuation now I don't think the comics have been very mainstream but those who have read those seem to have a love for them number two promotional mockumentary in 1999 as a promotion for the movie enews and a mockumentary TV special which is about the fictional Galaxy Quest TV show acting as if it was real I guess you could say it's a documentary that exists in the Galaxy Quest movies universe in which the special celebrates the 20th anniversary of the Galaxy Quest TV series it features interviews from Tim Allen Sigourney Weaver and Alan Rickman playing the actors from the show talking about their time while making the fictional science fiction series which when you think about it is a stroke of promotional genius and gives the viewers and insight into the characters along with the show so they know what's going on and are brought up to speed when they go to watch the movie there are even interviews from the fans of the show as well as other crew members like Stan Winston what I love most about the mockumentary is how when it's talking about the fictional Alexander Dane character who was played by Alan Rickman it shows images from his previous performances including images of Rickman as the Sheriff of Nottingham from Robin Hood Prince of Thieves that just really makes me chuckle it's like the specialist saying it was Alexander Dane who played the Sheriff of Nottingham the mockumentary explores how the actors felt about the show's abrupt 1982 cancellation Nesmith explains that it was great doing the show as it meant that he didn't need to be a special guest star and other shows like Fantasy Island and The Love Boat the Gwen character reveals that at one stage her and Ned Smith were actually engaged and it's even explained that Orson Welles was offered to direct an episode and the mockumentary even pokes fun at home improvement where it's explained that Nesmith starred in a TV show called hello neighbor when he played a neighbor whose face you couldn't see in other words a callback to Wilson it's also explained that Galaxy Quest was going to be a Western called West's quest before being told that westerns were no longer popular and then the show was going to be about Navy SEALs till the production got access to props from an old space movie this special is a must for fans of the show as it gives a deeper insight into the world scene in the movie number one Galaxy Quest takes off when DreamWorks first saw the final edited movie of Galaxy Quest they were slightly disappointed with the final product as they felt it didn't quite deliver what the original script promised I mean let's not forget that Tim Allen said that he felt that one of the earliest scripts seemed more like Spaceballs however DreamWorks still agreed to release Galaxy Quest in order for the company to compete against you at little however it seems that DreamWorks lost confidence in the movie and didn't really promote it despite being released during the popular Christmas season and what's worse as the primary trailer used clips from an early cut of the movie which features special effects that were in complaints some of the cast and crew felt that the lack of promotion and the trailer affected Galaxy Quest from reaching a wider audience however upon its release Galaxy Quest grew in popularity where it went on to make an impressive 90 point 7 million dollars on a 40 million dollar budget so it doubled its money making it a success it didn't do as well as Stewart little but still did better than DreamWorks had expected him and DreamWorks producer Jeffrey Katzenberg apparently even apologized to director Dean parasite were not utilizing a full promotion of Galaxy Quest however Galaxy Quest has gone on to become a cult classic a movie fully loved and enjoyed by its fans and a movie whose popularity has increasingly grown in time and I would say that in the long run its popularity has exceeded Stewart little but that's just me speculating in fact in 2012 it was added to the Reader's Digest list of funniest movies of all time so yes regardless of first impressions Galaxy Quest is a big deal and is an important movie it has plenty of laughs and excitement and shows us that even if you're washed up and you feel like your best is behind you you'll never know what's around the corner and it's never too late to strive to greatness as even has-been actors can still become brave heroes Galaxy Quest is just lots of fun a pure escapism riot it's the ultimate movie for lovers of science fiction fandoms as it has the desirable aspect of what if your favorite fandom actually became real and I think that that's the movie's biggest appeal that has made fans fall in love with it it has plenty of laughs and is a good popcorn movie so I definitely say watch it anyway I'm in T and remember never give up never surrender see ya [Music] [Music]
Channel: Minty Comedic Arts
Views: 331,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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