10 Most Satisfying Twists In Star Trek

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a twist for twist sake is rarely something that's good for a story and recent developments in star trek have caused a bit of outcry over you know changes in the narrative some of these twists have been called underwhelming nonsensical the burn you know with that in mind i am sean ferrick for trek culture let's take a look at the 10 most satisfying twists in star trek 10. david i am your father now star trek 2 the wrath of khan has been rightly lauded as one of the best iterations of star trek to date directed by nicolas meyer it is of course the one that gave us khan back again a bit of a bit of a sad fellow out to spock it gave us savic but it also gave us two other characters doctors carol and david marcus now james t kirk has always been known as a bit of a ladies man so somewhere along the way the idea that a sun was coming is you know to be honest not that big of a shock yet the way that it's handled in star trek ii in a movie that was created in a way to deal with the aging of the cast it's actually handled really really beautifully you know when carol marcus's name is first mentioned everyone shares a look because mccoy certainly knows that there's something more to the story kirk obviously knows that david exists but he didn't realize that when they beam down to the genesis cavern and he's attacked by this curly-haired menace he didn't realize that was david so the very first interaction he has with his son is his son trying to kill him seems fitting really to be honest initially is a rejection of kirk by david i mean who is kirk to him you know some man his mother was with at some point some overgrown boy scout as he calls him david has never been interested in anything to do with starfleet kirk is in a way the symbol of everything to do with starfleet they're at loggerheads until kirk thankfully is able to prove to david that there's more to him than just regulations and being the captain of a starship it's one of the most satisfying twists in the movies when they hug at the end and they accept each other as father and son 9. commander sila now this was a twist that i think safe to say nobody saw coming properly introduced in the very final moments of redemption part 1 which is one of the better two parters in star trek silas steps out of the shadows and is played by denise crosby in a way redemption at that point becomes a sequel to yesterday's enterprise in which tasha yar from another universe traveled back on the uss enterprise ncc 1701c to get the death that she deserves it's a one-way mission they know that but also if they were to stay in that other universe they may potentially cease to exist so what she's doing is putting a meaning on her sacrifice now fast forward about 40 years and then you have sela standing there as a sort of a dark twist on yar's legacy she went back to stop a war between the federation and the klingons and ended up being the mother to one of the most brilliant tacticians of the romulan empire sila then proceeds to be if not the architect of the klingon civil war then certainly one of its benefactors she returns again in unification to basically screw with spock her fate is as yet unknown it's assumed that she could have been executed for her failure although i certainly hope not i think that if ever there was a character who could do with a return it's sila eight shall we die together nextgen has some of the standout moments of the franchise and one of them happens quite early on in season three the defector admiral jarrock is piloting a romulan shuttle all the way through the neutral zone which you know probably shouldn't do being chased by a warbird now in any real combat that shot has gone like that all right but no it's being chased for a very deliberate reason as we discover at the end of the episode now jarrock is the eponymous defector of the show he is rushing too starfleet to warn them about potential romulan military buildups that would threaten the peace between these two great powers he's being used this whole time the romulan government knew that he was sympathetic to the federation now if they knew him a little bit better they would have known that he was sympathetic to peace that makes him a liability he has fed information of a military buildup he is encouraged to go to starfleet and as the ruse begins to be unravelled two romulan warbirds decloak in front of the enterprise now they're in the neutral zone the enterprise is in trouble here commander tomilok stares down picard they really do have a face off between each other and tomalock is in his element he is gleeful he is going to have the best christmas party ever because he's bringing the broken hole of the enterprise d back this is the federation's flagship this is not and i say this with respect the grissom this is a big one now picard looks him in the eye and says are you ready to die today tomalock and tom like laughs him off and says you know you don't have a chance against us picard quietly agrees and then nods to wharf and three klingon birds of prey decloak around them and it is one of the ah moments of early star trek the next generation romulans were completely outwitted by picard it was so cathartic it was wonderful now while the episode does end on a little bit of a sad note that kind of makes it worth it seven mariner really does care in the early episode i say early episodes of lower decks they're only is early episode of lower decks and i hope you're checking out on amazon if you're in the uk and i hope you're just checking it out on anyway if you're anywhere else anyway i digress mariner is the messer she is absolutely not looking for a promotion she would be happy to just stay at the bottom of the ship and never progress in her career boingler complete opposite all he wants to do is advance in rank advance and rank advance advancing rank and it's got him so wound tight that he really struggles to see what's going on around him now he and mariner go down in the episode invoice to the planet where they are chasing the klingon diplomat who has just gotten drunk and flipped off with their shuttle now they go through different sections of the settlement and mariner knows this and she knows that and boimbler doesn't and boomer also almost gets eggs implanted in his throat you know standard thursday but then right at the end right after appointment i really feel he's low i mean he's really like ugh just get me out of here mariner and him walks straight into a ferengi now this is not quark this is not rom this is season one next generation the last outpost ferengi this guy is as stereotypical a body as it's possible to get and mourinho says let's accept his hand of friendship and boimbler pulls a phaser on the guy and yet he was gonna pickpocket them and potentially kidnap them you know like a standard for engi and away he goes and boiler is he gets his groove back he's delighted he wastes no time in making fun of mariner in the mess hall but she lets him have it because she then goes back to her quarters and chats to that ferengi name a quimp who's a friend of hers who she got to make boymer feel a little bit better about himself to quiet moments and it's a really important one in showing what her character is like and how much she cares about boimer now six computer end program sir arthur conan doyle's estate you know looked at elementary dear data as you know a bit of fun but less of that please because as it happens sherlock holmes was not in the public domain next generation didn't realize that when they made that first episode so it took four years before they could make the next entry and have daniel day return as professor moriarty thankfully for everyone involved they got that sorted because ship in a bottle is it's it's it's a box in a box in a box quite literally in fact it was really confusing in the most positive way berkeley who has long been known to have his hollow addiction is the one who accidentally activates mariarty again who had been quietly chilling out in the pattern buffer he's actually the ideal one to have in this situation he picard and data end up getting trapped inside mariarty's world and mariarty shocks them all by walking out of the holodeck now this is this is big stuff this is long before the doctor and his mobile emitter this is this should not be allowed to happen now with the aid of pattern buffers and transport enhancers the federation crew manage to actually help moriarty and his partner the countess regina bartholomew actually leave the ship they take a shuttle and they fly off and at that point mariarty says true to his word i will give my lockout codes back you may have your ship back and it's a lovely moment and they end the program but the final moment of the episode where barkley looks up and goes computer end program and nothing happens perfect number five the name's riker thomas riker in deep space nine episode defiant william riker arrives on the station and straight away is really rude to o'brien but he's really nice for everybody else particularly he's very nice to major kira now she agrees to give him a tour of the station concluding with a tour of the newly taken out of the wrapping uss defiant now this beautiful little warship yep anyone would want to have a look at that anyone in fact who was affiliated with the maki because as soon as kira puts in her clearance code to show riker the bridge come on kiera he shoots her with a phaser rips off his little sideburns and it's not will riker at all it's thomas riker the accidental transporter created clone clones and alter egos can they can go either way in franchises but this one spot on because they actually managed to address the ongoing story of what did thomas riker do next terra manages to teach him a really important and frankly dark lesson is that it's one thing to be a hero you know you swoop in at the last minute and you save the day it's another thing to wage a war of terrorism against another power because that's what kira did so this is an episode with multiple twists one being the big twist which is it's thomas it's not will but the other one being hero is not what a hero thinks a hero is number four veger starter the motion picture is always going to be one of our favorite entries into the canon and not just because we like to jump up and down and go no but we're right it's actually really really good you can actually check out we made a two-part basically documentary on it with thanks to chris and michael caiman for putting that together it succeeds in many many things but the final twist as to what veger is is actually it's a fantastic part of science fiction history really it's voyager 6 it's one of the voyager probe series that was sent out into the universe and comes back and it has been imbued with artificial intelligence it has become too quite frankly it's become too smart for its own good and it's been given this enormous spaceship to bring it home safely now the problem is that nobody on earth at the time is able to answer veger's request in a way it's a little bit similar to the whale probe in star trek iv now it sadly vaporizes lieutenant ilea but in a way brings her back in the form of a probe between ilea and executive officer william decker of the refit enterprise they are able to fuse into a new being a new form of creation starting the motion picture is one of the most pure science fiction movies in the franchise with the least amount of action that is fair to say but that twist of just looking out into the cosmos and seeing that there is more than what we can see now makes it as worthy and entry as anything else number three you're a god ben people sometimes are split on the revelation that benjamin cisco is part profit now speaking for myself here i think that it was all it was dropped in nicely i i think it pays off now whether when pen to paper was put down for emissary they knew that their captain was going to end up becoming a prophet okay they probably didn't but the way the story unfolds over the seven seasons it it begins to make sense so in the revelation at the beginning of season seven that sarah cisco was in fact taken his most for whatever better word taking possession of not hostage um extended rental and she managed to meet joseph cisco and they had ben that works for me because of his deep connection to bajor and what he means to them spiritually it is a head trippy i won't lie it is it's a twist that when did the twist get made was it back in seasons one and two when he became the emissary was it much later on in what you leave behind you know when he goes to the celestial temple i don't really know where the twist is but doesn't that suit the nature of the prophets which are non-linear and non-corporeal and okay my head is sore it's a twist i like it you're a god ben number two the shields do work now there's an episode of star trek called suspicions it comes in the sixth season and it's it's not often in many people's top ten lists but it's a really important episode for dr crusher particularly and it also introduces the idea of metaphasic shielding which allows ships to travel into the corona of a sun which will be revisited again in descent and much later on in the aforementioned shadows and symbols image in the sand there is assembled a group of you know the the best scientists in the federation almost but there is a klingon there there's a vulcan there's a ferengi there's a dr crusher there's a dr rhaegar who is the ferengi joe brill however is killed as the shuttle he is piloting it enters the corona of a sun and the radiation kills him it is it's awful it's crushing news for dr rhaegar who's a ferengi he's not joe brill because this shows that no the entire experiment was a complete failure added to this the episodes framed with crusher having resigned her commission in starfleet so we know oh no oh no is it is the death of joe bruhl why and it looks like yes the death of joe brill was something they pushed ahead with after rhaegar was murdered there is a lot riding on this experiment however with some good chatting with gainan crusher decides that no she can't just throw in the towel she has to make her own check so she hijacks the shuttle the one that's equipped with the shields and she flies it into the corona of the sun and you know what she's absolutely fine and who nips out of her closet at the back for sure it's only joe brill sure he's grand the big liar he was trying to steal the technology to claim it as his own and faked his own death thankfully crusher's having none of that and phasers the crap out of him it's a really good moment for crusher and it really helps develop her as a character now the fact that it came toward the end of next generation's run may be a bit of a shame but overall really really solid episode number one i'm not really here the thaw is one of voyager's first truly unsettling episodes michael mckean is incredible as the clown that keeps the people hostage in this virtual reality now harry kame and bologna tourists they get stuck in there and he of course refuses to let them go and he proves his power by killing some of the other inhabitants that are there i mean he is he's a buddy he's not a nice fella now back on voyager they're doing their absolute best to try and get these people out of there and they almost stumble across a way of beating him the doctor manages to beam into that virtual reality and he manages to convince the clown to let everyone go because janeway's coming in and once janeway does arrive the clown true to his word lets them all go and she completely flips the script on him because she's a hologram too and he is starting to fade and fade because he has nothing to eat and he looks at her and he goes i'm afraid and jane way looks at him and goes i know that's everything for our list guys if we missed anything please drop it into the comments below please don't forget to like share and subscribe you can catch us over on twitter trek culture you can catch me at sean ferrick as well guys whatever you do in the next week make sure you look after yourselves make sure you stay positive and remember live long and prosper
Channel: TrekCulture
Views: 753,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Trek, Original Series, Animated Series, Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, Enterprise, Discovery, Picard, Lower Decks, Strange New Worlds, Prodigy, TOS, TAS, TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT, SNW
Id: iK3q6dO4yuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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