10 Things You Didn't Know About BeverlyHills Cop

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in 1984 Eddie Murphy blew everyone away and established himself as a pop cultural phenomenon when he appeared as Axel Foley in the comedy action movie Beverly Hills Cop a movie now considered a comedy masterpiece and Murphy's crown jewel of his achievements Beverly Hills Cop sees wise talkin underdog Detroit cop Axel Foley head down to the glamour of Beverly Hills in order to solve the murder of his best friend where comedy and action ensues with an onslaught of classic liners and scenes in this compulsively addictive 1980s classic which is just as celebrated today as it was over 30 years ago so today we are going to celebrate Beverly Hills Cop by looking into 10 things that you may not know about this 1980s classic and yes just like the song the heat is on [Music] I don't know what you teach these fellows but they're not just regular cops okay they're super cops and the only thing missing on these guys are capes number 10 origins of Beverly Hills Cop executive producer Don Simpson first conceived the idea of Beverly Hills Cop in 1977 when he had the idea of an action movie about a cop from LA transferring to the glamour and glitz of Beverly Hills originally the movie was called Beverly Drive based on the exploits of the main hero who at that stage was called le axle and a treatment of the script was written by writer danilot batch however it was agreed that the script needed work so then fellow scriptwriter Daniel Patrick jr. was brought on board to do rewrites and he was the driving force of injecting more humor into the script taking it more into an action comedy movie direction along with changing the character's name to Axel Foley and changing his original location from LA to Detroit the script was submitted to Paramount in 1981 however the project stalled and didn't go anywhere by regardless it was the huge success of another Don Simpson movie Flashdance that got an invested interest in Beverly Hills Cop and so the movie was greenlit yep it was all thanks to Flashdance number nine potential directors several directors were considered and offered the job of directing Beverly Hills Cop including Martin Scorsese's serious who had an impressive history of directing gritty street crime movies when he turned the gig down as he felt the script was too similar to the 1968 Clint Eastwood movie coogans bluff.the is a crime drama about a new sheriff coming to town in this case New York to track down a killer and oddly enough even David Cronenberg was offered the chance to direct but he too turned it down that mean Beverly Hills Cop could have been a surreal body horror gorefest with scenes of Aksum Polly's fingernails popping off family Hills cops producers Don Simpson and Jerry Bruckheimer then sought after Saturday Night Live director Martin Brest to take on the task of directing Babli Hills Cop as Brest was available at that time after being removed from working on the movie wargames Brest originally turned down the offer probably feeling disheartened after his experience on wargames and eventually even took his phone off the hook after getting calls asking to take part in Beverly Hills Cop but despite this Brest thankfully gave in and agreed to direct the movie number eight potential actors to play Axel Foley [Music] so with the Beverly Hills Cop movie now set in motion with Don Simpson teamed up with his regular co producer Jerry Bruckheimer with director Martin Brest on board the big question was who would play the humorous role of Axel Foley who could be both relatable and funny likeable but also tough when necessary well the first choice for the part was Mickey Rourke however once he was on board Rourke grew tired of Beverly Hills cops delayed and stalling production so he left the project to star in another movie other actors who were considered for the role of folly include James Caan Robert De Niro Richard Pryor Al Pacino Robin Williams and John Travolta however it was comedy genius Eddie Murphy who was picked up for the part you know I think that would be best so do I who at the time was at the ripe young age of 23 Murphy had already made a name for himself in the early 80s thanks to his stand-up comedy and work on Saturday Night Live and appearing in hit movies such as 48 hours and trading places and he was perfect for the role of folly he totally owned it and was infectiously funny while also carrying out great charisma and empathy and Beverly Hills Cop would catapult the young actor into superstardom however before eddie murphy's casting there was another prominent actor who was actually Castor's folly who ended up leaving the project but more on that later as I feel like that deserves its own segment in this episode number 7 sips of coffee helped the movies comedy one thing that stands out in Beverly Hills Cop is Murphy's energy and sharp wit and focus in fact he and his fellow co-stars John Ashton and Judge Reinhold ad-lib most of their dialogue together which actually caused issues while filming as many of the crew would end up laughing which led to reshoots having to be filmed however the reshoots may have taken their toll on Murphy as in some of the police station scenes Murphy became increasingly tired and lethargic and in an attempt to get his energy back on track the crew offered Murphy coffee but he didn't want to as he didn't want to consume any kind of drugs even caffeine but eventually gave in with him just taking small sips of coffee which boosted his energy and resulted in his ad-libs Supercop speech I'm still freaked out by it you must have a sixth sense I don't know what you teach these fellows yet one of the greatest moments in the movie took place because well of coffee number six the axel F theme was as big as the movie there is no doubt about it Beverly Hills Cop had a great soundtrack which utilizes many pop songs of that time which would go on to become classics namely the heat is on which was used at the start of the movie and of course there was the neutron dance which featured a humorous music video of the pointer sisters working at a premiere of Beverly Hills Cop but the song that sticks out as soon as you think of the music of Beverly Hills Cop is the Axel Foley theme which has one catchy as hell funky beat in fact Beverly Hills Cop aside the song itself was a massive hit and reached number one in the charts the axel F theme was composed by harold faltermeyer who also scored top gun' fledge and the running man this particular bit of electronics in pop even earned him a Grammy Award that's just how big and successful his tune was however it also led to a very awkward life performance as the song was so huge Boulton Mayer was asked to perform it on live British pop show Top of the Pops and according to a Top of the Pops documentary this led fall to Mize performance at no fault of his own to basically just consistently standing there to a live audience just tapping keys of a keyboard which for a live show about pop stars performing just didn't work out too well but yeah once again not his fault as he is more of a music composer than he is a pop star so I don't blame him for looking awkward and out of place number five Beverly Hills Cop beat ghostbusters in the box office when you think of cinema 1984 you may no doubt immediately think of Ghostbusters as the movie itself has gone on to become phenomenally popular however back in 1984 Beverly Hills Cop made a staggering 316 point four million dollars on a fifteen million dollar budget law and Ghostbusters made a still impressive 290 million on a 30 million dollar budget the irony being that apparently Murphy was offered to star in Ghostbusters as a Ghostbuster by his friend Dan Aykroyd but turned down the role to star as Axel Foley instead in fact when it comes to cinema of 1984 Beverly Hills Cop actually outperformed gremlins and Nightmare on Elm Street and The Terminator however it was still beaten by Indiana Jones in the temple of doom which made 333 million dollars however that's just internationally as Beverly Hills Cop was the highest-grossing movie in 1984 in North America but still think about it Freddy Krueger Terminator gremlins and ghostbusters were no match for the comedy and likeability of Eddie Murphy number 4 Beverly Hills Cop broke a record that it would hold until 2003 back on Beverly Hills cops Fame and riches when the movie was released in 1984 it was the highest-grossing r-rated movie of all time and Beverly Hills Cop would go on to hold that title all the way till 2003 a whopping 19 years later when it was knocked off its record by the Matrix Reloaded there's some kind of joke right so that's what eventually defeated Beverly Hills Cop The Matrix Reloaded not Terminator 2 or Titanic or heck even the first Matrix movie but no it was a sequel that was just so however allowing for inflation Beverly Hills Cop is still listed as the third highest-grossing r-rated movie of all time trailing behind the Exorcist and The Godfather not to mention its other records it holds as Emperor magazine ranked Axel Foley as 78 of a list of 100 greatest movie characters of all time and several years ago Entertainment Weekly ranked Beverly Hills Cop number 3 and greatest comedy movies of the last 25 years number three video game so in 1990 a computer game based on Beverly Hills Cop was released on systems such as the Commodore 64 and first off the Axel Foley theme in this game sounds absolutely painful [Music] stop please stop so in this game gamers get to play as folly as you're going around kicking green wearing pugs right in the junk and this level is followed by driving stages the game didn't go down too well with fans of the movie as they felt the game bad little resemblance to the film it was based on then jump to 2006 and Beverly Hills Cop was given a second chance in video game format as a new game was released on the PlayStation 2 but for some reason the game was only released in Europe I mean why it wasn't released in the States is a complete mystery after all it's called Beverly Hills Cop which is in the States the game is a first-person shooter and although it has fairly impressive graphics just like the previous game this one is absolutely nothing like the movies it's based on for a star Axel Foley now seems to have a bloodlust where he's just happy to go around killing everyone and Foley doesn't look anything like Eddie Murphy like seriously who is this guy that's not poly but who knows hopefully somewhere out there is a good Beverly Hills Cop video game waiting to happen number two failed TV series so in 1987 Beverly Hills Cop got a sequel called Beverly Hills Cop 2 naturally along with Beverly Hills Cop 3 in 1994 which is thus far the last we've seen of Axel Foley however in this day and age of reboots remakes sequels and revivals there have been many talks over the years about one way or another seeing a return of the Beverly Hills Cop magic there have been talks of both direct sequels and reboots however in 2013 something very nearly did happen a CBS announced that it was working on a Beverly Hills Cop TV series which will focus on axl Follies grown-up son oh and this wasn't just speculation Eva the TV show's pilot was filmed with it being directed by men in black director Barry Sonnenfeld and starring brandon t jackson as folly jr. however the show wasn't picked from bus didn't go any further and in preparation for this video I found clips and information and even images for the 21st teen TV pilot to be scarce I did however come across this picture which suggested that Murphy may have had a cameo in the show the pilot apparently prompted Paramount to start working on a Beverly Hills Cop for instead of a TV series which has left the Beverly Hills Cop TV pilot as an obscure anomaly in the franchise number 1 Beverly Hills Cop could have been something completely different without a doubt the heart of Beverly Hills Cop is Eddie Murphy and it's he who makes the movie what it is from start to finish he totally owns the film and as mentioned there were several actors considered for the role of folly but one who actually came very close to starring in the part was none other than movie tough-guy Sylvester Stallone yeah imagine that it's the loners Holly that would have been well interesting apparently Stallone wasn't happy with the scripts more comedic tone so he worked on rewrites making it a much more dark and gritty action movie where his character wasn't called axle folly but axle Cobra Tia in fact Stallone's rendition of Beverly Hills Cop was so dark the movies intro was described as being like the Normandy intro in Saving Private Ryan and poor Billy rosewood gets killed off halfway through the film and the Jenny summers character wasn't a friend to Axel but a love interest needless to say paramount didn't pick up us to lose Beverly Hills Cop script probably due to them wanting to go in a more lighter tone however there are some claims that Stallone left the movie over disputes about having orange juice in his trailer yeah just when this story couldn't get any stranger Stallone took the ideas that he had been working on for his Beverly Hills Cop script and turned it into the 1986 movie Cobra which was darker but not as well received as Beverly Hills Cop proving that having it go in a more lighthearted direction was definitely the way to go but yeah the movie Cobra is literally like a parallel universe version of Beverly Hills Cop and what I'm assuming to be a playful joke Beverly Hills Cop 2 features a movie poster for Cobra in which folly literally stares into the alternative version of himself and Beverly Hills Cop 2 also starts Brigitte Nelson who one year prior also starred in Cobra Beverly Hills Cop hasn't spoiled with age and it still feels as fresh and as energetic that it did in 1984 and it's a type of movie that no matter who you are while watching Beverly Hills Cop laughs and smiles are going to inspire you so it's not hard to see why it's gone on to be considered a masterpiece and 1984 was a great year for cinema anyway I'm new to you and in Beverly Hills Cop Eddie Murphy wasn't just a cop he was a super cop [Music] [Music]
Channel: Minty Comedic Arts
Views: 502,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: puDWoq41-yw
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Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 29 2019
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