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[Music] hey guys marmalade here I put this video together called ten things I no longer bring backpacking and I thought this might help some other people remember this is all personal and individual but these are ten things that I either no longer carry or I switched out to something that worked better and I know this always helped me out when I was new so hopefully this will help a few people out so let's get started with item number one okay so item number one I do not have with me currently but I'll show you a picture over here in a minute but is the gas saver plus Lindell valve canister shifter that's made by G works and I got it on Amazon and I was about thirty five dollars there's a picture right here so if you don't know what this does is it's got two threaded ends on it the theory is while you're on trail it's more for like a thru-hike like if my canisters getting low and I find another canister and a hiker box I can put the my old catcher at the bottom put this other one there and I can actually bleed out some of the gas and get free gas into my can I got it right before I left and even get a chance to try it or anything and I just when I got the Warner Springs which is at Mile 109.5 I got there in seven days and I just decided there was various items some I'm going to show you something I don't have with me but that I decided not to care anymore I just had too much going on especially with vlogging everyday to use it and it was a little bit complicated and I read stories where it has to be at a low temperature and it was cold at night but hot in the day so I just ended up not wanting to mess with it but so that's number one okay so number two is something was given to me right for my hike and I think the premise of it it's great it's rode rode Mike ro de is made in Australia this is called the videomic model and what it does is it comes out this part plugs into my iPhone and and this is obviously a dead cat to help for the wind noise I tried it for a while the problem I had with my old iPhone 10 was it comes with a plugin it's hard to see I know but a plugin to go into into my phone but my phone case wouldn't let this season all the way so I bought an extender on Amazon it's an extender it plugs onto this extends at about a half inch and it was able to plug into my phone then but it became very suspect and wobble even on here it's wobbly and so all the pieces and parts were loose so if I was walking and trying to talk it would actually just fall out and I noticed a little bit better sound quality not a lot but it seems like my new iPhone 11 has great sound and actually buffers will win a lot more but I will say I took it just now took up this little extender and plugged in the rode mic itself into my phone and it fits fine with the case so I may try it a little more but for now I do not use it and I found that it was just extra space you see how big it is I tried to keep this in the little belt on my waist waist belt and it just took up the whole pocket so yeah I sent that home so that's number two all right so number three is a sea2summit pop-up cup now I've watched all of Dixie's videos and I never had one of these and I got it I picked one of last second and brought it and never used it I found that my titanium pot is fine I was gonna make coffee every day in it in the mornings and it goes no a little bit that story but I ended up just cold soaking coffee and I end up just not using it so I sent that back so that's number three all right item number four is this giant tripod I actually don't know the brand I got on Amazon there's a million of these things out there what's nice about this it bends when I was new at vlogging this helped wrap around trees and things like that for one you can see it's physically big I had a hard time putting it anywhere on me when I was hiking and if you know now I have the ultra pod which I'll show here which is the tripod I use now yeah so it's just it's not particularly light its bulky and an older one I had that I actually used on trail for a while before I actually got on my through hike but just when I get out in the desert and go on the PCT just fell apart and broke after a while so I was worried about the beating up on a thru-hike what it would do so yeah that is number four so number five is the GSI Java drip coffeemaker and here's the picture of it right here and if you guys never saw me in my old videos I use that forever for probably a couple years or so and really loved it but uh it's good for weekend trips not for thru-hiking I would actually get so anal and organized I would get as stacks a ziploc and get a coffee filter put my coffee grounds in there fold that up nice and neat in the bag and put a couple of sugars and some some powdered creamer and I have it all ready but I found that it ended up in the mornings with any weekends it was okay but what I was - I can I didn't want to take the time as you guys know I would just put it on my chest bottle here but the couple of via coffees in here and just drink it black and just so be duly deluded enough to where it didn't taste bad and I just someone to take the time to do that and also I found that the Ziploc some leaked sometimes and all that coffee drippings and all that stuff that became a mess so but anyway that's that's what I don't have anymore that's number five all right number six is my Columbia balaclava again another last-minute I don't know panic thing I picked up you can see it's got reflective like foil not metal but foil type material on the inside or flexural and body heats very warm I got this last minute because we had a lot of storms before I went March 26 last year but then it was super nice the whole time ins the desert was nice but I will say the first ten days it got down in 30s every single night you know places got up the got down to 28 when I was at full the ridge above Idlewild so it was very very cold so I just you know I had a new quilt that my head is exposed and I wasn't sure if the beanie be enough so I thought well I'll get this and then I'll send it back once I'm done with it but a couple things well the main thing was this was so tight it's the right size supposedly it was so tight it literally was crushing my skull so it was so uncomfortable it wasn't worth it so again that's something I sent back after one week and at Warm Springs oh yeah that's number six six okay number seven is my old Sawyer squeeze and my newer Sawyer squeeze micro which is something I bought right before my came out right before my thru-hike last year was really really happy with it but after I think they so I did seven days to Warm Springs took a zero so my ninth day started hiking out of there and I went through one up this river had been raining so the water was a little silty and I found this out too every single person had this problem afterwards I had not tested I just this was such a good product that I didn't worry about this and it's the same filter essentially but smaller and I filtered some water at the last water source before one up to Mike's place and it was about a ten-mile carry with no water and the water was silty and my filter plugged up and I for the life of me could never back flush it I back flush and back flush to try to knock all the stuff out of there could not get it to unplug so the flow rate all the way to mile 444 which is KOA Acton so from like mile 1:15 to 444 I use this thing and we got to be at a water source things barely dribbling dribbling dribbling imagine when you're trying to get six liters of water and everybody else is getting their water sander looking at me I'm like I'm trying and it was wearing out my hands on my wrist so yeah I sent that back and what I got was the katadyn be free and get that for you and I just went blank on the bag but I'll put it here below but the bag I got so but the filter I got I went to the Kasden be free the flow rate and the reason why I did this is you guys watch my I feel like I was with Bart and he had this setup and I loved it so this is the katadyn be free filter that's the filter right there you can replace these filters but it actually just buy a new one it this is only $24 and then you buy the bag to go with it so this is a three liter bag so I bought a bigger you can buy one two and three litres about the bigger ones specifically for a thru-hike in case I really had a long water water carry with you know which we did we had many there were close to 30 miles but yeah so these two go together but that's my filter no filter now and it's the katadyn be free okay number eight is a small leather journal and a pencil it's still in the bag that I had it in and yeah so my plan was a little leather-bound book really small blind paper with a pencil I figured I could sharpen this with my knife the theory was I created this graph kind of in here I want to keep track of I want to have this master list at the end of my hike how many bears how many snakes how many this how many of that I want to keep track of you know pairs of shoes socks like everything I went through everything I saw I wanted to create it like a chart just check off every time I saw a bear check it off whatever and then I want to do a small journal everyday just saying of the date I want to put the mile marker I started it and ended anything significant or anything that happened just a few sentences maybe a paragraph but this I have like four days in here I was looking right now I haven't looked at this since the hike but I just stopped I I was you know hiking all that time and trying to set up camp and then I'm vlogging all day and then I'm in my tent I was editing all night and so like literally I was busy with all the rest of people just went to bed when we got to camp I was there blogging after vlogging I was editing and so I decided was too much so I sent that back alright so number nine is the NOC vector bag no complaints about this overall it worked pretty well if you guys know anything about this I have the newer model if they actually sent me to try this just slides off here and the benefit is to this unlike other bags you can just scoop up the water right you pinch just tight like this pitch it tight I'm not gonna do it now and then put your filter on here and then you squeeze your water into your bottles never had a problem with knock still didn't but at the time what happened to was when after eight days my filter clogged up and I was looking at other filters and trying to figure out what I was gonna do I told you I went from my like 115 to 444 with a clogged up filter was a pain and you know what and I got the new one I ended up what happens is the when I got the new katadyn filter be free filter this is this threaded part is wider than the nock one the nock fits the sawyers but this is wider so there was only certain bags and this bag fits us just perfectly so I got this bag because I like the capacity wasn't anything about knock later on knock came out with a larger threaded bag for this filter because they realized how papa trees are so but at the time I went to REI and I got this and I got this and I was set because I was in the middle through like so I didn't have time to shop around and I've been really happy with this so far so no complaints I don't have any plans on switching right now flowy it's been great and the bag holds a lot so yeah that's that's number nine alright our last one number 10 and yes he's an ace bandage huge one I carried this thing it's not very heavy but it's huge as you can see now you know too big for something you may or may not ever use and also we found out later I got shin splints over Idlewild and then eventually broke my ankle but I learned for my shin splints and what I carried instead of this and I still to this day will always carry I have six or eight pieces of KT Tape which I had when I broke my ankle KT Tape and also I carry compression socks the compression socks obviously are tight they they create blood flow and help me at night when I was sleeping I get my feet elevated and then my feet and my ankle would be a little better in the morning but that's what I carry in case I get shin splints again or any kind of lower extremity injury so I'd highly recommend especially the KT Tape and you know the the compression socks are very small they're almost like nylons and they they ball up really small so don't take up much weight or space so I would consider that if you're if you're worried about that kind of thing all right so that's the top ten things that I don't bring on backpacking trips anymore I hope you enjoyed that hopefully you probably relate to some of those but you know we all started somewhere and I definitely did and I learned as I went and remember these are personal so some of these things work for me now or some of these things I have you probably still have the storage squeeze it's very very popular so anyway it's all personal preference and there's no way to really learn what you like until you use them and get out there so anyway I hope you hope that was informational and informative and thanks for watching and until next time see you down the trail you
Channel: Mike Lawrence
Views: 14,020
Rating: 4.7866669 out of 5
Keywords: gear review
Id: 5daqkdTjrPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 27 2020
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