10 things holding you back from WINNING on Etsy

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what separates someone who will be successful on Etsy versus someone who won't be successful I'm going to give you these 10 things that I picked up on and how to combat them in case you fall into these categories if you want to see more videos like this please subscribe to the channel because I put new videos out about business and Etsy every week now if you're new here my name is Dylan jarrus and I'm an Etsy shop owner of about seven years I've sold over 1.5 million dollars in revenue on the platform over a million dollars in profit because really that's what matters right and my background is Corporate e-commerce I work for big companies like Zappos and Zulily and now I teach hundreds of etsy sellers just like you how to scale their businesses to multi-six figures so if you're interested in that contact us with the link in the description what separates someone who will be successful on Etsy versus someone who won't I've talked to over a thousand Etsy Sellers and prospective Etsy Sellers and I can tell pretty quickly which ones have what it takes to be successful today I'm going to talk about 10 things that really stood out to me about the type of person who's not going going to be successful on Etsy if you find yourself falling into these 10 things and you're not willing to change or adjust I might not even continue a shop if however you can be self-aware enough to recognize these things in yourself and apply some key things to really reframe how you operate you can be extremely successful I've also seen people who have all of these 10 things and then they really work hard on making key adjustments and reframing their mind and then all of a sudden they become extremely successful you can tackle these things and get out of your own way so that you actually have a shot of seeing huge success on Etsy number one consistency and I don't just mean putting up five listings every day I'm talking about with a much longer time Horizon so yes you need to be consistent on a daily basis but also on a weekly basis a monthly basis a yearly basis if you go into this with a short time Horizon of okay I need to see results in the next two months or I'm out you probably shouldn't even try so you really need to look at this with the long game in mind and you have to tell yourself I'm willing to be consistent at this for like at least a year and this is if you really want to make a lot of money so if you're not trying to make a lot of money forget everything I'm about to say you probably don't even watch the video honestly so this means making consistent sacrifices to outwork the competition to do you know one more rep when everyone else is going to bed this means consistency to keep pushing keep learning keep improving and keep acquiring all these new skill sets SEO better photos listing optimization for mobile and desktop how to drive traffic organically how to appropriately run ads if ever you have to consistently push yourself to learn how to Target profitable customers how to build a well-rounded product mix the second reason I see people on Etsy fail is because they give themselves every excuse in the world to not be successful instead of focusing on what's going to work for them they're focused instead on what's not going to work for them they're the ones who say it's too saturated there's not enough room for me I'm not good enough they say this is not a good time I only have an hour per day I'm going going on vacation next month I have small kids oftentimes I find it's a Time excuse and also a skill excuse I'm not good at this what if people don't like my stuff and usually it comes down to being a fear of failure I think instead of trying and failing it's almost like they'd rather not try at all instead of having that mentality I would look at your life and say if I am in the exact same position that I'm in right now five years from now am I okay with that am I happy with that do you need to change something do you need to push yourself outside of your comfort zone do you need to kind of suppress that fear of failure and just to jump all in give it a shot because where will you have more regrets if you tried a business and it failed or would you have more regrets if five years from now you are still in your dead end job maybe you're making five to ten percent more but you hate your boss it's the same day-to-day monotony look back and you realize if I had started that business five years ago I wonder if I would still have to be in this job that I hate or I wonder if I had done that could I be self-employed right now that that's where their regret is the regrets usually not in the things that you try regret usually comes from things that you don't try the third thing that will make you a lot less successful on Etsy is if you over analyze everything and over analyzing just doesn't slow you down but it's also going to kill your conversion and I'm going to share with you why that is you're going to spend so much time getting a listing up you're spending so much time planning instead of taking action all these things are in your mind but they're not out there for people to purchase ultimately you end up growing a lot slower if you over analyze everything before you put it out there to purchase the reason over analyzing things hurts your conversion is because you over complicate things usually within your listings when you over analyze a listing or a product it oftentimes tends to over complicate it for the customer and when you over complicate a listing or a product No One's Gonna buy it it's going to kill your conversion so over analyzing things tends to over complicate things and that kills your conversion one variation Max two variations right two options in each one maybe three I recommend not going out guns blazing with the most complicated options every single color option every single font option every single potential combination that you can imagine start simple get proof of concept with a simple listing that is easy for people to purchase to see if they even like the concept of the product of the idea and then you can always add complexity and options to a listing but if you start with way too much complexity way too many options then you're not ever going to even see traction there's way too much friction for people to be able to purchase we want to make your listings an easy purchase decision for people so they come to the listing they buy it the first time they see it the fourth thing that's going to slow you down is being a perfectionist this means that every little detail has to be up to your standards before you put a listing up or before you test a product the thing is your standards are oftentimes completely different than a customer standards I find that a lot of students that I work with come into the program with maybe an existing product mix right sometimes they have been very kind of perfectionistic about all the different components of that product they've been in the business so long right they're really in the business to where they don't even see opportunities for them to maybe lower their overhead by eliminating features that don't even matter to the customer right certain features matter to the founder the designer the Creator more than they matter to the customer I had an example of this where my husband we used to make these wood cut out items and he would router the back of it well we realized customers didn't even realize they were paying for that feature because they didn't see that in the listing photos so we are giving them a feature that they didn't even really care about they didn't think they were paying for but we're adding you know 20 more time to creating that product to give them something that they don't even want so that is just an example of one way that perfectionism can really eat into your margin it can eat into your speed and efficiency and it can really slow you down so instead of being a perfectionist and holding your product only to your standards frame it in the idea of the customer standards what is the customer expecting the next mistake that I see that that's really going to limit your success is not getting enough customer data and doing everything the same for way too long so this is when I come to a shop and they're using all the same mock-ups right 30 listings and the pictures all look pretty identical they're not doing any split testing any a b testing on anything it's a huge missed opportunity to see what would convert customers better so if you are in the early stages of your business and you are doing everything the same way for a long period of time you're going to miss huge opportunities leave a ton of money on the table a lack of testing is really what I see slow people's success the next thing that will really hurt your success on Etsy and I'm going to show you how to combat it it is having bad designs you might think I'm not a designer I have no graphic design experience most of my students have zero experience in any of this but we all know that the way to get better is through a volume of experience and trial and error and constantly trying to make better and better designs right in order for your designs to start looking better you have to start making a ton of them the problem is when you start publishing your designs right out the gate and you might think okay I'm just trying to get five listings up a day who cares if they're bad I know they're going to be bad they'll get better publishing your bad ones early they're going to be sitting around dead for much longer and it's actually going to hurt the good ones that you published later on so I recommend getting that volume of experience with designing but not publishing all those bad listings you're honestly going to be so much better if you put your best foot forward first which means not putting up the very first thing that you ever made in canva because it's going to slow you down and it's actually going to hurt your decent listings when you finally start making decent ones the next thing that I see really really hurt people's success is when they finally get a sale they start getting more views or favorites and then they don't immediately take those Lessons Learned and apply them to the rest of their shop this is when you know you have a brand new shop you start to get some favorites okay you finally get a sale and you think oh this is great okay this is my best seller well why is it your best seller you need to dig in and identify why it's working and do more of that with your other listings when people start to get some traction whether it's views or favorites or a sale you really need to start applying those Lessons Learned to the rest of your listings and your future listings don't just let the other listings sit stagnant the eighth thing that I see as a huge detriment to success on Etsy is only selling things that you like it's a huge problem if you are not a profitable customer yourself you know a lot of people who start on Etsy they're doing it because they really want to make money they need to make money they're in a maybe bad financial situation if you feel like you are not the type of customer you want to sell to then do not be making stuff that only you like who are those ideal profitable customers maybe the people who are in a great financial situation the situation I aspire to be in someday who are those people Target them do not sell to people like yourself you're going to grow just so much faster if you're selling to more premium higher discretionary income type of customers the ninth thing that I see really kills success on Etsy is the people who say I want to make passive income and that is my goal and they come in with that goal and they come in with that expectation not willing to take a ton of action up front and the thing is getting to passive income everyone's talking about this on YouTube right passive income passive income laptop lifestyle in order to even get to that point you have to put in months usually years of hard hard action that most people aren't willing to take the idea of passive income and what it takes is oftentimes misleading and I'm all about setting super clear expectations we're very practical and level-headed here and I will tell you to get truly passive income it takes a ton of action on the front end because passive income never ever starts passively the last thing that is really going to kill your success on Etsy is when you come into building an Etsy business with a bazillion stipulations on what you're willing and not willing to do and I see it usually when people tell me what they're willing to sell and what they're not willing to sell so when I talk to someone I want to know what they want this to look like in their life from a practical standpoint and a lot of times I'll hear I'm not willing to store any inventory I'm not willing to ship anything I'm not willing to put up a thousand listings I'm not willing to work on this in the evenings I don't want it to take up too much time I don't want to have to learn Photoshop I only want to do AI things I only want to do this if it's going to be fully automated and I don't have to touch it oh my gosh you guys I've heard that I'm not willing to sell to a different type of customer but I do want to make at least ten thousand dollars per month okay and then I ask so what are you willing to do you really cannot have your cake and eat it too building a business to be at ten thousand dollars a month or more on Etsy it's not gonna be the perfect cookie cutter picture there's gonna be different challenges different sacrifices but that's what it takes to build a high income consistently if you're not willing to make any sacrifices then entrepreneurship probably is not the right thing for you because if you're not willing to kind of adopt the traits to be a successful entrepreneur it's probably not worth your time if you want to be a successful entrepreneur if you want it badly enough if you decide right now I don't want my life to look five years from now what it looks like today then you've got to be willing to make the sacrifices to get there these 10 Things I I've noticed are big big signs that someone might not be successful on Etsy so if you kind of look within and you think oh no I have like six out of 10 here just reframe that's all it takes a reframe and step one is being self-aware so mission accomplished there but reframe where you're at I've given you some ways to combat these things and if you are looking for a mentor in this space I am currently taking on new students in my coaching program and if you want to reach out just use the link below in the description and we can chat more if you like this video please subscribe to the channel otherwise I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Dylan Jahraus
Views: 11,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to sell on etsy, selling on etsy, etsy shop, etsy store, make money on etsy, make money online, etsy, etsy shop for beginners, sell on etsy, how to start an etsy shop, etsy business, work from home jobs, online business, how to make money online, kate hayes, how to start an online business, etsy print on demand, etsy digital products, what to sell on etsy, how to sell on etsy for beginners, etsy seo, etsy seo optimization, etsy seo hacks, etsy seo tool, etsy 2023
Id: 6iTF8BbpmSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2023
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