10 Strange 'As Seen On TV' Products!

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NEW CHANNEL Team Edge but just gaming challenges SUBSCRIBE NOW link in the description below M: Who needs instructions for this, right? M: Not complicated. Oh wait Both: *laughing* M: It's like who's gonna go for a walk out in public with these things? *Intro music* M: What's goin on guys? Welcome to a brand new series! M: Hearts, am I right? M: Welcome to 10 Strange Things as Seen on TV! M: We're lookin at those as seen on TV items M: Bryan has gone through and picked out 10 of the strangest ones M: And we're going to find out whether we should ACCEPT IT or REJECT IT! M: Thanks to you guys for coming up with that little slogan M: I dig it! Accept it or reject it. M: If it's good or if it's bad, we're gonna let you know! M: But before we begin M: Make sure you click that bell icon next to the channel name M: On desktop and on mobile M: Because I do like little livestreams before hand M: And then I comment back for the next 30 minutes M: After the video goes live M: So you might want to click that so you don't miss that M: Click that so you don't miss that M: Oooh I like that M: Also by the way we started a new Team Edge channel M: *high pitched voice* YES O MY GOSH HE STARTED A NEW CHANNEL M: *high pitched voice* HE'S DOING IT JUST FOR MONEY!! M: Actually if I WAS doing it just for money M: I'd put it all on the same channel with the most subs M: *makes fart noise* DUH M: For all those of you that get shook down in the comments M: About me starting new channels all the time 2017 may be a hard year for you M: *laughs* M: You better buckle up, baby, because it's just BEGINNING! *laughs* M: For all of those that support me and like more quality content M..... give this video a thumbs up, I don't know *Music* M: Windshield Wonder- Fast and easy windshield cleaner! M: OK, so basically what this is is an extension arm M: To allow you to clean your windshield M: Have you ever tried to clean your windshield? M: It's actually a really difficult thing M: The inside of your windshield M: When you have a weak core, it's essentially like M: Doing like a floating plank M: You gotta be like "uhh, uhhh" M: Then you gotta like move your arm back and forth B: *laughs* M: ITS TOUGH STUFF! windshields fast and easy with the windshield wonder dirty Lashio can be irritating and downright dangerous and cleaning sit inside of your windshield the pain because you must strain and stretch not anymore why don't you just pay a little bit more as someone else do it is this any way to clean the windshield well it used to be the only way but now there's exciting new windshield while exciting combines the microfiber cleaning cloth with a long handle infinity pivoting head road but i got i got a pivoting head I didn't know I could use them if you know if i was single and I had a tender profile I'd be like features pivoting head no my head I wasn't being a part i'll come on dude perfect for moisture and compensation removal I wasn't being a perv I'm gonna reject it rejected by the way if you guys are here because you click that notification Bell your part of that notification squad give this video a like just just to prove it just to just feel like Alice here click it to film Oh shook me immediately I didn't know what that was I didn't realize it was an ear out with some other part of the human anatomy and I was like boom enjoying movie or show without missing a word have conversations are friends in a crowded restaurant without struggling to hear so when you lose your hearing part of the thing that goes away is not necessarily your ability to hear if your ability to distinguish sound so when you just amplify it that doesn't really help it all that much list without for an amazing offer that can change the little of what I gotta stop it he just doesn't listen up for an amazing offer who has market the hard-of-hearing feel like what is that a joke frustrated with your hearing what do you say well they're better now be producing fully rechargeable and that's a 30x ok evolutionary don't fly great name the revolutionary device no one's ever made a hearing aid ever bar what technology that could barely be seen independent no I did pretty well up to 30 times oh my gosh what you can see that way well maybe it's because of how cheap it is definitely was a good because I bet my name is way more expensive but that legit you cannot see acoustic design is this Greek it form fit in around here the rear I forget I'm even wearing it and I'm not making fun of this guy okay you can tell they're like right before this like shoes it's not even his fault is that it's a bad director the band director like okay so right right when I say action be exist huh i can tell that i'm wearing it so he did exactly that watch form fit in and around either rear I forget I'm even wearing it and am going to say I was once totally forced like that director sorry guys add to cart so this product is incredibly dangerous for someone that has good hearing I thought it might be super hearing I don't think so too i don't know if i'm going to turn it on in my ear because this could seriously damage my here no there's a volume knob miss you don't do it all the other 30 times amplified up to you your to lab right now and you're not even in my ear ok bro talk oh wow that's so loud that level one it's so tempting though it's super tiny top what are you will go far go for how's like that's probably hear that right now I i was actually really curious like I'm not making fun of like people that have hard of hearing and stuff like that like I want that to be now because that sucks that absolutely sucks and i absolutely without a doubt will suffer from hearing later in life i know it for a fact because i already have hearing issues like level ones like legit helping right now yeah it's not just reaching out but for thirty bucks like it's hard to knock this product right I accept it honestly I except this one chillo keep your head cool and dry a cello sounds like I'm gonna like cry like a little pet in the mail you know like a chin chilla she satisfied he's like who farted always me jello of the amazing new pillow tax but transform your pillow into a pillow feels like an offensive board doesn't she was a yo what up chiloe chile cooling pad continuously circulates water to absorb and release body heat once activated the chiller cooling pad will stay cooler than your body temperature set up with flipping your pillow with all about so hard makes you feel like you're on fire introducing pillow am I just women will pack that transforms your pillow into it you ll look healthy body oh my gosh just his head is sweating down to his neck dude maybe you need something more than a chill to fix this why are you putting a hot coals in your pillow maybe that's your problem hot coals stupid as being on TV hot cold hello keep your head Cohen I was like who created you to stop technology i'm not gonna come in your room what was there no you know for those times when you're like sleeping out in the middle of the desert during the day this is the perfect product for you how did they even film this would get her on a green screen and courageously we're gonna put you in a desert it's gonna look epic great m night shyamalan type stuff here dude when I suffer from migraine i usually use a nice second week and create Matt but will kill us and it felt much better i suspect we won't have that problem with ice packs i used i saw last year's i had had an injury and in my my leg and like not one was alright are not playing at all over me just arrived in the towel and put it on it makes me feel bad there's no way you do anything the same thing as an icepack no way I don't think it's worth it i'm gonna reject it sorry guys a fantastic and it's giving me the willies fast flavorful and fluffy eggs every time right in your microwave but if you put something besides eggs in it to still make eggs that be surprising ok so you crack them your microwave it and enjoy no extra dishes no more messy fry pans or spatula smoke added fat who's all there would be that as high park you'll hear a fantastic you're going to love the way this little pot of gold makes the stop stop dude there's no way you put the egg in there and it makes it scrambled stop come on right let's you scrambled eggs when I was supposed to travel these messy bowl kickoff who's using all of those things for scrambling eggs do you can fry an egg with literally nothing on a hot day in pavement I'm sure nasty baby wow it only wanted fluffy scrambled eggs cooked supper come on enjoy lighten up the egg now what a wife bro and white with broccoli these people pervert easy to make and tastes great the ceramic little those shots it's the director that's what making fun of still person but special that led to escape well be unique ceramic dome circulates heat for it to the add to cart do it let's go do let's test this out let's see if this is legit egg tastic no messy frypan's cooks in under a minute toast eggs scrambled eggs let's see what the instructions are like oh don't make sure you don't cooking instructions ok so this is a ceramic bowl right here and this goes directly over it so basically they got a ceramic hot here for the wholeness and that's it that's all they do their little rubber thing right there at the expense we got a little cooking guide 1 egg 15 seconds under minutes 59 seconds for aches the end this thing ok I feel like this is gonna be one of those items were like you know the ad is super silly and like we make fun of it boat we're going to try out i'm gonna be like oh yeah that's actually nice bro all right we're gonna look at these instructions and let's go and make an egg actually let's look at you without looking at the inside entrance got some nice grade a large was on fancy little your hands roam be able to do it with one hand looking to grow with it again three eggs do it oh fuck ok all expressing i think was a minute for 18 now with a minute and then you keep adding time Oh throw think that's just so yo that's cheap eggs to look at that Oh doesn't look exactly like it looked on there's there's made it look like it was no this isn't fully cooked because i'm using around but for the time being this is we're going to look at that's what it's like I mean wasn't looking that not bad right I mean you know then who cares how it looks right if it cook it thoroughly which i didn't put in long enough so it would cook it thoroughly and it made it it is somewhat fluffy right i say that I success in dude doesn't accept man simply come to her was simply come to is the unique government that flattens your abdomen means your waist lift and shapes your butt giving you all the right curves and all the right places that 13 * what in the world is this star ryan when you're picking out i'm confused is that a pad or that there but I don't know Brian this is rated pg-13 material right here alright how's the busting making full waistline so what here's what's happening dude is it's like pushing everything up and then releasing like the the only area there's no pressure so it just pops out through it like the same thing you got a balloon and squish it all down two instead of one area is going to all pop out of that area she looks super chill about it dude she's like look at that but shows a little perturbed she's like why you looking at me right now okay folks are you taking over your this I feel like this is fake improving yourself you know I mean it's like trying to push yourself to be something that you're not know that uncomfortable shapewear well ladies now you can be comfortable ok really different living this is so much study it seems so messed up ok so they use these women right here and then they also know once you put it on your like this trust me dude you lose a hundred pounds like that when you put this product on stop content and be sexy teens are you seeing this just like those magazines that like photos take like an attractive woman and then like photoshop them to be more attractive and you're like what's wrong with them to begin with I'm raising a little girl right now and all this stuff messing with her head you know I got to use this thing to be pretty girl pretty as is the case here have you ever seen like those girls like expectations and reality you're gonna get this thing right you see that right there you're going to this thing you're going to put it on and then it literally going to be like you just have like the to round things that like aren't your butt looks like expectation is that you have the perfect shade and the reality is that you're gonna look like two giant for a secret until you see it like that like weirdness of the curve like to a guarantee you should be way better without that I'm to structure i gotta move on to sugar I don't want to walk anymore of this nastiness dude objectives rejected if you want to see more you know I just talking about my little girl you want to see more of her follow me on twitter because I tweet out a picture of her and she's the cutest little baby as is a no we're going to change her wax back is the next product you know know it sucks of ear wax out of your ears who has that much earwax in their ear that they can suction it out your little tip a little pro-life tip don't put anything in your ear sharper than your elbow that's how you lose hearing even few tips if you look specifically on the boxes like don't use inside your ear what yeah because you're not supposed to be poking your eardrum and stuff like that let's try to put a drill into his head and they got a kid you want to do like most of my supposed to put a smile on my face for this simply attach to wax vac so silicon chip and insert in ear as he auntie gently draws dirt particles and moisture out of the ear we all know we shouldn't use cotton swabs to clean or dry our ears they even warned us but we have to even orders do not insert swab into ear to now do it anywhere stop this wow how dare you you you pillow even warned us but we do it anywhere stop there's a better way into the exact back the safe and effective way to clean and dry your ears what by the smile news why the random smile homeland cotton swabs which pushed dirt and harmful wax further into your ear and can puncture your eardrums out likes actually draws dirt particles and moisture out of your own about that bro you can do that when you're done a great idea wax that just makes says what i'd like to get like family members like they're not like actually finding actors or something like that get family members you know people that don't charge anything wax back is the right product for you and stop using cotton swabs that can damage your ears out wax back again bro you already learned your lesson I don't know dude i clicked buy it we gotta various amount of Kip's here for all the different your sizes and tickle tickle tickle just do it fucking anything no just didn't do anything it sucks anything no i didn't start anything that's a rejected rejected queen and pro-o-o-ve you didn't just make a gym what is grief this woman things that we we need rest stops who was about an egg we take wee-wee-wee-wee total body workout experience that is gentle on your joints burn calories low impact includes nylon travel bag workout DVD to workout guys I feel like maybe you have seen on TV is the same things like court they like fund other people's ideas like that maybe what these guys do in the midst advertisement see which one cells and then drop the ones that don't sell burn more calories and tone your body without heavy weights or bungee cords absolutely can tell a parent it's pretty amazing i love it unlike still trying to get more difficult the further their poles we James constant sold point is it's more difficult as you pull so you know you're getting stronger if you can pull farther with smooth controlled range of motion it easy on your joints how place up what happened what this is no start did it just end I requested professor enough with the dude was looking good because if it just ended right there it ended as someone injured themselves using it going how we saw oshi said wow I don't you like my daughter and the director way home and that's good stuff do that's good stuff $80 holy mackerel I'm going to reject it magnetic posture corrector what in the name i just talked about putting things on your abdomen and how it's painful and what abdomen can be discreetly worn under clothing stress adjustable for comfort all things looks like a natural position dude that does not look like a natural position the magnetic posture corrector help support comfort and relieve aches and pains and magnetic posture corrector as seen on tv features 12 magnet magnetic energy points that help provide therapeutic release helps improve what i don't understand what this does is just magnificent use for posture straining your neck and back does sitting all day cause pain that won't go away introducing royal posture the amazing back support that perfectly align your spine to actually same just with the straps over your shoulders and secure the closure your posture will gel combined you'll see feels like she's purposely doing that Oh sitting slumped all day can create a crooked thing I know that its shoulders and tell me roles but royal party city rolls sitting down all day can create a ten-year-old but there's no amount of posture corrector that's going to fix your tongue year old that's called exercising but let's test it out let's see if it does get rid of them tell me rolls boom dude magnetic posture correction not once did they say in the video why magnets so i'm not going to be 4i try I'm one of those guys right now that's like reviewing it before they actually try it is that three stars also i haven't used this this looks like a a man's ear or bro bro all the signs all fans out there doing your posture is amazing nominal right now do I mean it makes me want to eat list because it's like holy places in my stomach maybe that's how it gets rid of the ten-year-old almost too tight i still have flowers pretty comfortable it this type and it's not doing anything I'm not doing anything right over the magnets hold them oh my activism you activated the magnets rejected I'm rejecting it before we look at the next strange product i just want to remind you guys that are new here to subscribe because we make videos just like this every Tuesday Thursday and Saturday click that subscribe button right down below on to the next product this next product is called forever company cushion traffic on seat cushion gonna be so upset if they don't have a theme song for this video and now it's just a black-and-white thing when they like just have like they're just all spasm the black-and-white seen it used to be like mr. rabbit confit questions what is this forever comfy cushion is a new foam and gel combination that cushion that provides a layer of support and is getting pleased that posture he needs a magnetic posture corrector look at poor posture although doesn't matter he's happy sitting in the period of time not only makes your lower back ache it can leave you with us or below to enter our babies really be uncomfortable let's credit hours man computer can add up to an even more stress rather baby but now there's wherever comfy the revolutionary foam and gel combination cushion that was a subtle layer of the footwork supple no matter how long you're sitting unlike true i love you spreadsheet program this year the fastest before in that dude whatever your director thinking alright when you sit down on this get super excited so excited that you're always excited to be at work at BK two layers of high-density foam and an inner layer of therapeutic come for you to distribute your weight in to eliminate uncomfortable pressure so stop dude trust me bc didn't sink to his mouth and you have my back feels good and my bottom feels good it's off the bottom feels good do who bought them filled hi me that's what carryover every more rubbing i can haha i'm gonna reject it I'm gonna reject this program they're comfy cushion lots of leg is this the wing waste supercharge your wok wok swing in tone three-pound pair old body fitness but come on you love it like you want a full body fitness with it that's like cross-training here we go swing weight baby supercharge your walk she does not look like she's going that fast yeah right swing weight users non-users calories burning where's the what like what is this there's no sidebar here there's no x axis is no reference so this could be 41 calories and it's gonna be 42 oh no way swing we use you convinced me did you get fuzzy family members that are part of it was that dude was she watching someone do you think wake up on TV this is like a finish to this woman right now do watch her reaction ok i just want to whistle just like yeah who's the swing way yes I gotta see this for myself you know I'm gonna add the car i got tested out even l3 found pair so there are a pound and a half each who's cardio fitness burn more calories in less time the guys and gals it's unisex so unlike that TV remote in that last text video that everyone wants us to buy we made by putting the future episodes everyone by how come you didn't buy it this is unisex because last one that was just for men who needs instruction to that's right not complicated away complicated they're gonna play out of this I just don't understand this I don't get this dude literally don't get it and obviously someone else didn't get it either because they're all scuffed up like to go for a walk out in public with these things this is a rejected for sure bro got to make sure you put this video right there it is 10 strange things that we found at toys r us and look at that thumbnail right there is some goo & boos coming out of it the guzzi some weird stop go click that video right now enjoy it while it lasts high five
Channel: DOPE or NOPE
Views: 3,141,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: as seen on tv, weird as seen on tv, as seen on tv products, testing tv products, strange toys for kids, weird toys, gag gifts, weird gifts, gross products, weird stuff online, weird things you can buy, weird products, weird products tested, testing weird products, matthias, matthiasiam, funny fails
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 0sec (1500 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 28 2017
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