10-Second Trick to Unlock Your Brain's Secret Mode

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so did you know you only use 10 of your brain well sorry that's not true people use almost 100 of it almost all the time so what's holding you back why can't we learn languages faster multiply big numbers in our head or understand quantum physics maybe because of all of the limitations we humans put on ourselves have you ever said yourself i'm not smart enough to solve that math problem or i'm not good enough to get into that college as soon as you say those kinds of things you're programming yourself to fail every single one of us is capable of doing anything we set our mind to in 1954 roger bannister was the first person ever to run a mile in less than four minutes for centuries before that everyone thought it was impossible people said your heart would explode if you ran that fast but banister did it barely in three minutes and 59 seconds just two months later another athlete did it too one and a half seconds faster the latest record stands at three minutes 43 seconds 17 seconds faster than we ever imagined was possible a lot of your limitations are in your head you don't really know what you're capable of your brain is like a super computer it does what you tell it to do don't forget to give it inspiring commands that's what athletes ceos and brain surgeons do every day have you ever been so interested in something that you lost track of time didn't check your cell didn't feel the need to eat sleep breathe hours passed but you didn't notice you were just so into what you were doing it happens to me when i'm practicing music it's not a very common state but it probably happened to you at least once in your life let's get real it feels perfect imagine if you could live in this state most of the time with breaks to eat and sleep of course humans still need to meet their basic survival needs but imagine if you could be in this state every time you study work do your favorite hobby you'd be the world's most productive person you could probably graduate high school at 14 and become a ceo before your 20th birthday you could have already written a handful of novels by now it's not science fiction your mind really does have the power to be extremely productive and creative and it turns out you can actually turn this skill on in your brain all by yourself the psychologist who discovered it was a curious guy why do some people like artists keep creating masterpieces even if it doesn't bring them money or fame their art still makes them feel happy and they don't want to find another more profitable profession the psychologist wanted to interview these people finally a composer told them that when he writes music he falls into a mental state where he doesn't want anything else in the world just doing his thing gives him so much fulfillment that he doesn't need any reward money applause you name it other people describe the same exact phenomenon the psychologist called it flow here's what it feels like you're completely immersed in what you're doing you're so focused on it you don't get distracted by anything you're one hundred percent excited by what you're doing the reason behind it is actually pretty simple the human brain can only perceive 110 bits of information per second for example listening to a person talking takes up about 60 bits that's why it's almost impossible to listen to two people talking about two totally different things at the exact time but what you can do is listen to someone and do something easy like listen to music check your cell phone answer text play with your hair or even just think about the weather when you reach flow the activity you're doing takes up all 110 bits of attention so you have nothing left over to spend on any other activities the world around you just seems to disappear you don't even pay attention to your basic needs like eating or sleeping above all you feel confident no doubts at all you can do it whatever it is you know you can plus the more you do it the more inspiration you get you lose track of time hours go by but you don't even notice and you definitely don't feel tired when you're reading a book the words come alive when you're playing music it's like you can hear your instrument talking to you when you're running it's as if the whole world around you is in surround sound hd well that does sound great but how do you activate it it all depends on two things the first one is how much of a challenge you feel the other ones your skill set depending on the level of each factor you're going to exist in a different state let's say you're doing some second grade math homework okay you're not einstein but you have some math skills the homework is too easy and isn't a challenge at all so you get bored now imagine you just got a new job you have some skills but your boss gives you an impossible task on your first day this time the challenge is too big so you start to feel anxious flow is somewhere in between it's a world where you have a lot of skills but also a lot of challenges the work's hard but you have confidence in your skills here are the steps you should take to get into your very own flow state pick the right time think about the time when you're usually most productive maybe early morning middle of the day maybe way past midnight it's different for everyone are you exhausted sad stressed angry or hungry if you are it's not going to work make sure you're loaded with energy and feeling good if you're not you'll just keep getting distracted put your phone away turn off the tv and close the door if you can get distracted glancing at a cute kitty pic your friend sent you it can take you about 25 minutes to completely forget about it and concentrate back on your task mute your phone and clean your desk so you don't get the urge to do it later grab all the stuff you're going to need so you don't have to get up and disrupt your flow now pick out what you're actually gonna do remember to get into the flow you should be doing something that you're very skilled at something that gives you a challenge but sorry people you can't achieve flow in every activity it's got to be something you're already really really good at scientists now think we need ten thousand hours of practice to become truly amazing at something that's three hours a day every day for just over nine years pick something challenging something that gives you the chance to grow if you pick something way too easy you'll get bored right away but don't overdo it if the task is too hard for you you won't reach that sweet flow come up with a specific task this helps you focus your mind and stops you from spacing out it can be writing a story finishing a painting coming up with a business plan whatever just make sure you know what the goal is when you're ready you can start working but it's not going to happen right away it's like a sport you need to warm up a bit first it usually takes about 15 minutes of solid focus to get into a flow state and don't be sad if it doesn't happen the first time just keep trying it as often as possible it's the most productive thing you'll ever be and maybe even the most happy it's very possible that we humans came up with our best ideas while being in full flow mode that's when composers dreamt up their best music writers wrote their best novels and sportswomen set world records
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Keywords: psychological tips and tricks, how to not get distracted, how your brain works, flow state activation, flow state of mind, secret of productivity, success, feeling anxious, bright side, feeling tired, increase your focus, secrets of the human brain, flow state psychology, how to be productive at work, psychological tips for success, be productive, how to become successful, motivation, flow state meditation, brightside, how to be productive everyday, inspiration
Id: eHk6ie6G-oo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 16sec (496 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 07 2020
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