4 Exercises to Test How Fast Your Brain Is

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Four exercises to test how fast your brain is Regular exercise helps you stay in good shape and push back the appearance of changes associated with old age This fact applies to all the organs in your body including your brain. That's why today, we're going to tell you about four simple exercises that can help preserve your memory, also, you have a unique chance to check how fast your brain is let's begin exercise number one: multi-coloured text. We're going to show you words written in different colors Proceed to say aloud the name of the color in which each of the words on the list is written Ready? Go! I guess it isn't that easy to do than it might seem Now, let's name each color again in Reverse order. Ready? Go! Did you manage to do it? Expect they're going to be difficult at first Since the sections responsible for tex perception and color perception are located in different hemispheres of the brain Why is this exercise beneficial to your brain? It helps to prevent alzheimer's disease by establishing new connections between the hemispheres and improves concentration and attention switching abilities. exercise 2: Schulte table Here's a simple table focus on the number 19 in the center of the square Your goal is to find the number 1 and then all the remaining numbers in ascending order fixing your gaze on each in turn Let's give it a try. I'll give you 30 seconds for a start How ya doing there? Did you manage to find the remaining numbers keep going on! only ten seconds left Well done This exercise increases the reception and processing of information speed and develops peripheral vision Later on you can draw your own table. Don't forget to arrange the numbers in the cells randomly Alternatively you can search for schulte tables on the internet exercise number three: finger gestures Arrange the fingers of the right hand so as to make the peace sign while, simultaneously, making the okay sign with your left hand Got it? Then change the arrangement of the fingers so that your left hand shows peace and your right hand shows okay. You should repeat this exercise several times. Let's do it five times for a start one two three four five Was it easy for you then perform the exercise with both hands at once Here are your ten seconds to try Ready? Go? It wasn't that easy, right? Yes, this exercise is a tricky one however However, it is beneficial as it trains attention and develops the ability to switch from one task to another quickly. exercise number four: By manual synchronous writing for this exercise You'll need two sheets of paper and a pair of easy-to-use writing utensils when everything is ready Start drawing different geometric shapes with both hands at once You can also write letters or words Provided the number of characters is the same for either hand. Let's give it a try right now 10 seconds are all yours Synchronous writing teaches your brain to handle multiple tasks simultaneously thus stimulating the activity of both hemispheres finally here is some additional advice A well-known Neuroscientist Lawrence Katz has developed a system of exercises to keep your brain Maintaining its functions into a ripe old age, here are four tips from his books One: try to perform mundane everyday rituals such as brushing your teeth or combing your hair using your non-dominant hand 2: while taking a shower or performing other routine activities do everything with your eyes closed 3: Frequently change the routes you use for commuting to work, going to shops or reaching other regular destinations Or while watching a movie try turning off the sound and relying on the actor's gestures and movements to guess what they are talking about We hope this video was helpful for you, and you're going to start performing these simple exercises on a regular basis They can help you retain a sound mind and clear your memory well Share this video with others, hit the like button below and click subscribe to stay on the bright side of life! Subscribe To Bright Side!
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Keywords: riddles, brainteasers, puzzles, check your brain, brain exercises, memory exercises, brain work, brain test, memory test, Alzheimer's, boost your attention, boost your brainpower, poor memory, good memory, how to improve memory, keep your mind sharp, exercises for memory
Id: FiDFjSQ8Vqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 44sec (404 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2017
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