10 Sea Monsters Attacking A Boat

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hi everybody it's katrina from passengers who claimed they were attacked by mysterious creatures to historical ships sunk by whales here are 10 times sea monsters attacked a boat number 10. giant squid mostly creatures of legend giant squids are mentioned in many old mariners tales of dangers at sea but they are rarely seen and live deep in the depths of the ocean however in 2003 it seemed that a team of french sailors had come face to face with the legendary kraken itself they were participating in the jules verne trophy a sailing race around the world several hours into their journey on that day off the coast of the portuguese island of madeira they discovered that a giant squid had clamped onto their hull uncertain at first what was interfering with their steering one of the sailors spotted a tentacle through a porthole he described it as thicker than his leg and pulling incredibly hard they then found that another two tentacles were blocking the rudder which would explain why they had difficulty navigating giant squid can grow to up to 60 feet long and weigh up to one ton this one was estimated to be about 26 feet long without anything on board to help fend it off they had no choice but to stop the boat and luckily for them it released its grip number 9. jellyfish nomura's jellyfish is a gigantic jellyfish that is big enough to cause some serious damage they can grow up to six feet in diameter and weigh around 400 pounds and even though this isn't the biggest jellyfish in the world that title belongs to the lion's mane jellyfish nomura's jellyfish caused a lot of issues for one japanese fishing vessel in 2009. the boat weighed 10 tons but it was no match for the large catch of nomura jellyfish that they had in their nets and were attempting to bring aboard the three-man crew was sailing around chiba japan when they encountered a slew of the jellyfish in their vicinity the sheer weight of them put together tore apart their net and capsized the boat entirely the crew was tossed into the ocean as the creatures caused the 10-ton fishing trawler to sink thankfully however there was another ship nearby which was able to come and rescue them fishermen are keeping an eye out for this big jellyfish because their numbers are rapidly increasing number 8. crocodile everybody knows that crocodiles are pretty dangerous creatures about 1 000 people die due to crocodile attacks per year many more than sharks and there have even been reports of some crocodiles jumping up into boats looking for a snack but one of the worst instances of a crocodile attack happened in leaders creek located in australia two elderly friends were cruising the river searching for crabs when they encountered a giant crocodile that was looking for trouble the men were trying to bring their crab pots on board when the crocodile struck their little boat about 10 and a half feet long causing it to capsize seventy-five-year-old noel ramage is believed to have drowned leaving 72-year-old ray mccumber to try to escape he was able to get to the mangroves but more and more of them started coming he then spent the next few hours trying to survive the choppy croc infested waters he was able to use spanners and spark plugs as the animals came towards him thankfully he was able to stay away from them long enough for help to arrive which took him away to safety many people are calling for more education in australia to warn people about using small boats in the northern territory you need to be extremely cautious if you're going to take out a small unstable tinny researchers say that attacks like this are extremely unusual and the men may have panicked causing them to capsize regardless there are now signs warning people that the smaller the boat the riskier the experience no kayaking here and now for number seven but first be sure to subscribe if you haven't already and i want to give a quick shout out to wolfie y and dane evans for supporting this channel thanks guys number 7. stingray even if there have been a few stingray attacks in the past in particular steve irwin died from a stingray you wouldn't expect for one to occur outside of the water but you should always expect the unexpected in 2006 a stingray jumped straight out of the water and into a florida man's boat impaling him through the chest in fact the creature even left its barb inside of him james bertakis was 81 years old when this happened and it's astounding that he survived he was out sailing with his granddaughter and one of her friends who were able to take the boat back to their house on the shore crazily enough bertakis was conscious the whole way through luckily the barb hadn't reached his heart and he was able to stay awake until they got help this is a super freak accident of very bad timing bertakis went through surgery to remove the barb that was hidden inside of his body his lung had collapsed and he had a bad wound but he made it through usually stingrays are friendly creatures they will jump out of the water every so often and it probably got quite the shock too it probably didn't want to attack on purpose number 6. jumping shark in 2020 a family was sailing along the tasmanian coast when a shark jumped out of the water and grabbed their ten-year-old child dragging him into the water thankfully the child is doing okay but it's terrifying to think that this could actually happen we all know that australia is notorious for its extreme wildlife it is home to crocodiles tipping boats kangaroos boxing venomous spider bites and now add sharks jumping and pulling people into the water on that list how did this happen the father of the boy who got dragged into the water says that the two of them were just out on the coast fishing the shark seemed to come as if out of nowhere it just jumped right out of the water grabbed the boy and took him under inflicting some damage along the way thankfully the boy's father decided to jump in the water after his son which scared the shark away or the boy didn't taste so good and it swam off the child was wearing some sort of floaty but he did get some battle marks namely he got cuts on his arm head and chest there have actually been a number of shark attacks over the past few months in australia one fisher died while he was spearfishing another was filming a documentary and got injured there have been over 11 attacks in this year alone hopefully they start to slow down because these guys are getting a little scary number 5. walrus in 2019 a huge walrus actually sunk a ship that belonged to the russian navy you might expect the waters of the arctic to be cool calm waters with little activity and a lot of the time that's true but if you get in a walruses way especially if they are trying to protect their young then you will have to face the consequences these seemingly slow and lazy creatures can grow up to 11 and a half feet long and weigh around one and a half tons walruses are typically gentle giants they communicate with funny snorts and seem to enjoy themselves but if it's time to mate or if they're guarding their young then it's a different story that's what happened when the russian vessel altai got too close they were sailing around cape geller around wilcheck island when they came upon a group of walruses made up of a mother and her small children then trouble struck the walrus supposedly attacked the boat and although the military didn't detail it in their official statement the russian geographical society confirmed that the boat didn't make it thankfully the captain of the ship took swift action and made sure everyone got into the lifeboat safely number 4. bull sharks while people are mostly terrified by the great white bull sharks are actually the ones you should be keeping an eye out for even though they're not quite as big as other more infamous sharks they are way more aggressive and they tend to hang out in places that we also like and they're full of surprises for one thing they can swim in both salt water and fresh water and they've been found as far inland as illinois would you ever expect to see a shark in an illinois river didn't think so given their aggression there are a number of instances where bull sharks have gone after boats one florida man took drone footage of his friend's sea vessel getting repeatedly bearish by this hostile beast the fisherman had initially heard from a friend that there were some cobia to fish in the area so he was excited to go out into the sea but then the bull shark started going nuts on this man's boat the shark went after not only the outer body of the vessel but it even tried to attack the motors all in all this shark struck at the boat a grand total of seven times while this is terrifying behavior it's not uncommon for bull sharks there's even a report of bull sharks jumping up into the hull of passing ships the moral of the story is this don't mess with bull sharks they are straight up looking for a fight number three hippos while not what you traditionally thought of as sea monsters hippos hang out in the water and they are huge they are some of the most aggressive animals in the world and when you consider just how big they can get it's no wonder that sailors are keeping their eyes peeled for an attack they can end up weighing somewhere around 6 000 pounds hippos are incredibly concerned about maintaining their territorial dominance especially when it comes to protecting their young for instance one notorious incident occurred in 2014 in the nigerian city of naomi niger's capital students there often take a boat across the niger river in order to get to school however the boat got dangerously close into a hippos territory and it charged the boat killing 13 people most of them school children fishermen are terrorized by hippos on a daily basis and while they might look chubby and slow in the water they are actually quite fast another hippo in the chobe river in botswana almost spelled bad news for some passing tourists apparently this boat was cramping the hippo's space and it started to charge at the boat with terrifying speed in fact hippos can charge at around 14 miles per hour on land the youtuber who uploaded this video claims that the hippo was far closer to the boat than the video makes clear don't ever make a hippo angry and be sure to give them their space number two orcas orcas or as they're more threateningly referred to killer whales are highly intelligent and powerful predators they seem to also be super interested in what humans are up to but they are very large so people often air and think of orcas as whales but they're definitely not slow behemoths even though they can weigh up to 6 tons and grow up to 32 feet long they really gain some speed and momentum and when you combine size and speed you've got yourself a deadly combo orcas are notorious for going after fisherman's nets and earning themselves an easy meal since they are so clever they have figured out exactly how to get to fishing vessels they know exactly what they're doing they observe that a bunch of fish are congregated in one net and they think to themselves hey doesn't this seem like a good opportunity to stock up they are also smart enough to wait all day until fishing nets are full and then strike off the alaskan coast orcas have been becoming a bigger and bigger problem over the years fishermen and orcas had a peaceful coexistence for a long time but now the yorkas are chasing them down the national post published a story titled gangs of aggressive killer whales are shaking down alaska fishing boats as if they were some sort of version of the italian mob at one point boats tried to use an electronic noisemaker to ward them off but the orcas got used to them and like one fisherman said it became a dinner bell as soon as an orca spots a fishing boat with halibut for example the whole pod will come and harass and follow the boat for miles sperm whales are also starting to harass fishermen and steal fish from their lines and follow them making the time and fuel needed to outrun them not worth the trip number one the essex speaking of sperm whales they have the biggest brains of anything on the planet what's more they are gigantic creatures they can grow almost 60 feet long and the heaviest ones weigh around 45 tons given their size it makes sense that they'd be capable of taking down large ships but no sea monster encounter is more notorious than the time that the whaler ship essex was taken down by a sperm whale in 1820 this incident eventually became the inspiration for moby dick sailing on the essex was not a fun time captain george pauler jr was just 29 years old when the essex went down he told his story soon after he was rescued just two days after departing on its journey which was supposed to last two years it was hit by a storm destroying the sail they couldn't find places to fish the boat was leaking they ran out of food and the crew began to go mad eventually turning to cannibalism the few whales they did manage to hunt would drag them for miles and miles and leave them in the middle of nowhere one day the crew member spotted something in the distance a big sperm whale heading towards them it slammed head first into the ship with such an appalling and tremendous jar as nearly threw us all on our faces then it swam under the boat and began thrashing about causing water to flood into the ship the crew escaped onto their smaller boats and then a legendary fight ensued the essex sunk and the men were basically stranded in the middle of the ocean no one knows why the whale was so eager to fight it took three months for the remaining crew to be saved herman melville was greatly inspired by this story and met the captain who by then was a nobody but melville said that to him it was the most impressive man he had ever encountered thanks for watching have you ever encountered any of these creatures out in the ocean let me know in the comments below and don't forget to subscribe and click that notification bell to stay updated see you next time bye
Channel: Origins Explained
Views: 387,710
Rating: 4.7303267 out of 5
Keywords: sea monsters, sea creatures, attacking a boat, boat attack, ocean monsters, shark attacking a boat, whale attack boat, boat attacked, ocean creatures, deep sea creatures, deep sea monsters, sea monsters attacking a boat, shark attack, whale attack, squid attack, strange creatures, strange ocean creatures, aggressive creatures, aggressive ocean creatures, hippo charge, creatures on google earth, mysterious deep sea creatures, deep sea creature, top 10, origins explained
Id: mBzSDyus5Eg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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