10 Scary Things Discovered In Sewers!

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perhaps best known for being where all the turds go to die sewers aren't exactly anybody's favorite place to be they're dark they're cold they're wet did we mention all the poop but sometimes lingering in the damp and dark of the sewers are things far worse than piles upon piles of excrement these are scary things found in sewers before we begin make sure to hit the like button subscribe to our Channel and click the notification bell for more amazing videos every day with that being said let's begin number 10 a graveyard yes not just one dead body as horrific as it is to think of bodies are often found in sewers so much so that while it would be horrific and deeply upsetting to stumble upon one yourself it could be argued it's not exactly surprising but the first item on our list is so much worse than merely finding one body in February 2017 an investigator from Ireland found something truly horrifying in a sewer beneath and now abandoned building that had once been a Catholic orphanage there was not just one dead body down there there was not just five or 20 there was an entire graveyards worth hundreds of dead children had been cursed with the least dignified final resting place conceivable the idea of hundreds of children being murdered by the staff of the orphanage and left to rot in the sewers below the building is somehow sickening infuriating and deeply depressing all at once but what makes it so much worse is that when you hear of something of this scale and magnitude unfolding we all sort of justified in our heads by saying well the past was a horrible place but DNA tests on the corpses revealed that these weren't exactly bodies from the 1600s they were from the 1950s that may sound like a long time ago but in the grand scheme of history the 1950s were only yesterday it's twisted insanity to think that something so horrific on such a grand scale was happening so very recently while it is horrifying it does sadly make sense there was something of a crisis in facilities such as this back in the 1950s during the decade government-run homes for unwed mothers and kids were getting seriously overcrowded this coupled with an incredibly high child mortality rate at the time was obviously a recipe for tragedy now it's time for the rare topic frustratingly this photo is way too blurry to get a proper idea of what's going down this peculiar photo was uploaded to the dark web by paranormal investigator Jackson Payne he says that he maintains regular contact with all the people in his town who have access to the secret nooks and crannies of the area one of his contacts as a gentleman called Pierre Fantana a sewer worker according to mr. Fantana he and his colleagues had been hearing strange noises from the depths the sewers for months now Jackson said he pretty much begged Pierre to take a camera down into the sewers with him and try and grab photographic evidence of what might be down there causing the strange noises that they describe as sounding like deep and low grumbling mr. Payne didn't hear from mr. Fantana for months they occasionally crossed paths in their local bar but only ever politely nodded at one another Jackson never felt like he could just randomly ask about the noises and he was waiting for Pierre to bring it up Payne lost hope and decided to focus on some of his other leads in the area but after about nine months Fantana approached him he had this photo to show he told Jackson that him and his team had continued to hear the low rumbling growls for months but had come to just accept that it was nothing but a natural part of the sewers ambience but then on this occasion they heard the loudest growl they had ever heard spinning around to look behind them Fantana saw what he described as an odd humanoid monster he grabbed this snap while trying to run because of his running the image is kind of blurry but interesting nonetheless as always comment down below with the hashtag rare topic and we might pin the comment that best explains what is being shown in this image with that said let's keep things moving number nine fat burn so there's a chance some of you don't know what a fat burg is and let me tell you if the lucky ones but screw you guys we're gonna tell you what a fat burg is anyway a fat burg is a congealed mass in a sewer system formed by a combination of non-biodegradable solid matter such as wet wipes and congealed grease or cooking fat sounds pretty Pleasant right it also sounds like quite an old-world problem which wouldn't really affect us but in reality fat burns became quite a serious problem in back in the 2010s because of aging Victorian sewers and the rise in usage of disposable so-called flushable cloths London may be one of the best cities in the world but it is also one of the oldest and with that comes problems fatbergs format the rough surfaces of sewers where the fluid flow becomes turbulent in pipes and tubes with smooth inner linings fluid near the containing wall flows only slightly slower than fluid in the central lumen of the pipe thus the whole volume of fluid flows smoothly and freely when fluid encounters an obstruction a resulting swirl of water starts trapping debris an obstruction can be any type of rough surface capable of snagging debris in brick or concrete sewers there may be a surplus of cement drips damaged brickwork or loose mortar joints damaged by frost heave in any subsurface pipe even the most advanced design penetration by foreign intrusions such as tree roots is a commonplace cause of fatberg blockage in January of this year again that's 2019 for all you future Watchers the largest ever recorded fatberg was found in predictably england this monstrous thing was 64 metres long that makes it longer than six double-decker buses imagine six double-decker busses worth of grease and fat because that's what this thing is now you may be thinking that's all well and good but arguably this is more disgusting than terrifying well the reality of fatbergs is actually kind of scary according to experts the bacteria not only poses an immediate risk to operatives who work in the sewers but also to the public in the event of a blockage as contents of the sewers could come back up through domestic or commercial pipes causing flooding to homes and businesses we and other water companies are facing a constant battle to keep the nation's sewers free from fatbergs and other blockages Thames waters waste network manager Aleksandr said it may not be a flashy sewer monster that will eat you but it could infect you and that's arguably a worse death definitely a slower one than just being eaten by an alligator and getting this thing cut up and removed so that people in the nearby area would be safe from bacteria to cooperate a hand but while an infection causing bacteria spreading lump of fat and grease may have had the potential to cause serious harm to the locals in the long term the next item on our list could have been immediately troublesome earlier this year again that's 2019 a hand grenade was found in the not champion sewer and no not an ancient one that had as much a chance of exploding as I have of ever impressing my father this was a very active hand grenade imagine if that thing had exploded while still in the sewer imagine a volcanic eruption of sewage exploding from beneath our feet nobody wants an explosion of sewage going everywhere nobody explosive ordnance department officer successfully neutralized the ball-shaped bomb covered in tape that was found in a 30 centimeter deep roadside trough next to cow Mallik Oh II do officer said that they had not seen such a device before and suspected it had been imported from Russia officer speculated the grenade had been dumped by someone who spotted a roadside checkpoint ahead whoever it belonged to was clearly a very dangerous individual who meant some serious business it's lucky this thing was found when it was number seven not quite a cab in January of this year for all of you watching this video way into the future when we've all got jetpacks and robot Butler's is 2019 a young girl called Hannah found something rather terrifying all by mistake in a sewer drain in Mississippi 12-year old Hannah had lost her cat so 12 year-old Hannah went looking for her cat but what 12 year old Hannah found was so much more than just a cat searching high and low for her poor lost kitty Hannah's desperate search had brought her to the sewer drain and she thought to herself hmm I've not found Miss mittens anywhere else maybe she's in there clearly Hannah had not read or watched Steven King's it so had no reason to fear Street drains she had not yet been exposed to the horrors of Pennywise we have no doubt that she's scared of him now though as young Hannah reached toward the storm drain and looked down into the sewer below what Hannah saw looking back at her was no kitty cat oh no it was a seven foot long alligator either miss mittens was secretly a Pokemon and had evolved into something brand-new or that was no cat and Hanna needed to run in an interview with The Daily Mail Hanna said I was kind of surprised that it was in the sewer drain I yelled for my neighbor to come look 25 year old neighbor Brooke who lives next door to Hanna hurried to her aid and alerted Animal Control a sensible approach I would have just cried in her own interview with the mail Brooke said we looked inside and there was an alligator I waited a minute and took a second glance then I took out my phone took a picture and called the authorities animal control officers arrived at Columbus Drive Pascagoula - trapped a large reptile the two workers were caught on camera wrangling the reptile out of the sewer with a pole and rope as the creature twisted from side to side and chopped its jaws eventually they subdued the creature by sitting on top of its body and securing its arms while flattening its jaw on the ground the alligator was covered in bloody patches from its time in the sewer clearly it had been up to all sorts of carnage down there Pettit wrestled with Pennywise maybe it was Pennywise now that's a horrifying thought what makes this so terrifying isn't necessarily that an alligator was in the sewers I mean sure that is kind of terrifying but it's the fact she was looking for a cat it's the fact she stuck her head down toward the drain expecting to see a cute bundle of joy and instead came face-to-face with a key component of Captain Hook's origin story well actually I think that was a crocodile but you get the point imagine calling for your cute dog only for a grizzly bear to come running at you imagine reaching into a cage to pet a hamster only to be face-to-face with a piranha imagine snuggling with a rabbit only to realize you picked up a snake it's enough to send chills through you what also upsets us is as far as we can tell from our research they never found the cat the alligator ate miss Mane's didn't it number 6 the black swine of London okay so all chips on the table this one is technically an urban legend or a myth meaning we have no photographic evidence to show you but personally we have never heard of this myth ourselves and found it so interesting which simply had to include it for those of you annoyed that the final entry on this list is only a myth we apologize and hope that this cute video of a cat making a silly noise makes up for it enjoy [Laughter] right now back to the black swine of London back in the 1800s a bizarre story was circulating around London that the sewer was inhabited by a family of large black pigs the story went that a pregnant sows somehow got stuck in the sewer and lived on a constant diet of offal and garbage more stories emerged throughout the 19th century regarding reports of sightings of very large black pigs lurking in the sewers the stories just kept coming ask anyone who was anyone and they would tell you that the black swine were real and they were a real terrifying menace to our sewers what do you think were they real are they still real or is it all just nonsense if real or not the black swine have had a huge impact on pop culture with a version of them even appearing in the video game blood-borne how the legend of the black swine originated is hard to say in one sense it was just a classic urban legend someone had put it about that a sow had somehow gotten to the sewer littered some offspring and fed them on the rubbish being washed into it continually pollution was a major problem for the rapidly expanding city of London in the 19th century the Thames was essentially one large open sewer and cholera was prevalent it was only after engineer Joseph Bazalgette constructed miles upon miles of underground brick main sewers to intercept sewage outflows and 1100 miles of street sewers that sewer had stopped flowing freely through the streets and thoroughfares of London until then rumours of awful things like black swine lurking in the bowels of London were horrifyingly plausible number five colossal Gator many works of horror and or science fiction explore the concept of swamp monsters Swamp Thing from DC Comics is what propelled future Washington co-creator Alan Moore to mega stardom and Marvel's equivalent man thing was satirical brilliance from Steve Gerber be it the Bunyip of Aboriginal mythology the lernaean hydra of greek mythology or the honey island swamp monster of Louisiana the idea of man-like swamp creatures dwelling in the mud has long captured the imagination of monster fanatics the world but we all know the true monsters of the swamp are Gators it should come as a surprise to no one that Gators are found in swamps on a pretty regular basis but what's so impressive about this Gator is that it's large enough to actually be considered a swamp monster up there with the Bunya Orleanian at 15 feet this thing is so big that if swamp monsters were real this thing would probably scare them this gargantuan beasts this mini Godzilla weighed 1011 and a half pounds it was captured August 2015 by five members of the Stokes family in Mill Creek that's right it took five of them to wrestle this thing do you think you could have handled it the alligator was 24 to 28 years old which was determined from an analysis of its leg bone and is officially the largest American alligator ever caught number four swamp goes sadly not an actual ghost but creepy all the same no the thing the press calls the swamp ghost is in reality a place months after the Pearl Harbor attack in 1941 u.s. bombers raided the Japanese at Simpson Harbor Papua New Guinea one plane made a second run after its bombe malfunctioned even though it worked the second time a hot fightin suit between her crew and the enemy The Flying Fortress managed not to explode in a spectacular fashion but she never made it back to base badly whipped she belly landed in a deep swamp her crew stumbled to safety a few days later bringing with them a tale of survival and a fresh dose of malaria the war bird was only rediscovered in 1972 and it's haunting appearance quickly earned her the name swamp ghost roughly three more decades would pass before conservation efforts freed the bomber in 2006 today swamp ghost enjoys a much better home at the Pacific Aviation Museum at Pearl Harbor number three wooden barrel of a mystery slime a wooden barrel full of mystery slime hasn't just been found in a swamp it's been found in a swamp several times in swamps across Europe people keep finding barrels full of a strange greasy substance that has come to be nicknamed bog butter nobody could figure out what it was it was incredibly strange and deeply unsettling if it had been found as is people wouldn't have been so scared but what they found troubling was the way in which it was stored inside little wooden barrels perhaps each barrel contained the melted remains of someone who had some time in the distant past been killed in the most brutal fashion and then had the barrel that contained their sloshy remains been submerged into swamp water as it would turn out no as it would turn out the nickname was far closer to the truth than anyone could have realized this ancient waxy substance found buried in the peat bogs of Ireland and Great Britain actually was butter it seemed the people of the past really like to bury little barrels of butter and swamps look it's easy to judge but the people of a million years in the future will probably look back I doesn't think Twitter is weird so people will do what they do the original motivations behind the creation of bog butter are unclear one widespread theory is that food products were buried in peat bogs to hinder spoilage peat bogs being low in temperature low oxygen highly acidic environments have excellent preservative properties experiments conducted by researcher Daniel C Fisher demonstrated that pathogen and bacterial counts of me buried in peat bogs for up to two years were comparable to levels found in control samples stored in a modern freezer suggesting that this could be an effective preservation method an alternative hypothesis is primitive food processing it is possible that chemical reactions in the soil helped to transform the foods to more palatable products that could be made fresh especially given the absence of salt and bog butters or increase available nutrient content or they were just weird number two the hidden community the great dismal swamp of Virginia in North Carolina was once runaway Central fleeing Native Americans wanted whites and escaped slaves saw freedom inside the near inaccessible environment they received it for ten generations at one point they numbered in their thousands then the elusive inhabitants of the swamp just disappear artifacts show there were self-sufficient and innovative building cabins weapons and tools and even clay pipes they honored chiefs and followed Africanized religion one dismal swamp maroon called charlie was later tracked down in Canada he added that labor was communal and described how they made their own furniture and musical instruments why they vanished remains unclear all archaeological evidence to the survivor community ends after the Civil War one theory suggests that after the war they blended back into society as free people it's terrifying to think that an entire community could vanish without a trace in an instant what happened to them where they swallowed up by the swamp did it gator get them did they fall victim to an actual real-life swamp monster what do you think there's no clear answer and that's what's frightening number one remnants of a battle in a moment like something out of a Robert Kirkman and Charlie Adlard comic a human arm was found sticking out of a riverbank soon more human remains were unearthed in the tollans Valley Germany their wounds and numbers were horrifying at the 10 percent mark of the investigation 130 skeletons were already dug out of the marshy soil archeologists realized that they were standing on an epic battlefield thousands took up arms and the slain changed the story about Europe's Bronze Age man most researchers favored the idea that they were peaceful and focused on trading however this battle unearthed professional fighters and warfare on a scale never before seen in the area the tall and skeletons may have been the earliest example of direct conflict between warriors with weapons the deadly confrontation probably sparked when both sides wanted control of the rivers bridge where the fighting started you
Channel: Amerikano
Views: 257,371
Rating: 4.7910552 out of 5
Keywords: caught on camera, caught on tape, sewer monsters, sewer monster, sewer, camera, tape, real, life, real life, viral, caught on video, new, top 10, things found in sewers, sewer creature, mysterious things, sewer discoveries, top 10 list, mysterious videos
Id: 19fgSINJC-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 1sec (1141 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 04 2019
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