10 Rules That Have Changed My Life

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whether you love it or hate it i am one of those people who loves to set new year's resolutions of course i believe that we should constantly be improving yourself at least more than annually and we should be changing more than one thing per year however i think there's some joy in setting a goal to start the new year three years ago i taught myself to like every single food that was handed to me or at least to not care about it as long as it was safe for my health i wanted to start trying new things and becoming less awkward at a dinner table so i made my go and now when i travel i can enjoy new foods that i possibly wouldn't have wanted to try a few years ago because i was too picky simple habit but it improved my life and hopefully improved the lives of people around me in a minor way this year i'd set a goal originally to read more and to learn more about the socialism philosophy because i could tell it was going to have a big impact in my life but as i've come to march or april whenever this video is uploaded i've decided to add some other things into this year because i'm turning 21 this year and i want to start really improving my quality of life and improving the lives of those around me in a more drastic way so for this video i've set a list of 10 things that i'm going to work on over the course of the year with my full power to improve my quality of life and to improve the quality of life of those around me let's go number one listen more and talk less i am really a chatty person and it's never been in a harmful way but i definitely could shut my mouth a bit more to allow other people to talk as the quote from epictetus says we have two ears and one mouth so we can listen twice as much as we speak i do however believe this was quoted before it titus by zeno but who cares there's something about modern society the fact that we can create a tiny company and call ourselves a cao to have more power and we can graduate from university and we can have an amazing instagram and all of these new slash not new things that are just building up our ego and giving ourselves certain right to talk more than we listen and i think this is the number one thing that i will change for myself this year everyone has something interesting to say give them the opportunity to say it number two is judge less we live in a world where the lefts are becoming more left and the rights are becoming more right and no one can see eye to eye anymore and our algorithm is only making this worse so i want to make a point to stop judging people or at least let them explain why they are the way they are why they say the things they say of course there's some things that you have to judge racism sexism discrimination of any kind of course i'm not saying i'm going to stop judging those kind of people but in life i think everybody could judge less and we should make a point to do that number three is journal journaling really changed my life when i did it although i only did it for three months last year and then i stopped and now that i'm starting again i'm remembering why i did it in the first place it's really good to have notes of how your days are going how you're feeling to look back and see where you've come from how you're improving and also to continually evaluate yourself to make sure you are becoming a better person i think if you're going to follow some rules on this list then journaling should be one of those so that you can control the others more i have parts on my journal that say how can i be a better person today and did i make someone's day better by my own doing and i hope that by the end of the year this will play a big part in my self-improvement number four this is a good quote always the student never the teacher never the girl never the specialist there is always room to learn more on every single topic it doesn't matter if you have a phd or if we're talking about english because it's your native language you can always learn more about everything in rhine holidays ego is the anime i remember a passage where it spoke about the guitarist of metallica and how they kicked out the old guy put in the new guy and this new guy might not have had the skills at the start as the old guitarist but he was always consistent in believing he was a student and that he could improve and over time he became an incredible guitarist and his guitar teacher had quoted him saying he was the best student he'd ever had because he was always willing to learn more don't let ego get in your way don't believe that you're above anything there's always more to learn number five be a good friend we often take for granted the friends and the people in our lives and if we don't remind ourselves wow i'm so thankful that i have friends i'm so thankful i have people in my life who are here to help me for the good and the bad then we can easily take them for granted so one of the points i want to make this year is to make sure that my best friends always know i value them and i appreciate them and whether i do that through words and telling them this or i give them little gifts or i spend more time with them or i just listen to them when they need it i really hope that my friends can see how much they mean to me number six this is for all students out here especially although everyone could take this work on your slash my stress levels when you have constant deadlines and constant new things coming up it can be very easy to get stressed and i'm definitely prone to this every single exam season i've ever had i've broke out in stress acne and it's became a ritual although i want to stop it this year because i want to control my stress levels when it comes to the exam season i would like to make a video on how to handle stress specifically during exams but for the purpose of this video i'm going to keep it quite vague number seven as i said this for my resolution at the start of the year i'm going to put it in the video read more books my youtube channel is going to take a little turn into a book channel for the next couple weeks months because i'm really excited about all the new books i'm reading and i want to give some reviews and help people learn to read more and learn to read better whether you listen to an audiobook or you like a kindle or you prefer to just have a handheld book it doesn't matter read more reading has been a thing for the longest amount of time because it works and we should not forget about that number eight as i already mentioned become the student not the teacher i want to take this on a more personal level with everyone you meet treat them like they have something some piece of knowledge that you don't and that you want to have and this comes into the listening and it takes into consideration quite a few things i've already said but just to stress it more listen to people more and find out what they know that you don't and take it in because you're gonna let them feel more valued you're gonna learn more yourself and it's a win-win situation you will never know everything about everything so treat each day like a skill day with your paper and pen and be ready to learn even from people you might not expect it number nine is creating daily habits daily habits are so easy to overlook because some days you want a lazyday and you want to do nothing but there is some really serious power and improvement from doing the same things every single day and building and stacking hobbies together like james clear put it in atomic habits stacking habits up every day will eventually have a major impact in your life even if you don't see these results immediately this could be meditating journaling writing filming reading painting playing an instrument it doesn't matter what but try and have some daily habits to stack on top of each other to keep you in a routine and to improve yourself number 10 and the last thing to leave on a really good note is to just be more grateful for stuff in general when you're feeling down or you're feeling stressed and everything's coming in at once it's nice to just take the time to think of what you are grateful for i've actually put a passage in my journal which is what are you grateful for today just to keep me grounded and humble just be happy and smile more and be grateful for more things okay i hope this video has inspired you to come up with some new mottos or new ways of living or new resolutions for 2021 even though we're basically halfway through it if you enjoyed this then you should watch my video on kindness and how to be a kinder person and be better with people or the video and importance of self-reflection if not that's okay i hope to see you soon bye
Channel: Lucy Allan
Views: 12,045
Rating: 4.9956331 out of 5
Keywords: Lucy Allan, Language Student, Linguistic Student, Female Traveller, 10 rules for Life, Rules for a better life, Make your life better, Rules for Life, Rules to live by, Quotes to live by, Concepts to live by, Rules to make you feel better, 10 rules for Self Improvement, Rules to make you better, Rules for self improvement, Rules to improve yourself, Rules to feel better, Rules to be better
Id: s0P3H70JFI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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