10 Ridiculous Rules in Golf You Didn’t Know Existed

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10 ridiculous rules in golf you didn't know existed of course you can disagree that golf is the most difficult sport but you can't argue that there are some ridiculous rules that you probably didn't know about in this game we cherish so much there's plenty of senselessness to go around people just aren't playing it right to some people the game of golf might seem like something as simple as hitting a ball really hard and aiming for the hole but there's much more to the sport than that has your ball ever been stuck inside a piece of fruit there is a ridiculous rule for that scared of a cactus or even a half-eaten Apple well stick around to find out the details as these 10 ridiculous golf rules will leave you totally surprised don't mess with the Gators how would you proceed if your golf ball ends up near an alligator bathing in the Sun or a large snake there's the good news and the bad news the good news is you don't have to risk your life to make par as the rules of the game offer you free relief from a dangerous animal condition like an alligator or poisonous snake you can drop another ball away from the dangerous situation but no closer to the hole but the bad news is there are limits to this rule you obviously can't claim to be scared of a butterfly because you don't like your lie and if you doubt it ask Bryson dechambeau you see Bryson was playing in the first round of an event in 2020 when his Drive ended up in the woods and his ball was resting behind his stick deschambeau hated the lie so he called over an official pointed out a couple of ants and asked for a free drop because the fire ants should be considered a dangerous animal they could bite him so he claimed ultimately he didn't get the ruling he wanted as a tour official deemed the ants were not like to cause the players serious damage nice try Bryson can you hit a moving ball in the water golf courses usually have a lot of ponds and lakes and the purpose is to increase the difficulty of the game if you ever find your ball stuck inside a lake the most common assumption is that you can hit the ball as long as it's not moving however you can also hit the ball if it's moving inside the water what you can't do is use your Club to somehow affect the water current or stall it in order for your ball to get to a better position basically you just want to hit it as soon as you reach it so when your next ball lands in the water take a cue from Jason duffner next up do wiping is a two-strike offense yeah you heard that right so if you're someone who prefers waking up early to hit the course you're likely a do sweeper whose ball is probably covered with Morning Dew so if you possess a habit of wiping dew off with towels or your hands then you gotta think twice next up we have the Apple rule the rule is that a half-eaten apple on a golf course is considered natural and therefore cannot be removed without taking a penalty for doing so this is absolutely absurd but it has to be followed otherwise the players would gain a penalty on their point sheet the rule specifically States a half-eaten apple is considered a natural object and can't be removed without penalty it does not matter if there are apple trees in the vicinity or if it was left there by another golfer this also basically means that even if another golfer puts an Apple down on purpose you're not allowed to move it because by that rule it would be considered natural what an insane and just downright ridiculous rule but does this mean anything for the sport maybe maybe not there aren't any tournament examples of this rule but if for whatever reason it does come up it's going to be a really funny moment for everyone involved and of course those watching from around the course it just won't be taken seriously at the time and it will be a huge shock when people realize that it's an actual Rule and not something the referee is just doing as a small joke the water bottle rule the ridiculous rules just won't end so here's the USGA saying you cannot place a water bottle on a green and use it as a level to determine how a putt will break crazy right we ordinary golfers who are not competing on the PGA circuit need some tricks up Our Sleeve oh well what do we know but will everything be all right for you when your ball falls into an animal hole this next one is pretty ridiculous but it's extremely relevant when it comes into play so what do you think would happen if a golfer's ball falls into a hole made by a burrowing animal on the course well some would think it's a loss others would think that they just have to get it back the actual rule is that the ball is subject to relief which means that if they're able to get it back it can be used and then they're allowed to reposition the ball this is all for the animal safety and to make sure the golfer can actually play without a penalty this might sound annoying but it's also funny for everyone at the same time what are the chances of your ball Landing in a small hole dug by an animal next up is identifying a ball and its penalty it's quite easy to predict that you think this one is simple sadly sometimes this doesn't always go to plan so a rule is in place to make sure all players intentions are clear and everything is smooth When people's balls get messed up in the games it's sometimes hard to identify which ball is yours because when a couple of balls land in the same area it could be difficult to see which one is yours you are allowed to pick up a ball if you want to see if it's yours or not but you have to follow a strict rule in order to do so so to pick up the ball for that purpose you have to make it absolutely clear this is why you're going to pick up the ball and that's not all another competitor has to oversee this action and make sure that no foul play occurs this strictness is in place so that nothing is altered when the ball moves making sure everything is fair and smooth the other side of this occurs when a ball cannot be identified for whatever reason usually this is because there are no actual identifying marks on either ball if this happens it actually accounts for both balls as a loss this means that neither player is allowed to move the balls or use them from now on even though they can see them and they easily could interact with them the rules show that both of these balls would be classified as lost pretty crazy rule on both parts right the club head fell off rule so here's the USGA saying if the club head falls off during the backswing and you complete the swing but miss the ball it does not count as a stroke if the club head falls off during the downswing and you complete the swing but miss the ball it counts as a stroke as if the game wasn't challenging enough now you want to penalize us for equipment malfunctions come on golf we're friends can't we just call a mulligan next up hitting the flag stick is a two-stroke penalty another easy one to mess up is the rule around the flag stick in golf how could you mess this one up the ball is easily about to go in you can just lightly tap the thing in and it's all good right this is a really simple rule that gets broken all the time because golfers forget how simple it can be it is for this reason a paper version of the rule set is always in every professional golfer's bag and is almost mandatory for tournament games you won't be messing up if this is in your bag or pocket it'll help you in the long run and is pretty easy to carry around such a small and strict rule shouldn't be broken by a golfer who wants to look super professional it's so ridiculous that you might not even know it existed this has to be one of the craziest rules in golf right the clubhouse rule according to the USGA decision if a shot ends up in the clubhouse and the clubhouse is not out of bounds you can open a door or window and play the next shot without penalty okay USGA now you're just pulling our legs either this is a joke rule or someone on The Rules Committee just wants to play golf like a frat boy from animal house either way we're in if at first you were confused as to how the USGA could possibly come up with 600 pages of rules well now you know who knew the game of golf could be so strict right down to when you could swat at a fly we're not sure if knowing these rules will help improve your golf game or not but one thing's for certain the next time you're loading up your golf cart you'll remember these rules and decide to leave your giant fan and Cactus towels at home and now it's over to you which of the rules sounds more ridiculous let us know your thoughts in the comments below we'll see you in the next one
Channel: Everything Golf
Views: 15,860
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Keywords: greg norman driver swing, greg norman best shots, greg norman liv, greg norman swing, greg norman liv golf, golf, greg norman golf swing, greg norman highlights, greg norman interview, greg norman, pga tour, liv golf, michael block, sports section, pga betting, golf picks, pga golf, pga championship 2023, golf swing, 9 news, greg norman life experience, pga news, liv golf news, greg norman net worth, greg norman finances, greg norman life, greg norman saudi golf league
Id: krlKNLtyPDI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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