10 Rice Combinations That are NOT BORING From Around the World

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[Music] oh my god oh no oh no [Music] hi i'm beryl and the theme for today's video is white rice this is the third installment of us exploring the world one rice bowl at a time these are personal recommendations not necessarily meant to be representative of the entire country's take on a bowl of white rice but here you know to inspire you let's get started my name is isabella and my family is from peru we eat a lot of white rice with peruvian cuisine but my personal favorite is a homemade one called arostapado it's two layers of rice with a ground beef mixture in the middle with a lot of ingredients but that's highlighted by aji pepper which is for spice olives and hard-boiled egg you can even add a nice fried egg on the very top if you like this is absolutely my favorite homemade peruvian dish i liked the big reveal moment it's kind of like a hamburger but the rice is the bun right crack the yolk [Music] it's a good combo everything works really well together even the black olives which i tend not to be the biggest fan of [Music] there's definitely a little bit of spice from that pepper that we put in there but the egg like the fattiness of it kind of helps cool it down a little bit i like it because it's a twist on a classic and the presentation is exciting hi my name is claire i'm from cameroon and here rice is have to end up with something like a sauce the most common one is pineapple or sausadashit it's a very rich and cereal place you and it's a very good staple in many camellians also [Music] oh my god oh no oh no that was a lot of drama the carpet is soaking wet because i did um seltzer water to try to get the stains out luckily i had extra i'm still like replaying it in my head i'm interested to try this version because i made a version of this just a few episodes back from my meals that kids around the world love and this dish was also common in sierra leone oh one thing that i've since learned is the first time i made it it was with peanut butter and i've since learned that the more traditional way is to make it with peanut powder or a peanut paste if you don't have that you can definitely use peanut butter but the recipe that i'm leaving below is a more traditional one and then the one underneath that one is one that uses peanut butter it's a really really good stew super simple to make i also have fish in it this time rather than chicken last time so it's also very versatile i feel like the flavors are just super well balanced and just really i don't know it was just really good i'm still just thinking about the accident [Music] we got to move on i'd like to take a moment and thank the sponsor for today's video all form you may remember that i worked with birch a mattress company all form is one of their sister companies and they make modular sofas that are completely customizable a lot of us are spending more time at home and that means a lot more time on our sofas all form sofas are scratch and stain resistant and very comfortable i got the all form sectional sofa for my sister she went on vacation and i set it up as a surprise for her so when she came home a new sofa i got her an l-shaped sectional and the sofa came in a bunch of boxes where i had to assemble it and i thought for a minute oh my gosh this is going to be so complicated but it was actually quite simple the instructions were easy to follow oftentimes if you're buying a customized sofa the wait time is going to be in months but these ship out within a couple of weeks which is like really nice especially right now when we know everything has long delays you do get a 100 day trial so if you decide that uh i actually don't like the sofa they'll come and remove it for you but i'll tell you honestly i think that the sofa is very comfortable it's not too firm it's not too soft it's perfect for sitting and relaxing or if you fall asleep on the sofa watching a movie it's very comfortable for that too on top of sofas they also have chairs so if you're looking for new seating there's a ton of options here if you're interested in trying them out you can go to allform.com use my code barrel and that will give you 20 off your order i am also leaving it in the description hi my name is linda and i'm from democratic republic of congo one of the most popular rice topping in congo are beans in tomato sauce you can have brown beans white beans red beans black beans green beans you name it beans it's called madison in nigala mahagi or malaki in swahili and it's eaten all over the country every family has its own variation of the receipt but it's nutritious and very savory this is the first congolese dish from the channel i liked the versatility aspect you know it could be any type of bean which makes it easy i have white beans in this one the recipe by the way is in the description if you want to try making it yourself [Music] oh i thought it was going to be a little bit spicier than it is it's actually quite mild i like the bean addition with the red sauce it kind of reminds me of baked butter beans in tomato sauce that you often find in the mediterranean the flavor profile is definitely a little bit different but there's quite a lot of similarity here i like the idea of using a tomato-based stew and mixing it with beans to get like a hearty dish that also is very comforting hi my name is jess and a common topping for white rice in haiti is something we call legume it's like a vegetable stew made with eggplants and carrots and spinach and all kinds of things i think that it's a very comforting dish my mom makes it all the time whenever she makes fat rice and tastes really good this legume is really reminding me of baba ganoush just that the base of it is eggplant and then you have a ton of other vegetables and spices mixed in i feel like this is going to be very much up my alley [Music] yes this is definitely worth trying to make or seeking out if you live near a haitian restaurant i'm leaving a recipe in the description if you want to make it this i don't know if i should say it's better than baba ganoush so much more flavor i really really like this one i guess baba ganoush is kind of smoky in flavor and this is not smoky in flavor but i'm comparing it as the concept of like a mashed eggplant base i like it a lot with rice i tend to think about oh i just put my foot in the wet spot of spilling okay i'm still upset about it in the hierarchy of eggplant based dishes you know i do think about baba ganoush i think about bacon bartha and uh i think this is moving into the number one spot lagoon i love it hello i'm maha from libya with white rice my husband and i like to make an easy take on roosevelt which means rice with a mix it's a bit of rice topped off with ghee spicy fried lamb almonds and raisins it's a delicious meal enjoyed all over the country because of its mix of flavors and textures but to me it's a simple and delicious week night dinner i'm not sure if my lamb pieces are too big i'm just gonna kind of do the the mix together but i i still feel like i'm just left with a big piece of lamb and rice come here lamb cut in half oh a spoon is good for a lot of things but it's definitely not good for cutting cooked chunks of lamb [Music] lamb and raisins that is a fruit and meat combination that is so good together the spices on the lamb are awesome you can make the seven spice blend or you can just buy it i'm leaving a link one of the things that i think is most interesting in trying all of these white rice dishes is looking at the way proteins are used in them as you move around the world in the middle east we've definitely seen a lot of these rice bowls with kind of the big pieces of meat and nuts together [Music] oh man one thing i will say living in america at just like the general supermarket it's very difficult to find lamb we are just such a beef eating country so many types of beef so many different cuts of chicken lamb have to go to like a butcher which i kind of feel like is surprising because lamb is such a popular meat in so many parts of the world just like in america we just like our cows and chickens my name is tanya and i come from mauritius it's an island of east africa in the indian ocean so if i had a bowl of rice i would top it with lentils with carrots mango pickle potato chutney and coconut chutney it is sour and spicy and it is one of my favorite comfort foods truth be told i did not have all of the correct chutneys i had the coconut chutney but then when i opened it there was a little bit of mold so i swapped it out for this lasuri pickle which is one of my new favorites [Music] i love lentils just full stop and all of these different pickles have like spiciness and saltiness to them which you can make a super bland dish just put a little bit of pickle on there and pop it's delicious lentils good pickle good carrot good hello my name is maria and i'm from mexico the side dish that we make with rice here is called a rose blanco and the three main ingredients are peas corn and carrots i think everyone here at some point has had it during their lives because it's such a staple and traditional side dish to make in mexican households this was one of the more simple rice dishes which i really appreciate and i think it's something that is probably familiar to a lot of people you know just mix a little bit of vegging with some white rice and salt classic i fried a chili to put on top little spicy i've seen a lot of comments of people being like what happened to just salt or what about just butter like you know what i was originally thinking like no it should be something a little bit more extravagant but i also feel like these more simple rice dishes are almost the ones that we really connect with because they are so much a part of our daily lives versus the big fancy bowls so i think that there's space for both of those in this show hi my name is anya and i'm from switzerland when i think of white rice dishes the dish reese casimir always comes to my mind it's a yellow chicken curry which you garnish with different fruits like pineapples apples bananas and or cherries the cherry and the pineapple usually were from a tin it's quite famous here in switzerland i always remember having and loving it when i was a child i hope you like it too i don't think i've ever had banana and chicken together look it's the curry is really nice this is a really great chicken curry i stewed apples to make the base of it [Music] no we're gonna do pineapple some chicken some rice here we go i might get called out for saying this that i like everything but i like it i mean it the sweetness works with the spiciness and saltiness of the curry you can think it's weird but until you tell me that you've tried it i don't want to hear it because i think it's actually really good my name is christine i'm half jordanian and the toppings i'd like to share with you today are ground beef seasoned with a spice mix called seven spices this is a traditional arabic spice mix as well as golden fried almonds or pine nuts peas are also optional and it's actually a traditional dish called uzi um though in my family we make it really simple we just combine the toppings with plain rice mix it up before eating and enjoy it with a side of yogurt i hope all of you can try it um it's really delicious um or played as we say in arabic okay now i'm gonna mix it up come on mix it mixy [Music] okay this is the american in me so i apologize to everyone else but like americans this is like elevated as heck hamburger helper ten times better though obviously but the ease of it is still there just ground beef that i sauteed with spices put a little bit of crunchiness of the nuts on top add some yogurt bada-bing bada-boom it's a dish that feels fancy but it also took only like 10 minutes to make i'm sorry about the hamburger helper comment it really wasn't to offend anybody in case it does if you're wondering where to get the seven spices i found it and i have linked it for you in the description [Music] hi i'm maya i'm from iran and the topping i like to put on white rice is zedesk also known as barbers with saffron it's really simple and it has a really nice tart flavor and it's been a staple topping of white rice my whole life i'm a bit worried that i messed this up a little bit because in all of the visuals the rice dish was supposed to be like beautifully colored and like vibrant mine is not so vibrant maybe i needed to bloom the saffron in barberries a little bit longer i'm not really sure but i am sure that i've never had a barberry before so this is my first time having a barberry it's a little sour it tastes like like a really sour cranberry i feel like this would be very good in a stew or a sauce to give a little bit of like an acidic punch this dish marks 30 rice dishes that we have done i want to keep going i'm leaving a list in the description of all the countries we have covered if you do not see your country send me an email let's get it in the next video i am leaving the other two rice videos here for you to watch in the meantime and i will see you all in my next video
Channel: Beryl Shereshewsky
Views: 293,575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beryl, berly, shereshe, beryl shereshewsky, greatbigstory, around the world, international dishes
Id: UtWunWlMIsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 19sec (979 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 01 2022
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