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hello guys welcome to the sly stream welcome to this channel welcome to this live stream with 10:00 p.m. in Russia 12:00 p.m. in California Los Angeles time and yeah traditionally we're gonna start with naming your country so let me know where you're watching this from I know in some countries it's already 12 p.m. 1 a.m. thank you so much for joining late night um yeah I have noticed that the time on this webinar was a little wrong so with a set up it was 9:45 p.m. which is 15 minutes earlier than normal I don't know why this happened but here we are traditionally every Tuesday 12:00 p.m. California time and welcoming you in my channel yes we have more than 100 already watching welcome welcome welcome guys today I'm gonna be talking about ten reason reasons to study abroad and the reason I'm gonna be talking about 10 pieces of study abroad because tomorrow I am flying to London to the country that inspired me to do whatever I'm doing in my life when I travelled to the UK for the first time I'm like oh my god I want to connect my life with English language I want to connect my life with traveling because the world is so different I was kind of stuck in my home country in my hotel hometown and it's really beautiful it's really unique but at the same time it's just one city and I thought everything is just like here everything is like crush show like samhitas Berg and when I traveled abroad for the first time I was well when I traveled wrote for the first time I was 12 and went to Finland for two days I was like I was so impressed when I went to the supermarket to get some stationery for my school I was like oh my god they have so many pens they have so many small books I was so so so impressed um but yeah welcome everyone who's joining 170 people already watching thank you thank you for joining let me see where you're watching the slicer from oh okay here's my chat and India Spain Germany Italy Italy I'm coming in three weeks Iran Nepal India Oakland Oakland Oakland which is the neighbors city to San Francisco yes welcome Oakland I miss the bay area very much another month so September I'm still traveling in Europe but I first look sober I'm back in in the United States through India Algeria colons Egypt Uzbekistan YouTube logo changed I know and do you do you see the changes in the red color so I have MacBook Pro Retina Display and this red it actually burns my eyes like it's like watching at the Sun so I actually avoid avoid watching at YouTube's logo I don't I don't know maybe I'm surprised how big companies actually changing their logos like they make a small difference and then they're like there's this whole new logo like Facebook win and change the font and it presented a new logo like there is nothing really different just than you font and here with the issue PS they're gonna misplace the logo button and yeah I think they changed the color because I think it's too bright for me so right now like well too much okay Ireland Belgium India Brazil Wow Korea 4 a.m. in Korea oh my God thank you so much recently I've been really interested in the history of separation of North Korea from South Korea wow this is such a hard story you know Korea Jerusalem st. Petersburg my hometown India Colombia Vietnam Wow as always we have an amazing geography you know sometimes people ask me like what is the majority of what is your geography on you're American or English Channel I'm like 30% Americans and then I just don't know that is like hundreds of countries which is amazing which is like such a diversity okay that's cool thank you so much um and yeah as I said tomorrow I'm traveling to London I'm so excited because I'm flying my favorite airline in the world I've never flown Emirates but I know Emirates is an amazing one but Swiss Airlines can you imagine like you flight on an airplane and they serve a different kinds of cheese I'm playing college like economy class and you're gonna serve different kinds of cheese for lunch and they're gonna serve amazing Swiss chocolate with which melts in your mouth for lunch as well I'm so excited like I'm such a foodie person I love eating um so yeah yeah it's okay curry is from Seoul yeah I know not from yeah I like her smile slowly thank you some Paulo Brazil now it's not first class that's the most exciting thing it's not first class it's just economy and Swiss Airlines this well everything about Switzerland is high level I guess so yeah really excited we have a change in Zurich and then so it's a petersburg xeric Surak london so yeah I'm really excited guys by the way if you have any questions related to so like if you have a question that you will need to answer like really really want me to answer uh please follow a link below this video and there you're able to ask a question using your social network why I'm doing that because on YouTube there is so many comments because I want to I want more interaction and when you'd like to write down the country you're watching from and sometimes I'm asking questions so sometimes there are too many comments and I just miss the questions but I really really want to answer them so if you have like a specific question for me today that would definitely be time when I will just go through your questions and please follow the link below this video and you're gonna be able to ask it and I won't be only missing it so in like 20 minutes or 30 minutes I will I will start to answer any questions there so yeah please don't forget to ask your questions yes Switzerland's so good yeah um yeah it was chocolate yeah it totally support me okay um oh yeah and what Italian city you're gonna visit so I'm gonna spend a couple of days in Milan and then so my friend is getting married um you know Koli Koli so somewhere in the village near Como and I will be travelling around like like different villages and different small towns around Komal I'm gonna travel with my mom so I'm really excited we're gonna do like spa tour and I'm also gonna take some classes you local Italian schools because I'm this man Italian self much okay so study abroad so I first like my first study abroad experience happened when I was 14 because I won a scholarship in my school here in st. Petersburg and they send me to the UK for two weeks to learn English and there are a couple of things that I love that I keep mentioning all the time like the first thing is that English that we learn at school is completely different from the real world language and we're lucky today to have YouTube but then what didn't have it and when I arrived in the UK they always ask you at the customs why are you here and I wasn't really able to understand why you told me I'm like school exchange here's my letter here's my ticket I don't know what you saying and he tried to joke with me because he saw like a 14 year old girl who's like totally scared and no getting anything really like okay let her go that was funny um but yeah one of the major changes I've seen myself is like seeing different cultures and seeing different ways of life um because I thought like when I grow up I'm gonna be like I'm gonna in a small apartment and see Petersburg and I have to work 9:00 to 6:00 and then I have to like save for a car and my life is gonna be a rolling grey and dark this is what I had like perception of life but when I travel to the UK I was like well life is so amazing I can do whatever I want I saw people like deciding not to go to the University and for me was like to do like really not getting higher education but when you're getting like to like I think spiritually UK was much freer at that time compared to Russia because Russia is still like regaining this freedom from the Soviet times because during the Soviet times everything was like the same for everyone so yeah that was really inspiring and I thought like wow I can do anything with my life and this is one of the major changes that I think affected me to start my own company because if I like followed similar bass like everyone does in Russia what did in Russia back then like University and the work and being scared to start something on your own to deviate from that path I would be like I would be missing so many things um so yeah I would say this is like reason number one see a different lifestyle see a different way to live and realize what you have in your country doesn't have to happen to you you can choose whatever you want you can travel out of your country you can travel to another country learn another language and really change your life so this was something I got when I was 14 and when I came back home I was like almost crying because I'm like seriously I'm back to my like four walls and back in my mind but I tried to keep that mindset try to keep that freedom inside my head and I think that really helps in the future so I think I will be doing like that I will be naming a reason and then reading your comments so we will be in touch okay can you tell us about studying in Russia um it's really different for any specialization so I don't know about like I said economics and mathematics and I still think that mathematics in russia is like one of the strongest schools and IT in russia is one of the strongest so Russia is real strong an IT but it depends again where you study and how how you study sitting in Russia is great yeah again depends on whatever you want to study I don't know whether like economics there are some good schools but I also think like in my university we had amazing mess but economics I wish it was a little more practical I don't support any food Volkov I like I keep seeing this question about the food Google Club I support I don't I like a lot of people here ask questions for which they already know the answer waitress with Marino's attention thank you Tom but my like my understanding is some people so they're too lazy to Google sometimes I see questions like know like what's the capital of the United States but sometimes like what's the maximum score on some exam and it's so easy to Google that yeah I think just people are generally lazy it's okay I don't but this is why I'm here okay let me name you the second reason yeah something was started to talk about education it's completely different so when I compare it again different countries what I love about studying in the United States is that it's really practical so if you're looking at lecturers and professors in the United States or in the UK for example you would realize that if they're teaching you finance this means that they probably have like a stock exchange license or maybe they work for a company that deals with finance she's he has everyday practice and real real life experience in what he's teaching impression we had a teacher who taught us finance and she taught us this thing stuff union finance books which is like 7th Union had no finance that is a little tricky but at the same time when I said in Germany when it came to it to the econometrics class which was like econometrics to I was surprised I've already learned that in Russia and in Russia the explanation was so much better again it depends on the teacher it is so interesting to compare different subjects and to compare ways of teaching in different countries but all in all I would say like there is no education that is hundred percent applicable I think if even if you're said of like in the United States and the most and morning university you still get a lot of knowledge that doesn't really help you in real life it doesn't really help you sort of company like they wouldn't tell you how to start a bank account in America or they wouldn't tell you how to well then maybe they wouldn't maybe tell you how to raise money from VC but I would say like there isn't one hundred percent of applicable education I think education is mostly for you to you know start training your brain because you don't need all of that knowledge you wouldn't like me to remember some formulas that you are learning but what you gonna need when you grow up or when you grow up when you graduate what you're gonna need is this ability to think this ability to be able to not ask a question but to actually Google something know the resources and educate yourself I think this is really important in all of education like all of education systems I think there is more emphasis on self study in the West world have you seen the TV show the West world so there's why I'm persistent self study in the West world in Russia there is more emphasis on classwork so we had a lot of lectures we didn't have a lot of literature that we had to go through some sometimes it's good sometimes it's bad I'm not judging I'm just claiming but yeah reason number two is different educational systems and okay let me see what questions we have I'm gonna check the trips page for the questions that you didn't need to miss okay let me see I'm gonna take a couple I wanted to ask if it's possible to study in the United States without GMAT or Jerry yes it is there are so many universities that do not require Jerry from you there are lower ranking universities like I don't know DeVry University I don't know if you've heard of it it's no like the best there's also Hult Business School so there are many schools that do not require GMAT Oh Jerry the only exam that we require is don't fall if you're a foreign student but again um just think about studying in schools that do not require those check their rankings check whether they're good schools whether it make sense to pay for them to travel to the United States to study in those schools this is really your decision and this is your life another question is if I score 1300 on SAT and 100-plus in TOEFL can I expect filtration clear waiver it depends on the school but to my knowledge like we are we have a couple of students that we're helping with admissions this year and they have I think 1350 on this 18 minimum for financial aid but this is Florida International University it was something that came up to my mind first I think you will be safer if you have a thousand four hundred so try to get a thousand four hundred and try to take some SAT subjects like the best case scenario is when you have thousand four four hundred on SAT generals and you have two subjects that are related to the subject like you're in a study like for example if you want clear science then take maths two levels of maths and SAT subjects and research the universities make sure they actually provide financial aid because sometimes they don't and you're just applying it like ending up paying or not paying the bill can you dress me how I can impress the professor by applying for master's degree first please remember that master's degree you don't have to contact the professor and there's a really good chance he wouldn't really get back to you because I tried I tried reaching out to professor's and asking them whether they would be interested in interested in conducting research with me or whatever and they didn't really answer it so don't do that don't waste your time when you're doing a PhD yes it is worth contacting a professor because PhD is when you work together with a professor we were talking about masters it's mostly about studying and yes you're gonna do your thesis but it's like spend more time on trying to impress the admissions committee because these are the people who make decisions and the admissions committee is gonna look at your standardized test course if it's masters they're gonna look at your GRE or GMAT they're gonna looking at TOEFL they're gonna look at your undergraduate GPA and if we're talking about something extracurricular I would say volunteering experience but also a volunteering experience that changed your life so something amazing you've done maybe like in like you've traveled for one year in different countries in Africa helping other people or you know again depending in your country so yeah I tried to impress the admissions committee and research students who got admitted last year and senior compared to them and see how you can emphasize your portfolio maybe was like extra years of work experience you can it really depends on the university how to set up business with money and in America I don't know register company you have an idea that you think is gonna work find a good lawyer who would help you register company and start ok let's go to reason number three I'm actually gonna shoot a video about reason number three which is like getting acquainted taking in new cultures so when it came to the UK first like language is different what they say they say like they always ah like I don't know if you say rabbit in American to get a segment in in Britain and their actions really like as if they're a little shy way I'm gonna shoot a video about differences in American British accent actually used to have British accent but then when I travel to the States I realized that some really weird so I'm like I started switching but and also there are so many cultural things connected with that like for example if you write an email to a British person so I work with partners from all over the world and when I write an email to a person in Great Britain I'm gonna start like dear Matt how are you doing like I hope you're doing well I hope you're we started great um it was great chatting to you last week and I was wondering if I could kindly ask you to provide me with this this and that I hope that doesn't intervene with your plans for this week and you guys like blah blah blah like seriously if I if I read this email in America like hey can you please send me that Thanks talk to you so like it's gonna be like three lines in great reading you're gonna go all over the place and right so many useless hurts and letters but this is the way of being polite in Great Britain again for Americans this is a little weird because you spend more time typing but for British they're like yes this is the way we do that so yeah this is the third reason to study abroad experience new cultures like immerse in them because if you're traveling especially if you're traveling and learning a language if you're taking a language course and staying with the local family exactly what I'm gonna do in the UK I'm gonna stay with local family and I'm gonna go to several schools I'm gonna take some classes mostly to control the quality and we're also going to visit some student residences so this is like my yearly inspection and I'm gonna shoot a lot of videos and take a lot of patience you can't believe how excited there's also big conference for study abroad for people like me for schools so yeah this is gonna be a business trip but still because business is kind of life it's gonna be exciting okay let me look through new questions are you familiar with California International University that costs three thousand six hundred dollars a year um this is a little suspicious like I don't I'm not sure maybe it's a good one but make sure your visa store visa history is a good one you like to travel history because if you travel abroad for the first time we've with an invitation letter again this is my opinion I don't know but to my mind if you travel to the United States and this is your first trip to an english-speaking country and you claim that you want to spend four years studying in a California International University that costs three thousand dollars which is probably outside all of the rankings so it's no train in any ranking I don't think so but I don't know again but if it's not like if I wore a visa officer I would really ask you do you really need to travel to the United States to study in this college because in your country I don't know which country you're from like if you take the best university in your country it's gonna be so much better like why would you travel to that University I don't know like again it depends any reason history if it's if it's if you traveled a lot if you've already been to a lot of countries you can say like I've researched so there there there and there and I think America is the best but please be careful we've like I see because we help a lot of students and I see so many people who come to us and say they got there easy refused because they applied for some weird College like please be careful I want to apply for an MBA in business analytics got a two-minute score of 680 which is pretty cool and a total score of 111 great what university is what you've recommend in the USA it depends whether you are relying on financial aid or not but with 680 I would go to top 30 and lower to be safe you can even try like better universities you can try to maybe University which would be like the highest I would go and they would also look at the University of Florida Johns Hopkins Carey business school and also like maybe a little Rice University Larissa's little higher ranking so I wouldn't open us news business school rankings and I would go down from number 20 and they're down if I my role in a master program in English and you're just stealing to bust the TOEFL to come to the United States um you know what like this is a great question so we asked universities and normally what they say is that they're gonna waive your TOEFL if you started in English in an english-speaking country for more than two years so according to your Facebook I see that you're probably studying in France and I would suppose that they not gonna wave your TOEFL but again it depends on the university sometimes they do but normally they want normally they would say if you like you studied in an english-speaking hundred Ireland Great Britain Australia United States then yes they're gonna do that they're gonna wave wave the TOEFL requirement but it's on but again um you don't need to pass TOEFL just to come to the u.s. uh you only need to buy Stoffel if you want to study in the US and if you want to like master's degree in the state um and I wouldn't say TOEFL it's like that horrible if you're like you would still need an upper intermediate English to feel good in the United States to feel comfortable studying and upper intermediate English would like with four weeks of TOEFL preparation would get you there will get you the score interval that you need so don't be afraid of TOEFL it's not like a super hard exam if your English level is good enough okay somebody's asking me about studying in Austria I'm sorry guys I am not really familiar with Austria because I mostly concentrate on you know and on the United States and Canada this like my area of specialization but I know Austria is not very expensive you can study in English and you're gonna play like maybe like three or four thousand years but again I'm not an expert there I would Google I would Google studying Austrians and again I cannot really assess your chances but like the continuation of this question she graduates from the University or in Austria she's gonna be able to get financial aid in American University it doesn't matter where you graduate from what matters is your GPA GMAT TOEFL work experience volunteer your resume and there are so many things that we would need to consider to assess your chances of getting financial aid in the United States it's not like straightforward answer okay number four reason to study abroad of course work on your language um so when I came to the UK as I already told you I didn't understand what people were saying I like hello I felt so weird like I was studying with other children who are 14 and 15 and because it was a scholarship from my home school well they've done they just put me in the class in the United Kingdom in the in Melbourne college which is the college where Kate Middleton pressure it so they just puts me in the standard class with British children and I was like I was sitting there I didn't get like I got nothing they were laughing they were joking with each other they were playing but it wasn't able to participate because I didn't get what they said and that was I was like a straight-a student I was so like I thought I was so good at English but the reality was so depressing um and the only person I understood was mother of mine like oh my what is it called well my exchange partner so her name was Katherine and the only person I understood was her mom and it was like I was so helpful because otherwise I felt completely lost and when we went out somewhere and they introduced me their friends and their friends started talking to me I was like Hello what did you just say yeah that was really funny um yeah practicing and practicing and practicing your language the best way to do it is to immerse yourself into this language and travel somewhere broad take a two or three-week language chorus and stay with a local family like this is the best this worked for me for my German the sword for my English I hope it's gonna work for my Italian you guys well the problem with Italian I don't really need it I don't use it at all like there is nowhere I can use my Italian because all of the partners that we have in Italy they prefer English language communications because I think they need it for the history and yeah I only need like maybe Italian when I order food in Italy but we'll see I'm still really excited like learning languages in my passion and I think he helps my brain work better yeah let's see your questions on YouTube again guys if you don't meet if you don't want me to miss your question YouTube please click a link below this video and go to lingo trips web page where you are able to ask a question using a social network oh okay let me see where we stopped UK or USA is better for living it depends where you have a job offer you have a job offer in the United States I don't know like immigration in the UK is broken like seriously there is no way you can stay in the UK even if you'd like graduate from a university there but if you have I don't know a friend there if you have somebody who can sponsor a visa it really depends look like for myself I chose in the United States as you probably know that's not your first day at my channel okay how much would it take to learn German a one-level by yourself I don't know they normally say its minimum eight weeks of intensive studies in a language environment for one level for me a one well a one was the toughest like a one took me like five years because my well I didn't want to learn I didn't want to study and I think that was the problem I think if you're motivated enough you're like you will it will gather in a couple of like months maybe four months five months anyone here considering LLM in the United States I don't know maybe a dilemma is a one-year program to get an international like a degree in international law it's it has been designed in the United States mostly for international students I'm hearing some echo I'm sorry I'm using like a mic it's it's not the best mic but it's better than something that is inserted in my laptop okay I see a question coming from Russia do you use crypto currency like Bitcoin I actually bought more fair if theorem today I try it I also have a Bitcoin and let me check there is app code coinbase where you can buy cryptocurrency but they charge a lot a lot of money for like transaction fees some researching other options if you can recommend something else guys because you're buying cryptocurrency if you can recommend any app that is reliable and charges less because I know coinbase is reliable and it was a team they actually work from Oakland in California but yeah I have some it's the room in the wall let me see if I have good corners yeah I have like a little bit clean I actually started earning on Bitcoin because of crews since I bought it oh yeah I think it's a good idea again I chatted for two people from coinbase and they said it's a good idea to like buy some cryptocurrency every week to build your portfolio because it's definitely gonna be alive in like three or four years and you want to have it so this is what I do just every week I spend some extra monies that I have on mine cryptocurrencies let's see like I don't invest a lot because I know the market can crash and this is all like yeah we don't really know what's gonna happen okay next question guys and just to warn you I can only ask your questions in English I don't understand other languages I know well I won't be able to answer in Russian and I also see people asking questions some weird signs that I don't get I'm so sorry when today a PhD from MIT please guide go to MIT official website find the program that you're interested in go to their admissions section I don't know what else like if if you had a more subjective like a a more specific question if it was more specific I would be able to answer but like just guiding somebody I see for the first time to a PhD from MIT I would say check out the requirements for the MIT PhD okay are you going to live in Russia in the future or you're going to be an American citizen I don't know what I'm doing in October like please don't ask me what I'm good into during my life I don't know and I don't want to plan like I do whatever I want right now I want to travel to London tomorrow that's what I'm doing um but no idea what I'm gonna end up living best country for postgraduate studies again so individual I would say the United States or Canada what can you tell about education Australia and originally I cannot tell a lot because I've never researched it we have some students sitting there with help them but the bachelor's degree okay your music video somewhere only we know was great thank you so so much she's one of my favorite songs and I used to sing a lot of when I was a child like on different concerts but this was my first time singing since I was 21 so yeah my first singing like six years and I'm hoping to continue I just want to figure out how to work with the sound because what you've heard there was just raw like my voice with no editing but yeah I need to work with different effects do do you study any language that you like yes I love English Marina is GPA 3.5 low for master's degree I don't think so it's a good one 3.5 out of 4 if it's out of 4 it's a good woman is there a chance to get green card action finishing college the fact thing if you've graduated from college doesn't lead you to a green card but there are other things there are they're like if you found a job and somebody sponsored your work visa then there is a way to get a green card if you get married or if you I don't know consult a lawyer lawyers are great they know which path is the best for you ok I will go to my reason number 5 to study abroad and this reason is connected with your career like for me um if I didn't study abroad I would probably be sitting in a bank right now and working with corporate clients or maybe do consulting but I would always think like someday I will get out of this routine inside my company but because I traveled abroad I think I had enough courage to start before actually going into this routine nine to six career I was like brave enough to risk also I had a great partner to start with but also like being abroad studying abroad and seeing this free world through your minds and people who decided to do whatever they wanted it helped me start my company and even if your dream was like to be in the corporate world which is also great this means like stability and high salaries not depending on like what your company is making exactly because there is salary so putting a study abroad experience in your resume it's going to really enhance it so for example right now when we are recruiting by the way guys if you're watching this near interest in working full language rip and you have experience to study abroad which is really important if you've liked like the best if you have worked for an educational agency in your country we are actively recruiting people from all over the world the requirement is great English and study abroad experience and working and study abroad will be the best see it when I'm recruiting people I'm like I see that they've studied an important University I see that I don't know they went to a local school but then I see that they study abroad and this this and that school and I know that's cool like we send so many students there or just know it's a great school and I'm like yes okay I see this person is actually I don't know he actually knows what happens in in the english-speaking country like he knows what happens in the world because he's travelling or she's traveling and she needs you people and she can communicate with them because I see she spent like three months studying English in the UK this study abroad experience makes it closer to international community so I think it's a great chance to experience your to enhance your resume to get new connections and like yeah it's better for your career like 100% um let me go to other questions hello al Allen says I'm software developer and I don't have bachelor's diploma I left University because I didn't need it is that a problem for immigration it's better ask a lawyer for the type of visa agrees that I have which is o1 I don't think they ever wondered if I have bachelor's diploma but I know you need bachelor's diploma or you need like some years of work experience for h-1b which is a work visa you know guys any question about immigration the best idea is to find an immigration lawyer who's gonna answer everything for you and also they know how people like what are the best ways for you because they've seen so many people they've helped hundreds of people to immigrate to different countries it's 101 out of 120 a good TOEFL score to study in the USA yeah I think it's a great score the high will the highest score that I've seen I think a Stanford Stanford asks you for a hundred nine wonderful and Harvard this is MBA and Harvard asks you for a hundred six but all of the other universities they don't so 101 is a great great score I have to listen very carefully to understand British accent just by the English have learn in schools British English yeah I know you have to listen so carefully and also the accent is so different like if you're in London there's one accent and then you travel to Newcastle and you don't get anything and like your ear has to adapt all the time and the best country for this like if you want to work on your like listening okay England would be the toughest country the easiest country would be Canada because Canadian accent is a mixture of American and British and I think it's really mild and really really easy to understand and I think it's also common knowledge I've read some articles that say that Canadian accent is the best to understand if you're a foreign if you English is not your native language how can I find that oh it's my English level let me check if we have but who still have the English proficiency test on linguae trip we do thank you give me a moment it's gonna check our page because we were changing oh yeah if you go to lingua I'm calm I'm just the starting page and he's curled down a little you're gonna find increases find out your level of English and you can start a test what is great about this test is it only has 30 questions of course it's no like super accurate but we design it for you to like be able to assess your level of English quickly in like 15 or 30 minutes because 30 questions like I mean a minute each and then at the end if you're getting like an approximate level and you're also getting your approximate score on IELTS or TOEFL it's a really approximate so there is feel there would be a big gap because the minimum in the max oh now between the minimum and maximum that you can get on those exams but really go there go till you've got column scroll down and find this button begin test and find out your level of English I think this is a great test yeah and a person worked it on it I think that's fine okay you're wise a voice is getting echo repeated again this is so weird because I like you see I have a mic here maybe since you're on the laptop speaker hmm so my input says external microphone which is this one oh no no sorry I know I think it's on I'm sorry yeah I'm sorry it was on I was just checking the mic sorry for the reduce yeah my just I'm sorry guys so are you getting at an echo I I don't I think it's just one person is getting an echo okay yeah I muted it and then I switched back on okay who wants to study English and Skype no it's okay someone was just lying thank you yeah sometimes I think like are people choking on me like make you Frank that yeah the mic isn't working do you need a research paper published to get a masters seat in either sanim to Harvard or a smother good University um for masters it is not required to publish anything you're not required it's just take your GMAT or GRE if you have some articles mention them but no but master's degree you don't have to do research mutual apt August I can I think well I don't use my like what I can do I can use my oh maybe that's no that will be weird is this better or it's getting repeated okay still echo yeah so it doesn't matter okay do you hear me now okay um I'm sorry guys this is the way it works this time I'm not sure like by the way where I am next Tuesday let me check I think next Tuesday I would still be in London yes next webinar is gonna be from London isn't that exciting so you're gonna be oh no echo okay Wow I'm so sorry that's really weird okay um understandable ah let me name you the next reason to city bro network okay for me like finding people that I can hang out with after I leave the country it was really crucial so for example when I went to Canada I'm mad a couple of people who is still worked with so they also have like a study abroad agency and were they in a different country and sometimes we asked them to help our students with visas and I only met them because I was studying abroad and like building your international work and network is really important because you know why network is important because sometimes you can get introduced to people you're dreaming off getting introduced to especially in the Silicon Valley like if you know this person he can introduce you to this person and the circle closes you can get to anyone so building your network and building your network outside of your country is really important this is the only way to become like a person with the universe what am I do you want to become this person who travels all the time who like changes the place where he lives then speaks different languages let me know like right yes or no because sometimes people well I suppose you do because you're watching my channel but sometimes I just find people and they say I don't want to travel I don't see any point in traveling like why do you do that I love to stay in my own country I love to stay at home and I don't know I don't want to travel I don't even have like a passport I only have my national identity card and this happens both in the United States and among people who don't have a foreign like a passport so they just don't travel I know people in Russia who don't have a foreign passport they just litter for like the password that allows you to travel outside of the country and they're like they're fine with that let me know if you're like of course yes okay great yeah biggest seriously sometimes I meet people and I'm like okay can we get a vlog from England of course you're gonna get it like hundred percent I'm actually taking like three cameras with me and I'm taking a guy who's gonna shoot me um no not like it's gonna help me shoot videos this is very just say he's not gonna shoot me but he I've never seen him in my life but we work together for more than six months and he's travelling to the UK tonight as well and we're gonna meet tomorrow he's a professional video producer and he's gonna help me with shooting videos because we're gonna make something up for like glingo trip as well and the purpose of this trip as I said like to inspect schools to film them to do a lot of fun stuff so yeah how can I apply for linguae trip you mean for a job oh yeah I haven't mentioned that I was like yeah please come work for us okay so if your English is great if you work for a study abroad company which is like yeah which is it is it like it would be great if you have study abroad experience please shoot your resume or CV to CV at language comm it's time to sleep for my Korean friend good night Korea I'm so sorry you're unable to to join so late yeah I should have thought about Asian times on as well yeah when I looked at the channel analytics I was like the majority of my viewers are from Europe yeah I haven't thought about career mmm because that's how like China won't be able to watch and then yeah career and India okay let me think about it but yeah thank you so much for joining thank you for staying up till 4:00 a.m. to watch them in a livestream ok this shoot me lingo trip do we help with like compulsory admissions packages this is the question so the guys asking whether his name is Cara God if we help people get admitted to masters program yes we do if you go to linguae trip again main page and then you scroll down and you're gonna see higher education abroad in United States and if you click that you're gonna see all of the prices and what is included like there is so much information I can post a link in the chat it's gonna appear in the chat like if you could scroll down and look for the link so I just posted a link in the chat it's gonna be below it's if you follow that link you're gonna find all of the information about what we do and actually we just hired two people to help our students get admitted to American universities and both the girls and both of them used or helped to apply it to their American Universities one of them is doing an MBA in the University of Delaware in the United States another girl like that girl god financial aid the second girl she didn't get financial aid for the Uni that she wanted so she's gonna reapply next year but I think this is the most amazing thing about linguae trip is that we have have people who actually gone through the same experience as the students will be going through willya plug this live on your channel please do can catch it now yeah it's gonna stand my channel for some time I prefer like to delete it to delete live streams sometimes later because like normally you choose format is some like a ten minute video very like short and very detailed but this slide she was like I'm all over the place answering questions and naming my recent study abroad yeah I'm gonna leave it in my channel for some time let's see because one of my streams which was two weeks ago about how I work on my English accent and it actually I think it scored let me check I think it scored almost 50,000 views which is like it's abnormal for a live stream normally like my standard videos get those that much reason the live stream is like yeah it's 40 46 oh stop 26 that wasn't used I'm sorry I'm like this is almost silent p.m. okay I want to be WS terminal lingua because of you it was awesome oh you went to WS oh wow did you book it through language yes please show me an email to work with marina at language or comm with the review like how everything went that is so amazing I loved my experience at WS BW German lingua in Berlin yeah and it's also lists a lingua tree which means that if you look thrilling which would be gonna save money compare it to booking directly with school yeah let me know up so your name is beep beep sorry I don't know your real name but yeah should mean able to work with marina and language or book home so we could publish her review maybe some pictures I love love love reading student stories okay when you open your office in Belarus okay a disclaimer about a company we're online we work with everyone any country any nationality any location but we don't have offices this is our concept everything is online so I don't think we're gonna start an office anywhere in the world we have like hot waters in San Francisco we have an office in st. Petersburg but is only for employees and are like people who work for a country or for a company I'm sorry are located in different countries across the world some of them are in the crane some in Russia some of them are in the United States some of them are in Spain some of there in Mexico some of them are in Germany loads of them like seriously can you repeat the email address for recruitment its feet like two letters C V at lingua trip.com you're really doing your best connecting people from all over the world shaping the future of Education hats up thank you so much you know the key to this like to do whatever you love doing and I just love study abroad and learning languages that's why I'm like I love it you respond to me how much is the Everett flats cost in st. Petersburg if you're asking about renting an apartment in st. Petersburg I would say the average would be maybe $500 for one bedroom from 500 to 700 for one bedroom apartment if you're looking for a room you can find something for like two hundred three hundred dollars a month which is compared to San Francisco is nothing like in San Francisco you won't find any of those friends hi I'm Diego from Colombia hi Diego thank you for posting all of the hearts biggest advantage and disadvantage of being self-employed the biggest disadvantage is that if your business goes down then you don't have any income and I've experienced that so many times in my life when we started in business 2011 there were so many years when our business went down and I warned I wasn't able to pay myself at all so yeah the disadvantage is actually not being able to pay yourself and the advantage is freedom like I can work from wherever I want and for example today I spent a lot of time like because I'm in Russia health care is cheaper here so I take this chance and visit like all doctors like dentists and therapists work unspun so spend some time during the day to visit doctors and avoid traffic and then I came back home and I had like a lot of consultations and I work in the evening which is great and in London I will be working as well but I will be in London so it means freedom to travel and work whatever you want um what about international students you're ignoring my question I'm sorry I just missed it again yeah oh by the way I have to check in with trip as well for the questions so for um regarding international student laws I would say for the United States it's a little tough to get them because only top universities provide international student loans like Harvard or MIT is there a scholarship for medicine in the United States bachelor's degree only if you if you were able to get into top universities like Harvard for example what are some what are good scholarship resources for international students who want to study in the United States universities website this is the place where you look for information I'm so surprised there's so many people using B K I've done linguae trips level and test and found out that my current language is c1 thank you munch created Miguel well done I'm so surprised you are using VK which is like Russian Facebook do you have some advice for people who don't really know what they want to be in the future like job and deliver activities I'm gonna actually film a video about jobs that are in demand right now I don't think that's a great way to find out whatever you want to be but it's a great way to find out what's there on the market but I would say try a lot of things try anything that you can volunteer try to I don't know try everything and then you'll see whatever you like more I like to get it into corporate rather than getting into academia and I like to do PhD in bioengineering and B is a good thing I'm sorry I don't care sure please use like dots and commas because it really helps structure the sentence because someone she'd sometimes you don't use punctuation signs and just unable to read the question I'm really sorry okay what do you think about internship programs abroad is it worth it I've never done any internship program abroad I don't know if you pay for it I don't know I'm sorry like I would go to forums and I would research programs but if you're doing your masters then for example like in the United States normally if you do masters it's one year during a second semester you're gonna do an internship which is a must okay I'm actually I haven't really finished with my reasons and I would name like the last one that I wanted to mention it's when you are applying for graduate school they would always look at your study abroad experience as well they would actually ask you where you've studied and when I was completing my applications I mentioned all of the language schools that I went to and by the time when I was applying to my former NBA / masters I've already studied German in PWS Tourmaline were the one you went to one of the viewers went to and I've already said in Melbourne college I already said it in I lack in Canada and I've been to the UK several times studying learning English language language I'm sorry and I mentioned that the think of really helped with my portfolio because again this is international experience and not only you're getting an international experience when you are traveling and studying abroad but you are also working on your language which is like I don't know 90% of your success is great language because if your language is great that means you get a fast Oh well you're gonna be able to prepare for GMAT or GRE or SAT whatever you're applying for but there is no point in starting to prepare for a standardized test without learning English language without knowing English language and taking it to the level that you need to really feel comfortable in the classroom and this is really my opinion on that okay hi marina are you still providing GMAT counseling as I mentioned one of your video is you mentioned in the videos I saw earlier um I still do private consultations if you do if you go to a language that come / consult you can get a consultation with me it's not just GMAT it's everything I don't teach GMAT but I can definitely tell you where to start and how to prepare and I do also like university counseling like which University is the best how to apply for financial aid but like all of that stuff hmm but if you want to consult with a professional GMAT tutor go to lingo trip.com slash GMAT and you will have Michael and Michael has scored 780 out of 800 on GMAT he's our limit rips tutor he's amazing like he's really a little tough because you need to be tough to teach people to score like more than 700 and GMAT I am you look so much younger than your age I thought you were a college student thank you this is a great compliment uh-oh you mean by an apartment in San Francisco how much the minimum priced maximum price um the minimum price would be I think you can find something for even like fifty thousand dollars an average one-bedroom would cost you $100,000 and a good one it's gonna cost you like a good one-bedroom it's gonna start with like two hundred thousand maybe two hundred fifty thousand dollars I wish you about 30 minutes and you keep ignoring my questions guys because like I'm I just missed them if you were able to see the chat which goes like crazy yeah I just miss questions I'm sorry I just don't see them okay guys um it's 11 p.m. in Russia I still haven't backed my flight as tomorrow afternoon it's actually lunchtime so yeah any took back I need to take off my makeup and also make sure my apartments clean when I leave because I always like to leave things clean thank you so much for joining me today we had as always we had amazing livestream I really enjoyed talking to you and I will see you in the next video which is coming out tomorrow 6 p.m. Russia and it's 3 p.m. UK 4 p.m. Europe and I don't know in the States 8 a.m. California to other and yeah see you next Tuesday from well I'm gonna be serene from London see ya
Channel: linguamarina
Views: 29,734
Rating: 4.9043279 out of 5
Keywords: english, usa, study abroad, reasons to study abroad, #hangoutsonair, Hangouts On Air, #hoa
Id: -CfxERvV9CQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 56sec (3656 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2017
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