10 Reasons to Move to Iceland

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[Music] 10 reasons to move to iceland to many people iceland is just a small country in europe however this island country in the north atlantic ocean has a lot of good things to offer for those who desire to have a taste of life in iceland in this video you're going to see 10 reasons to move to iceland you'll then discover certain things that are magnetically cool about iceland this is a country that's sprawling with wonders of nature including stunning glaciers astonishing lava formations amazing geezers and dazzling fjords no wonder it's always found in several lists of the best places to visit in europe i dare add iceland to the list of best places to live even in the whole world as you go through these reasons to move to iceland as presented in this video you'll see the best things about living in iceland 1. it's very safe in my own opinion the foremost reason to move to iceland is safety considerations i have earlier sided with those who voted iceland as the safest country in the world this is largely due to the fact that the country is very tiny and criminals have no hiding place save for the few mountains there's literally nowhere to run on the island criminals will find it hard to escape as everyone knows each other about every icelander is somewhat related to another when family trees are extended to the sixth generation iceland's crime rate is among the lowest children play outside unsupervised only to return home just before dinner or curfew did you know that icelandic police don't carry guns now you see why the country keeps topping several rankings of safest countries including the iep's global peace index 2. nature tranquility is associated with getting close to nature and this can go a long way in improving our health you can enjoy this in your country without a long journey if you move to iceland one of the best things about living in iceland is that you get the chance to experience nature uninhibited there are many wonders of nature in this country that's one of the reasons iceland is among the small most visited countries by tourists among the tourist attractions you can see more frequently while living in iceland are exotic waterfalls there is also a blue lagoon where tourists always bathe in another wonder of nature is the hot pools with waters of varying temperatures imagine seeing the sun at midnight it happens here in iceland from may to july do we need to mention glaciers and ice caves these provide you with reasons to move to iceland 3. equality another reason to move to iceland is equality let's narrow this down to gender equality which iceland ranks first for iceland has commendably made remarkable progress toward equal opportunities for both genders both in private lives and in the society at large this is a source of pride for the icelanders as the country is the front runner in the world economic forum's global gender gap index for many several years women's rights defenders are doing a lot to challenge the men's monopoly of power this is not in isolation they're a direct result of academic cultural political religious social awakening that's loud in iceland for example iceland is one of the nordic countries where the welfare state is supportive of granting parental leave also to fathers subsequently both mates have equal power and responsibility to run the home and share in the family responsibility 4. very quiet and peaceful a country ranked one of the safest is automatically peaceful and a country that still preserves its open landscape leaving the awe-inspiring and super abundant of fresh nature untouched is likely to be quiet that's iceland you'll get if you piece together what i earlier mentioned about safety and nature there that alone provides plenty of reasons to move to iceland now this is from the global peace index iceland has been named the most peaceful country year after year for over half a decade coming with its low crime rates are the peaceful political landscape and lower health risks your tranquility won't be hindered by wild beasts they're rarely seen in iceland the country is no home for mosquitoes ticks snakes bears poisonous spiders and other dangerous animals thus if you're living in iceland you can have peaceful treks around the highlands 5. community and culture the icelandic culture is rich varied and artsy its simplicity gives another reason to move to iceland despite its small size it's rich in literature and other intellectual exercises such as dance board games and operas the country's traditional arts include silversmithing weaving and wood carving there are professional theatres artists symphony orchestras art galleries bookstores cinemas and museums in the icelandic communities the leisure can be enriched by the four active folk dance ensembles you have no concerns about academics as the literacy rate in iceland is among the highest in the world there's a strong sense of community in iceland thanks to its small population that enables them to bond with an amusing mix of old and new architecture and moderate social life in the country you can find more reasons to move to iceland 6. renewable energy resources in 2015 when the total electricity consumption in iceland peaked at 18 798 gigawatt hours the question of how to generate that without polluting the environment didn't rise you know the reason more than half of iceland's energy supply is derived from renewable resources hydroelectric energy generates the majority while geothermal sources take care of the rest one of the reasons to move to iceland is that you will be living in a country with an abundance of clean renewable energy enabled by its wonderful geography and geology providing both hydro and geothermal resources that's why the country is a leader in renewable energy as a result of this technology iceland doesn't have to pollute its environment to provide energy and the country's economy can't be easily manipulated by the petrodollar power seven water iceland is an island entirely surrounded by the atlantic ocean the clustering and building point of storms and winds which batter the lonely country with sheets of rain sleet and snow for that reason water is an integral part of the icelandic psyche the last thing that can ever be scarce in iceland is clean water it's the water that carves both the landscape and the character of the icelanders icelanders have always lived alongside the dominating power of water throughout the centuries of their settlement from this you can deduce another reason to move to iceland at least to enjoy plenty of fish and witness long bouts of rains and snow storms iceland is a country where you can drink tap water with total rest of mind 8. very easy to find a job another one of the reasons to move to iceland is the job opportunities foreigners can find jobs throughout the country in sectors of the economy such as hotels bars restaurants biotechnology energy tourism finance i.t child care health care and agriculture to mention a few and there are lots of seasonal jobs to pick up all year round even in remote areas of the country the wages are competitive and are high enough to fetch you a high standard of living immigrants from the uk can testify to this 9. good healthcare did you know also that icelanders are ranked by bloomberg as the second healthiest people after italians why in addition to those factors i mentioned earlier that can enhance good health the country has a very good health care system there is the principle of ehic in iceland which allows anyone with eu status to enjoy the same rights and access as icelanders have to the state healthcare system the country's health system is split into three tiers under the first tier doctors are employed to cover every division of the country the second tier provides the regional health centres to care for more services outside the actual hospital setting while the third tier is made up of the nation's two hospitals you can't find it hard to find doctors but healthcare services can be expensive for people without eu status 10. education the 10th of the reasons to move to iceland is that education in iceland is very good affordable and qualitative up to the university level the schools are actually free from primary through high school you pay only if you want after-school programs in the afternoon for children from age 2 there are subsidised day cares so that both parents can go to work the educational system in the country is divided into four levels namely preschool compulsory upper secondary and higher education as it obtains in other nordic countries the compulsory education is for children aged 6 to 16 while most institutions are funded by the state but there are a few privately owned but strictly regulated schools so what are you waiting for if you have been contemplating living in a more peaceful place in europe and to avoid stress common in bigger countries iceland may be your best bet you're not likely to regret your decision to move down there more importantly it's the kind of place to enjoy your retirement thank you for watching this video and don't forget to subscribe comment and turn on the notification bell
Channel: Learning Canteen
Views: 134,885
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Keywords: 10 reasons to move to iceland, why you should move to iceland, reasons to move to iceland, living in iceland as a foreigner, living in iceland winter, living in iceland for 24 hours, living in iceland pros and cons, living in iceland vs us, living in iceland as an expat, living in iceland boring, moving to iceland, living in iceland, life in iceland, expat in iceland, pros and cons of living in iceland, iceland for beginners, top 10 tips to travel iceland, move to iceland
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 12 2022
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