10 Real Life Haunted Dolls You Don’t Want to Play With...

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Dolls are often something that we associate with children, something for them to play with and pass the time. But sometimes the dolls play back. Here are 10 real-life haunted dolls. You don't want to play with. (JUMP SCARE WARNING TURN DOWN YOUR VOLUME) (Too late...) Number 10 is Mandy made in Germany between 1910 and 1920 Mandy is an antique doll that resembles a baby with old clothing a Torn body in a cracked head. Now she would be just another creepy looking children's toy if she didn't throw temper tantrums all by herself. After her owner experiencing strange occurrences such as the sound of a baby crying Coming from an empty basement Mandy was given to the quest no museum in Quest no British, Columbia, Canada. Soon after receiving her in 1991, the Museum staff began experiencing strange events on their own. They found that when Mandy was left overnight in a room They would find the room a mess the next day with papers and other loose items strewn about. She was apparently responsible for stealing staff lunches and Hiding them in other mischievous things, and could never be left alone with another doll or she tear it apart. Just one of many reasons you wouldn't want to be alone with Mandy. Number 9 is okiku Almost 100 years ago in 1918, 17-year Old Ikichi Suzuki was walking along Tanuki Koji a famous shopping street in Sapporo Japan When he spotted the perfect souvenir gift for his two-year-old sister O'kiku that gift was a 40 centimeter tall Kimono wearing Japanese doll with short cropped hair that resembled the young girl. Okiku loved the doll playing with it every day and even took it with her everywhere She went but sadly she didn't have long to play with it and passed away due to Illness less than a year later the Suzuki family prayed to the doll in an effort to remember o'kiku Even giving the doll the girl's name however. It wasn't long before they realized something was odd Overtime the short black hair the figure originally had, had grown all the way to the dolls knees! It was revealed that though not malicious the spirit of the young girl somehow possessed the doll and Still does today. The ever growing hair has even been tested and confirmed by scientists to be real human hair. Number eight is The Hands Resist Him You'd think this doll would be rather difficult to play with considering its seemingly just a painting of one, however according to witness accounts and legends surrounding it that 2d doll could be playing with you. Painted in 1972 by artist Bill Stoneham the hands resist him shows two figures Standing in front of a glass door a young boy in an almost life-size doll. behind them on the other side of the glass Several hands appear to be waving,knocking or tapping on the pane though Stoneham explained that this was based on a more positive Memory with the glass being the barrier between waking and dreaming those who have owned it have another theory. Some owners have seen the figures in different positions even Finding the painting empty while they felt a presence in the room watching them. There have even been Claims that the doll often holds a gun and forces the boy from the painting so he can scare the living number 7 is Joliet Currently owned by a woman simply known as Anna G this sinister doll is not just haunted, but cursed. originally given as a baby gift to Anna's great-grandmother by a family friend Joliet contains the souls of not one, but Four infant boys. As the story goes each female on the family line gave birth to two children a boy and a girl But the boy dies after only three days His soul absorbed by the evil doll. At night the doll Cries out as if it's a baby itself Emulating all of the souls within it and terrifying those who see it. Truly a horrible curse on the family This doll has been passed down from mother to daughter for four generations With no end in sight. When asked why they don't simply Rid themselves of Joliet their reasoning is truly sad. Each mother appears certain that if anything bad should happen to the 100-Year Old doll Their dead son's soul will be damaged as well, thus this twisted doll will continue to take young lives in infamy Forever. Number six is the Zombie Voodoo doll Officially known as the Galveston, Texas zombie doll this haunted Voodoo doll has been known to actually physically attack its owners! In October of 2004 an unidentified woman from Galveston, Texas Purchased this grotesque doll from its previous owner in New Orleans the handcrafted figure arrived in a metal box which was referred to as a Coffin thinking nothing of the confinement the woman took it out and put it on display Only to have the zombie doll attack her at night. After sealing it back in the box the ghost in the doll Continued to attack her in her nightmares So she tried to destroy it only to find that it wouldn't burn and cutting into it literally broke her scissors Finally after selling the doll on ebay. She was alarmed when the buyer informed her the shipping box was empty. She found the doll the next day covered in dirt laying on her front porch. Number five is Sarita while some dolls appear Evil simply by their expressions and age Others can apparently look like a cute charming children's toy while actually Possessing the malicious spirit of something far less adorable such as the case of Sarita blue-eyed blonde-Haired doll that was given to Yvonne Nunez of El Callao Peru and her family by Yvonne's Late niece in 2010 while the doll seems cute and harmless its earned itself the title of 'the Peruvian Annabelle' by those who have witnessed the paranormal events surrounding it. The entire family has seen strange lights and heard bizarre noises in the home ever since Sarita arrived and they often find the doll in different places from where they left her. The toy is most certainly Malicious as Yvonne has found scratches on her children after they've slept in the same room Sarita was in. The children also claimed that the doll watches them sleep And we'll even chant or knock on walls to wake them on Occasion. Number 4 is Ledda Harry Warren was in his early 20s when he reluctantly returned to his hometown of Wagga Wagga in New South Wales, Australia in the early 1970s Collecting his courage Warren visited the abandoned haunted house that he grew up near but instead of ghosts he found Something else Ledda. This haunted sinister looking Marionette doll is an eastern European Puppet and has been dated by museum to be around 250 years old and is said to contain the spirit of a six-year-old boy who drowned in the late 1700s multiple people have reported breaking down into crying hysterics or screamed uncontrollably when Ledda was close by Even when he's in another room once while on a paranormal show Lita moved all by himself scaring viewers and sending a cameraman running out of the room warren is supernaturally unable to part with the doll and unfortunately still owns it today Number three is Harold in 2004 author Anthony Kenadda was searching for inspiration for a new book that he was writing when he came across an ad online for Herald a creepy doll from the 1930s whose owner claimed it was haunted. After purchasing the toy Anthony was alarmed to find That herald wasn't just haunted he was cursed and possessed by a powerful Demon the doll began making people who saw it sick even through the internet as People who simply laid eyes on some of the photos anthony posted reported having severe headaches or becoming Incredibly dizzy and confused some even woke up after having nightmares only to feel Harold's presence in their room Watching them. Psychics were ultimately called in and claimed multiple spirits were attached to the doll One of them being a man named Harold, from whom the toy got its name another a woman who was mentally unstable, And a demon who announced he'd danced with the devil Number two is Robert the doll given to Painter and Author Robert Eugene Jean Otto in 1906 when he was only six years old this terrifying toy already looks creepy enough But apparently sounds even creepier That's right according to genes parents the Young boy would often be heard Whispering and even giggling with someone when the only ones in the room were him and the doll Robert. According to genes parents the Young boy would often be heard whispering and giggling with someone When the only ones in the room were him and the doll Robert. Even after they locked the toy in the attic Things in the house would be broken only to have a trembling Jean Claim 'Robert did it' when the family was at church or otherwise not home neighbors would often see a small figure moving inside and Peeking through the windows. Like many of the dark and twisted toys that have haunted their owners in the past Robert can be seen at a museum But if you visit be warned that this doll doesn't like having its picture taken without his permission Seriously. And number one is Annabelle released on October 3rd 2014 Annabelle is a sequel in the conjuring horror film series and although the movie is a work of fiction It may surprise you to learn that the toy is actually based on a real doll that tormented a pair of nursing students in 1970 purchased by one of the girls mothers from a thrift store Annabelle was actually a raggedy ann doll and potentially the worst gift the young woman ever received almost Immediately after it entered their home both the woman and her roommate began finding the doll in bizarre places though neither of them ever moved it it even attacked a male friend of their scratching and viciously. The pair brought in paranormal Investigators, Ed and Lorraine Warren Who discovered the doll Had been taken over by a Demon bent on stealing the owners Soul. The girls gave Annabelle to the Warrens who locked her in a box, and you can visit her at the Museum today if you have the guts, but that's all for this episode I hope you guys enjoyed it. On the right you'll find two of my most recent videos that you can press or click on your Screen right now if you'd like to watch some more and other than that. I will see you in the next video. Sweet dreams
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Id: jXuZCUKlr4I
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Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 30 2017
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